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Real-Gaf Community |OT2| Sponsored by Leadbelly the Impaler

Earth Snakes are the most relaxed of the breeds. They lead calm lives and offer a down-to-earth appeal to any conversation or outing. This may make them seem more friendly, as you may not feel the need to wonder what he’s got up his sleeve. They may also shun the need to lash out or take risks, but it isn’t from paranoia. They figure their good sense and work ethic will pay off and bring them much fortune and material satisfaction.

I was born in 89.
Since horoscopes are true, I am awesome.


Twin Peaks Season 2 spoilers:

Leland killed Maddie holy shit. I was about to go to bed after that episode but....nah. NAH.


Does this seem strange to anyone or am I just weird?

I walk down the street and I say, "alright!" and the person replies, "Yes I am fine, how are you?". In my mind I am thinking, "this isn't how it is supposed to go. Alright should be followed by alright".

Don't ask me fucking questions, I wasn't expecting that, just say alright. lol

Yeah, I'm weird aren't I? :/



Actually, that does make me sound a bit fucking crazy. Don't take what I say too literally. I just find it weird when people don't follow 'alright' with 'alright'. I'm not really asking them how things are going in their life, it is just a greeting.

EVOL 100%

You are crazy and a potential threat to society. Seek medical attention immediately.

I've never heard of people using alright as a greeting. That's strange.
Does this seem strange to anyone or am I just weird?

I walk down the street and I say, "alright!" and the person replies, "Yes I am fine, how are you?". In my mind I am thinking, "this isn't how it is supposed to go. Alright should be followed by alright".

Don't ask me fucking questions, I wasn't expecting that, just say alright. lol

Yeah, I'm weird aren't I? :/

I'm the same, but mostly in the opposite way. Ie. Someone'll say "alright" to me and my response will also be "alright". And then there's an awkward silence when I'm thinking "Wait were they actually asking if I was alright? Shit!"


I'm the same, but mostly in the opposite way. Ie. Someone'll say "alright" to me and my response will also be "alright". And then there's an awkward silence when I'm thinking "Wait were they actually asking if I was alright? Shit!"


Actually, I think 'alright' is a confusing greeting, I think we should get rid of it. :p


If you leave yourself open with something like that then you shouldn't be surprised at the occasional response to it. Say hello if you are actually put off with someone saying a couple extra words.

Didn't realize saying fine, how are you is a life story.


If you leave yourself open with something like that then you shouldn't be surprised at the occasional response to it. Say hello if you are actually put off with someone saying a couple extra words.

Didn't realize saying fine, how are you is a life story.

You seem to be taking what I said to mean I think it is a big deal, I do not. I said don't take it too literally. I just find it weird when people take my greeting as me asking them how things are going in their life. And I never said it was a life story. :s

Alright is a typical British greeting.
I found out more about that cosplay girl I mentioned a few weeks back. The chance with her is long gone, but I wanted to get more info about her anyways to see if I dodged a bullet or not.

She's apparently hardcore into cosplaying, and another friend of mine who was roommates with her mentioned to me that I'd only have a chance with her if I was also into cosplaying and conventions (which I am not). Looks like it wasn't meant to be. Oh well.
Pancake day over here in the UK, so I of course made myself some relatively funky pancakes (thanks ArsenicYellow for the recipe:)





You seem to be taking what I said to mean I think it is a big deal, I do not. I said don't take it too literally. I just find it weird when people take my greeting as me asking them how things are going in their life. And I never said it was a life story. :s

Alright is a typical British greeting.
I read into it you're right. I guess the context would have helped too, if it was just a stranger then that is a bit weird. If it's someone I know in passing I do actually care how they're doing.


I need to vent some frustration, RealGAF. I bought a couple of books as a Christmas gift for a kid. He's young, but he's a smart kid, and he's always talking about math and science. His mom is a friend of my mother. The books I got him were One Two Three... Infinity and GEB: An Eternal Golden Braid. One Two Three I expect him to be able to follow, but GEB will take him a while... I told him that's something to work up to, that one day he will love it.

His mom took offense to the gift, and won't talk to me or my mother now. She believes I gave him the books as a put down, to show him how dumb he is and make him feel stupid. The kid is nine years old. I tried explaining to her that they were just gifts. They are good books to have. She said I was being an asshole.

I have a feeling she threw the books away, and obviously as a gift it did not achieve the desired effect.


I read into it you're right. I guess the context would have helped too, if it was just a stranger then that is a bit weird. If it's someone I know in passing I do actually care how they're doing.

Well, it wasn't a stranger, but it is was more of an acquaintance than a friend. I suppose, in a way, it is kind of like an Australian saying "G'day" to someone, and them replying, "Yes, hopefully I will have a perfectly fine day today". It's just a bit weird. lol

Someone on urban dictionary explained it quite well actually:

It can also be used when questioning the wellbeing of another. However, this will almost always be preceeded by a word denoting that it is a question, e.g. "you".

N.B. If someone passes you and says "Alright", do not respond "Yes". There are a number of accepted responses, such as a simple "Alright", often followed by the person in question's name, the phrase normally spoken in a more assertive tone, as it is a response, not a question.
1. Alright mate
2. Alright Alex
3. Alright
4. You alright?
buy alright mugs & shirts

I will just stress again though, that it really isn't a big deal. The more you talk about it the more it makes it seem like it is (lol). It was just because I had that happen to me like ten minutes before writing it on here. It's just one of those things you mention because it is on your mind.
I need to vent some frustration, RealGAF. I bought a couple of books as a Christmas gift for a kid. He's young, but he's a smart kid, and he's always talking about math and science. His mom is a friend of my mother. The books I got him were One Two Three... Infinity and GEB: An Eternal Golden Braid. One Two Three I expect him to be able to follow, but GEB will take him a while... I told him that's something to work up to, that one day he will love it.

His mom took offense to the gift, and won't talk to me or my mother now. She believes I gave him the books as a put down, to show him how dumb he is and make him feel stupid. The kid is nine years old. I tried explaining to her that they were just gifts. They are good books to have. She said I was being an asshole.

I have a feeling she threw the books away, and obviously as a gift it did not achieve the desired effect.

That'd be a damn shame if she threw them away.
If you leave yourself open with something like that then you shouldn't be surprised at the occasional response to it. Say hello if you are actually put off with someone saying a couple extra words.

Didn't realize saying fine, how are you is a life story.

I read into it you're right. I guess the context would have helped too, if it was just a stranger then that is a bit weird. If it's someone I know in passing I do actually care how they're doing.

England dood. We're weird.

EVOL 100%

I need to vent some frustration, RealGAF. I bought a couple of books as a Christmas gift for a kid. He's young, but he's a smart kid, and he's always talking about math and science. His mom is a friend of my mother. The books I got him were One Two Three... Infinity and GEB: An Eternal Golden Braid. One Two Three I expect him to be able to follow, but GEB will take him a while... I told him that's something to work up to, that one day he will love it.

His mom took offense to the gift, and won't talk to me or my mother now. She believes I gave him the books as a put down, to show him how dumb he is and make him feel stupid. The kid is nine years old. I tried explaining to her that they were just gifts. They are good books to have. She said I was being an asshole.

I have a feeling she threw the books away, and obviously as a gift it did not achieve the desired effect.

That's... uh... really weird. Weirder than the English, even!(lol)

This is pretty good.


Why was Tence banned? Also that book story, poor kid that mom seems really overprotective. Hopefully she didn't waste those gifts though.


Denied. Much like real Valentine :p
I hadn't checked the thread and now you're banned... :(

So, anyone interested in IRC (or Skype or TinyChat) D&D? Tried to get this going a while ago but not enough people got through making characters.
I got to make a character once with a group but was never able to actually play and have been wanting to for a while now. So count me in!
I got to make a character once with a group but was never able to actually play and have been wanting to for a while now. So count me in!

May require some modification, but keep the idea in place.

Depends on what the schedule looks like, but consider me interested for now.

Games will be based on my schedule, but the nature of the campaign will hopefully allow players to drop in and out. The goal is to have each session be the entirety of single mission or objective; players at the session had characters participating, those not have characters off doing other things.

Quote to see URL for the forum for the game (beginning of this sentence), just sign up and I'll activate your account. Hound me via PM or IRC if needed.
Same here. I'd love to join but timezones might complicate it a bit for me.

If we have to allow for both Europe and Oz, yeah. Likely have to be Saturday evening; 7pm for me is 10pm for Squiddy and 10am Sunday for you; 3pm on the west coast of North America.

We could also try play-by-post on the forum but I've no experience with that.

Going to put the V-Day steak in to marinade soon. If it's above freezing I'll even BBQ it.
If we have to allow for both Europe and Oz, yeah. Likely have to be Saturday evening at 7pm for me, 10pm for Squiddy and 10am Sunday for you.

We could also try play-by-post on the forum but I've no experience with that.

Going to put the V-Day steak in to marinade soon. If it's above freezing I'll even BBQ it.

10pm is fine by me.


I can't post my (hopefully) cute idea/project for Valentine's Day because my valentine reads the thread. :(

May require some modification, but keep the idea in place.
Oh I'll probably just make a completely new one because I can't remember the character at all. :p As for time... I don't know. Saturdays I don't tend to be free. D:
I can't post my (hopefully) cute idea/project for Valentine's Day because my valentine reads the thread.

Post afterwards!

Oh I'll probably just make a completely new one because I can't remember the character at all. :p As for time... I don't know. Saturdays I don't tend to be free. D:

Saturday was just an option for accommodating everyone at the same time. I certainly won't be free every Saturday evening. Shan may still be in bed at that time, I dunno. We'll cross that bridge once we have more than one character.
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