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Tonight was good and full of noms from pizzzah.


Starting watching Scrubs on Netflix. Man, I forgot how good this show is.

Walking Dead comes back tonight but I got work so I won't get to see it :(

You know what sucks? When you hear a new song and like it, than listen to other songs by the same artist and..you don't like any of them! :(

I mean, the rest of their songs aren't bad, just not as good :(
Thoughts pls

It was just a single rough take just so that I could get the idea down, but I think it turned out kind of alright. Forgot to palm mute one bit and the last 5 or so seconds are terrible 'cause I just made it up on the spot, but yeah.

EVOL 100%

~monkey buddies~

oh boy, that can't have been fun :(
Everybody was ragging on the new president and the people who voted for her rather nastily until my uncle angrily announced that he voted for her and he wasn't going to take this shit any longer.

Aaaawkkwardddd. Commence crying and shouting and what not.
Everybody was ragging on the new president and the people who voted for her rather nastily until my uncle angrily announced that he voted for her and he wasn't going to take this shit any longer.

Aaaawkkwardddd. Commence crying and shouting and what not.

Oh dear. That's why you don't talk about politics around family!

If it makes you feel any better, my boyfriend ruined Christmas by calling the East Sea the Sea of Japan :p

EVOL 100%

Oh dear. That's why you don't talk about politics around family!

If it makes you feel any better, my boyfriend ruined Christmas by calling the East Sea the Sea of Japan :p

Uh, I take it he said this in front of Korean relatives? Oh man.

How does that ruin Christmas? Is it a sensitive issue? And for whom?

I know Koreans don't take kindly to the term.

I don't either. I mean, half of the sea that's being referred to is kind of part of Korea. Not something that I'd fight with someone during Christmas, mind you, but I'm relatively relaxed when it comes to those issues compared to my countrymen.
Uh, I take it he said this in front of Korean relatives? Oh man.


I know Koreans don't take kindly to the term.

I don't either. I mean, half of the sea that's being referred to is kind of part of Korea. Not something that I'd fight with someone during Christmas, mind you, but I'm relatively relaxed when it comes to those issues compared to my countrymen.

It kinda feels like adding insult to injury over the annexation, imo.


Everybody was ragging on the new president and the people who voted for her rather nastily until my uncle angrily announced that he voted for her and he wasn't going to take this shit any longer.

Aaaawkkwardddd. Commence crying and shouting and what not.

I don't understand why people get so heated over politics. It's not like this in the UK generally speaking. If I said to my family I voted Conservative while everyone else voted Labour, no one would give a fuck. Of course if someone voted for a more extreme party like the BNP then that would certainly spark a reaction. Any of the major parties though, no one really cares all that much.

You know politics is pretty crazy in America. There really is that 'Us and Them' mentality there. I remember that thread about it. Some people disowned their friends or family just because they voted Obama. They took it that seriously that they fell out with their friends. It just seems so crazy to me.

EVOL 100%

I don't understand why people get so heated over politics. It's not like this in the UK generally speaking. If I said to my family I voted Conservative while everyone else voted Labour, no one would give a fuck. Of course if someone voted for a more extreme party like the BNP then that would certainly spark a reaction. Any of the major parties though, no one really cares all that much.

You know politics is pretty crazy in America. There really is that 'Us and Them' mentality there. I remember that thread about it. Some people disowned their friends or family just because they voted Obama. They took it that seriously that they fell out with their friends. It just seems so crazy to me.

It wasn't that bad. The fighting was mainly between my uncle and his daughter(i.e my cousin) because she was incredibly disappointed at him, really. Everybody else basically bailed out when they found out that shocking little tidbit of news, lol. My cousin and my uncle are sweet, but they're not the type of people to back down from a good ol' debate
They did make up in the end, kinda ruined the vibe for a good while though.

As for why people get angry when discussing politics here, our new president is the daughter of a former dictator of this country. That dictator is one of the many dictators that my parents' generation fought and died to get rid of, for democracy. It's not like she's trying to distance herself from her father's legacy either; she actually said that the dictatorship was necessary. Emotions are bound to get heated when some people see her as a figurehead of a step backwards towards the uber-conservative, paranoid and oppressive political environment in the '70s~'80s. That fear isn't quite unfounded either, especially when you get branded as a 'red communist' for criticizing the government in the fucking 21st century. Doesn't help that all the major news channels decided to become the government's lackies during the last 5 years.

Our new president's party's entire rhetoric appeals to some twisted nostalgia for the good old days when people lived under a climate of terror. Old people apparently want that again, I have no fucking idea why. She basically got in office thanks to undying support from old people and political apathy from the younger generations.

I still can't understand why my uncle voted for her, since he was a freedom fighter himself. It's just weird.

Bleh, sorry for the rambling. Had to get that off my chest.


Okay, yeah. It sounds much more understandable now. The distinctions between the major parties in the UK aren't all that great in comparison to other countries. There are differences here and there, but nothing major, at least that would be cause for concern anyway. I guess that's why it isn't so much of a big deal.

Of course there are bigger differences between Republicans and democrats in the US, but still I don't think there is anything to warrant the sort of reaction some people have. I can't imagine falling out with anyone just because they voted for a candidate I disagreed with.


Political arguments with my family tend to always end up with someone screaming at me about needing to believe in Jesus.

I avoid them at all costs now.
Political arguments with my family tend to always end up with someone screaming at me about needing to believe in Jesus.

I avoid them at all costs now.

My grandmother is always fun to debate with, though I can tell she grates on some of my other relatives (I can recall one particular night when my parents just up and left the house after my grandmother argued against having chaplains in schools because we should have one representative from every 2000+ religions in the world so the children can make an informed decision). She's very intelligent, but sometimes her politically correctness gets in the way - like when we were talking about gay marriage and every time she would say "Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer Marriage". She always manages to piss someone off when she's around :p


Political arguments with my family tend to always end up with someone screaming at me about needing to believe in Jesus.

I avoid them at all costs now.

As I have stated before my uncle is a bit like that. The problem with my uncle is, he can't accept anyone else's view. And so all you get is this completely one-sided conversation where it is easier to just agree with him rather than debate. He really can talk as well. The one time he talked the whole way through an England football match we were watching, gradually getting louder and louder, and more animated. You might as well forget the match at that point (lol). The game was a blur

It is mentally draining having a conversation with him sometimes.

EVOL 100%

I looked up what a Randian Libertarian was. This Ayn Rand lady sounds a bit batty. I'm kind of glad I didn't join the GAF book club this month now.



Earth Snakes are the most relaxed of the breeds. They lead calm lives and offer a down-to-earth appeal to any conversation or outing. This may make them seem more friendly, as you may not feel the need to wonder what he’s got up his sleeve. They may also shun the need to lash out or take risks, but it isn’t from paranoia. They figure their good sense and work ethic will pay off and bring them much fortune and material satisfaction.
Sure I suppose.

Politics can be the worst topic to discuss with most people. I've only had a couple interesting talks that didn't lead to any harsh words and it comes down to knowing who you're talking to extremely well. It also takes someone who is good at debating in the first place. Most people aren't.



Snakes have very few friends because thy are not outwardly emotional or open creatures. The friends they do make generally last a lifetime, even though peers may find it hard to relate to the Snake because he is withdrawn and secretive. Still, Snakes like social functions, in moderation, where they can gossip about the latest scandal or the newest news. If you stab a Snake in the back it is likely you will never be forgiven. In addition, you should prepare yourself for retaliation for the Snake always gets the last word.
Damn. That is exactly how I feel.
Laughed at this
Compatible Friends

Best Friends: Oxen and Roosters

Mortal Enemy: Pigs

And last.

Born with great taste in everything, these Snakes are the classy and sophisticated of the breed. They enjoy cultural things and will find a partner who will share the same ideals.

How y'all doing?
Man that was scary. So last night when I opened my computer to look at what RAM I had and shit, everything worked alright afterwards. Come home today, turn it on. Or rather I don't.

Turns out I hadn't put the RAM back in properly. Thank fuck. EVERYTHING'S GOOD NOW.

Also, jobs are boring. I like my job, but it's still boring. Goddamnit. And the chances of me starting a band that can become self-sustainable are so low, it's depressing :C

On politics: Would people think I'm dumb if I voted for the Green party (UK)? 'cause everyone else just seems a bit shit really. Bear in mind that I'm bad at politics because they make it so bloody hard to actually get into it with all their fancy words and shit, but from what I can tell they actually seem to have good policies. *shrug* And it seems to work for Brighton, AKA THE BEST CITY EVER. So yeah. Hm.


1990 year of the Metal Horse

People born during the Year of the Horse have a pleasant, amiable, easy going disposition which guarantees popularity and a large following of friends. Blessed with good humor and geniality, they are extremely comfortable to get along with for they have the knack of instantly putting people at their ease.

Charming and cheerful, the Horse is an extremely likable character. Hard working, self-possessed and sharp, the Horse skillfully acquires power, wealth and respect. However, the Horse's sometime-appreciated frankness can be tactless. The Horse's impatient pursuit of success may become selfish and predatory. Horses can be obstinate. In truth, they are more cunning than intelligent, and they know it. This is why, despite that air of assurance, the Horse lacks confidence in himself.

Above all, the Horse is cut out to be in politics, a career which could bring great personal satisfaction with the opportunity to grind his own axe. He could be a winner here, for he has the facility to sway the crowd.

He is very quick-witted and he is right in there with you before you have had the chance to finish what you were saying; he's on to the thought in your mind even before you've expressed it. This permits the Horse to forestall any arguments that anyone can dream up.

With the Horse, movement is everything. Freedom and independence are as essential to Horse-born people as the air they breathe. A low boredom threshold, both in terms of interests and friendships, is characteristic of those belonging to this sign, and adds a whimsical quality to the otherwise level headedness of these folk. Consequently, they tend to act on impulse, and this means there is an element of unpredictability about them.

Like the symbol by which they are represented, Horse-born people are high-spirited and lively. Their vivacity and enthusiasm make them very popular. With a deft sense of humor, Horses are masters of repartee. They love to take center stage and delight audiences everywhere. Sometimes rash and willful, they can be prone to rapid changes of mood and, although seldom really explosive of temper, when they do see red, it is not a pretty sight. Those who have suffered a Horse's rage will never feel quite the same about him again, for his fits of temper are inevitably a bit childish. If he wants to succeed, he has to master them.

Resourceful and self-confident, Horses approach all things enthusiastically. Quick-witted and mentally alert, they are quick to catch on and efficient in all their undertakings. Because of this ability, this dextrous and incisive mind of theirs, they can make accurate judgments and sound decisions instantaneously. They are particularly skilled at handling money, very often in business dealings following their hunches. When it comes to intuition they have a sixth sense that is quite uncanny. Unfortunately, as the Horse is a creature of changing moods he's liable to lose interest suddenly in things he's taken up, whether it's a love affair, a single deal in business, or a whole career. He'll start again with the same determination, and he'll enjoy an equal success. He can make it in any career that demands neither solitude nor meditation, for he is an extrovert and he needs to be surrounded by people who approve of him and flatter him.

Due to their dislike of inactivity, Horses get involved in many sorts of works outside their chosen trade. Good with their hands and attracted to art, they are skillful craftsmen with a talent for innovation.

The first and second part of the Horse's life will be full of ups and downs. He will leave his home and family while he is still young, and this will bring its own disappointments. His love life will be by no means smooth. But the third phase of the Horse's life will be a peaceful one.

Under the influence of the Metal element, he is popular, demonstrative, impetuous, bold, and unruly, amorous with an engaging personality and immense appeal to the opposite sex. He is gifted with a prolific mind and fine intuition, able to be extremely productive as he seems to be everywhere at once. He has strong recuperative powers, constantly seeking excitement and new ideas. He is not a consistent administrator, requiring rewarding stimulation and fun in his work, else he will become irresolute and irresponsible. He does not function well on a constant diet of routine or close supervision.


So brvtal


Year of the Fire Rat

Being born a Rat is nothing to be ashamed of. In China, the Rat is respected and considered a courageous, enterprising person. It is deemed an honor to be born in the Year of the Rat and it is considered a privilege to be associated with a Rat. Rats know exactly where to find solutions and can take care of themselves and others without problems. They use their instinctive sense of observation to help others in times of need and are among the most fit of all the Animal signs to survive most any situation.

Smart, Magnetic, Well-liked, Affable, Quick-witted, Surreptitious, Selfish, Protective, Calculating


Fire adds a bit of spontaneity and vigor to the already spirited Rat. These Rats like change and travel and are eager to start new projects or to take trips to exotic places. Fire Rats are likely to change their occupations and residences more often than most, and essentially shun any kind of routine. They can be anxious and impulsive, but their zest for life is quite irresistible, and they have the Rat's ability to along so well with others. Compared to other Rats, Fire Rats are likely to be more charitable, autonomous, and energetic and the least self-controlled.

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