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Real-Gaf Community |OT2| Sponsored by Leadbelly the Impaler


Holy shit, today broke my no sick day streak. I've never called in sick for a job, at any job I've ever had. Today I woke up with a nasty stomach ache/virus, I was getting ready to leave the house and fight my way through it, but than I threw up all over, it was a good run :( I've been in bed all day, still feel like crap, I've eaten a bananas, a pink lady apple [best apple ever], an orange, and a sugar free jello. I can't even think of eating anything heavy without getting naseaous, can't even drink water, been drinking sobe lifewater 0 with added electrolytes and ginger extract. Hope I'm OK for tomorrow
Get some nachos.


Wow, extra strength excederin is no joke. I always tell people how great this stuff is, I popped a few pills, that happen to expire in December, and I feel a million times better. I also fucking love oranges, I haven't had once in months and gawd damn they are tastey. I'm gonna pick up some Blood Oranges and Cara Cara's tomorrow, and probably some Satsuma Mandarins, if you haven't tried any of these before, you need too, they're so damn good. I love the Cara Cara's, they have a slight raspberry taste to them.


fuck, just collapsed on the floor in excruciating pain, unable to breathe or call for help. I'm so lucky I kept my oxycontin from when I had surgery last year, popped 10mg and I'm feeling a lot better. I'm not sure what triggered it, maybe the orange? I know fruit can cause stomach discomfort, maybe it sent me over.

on a side note, I'm in la la land from the oxy.


nah, just a shit stomach virus that's been going around. It felt like an air bubble that went up to far and was pushing against my sternum. I'm just not gonna eat anything else till tomorrow


DMC3 ain't THAT great and God Hand is a top ten game of last gen so, yeah, I agree.


I keep hearing a lot of praise for DMC3, or the series in general, so I played it for the first time this past week at a friend's house. I thought it was fun but compared to Godhand it had some flaws that I found pretty confusing as to how they even got into the game. I made a post in that DMC combo video thread saying how there are things from both games that if taken and put into a new action game, it would probably turn out amazing and better than both.


I don't think we can be friends anymore. :(

I just couldn't get into it I'm sorry lol. I was traumatized by a Spyro game for the PS1 where I couldn't find the last remaining gem to open up the last level. FUCK THAT GAME MAN.


Collectathons were fucking awesome back in the day when I had infinite patience for that kind of thing. A game has to make it really worth my while to collect their crap now.


Speaking of games, if you like loot games give Path of Exile a try. It's free to play.

I've been addicted to it for over 3 weeks now, not even Guild Wars 2 has managed to pull me away from it. It's fun to find new ways to kill monsters :D
Find something you like and trick someone into paying you to do it.

I know it's glib, but seriously if you don't enjoy what you do, start looking for other options.
To be honest, the only option that I can see myself enjoying for the next half century is being in a band. Which sucks because that's the least viable career option ever, after like...acting or something :c

Also the anti collectathon crowd can suck it, I hate all of you :c
To be honest, the only option that I can see myself enjoying for the next half century is being in a band. Which sucks because that's the least viable career option ever, after like...acting or something

Lots of people have creative outlets outside of a 9-5 job. If working 9-5 enables you to have artistic freedom, then it's a good thing. Your 9-5 job doesn't need to be your life's work, sometimes it's just a facilitator so that you don't have to keep churning out hit music (that you for sure will despise). For instance, I just finished reading the first three Black Company novels. Great stuff. The author, Glen Cook worked at a factory making cars during the day.


MGS2 and 3 transcend lists, they are above all who dare to approach.
Animal Crossing
Shadow of the Colossus
God Hand
Persona 3 FES
Persona 4
Wind Waker
Resident Evil 4
Katamari Damacy
GTA: San Andreas

Next gen consoles being within sight got me thinking about the games I loved from the PS2/GC/Xbox generation. Narrowed it down to these ten for the top, in no particular order. Looking back, the current generation has been great but I feel like I've just gotten less enjoyment from the games this gen. Looking at how many Japanese games there are on that list, I think I might know why :lol. Optimistic as always for the upcoming consoles though!

Shouts to SSX Tricky, Okami, and KOTOR 2 for being totally amazing too.


Real-GAF community, not RPJ-GAF community. :p

When the original RPJ ended, people continued talking in the thread. I think a lot of people liked the more conversational nature of that thread and didn't want it to end. It was decided that it would be moved to 'community' and the title changed to reflect that it was no longer about RPJ, as it had ended, but more about the community it had created.
The heck is this.

Three quarters of this pages doesn't have real pics.

This thread is a fraud!

You're a fraud!

Also Zelda rankings - Majora's Mask >>>> all Zelda ever.

For serious: Majora's Mask > Ocarina of Time = Wind Waker > Skyward Sword > Twilight Princess (though this is just going from which gives me the happiest feelings when I think about them, haven't replayed TP or WW in a while). Don't have enough thoughts on 2D Zelda to give a proper ranking, though the two Oracles games are probably my favourites


Me too >< came in the mail on friday, and I've been playing it ever since. Do you like it so far? I'm really impressed with the localisation.

Yeah. I really like the concept of two worlds which are somehow connected. Each person in one world has a person exactly like them in the other world known as a 'soulmate'. I find it really interesting as a gameplay mechanic. The way you have to keep jumping from one world to the other in order to solve a specific problem. I thought 'brokenheartedness' seemed a bit goofy at first, but that too makes for an interesting gameplay mechanic.

Did you find Horace shan? I'm not sure if you'd be told about him if you never initially found him yourself. I find his little riddles and puzzles quite fun. You have to read various stories in the Wizard's Companion in order to solve Horace's riddles. By doing so you get new spells.
I had a dream immediately upon going to bed last night; I was driving down a busy street and a near-naked Conan The Barbarian stepped out from behind a van and I had to slam on the breaks to avoid hitting him.

Clearly, I have sexual feelings for my mother.

Your dream beats mine.

If anyone has trouble designing a character for CrudeDiatribe's DnD campaign, just let us know and we'll help you out with the boring number crunching.
Just say what sorta character you're looking to play (e.g, so class and race).


The Cryptarch's Bane
Raaar I lost the thread now I found it.

*catches up on page*

There should be a game where you have to collect hundreds of nondescript items scattered about the world called "thons"
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