It's pretty slapdash at the moment since I've only been working on it for less than a day. But I was planning on writing up an essay on it later. Or at least how the language is currently. Everything is subject to change!
My favorite features of the language so far are how it lacks gendered pronouns. I wanted to reflect the naturally egalitarian society of these elves. There are also particles or markers at the end of sentences that reflect what kind of sentence it is. I was thinking about how Japanese uses "ka" to create a question, and stretched that further to include particles that mean things like "accusation" or "surprise". I like the idea of having a language where no one confuses a statement for an accusation.
Also, I'm starting to regret making a language that is highly agglutinative. Words are starting to get ridiculously long.
Heodagathaemlethemtal halma hem!
I said I didn't want to drink water!
While I can easily parse it, it looks rather intimidating. D:
Throw in random marks!
Heoda'gatha"em"lethem'tal halma hem!
Maybe to highlight the active/passive subject of a sentence?
E.g "I" said ,I,didn't want to drink water"