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It's pretty slapdash at the moment since I've only been working on it for less than a day. But I was planning on writing up an essay on it later. Or at least how the language is currently. Everything is subject to change!

My favorite features of the language so far are how it lacks gendered pronouns. I wanted to reflect the naturally egalitarian society of these elves. There are also particles or markers at the end of sentences that reflect what kind of sentence it is. I was thinking about how Japanese uses "ka" to create a question, and stretched that further to include particles that mean things like "accusation" or "surprise". I like the idea of having a language where no one confuses a statement for an accusation.

Also, I'm starting to regret making a language that is highly agglutinative. Words are starting to get ridiculously long.

Heodagathaemlethemtal halma hem!
I said I didn't want to drink water!

While I can easily parse it, it looks rather intimidating. D:

Throw in random marks!

Heoda'gatha"em"lethem'tal halma hem!

Maybe to highlight the active/passive subject of a sentence?
E.g "I" said ,I,didn't want to drink water"


The Cryptarch's Bane
Agglutanitive langauges are hilarious :p

I really like the idea of sentence type-particles. I remember learning about a Mayan language in Guatemala I believe where utterances that contained a piece of information carried a marker that specified how the speaker obtained the information. So there was a word or particle that you included in a sentence so that you could say, "The water is cold (but the person I heard this from is not reliable so it might not really be that cold)" versus "The water is cold (and I know this because I touched it myself so this is absolute truth as far as I'm concerned)" just by changing one component of the sentence :D


Reluctant Member
I remember reading about that. I love it when languages can carry such specific meanings.

And I WISH everyone would stop telling me to add apostrophes. The language has glottal stops, but I'll be damned if I represent them as an apostrophe! :O

Also, the language has an old version and two dialects that sprung from it. Because elves are long lived and tend to be more stationary than humans, their language doesn't have quite the variety (this is a good excuse for me to be lazy, but at least it makes sense. >>) The writing is the same as the older version of the language, but some things change in each dialect like stress patterns and intonation, some phonemes have shifted (for example, /g/ shifted to /x/ in desert elvish), case markings are dropped or sometimes added, word meanings may have been shifted or added to, etc.

I am overthinking this but it is kind of important to me.


Lissar I love you for doing this and fuck apostrophes. Do we have any in Spanish? Nope!

I am kind of jealous that I'm going to be human and can't use the language although considering that you elves invaded my country maybe there will be areas that have a specific dialect? I'm thinking of using old castellano for it since it is Iberian based (and will be easier for me) but it also makes sense that the people from my country would have adopted some words from Elvish and maybe vice versa?


Reluctant Member
Hehe. Desert elves.

Damn straight desert elves.

Lissar I love you for doing this and fuck apostrophes. Do we have any in Spanish? Nope!

I am kind of jealous that I'm going to be human and can't use the language although considering that you elves invaded my country maybe there will be areas that have a specific dialect? I'm thinking of using old castellano for it since it is Iberian based (and will be easier for me) but it also makes sense that the people from my country would have adopted some words from Elvish and maybe vice versa?

Oh, definitely. There is going to be some word exchange among languages. Although not in written elvish because, like the French, the elves try to keep that language pure. But of course colloquialisms seep in, and influences from mingling with other people cause changes in the language.

Oh god. How many languages am I going to make? I kind of want to make a centaur language.


Damn straight desert elves.

Oh, definitely. There is going to be some word exchange among languages. Although not in written elvish because, like the French, the elves try to keep that language pure. But of course colloquialisms seep in, and influences from mingling with other people cause changes in the language.

Oh god. How many languages am I going to make? I kind of want to make a centaur language.

Oh god. How many languages am I going to make?

You don't have to make up any; we'll be playing in English; I will just need people/place names that aren't going to cause you to go twitchy (or Pau to go twitchy for the Iberian-inspired ones).

I kind of want to make a centaur language.

It's easier if we say the relavent group speaks gnomish, since that character only gets two languages, and it would be nice if everyone could communicate.


Reluctant Member
I only act put upon.

In reality I'm super excited to have something push me into doing this again. I've always wanted to make a set of languages that work together like real languages do.

Can you make up a mercantile language spoken by a religious order with militaristic roots?
It's also spoken by Dolphins :3

Screeeeeeeee eeee ek sreeeek eeeek!


Are y'all going to be doing recaps/summaries of the story? I can't participate but definitely would like to read the tales of your harrowing adventures!


D&D is cool and all but call me when you guys make an e-fed.

I think Beef is the only person here who even knows what an e-fed is. :(


Yep. Basically a fantasy wrestling company where we can create our own wrestlers (gimmicks, wardrobe, etc), create storylines for them and see where it all goes.

There's one in the WrassleGAF threads where they sim using the WWE games.

So I can see why D&D would be more appealing than that. :p

Fantasy.... fantasy wrestlers.


I have no idea what goon show is. I never heard of it.

Also I was without GAF for 2 days, it's amazing how disconnected from basically everything I felt. It was horrible, I couldn't even lurk man.




gooosh, dark chocolate, why are you so delicious and healthy. it's hard to not eat it when there's no guilt


I've got 4-5 bars on hand at all times it seems. Got 3 ES and 1 Midnight Reverie sittin' right next to me


Reluctant Member

The city I'm from in the RPG. :eek:

It's okay for a first effort I suppose. Hopefully I can improve my environment paintings in the future.


Reluctant Member
I actually despise pastels. But that's what I thought worked for what I was going for. That bad I guess? Hm... I guess I'll have to try again.


Been a little behind in hear so playing catch up, I had my birthday this past Sunday and it seems I have been busy ever since. Joined a gym and doing that three days a week + doing a bar tending school with a friend just for fun. Trying to stay busy to fight that damned winter blues that hit me every year.



The city I'm from in the RPG. :eek:

It's okay for a first effort I suppose. Hopefully I can improve my environment paintings in the future.

I really like it lissar. It seems like a very colourful city and I like the architecture. I'm currently playing through Ni no Kuni and the towns are very colourful in that. If you don't have the game already, you should buy it. You might get some ideas from it as well.

I'm towards the end of it now and the story is fantastic. At the start the story seems kind of goofy and whimsical, but it gets pretty dark towards the end. I think it has the right balance between whimsical and serious. You kind of need those less serious moments or it would be pretty depressing.


I really like it lissar. It seems like a very colourful city and I like the architecture. I'm currently playing through Ni no Kuni and the towns are very colourful in that. If you don't have the game already, you should buy it. You might get some ideas from it as well.

I'm towards the end of it now and the story is fantastic. At the start the story seems kind of goofy and whimsical, but it gets pretty dark towards the end. I think it has the right balance between whimsical and serious. You kind of need those less serious moments or it would be pretty depressing.

Actually thinking of picking that up. Somehow seems like a game for me.
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