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I have good news! I passed my 70-433 SQL Server 2008 exam (only just, got exactly the passing mark)! Which means that hopefully, come next Friday, I'll be off probation! Yaaaaay!


He's going to be co-writing Guardians of the Galaxy apparently. So if you've ever wanted to read Gaiman writing a trigger happy space raccoon.....now's your chance?

fuck. yes.

edit: pau you look adorable :D

I have good news! I passed my 70-433 SQL Server 2008 exam (only just, got exactly the passing mark)! Which means that hopefully, come next Friday, I'll be off probation! Yaaaaay!

congratulations and well deserved


Well Jesus okay.

Also comes with the soundtracks. The games are downloaded off Steam. It basically gives you the Steam keys.

I'll just add: If you just want to pay the average for both games, it's probably best to go a little bit more than average just in case the average goes up and you don't get it. lol


Yes I did! Did you? We should add each other on 3DS! :)

I am getting it from my parents for my birthday....getting a 3DS from my wife haha. Bad news is...my birthday is 25 april. But you're gonna be the first I'll add on my 3DS.

Edit: I do hope you'll still be playing it in a month though.


I've got a job interview tomorrow, like..a real, suit and tie type of deal. I've worked in retail my whole life, this is gonna be a first. Pay is great, job sounds great, but it's an entry level position so I'm assuming it's gonna be shit hours if I do manage to get it. Need to print out my resume, of course my printer doesn't work >:|

ps. new avatar! had the old one for over a year. keeping RPJ alive all year round
I've got a job interview tomorrow, like..a real, suit and tie type of deal. I've worked in retail my whole life, this is gonna be a first. Pay is great, job sounds great, but it's an entry level position so I'm assuming it's gonna be shit hours if I do manage to get it. Need to print out my resume, of course my printer doesn't work >:|

ps. new avatar! had the old one for over a year. keeping RPJ alive all year round

What's the job? Also good luck!


It's a marketing job for a home renovation company. My position is part of "outbound" advertising/marketing, which means I'll be at trade shows, concerts, fund raisers, and other events promoting the company. Sounds good to me, as I'm not much of a cubicle type. Need some last minute interview tips! I really should get to bed soon, gotta go pretty early before my other job.. The only suit I have is a wedding suit I wore to my cousins wedding, ah well.


I suck at interviews, I'm just not in my 'element', I feel like I'm boring/don't stand out, oh well. Should get a call this weekend to see if they want to do a follow up, it's a 3-step interview..

I noticed everyone was clean shaven too. That was heart breaking.


That moment when you see that one of your Facebook friends is friends with one of your favorite Batman artists and they actually interact and have artist tables next to each other at cons. ;-;


That moment when you see that one of your Facebook friends is friends with one of your favorite Batman artists and they actually interact and have artist tables next to each other at cons. ;-;

Make your own comic about a girl named Kapau with the power to create batman style special effect things!


Soon the Batman artists will be drawing for you!



March weather was second coldest on record - Met Office

We seem to be breaking records or close to breaking records every winter now. This global warming is fucking amazing. Actually it makes sense that Britain would get colder rather than warmer. It's just fucking typical. lol


So I got back from my interview, I knew as soon it was over they'd call me back. Went so much better than my other, I wish I could re-do that one. This place is so damn far from me.

hour after interview I get a call, they want me to come in monday to shadow some executive dude

I guess my joker look paid off. lame mirror shot incoming..



So I got back from my interview, I knew as soon it was over they'd call me back. Went so much better than my other, I wish I could re-do that one. This place is so damn far from me.

hour after interview I get a call, they want me to come in monday to shadow some executive dude

I guess my joker look paid off. lame mirror shot incoming..


You're pretty darn classy lookin'


Well, it is starting to look like Microsoft really might go through with this 'always-online' bullshit. According to Kotaku, a number of sources have stated that you won't be able to play games if you don't have an internet connection. Even worse, if your internet connection goes down while you're playing a game, it will suspend the game after 3 minutes and go into a network troubleshooter.

Two Kotaku sources have added more credence to the rumor that the next Xbox, expected to battle the PlayStation 4 in late 2013 or early 2014, will be an always-online system, though it will be able to tolerate dropped connections.

"Unless something has changed recently," one of the sources told us over email, "Durango consumer units must have an active internet connection to be used."

Durango is the codename for the next-gen Xbox.

"If there isn't a connection, no games or apps can be started," the source continued. "If the connection is interrupted then after a period of time--currently three minutes, if I remember correctly--the game/app is suspended and the network troubleshooter started."

And then there is the creative director of Microsoft Studios airing his opinion on 'always-online'.


However, this was stated after.

This was after the fact NeoGAF went into meltdown though.

I don't really know what to make of it. I still find it hard to believe Microsoft are dumb enough to go through with it.


MS is a gen too early with this stuff, if it ends up being all the way true.

Whatever. Vids are boring now :(. Will be on handhelds where the true gaming spirit still lives!


Isn't Steam basically always-online and some mobile games too?
I don't get this whole getting your panties in a bunch for speculation.
Because it's pretty anti-consumer. Not everyone lives in places with brilliant internet connections.

But yeah until it's actually confirmed people need to calm down.
iirc not all of the games can be played offline though.

That's still better than ALL games not being able to be played offline, which is what Microsoft seems to be proposing. Let me put it this way I was one of the morons who got simcity , my excuse was that "it was just one game" , that one game put me through more hell and embarrassment that the idea of having to go through that for all games is just something I couldn't bare with at all. Next ,I trust Valve much more than I trust Microsoft (not that I trust companies to begin with, but I'm wary of some more so than others) so even if both do it technically I'd still give the edge out to Steam on this, be it always online or DRM.

Thirdly while not confirmed, literally all rumors from multiple sources are pointing to this being the case, with literally no rumors pointing against it, I can understand "wait and see" , but come on now. I certainly also dont think people should calm down until it's confirmed when there might not be a chance for any change (not that things aren't set in stone already) . Finally I dont think this has to be a dichotomy between, "not a big deal/non issue" and " worst thing ever/ end of the world" (and I've seen both sides of the scale in grandiose fashion) , People can express that this sucks, particularly for retail and in the console space , and disinterest in buying the console when other options are available that dont do it (or that they trust to do it better) . They can also express they are perfectly fine with it and just want to play Halo or whatever.

In regards to those tweets I personally find them hilarious, I also think simply calling the reactions childish is unfair. The tweeter also needs to take responsibility in realizing that Twitter is, you know, this public place, in which you may be publicly representing your company if you attach their name to your handle. This came at a time in which people are livid and anxious for info for next Xbox news and are kinda incensed already about the always online rumors. While there are some people calling for things that I think are uncalled for (I personally don't think he should be fired or anything of the sort for this) and making silly memes, there are also just people calling it out as really bad things PR wise to be saying , even joking around, from a person in his position at this time.


I guess I just don't care that much. I'm not even decided on buying any next gen consoles. If you don't like it then don't buy it.


Reluctant Member
It's fortunate that Steam isn't always online and lets me continue playing my game even after disconnects because our router likes to go down at least once a day and must be reset. I don't mind them wanting to make a "check" every time I start the game to make sure I own it, but always requiring the connection on single player games literally gives no benefits to the consumer. None. It's them saying, "I do not trust you even for a moment". They want to watch every second to make sure you aren't stealing, despite the fact that all the people they are watching are legitimate consumers. The people who do not want to pay won't, and never will. They will find other ways to play the game.

I don't even mind being connected to the service most of the time. Steam provides lots of benefits to being connected. It could be Microsoft will also provide similar benefits. But I don't like being made to feel like a thief before I've done anything wrong. You should attract people to your service through the benefits you can provide them, not by breathing down their neck and watching their every move.
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