shan is adorable.
She's as cute as a kitten
Also, Tence is a Mia Matsumiya fan! OMG!
Am I?
shan is adorable.
She's as cute as a kitten
Also, Tence is a Mia Matsumiya fan! OMG!
Brotherhood is alright but I really don't think I could ever make it through Revolutions, it just felt tedious.
Yeah. I've heard from a number of people that the game is not worth playing through. Kind of annoying considering you don't really learn anything in Brotherhood, they left it all for Revelations I imagine. I think I will watch it on youtube.
Also, the PC version has the extra DLC for free. Leonardo's Disappearance it's called. Have you played that? Is it worth playing through?
The Da Vinci Disappearance is worth playing if nothing else because the final level is pretty fantastic and the platforming in general is fun. The story gets a little inconsistent but the characters and their dialogue are well done so it kind of makes up for it. For free? Definitely worth your time.
I'm currently downloading Max Payne 3. The game needs 30GB of space on PC. This for a game that is around 8 hours long apparently. A large part of that is probably high-res textures, etc.
I started thinking about next-gen games. They're going to be huge.
Luckily additional hard drive space is pretty cheap as long as you aren't talking SSDs (which outside of housing the OS I don't usually use for game installs.)
Also, good luck Shan!
I laugh at your backlogs.
Thanks Lissar. If I don't make it out alive, remember me ;.;
You'll do just fine Shan, no worries.
I'll remember you wearing a piggy pyjama.
I'm wondering if that is the facial expression you made when kicking your friend in the balls.
You look slightly deranged in that photo. lol
I also think you look kind of dirty in your piggy outfit (lol). I don't know why.
You kicked your friend in the balls?
aww man, that was the complete opposite look of what I was aiming for.
Also, friend-who-is-often-subjected-to-being-kicked-in-the-balls is the guy in the top photo on the right.
On several occasions. Its becoming a thing, I'm ashamed to say :/
Lol. Why?
No idea. Do you remember why you did drunk things?
Drink doesn't really affect my behaviour that much. I'm quite a happy drunk though, I must say.
I guess it can have an influence on your behaviour, but I find it doesn't really make you do things, it just frees you from inhibition. You know what you're doing, you just don't care so much about what people think, or the consequences of your actions.
Having said that, it does seem to send my one friend crazy. I don't know what the hell is going on in his head sometimes. lol
On several occasions. Its becoming a thing, I'm ashamed to say :/
No idea. Do you remember why you did drunk things?
No idea. Do you remember why you did drunk things?
But appearantly he doesn't really mind that much that you kick him in the balls considering it happens often and he doesn't stop it.
Maybe he has a ballbusting fetish![]()
So you took a kick in the groin over a kiss with a sexy lady? Good work CrudeAccidents happen! Or maybe he's reprehensible and you want to prevent him from reproducing? Your secret is safe with the internet.
I got kicked in the balls by a gorgeous co-worker when I wouldn't let her kiss me. She was swinging from my back at the time. Story is better without context.
Most of the times yeah.
But appearantly he doesn't really mind that much that you kick him in the balls considering it happens often and he doesn't stop it.
Maybe he has a ballbusting fetish![]()
Yeah, that has proven true enough. I guess deep down inside somewhere there is an incredibly violent Shanshan :s Although I'm pretty sure most things I do are for "the lolz".
Yeah, I have a friend like that too. He really goes off the rails in a kind of terrifying way.
My friend just becomes embarrassing. He got really drunk once and started jumping up and down in his apartment. He was in one of the top apartments so the person underneath him must have wondered what the fuck was going on. lol
He was jumping up and stamping down really hard. Fucking insane!
Man that sounds embarrassing to be around. haha.
Accidents happen! Or maybe he's reprehensible and you want to prevent him from reproducing? Your secret is safe with the internet.
I got kicked in the balls by a gorgeous co-worker when I wouldn't let her kiss me. She was swinging from my back at the time. Story is better without context.
"Seemed like a good idea at the time."
I don't believe you have.I think I told you about the one time when he completely lost his memory right?
So you took a kick in the groin over a kiss with a sexy lady? Good work Crude![]()
Still, I have reached a point in my life where I rarely drink anymore and if I do I don't do anything crazy like I used to.
I don't believe you have.
Aaah right I do remember that one.
I feel kind of bad but I'm not really a responsible drinker. Occasions are fun with or without the booze, but I enjoy drinking. I did have one night a few weeks ago where the entire night is basically gone, which was a bit weird. There's this nice fuzzy glow over the memory though, so it seems like I had fun. It's probably not very safe or healthy though, but I only drink once every six weeks or sometimes less.
Interview in 55 minutes.
Good luck dude. Remember to bring a SUUUUPER attitude.Interview in 55 minutes.
All you people are advancing while I sink deeper into despair.
All you people are advancing while I sink deeper into despair.
I think that went OK. Maybe. They said they'd get back to me about the second interview within the week. Here's hoping.
Also when I get back to Manchester I'll post a pic of my newly short hair for you all to laugh at >_>
Personally I HATE that memory fuzziness. Hate not knowing what happened the night before. After a couple bad events while blacked out I've had to cut out drinking for the most part. Still enjoy a drink every now and then though.Aaah right I do remember that one.
I feel kind of bad but I'm not really a responsible drinker. Occasions are fun with or without the booze, but I enjoy drinking. I did have one night a few weeks ago where the entire night is basically gone, which was a bit weird. There's this nice fuzzyy glow over the memory though, so it seems like I had fun. It's probably not very safe or healthy though, but I only drink once every six weeks or sometimes less.