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So how about that new Star Wars trilogy. Hoping the creative behind it will be good but it definitely could be the exact opposite. Fucking stoked right now though.


OH MY GOD. I just realized that I may have a cool idea for a costume. Is there anyway to draw a symbol on clothing but have it be able to come off later? The symbol isn't even that bad and it might be cool to have it permanently but I want to know just in case.
Destruction is weirdly kind of beautiful in itself. I don't know why that is, but it is isn't it?
I don't know why, but I really love storms. Being inside while the thunder rolls in and you can see the trees bending every which way through the fogged up windows is kind of exciting (being outside is mildly less fun, but still exciting I suppose :p). Plus I'm in one right now, maybe I should turn the power off or something =/

We had a really big one a few years back that ripped through my suburb and torn the roofs of a bunch of houses. I remember the sky turning green and then everything being loud and pitch black at about 4pm, and my dad going "come on Shan lets drive through it, you need to get to work!" (no way I was leaving the house in that). Glad we didn't because there were powerlines all along the road.

It really is pretty. It reminds me of some shots from the film Titanic actually.

I hope its not too deep in cause I imagine it could cause a lot of damage...

Johnny Dazzle said:
The 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) is guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier through Hurricane Sandy.
I don't mean to be rude, but why? There's not really anything they can do by standing there, especially with muskets. Grabs some tarpaulins or something!


I don't know why, but I really love storms. Being inside while the thunder rolls in and you can see the trees bending every which way through the fogged up windows is kind of exciting (being outside is mildly less fun, but still exciting I suppose :p). Plus I'm in one right now, maybe I should turn the power off or something =/

We had a really big one a few years back that ripped through my suburb and torn the roofs of a bunch of houses. I remember the sky turning green and then everything being loud and pitch black at about 4pm, and my dad going "come on Shan lets drive through it, you need to get to work!" (no way I was leaving the house in that). Glad we didn't because there were powerlines all along the road.!

I love storms too. I love to watch a thunderstorm from my window. I tend to look at a patch of sky hoping to see a really good flash of lightning. Unfortunately a lot of thunderstorms in the UK tend not to be that bad. I always find it really disappointing when you get a few peals of thunder and then it disappears (lol). Any type of storm tends not to be that bad here. That's another thing about this country really. I've mentioned that we don't have any animals that could kill us, well we don't really have extreme weather either. I've always wanted to see a tornado actually. We do actually get them in this country, but they're generally tiny, and very rare for you to see one. Never seen one in my life.

That sounds like quite a storm you're describing. Yeah, If it was especially bad, I'd be having second thoughts about it too.

I also love it when I'm in bed and it's absolutely pouring down outside. I just find the sound of the rain hitting the windows and roof really hypnotic and soothing. It lulls me to sleep. Occasionally in the summer I will open my window, rest my head and just watch the rain. For some reason I end up drifting off into deep thought when I do that. Just start thinking about things.
I've just had an interesting thought about the whole Disney/Star Wars thing.

What if they've done it because John Carter failed? This way they get another shot at a sci-fi franchise, but this time with a profitable name behind it. I mean it's name may have been soured by the prequels, but nerds are still going to go and see them 'cause it's fucking Star Wars and nerds will nerd, and kids'll see them because...kids'll kid, really.


Yea, this whole no power thing kinda sucks, luckily I have work today and won't die of boredom. Two giant trees came down on my block, one of them about 20 feet from my car. No hot water either, so showering is going to suck, it's freezing outside :(


I talked to him during the storm. He was doing ok with no real dangers. He had heard from his parents too, if I remember correctly.

Good to hear.

side note: what is going on with the random crappy threads popping up in gaming and community?

side side note: I have owned the collector's edition of Marathon, my mother gave it to me as a gift when she was in South Korea. I just now got around to watching it, I highly recommend it to anyone - it has several languages subbed for the Korean impaired.
I would just like to point out that in the amirox thread, I predicted a lock around post #85 and suggested within the hour. 51 minutes later: locked

Poor amirox. It's like after he lost his modhood, everything went sour for him. Though I may be wrong since I'm only going by a few stuff I saw.
Poor amirox. It's like after he lost his modhood, everything went sour for him. Though I may be wrong since I'm only going by a few stuff I saw.

Eh. He's sort of a self-righteous prick and his demodding is the perfect example of that.

I'm a little surprised that every single reply to his posts does not begin with "I am quoting this so you can't edit it."


Reluctant Member


Wanted my costume to be a little bit more elaborate than this, but sadly most of October was dedicated to studying for the GRE. D: So sadly, no eyes all over my face and arms like my avatar. No long creepy fingers.
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