Above, I spoke too soon about NPC changes to the world... Blackwater seemed okay but maybe that's because in the RDR2 Epilogue it wasn't great to begin with.
I head over to Valentine though and the Heartlands and NPC life is way downgraded. A lot of NPCs in front of the stores are gone. Almost all the farms are empty. The goat farm west of Emerald Ranch (BTW you can loot it every session for some good food, tonics, and a small jewelry bag lol), a lot of the farms around Valentine. Felt like 2/3rds of the NPCs were removed from the map...
Also, turning the horse option "Flee" into 'dismiss' where your horse despawns and all your medium pelts dissappear is one of the dumbest changes I've seen in a game in a while lol -- and that's saying a lot considering how terrible a lot of RDO is (in terms of design).
That said, the core beautiful world and satisfying (not great but quite satisfying feedback cuz the dismemberment, and sound, and reloading) gunplay is still here though so I think I'll probably still play RDO over GTAO... just, it really needs a few quality of life updates, a major economy re-tweak, and like 2-3
Gunrunning or
Further Adventures in Finance and Felony esque updates haha before it's anywhere close to being great haha
the Deathmatches are fun but nowhere near as good as RDR1's
i didn't bother with free roam or the "online story" because the main story already bored me to death
there seems to be a problem with the head shots, often i get a head shot and it doesn't get registered, i don't know if it's lag or the game is fucked up
I enjoyed one so far... the leader one haha. Was still pretty chaotic but the way better performing players are worth more made some players more defensive which helped slow things down.
The king of the castle one tho was a cluster fuck... just dead ppl respawning all around you, killing or dying every 10 seconds... was reaaaally hectic.
the BR one seems fun but could use some tweaking to the speed of the map area changes. felt the pacing wasn't all that good.
i lost count how many times i wanted to talk to an npc and instead i pointed a gun at them. also how many times i wanted to hop on a horse and instead i did a take down on an npc.
god haha i swear i must be at like 150 hours by now... i've been playing a lot. and this still rarely happens.
yesterday, I was trying to fuck around with Emotes. idiot got mad at me cuz I stand too close to him and R* remove Defuse... so I bring out the shoot 'em up emote haha
and I'm holding it (instead of pressing it once) so it does the continuous one so I can Flourish (R2), and I guess after too long or a Flourish, the Emote ends as I'm still pressing R2 to Flourish
*bam* my revolver quick draws and fires lol -__-
so I ride off and come back after Wanted gives up... and now I can't sell my huge collection of pelts cuz the Butcher nearby is stuck standing inside a table and I can't bring up buy or sell
so i ride off and hunt for another 20m or so and i'm in the processing of trying load and pickup pelts and the whole way that skin is Triangle and pick-up pelt is Square but put pelt on horse and drop pelt are both Square... and my horse randomly moves a little so I drop the pelt (no idea why this still happens after 150 hours, the buttons are just intuitive or the contextual actions have horrible context-sensitivity...)
so it's dark and my horse is standing over the pelt i think and also over the dead deer i just shot and i can't see shit, so I L2 my horse to make him "Flee" to the side like I've done a million times in single-player
"your horse has been dismissed" -__-
then I run around there for 5 minutes (i don't want go to far because all the large pelts and carcasses on the ground will despawn since this game has worse de-spawn than GTA5) cuz when I try call my horse back, it says horse cannot reach your position
5 minutes later, it eventually comes... and probably 30 or 35 medium pelts are all despawned -__-
why so many pelts? because earlier I accidentally shoot my gun in town -_-
i mean, i love the core game, the story and the world, but damn... whether it's accidentally shooting your gun or accidentally doing the wrong context-sensitive action because the context changed or didn't appear like it should or accidentally making shit despawn... this game has gotta be one of the most '
not doing what I want it to do' games around -- it's like the anti-MGS V ;p
anyhow, so i fume a bit cuz I'm almost Rank 13 and about to unlock the Rolling Block Rifle ($600) but I haven't even made enough money for the Rank 7 Bolt Action ($350) and I figure 1 hour of hunting is probably at least $30-40, so I ride off, and i trip on a rock and fall down a small cliff barely 10 feet high -_- and i die and my horse K/Os -_- because of course -_- so I run back, I shoot it in the head, and I call it a night haha