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Red Dead Redemption II |OT| Who knew horse testicles had such a crunch?


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I don't why but RDO just seem like it's lost a lot of charm that the SP has and the world feels more empty with less stuff to do.
On top of that it controls worse.
Throw in everybody running around like a all for one.
And the money situation is a problem, I can understand large items and better guns but it's hard to maintain just having food for yourself and horse.
It is only the beta though Musky, I'd say they are off to a decent start, better than Bethesda did with a 'completed' Fallout 76. I think it'll be interesting to see how it all plays once the beta is through and its fully launched.
True but in practice I think the "beta" just gives them wiggle room if shit hits the fan with exploits or server crashes... In practice I think it's mostly just like a stress test open beta (rather than, say, Beta 1 of an MMORPG, days after exiting alpha). I'd imagine major new features would be quite some time away. I'm sure there are more modes or story mission but I think the game is probably pretty feature complete when it comes to world PvP events, NPC interactions, game economy, etc.

Red Dead Online is very lifeless. How did they not bring some of RDR2 best feature into online?

I can’t even say Hey There Mister to NPC’s that ride by.

Graphically the world seems okay to me... weather seems very infrequent now but the number of NPCs in town seem similar... maybe... not as bad as GTA5 -> GTAO. So, the NPCs are there and not 'lifeless' in the sense that it's empty... but lifeless in the sense that there's less interaction. Things like, no food option in the Blackwater saloon... removed. Horse fence? removed... Can't even take a shot of whiskey anymore, you drink it out of a beer bottle now (wtf). But especially the NPCs. There's lots around still but with interaction it feels more lifeless.

So, I huuuugely agree about no Greet, Antagonize, Defuse. Emotes are cumbersome to use and are not interactive.

The whole 'silent protagonist' think kinda sucks, and I think it's lazy that at the very least we didn't get 10 voice options simple saying Hey Mister and Get Out The Way and You Didn't Really Think I Was Serious

I mean, NPCs interact with us yet and get pissed off in the most stupid ways, so we should still be able to interact back.

Heck, I've no idea why the Emotes don't at least serve as proper Greets, Defuses, etc.

TBH this topic it wouldn't have been on a top ten list of concerns but now a few days in RDO it really make a bit difference. Greeting or annoying people in RDR2 really made the world feel alive and RDO emphasizes how badly it's missed.
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True but in practice I think the "beta" just gives them wiggle room if shit hits the fan with exploits or server crashes... In practice I think it's mostly just like a stress test open beta (rather than, say, Beta 1 of an MMORPG, days after exiting alpha). I'd imagine major new features would be quite some time away. I'm sure there are more modes or story mission but I think the game is probably pretty feature complete when it comes to world PvP events, NPC interactions, game economy, etc.

Graphically the world seems okay to me... weather seems very infrequent now but the number of NPCs in town seem similar... maybe... not as bad as GTA5 -> GTAO. So, the NPCs are there and not 'lifeless' in the sense that it's empty... but lifeless in the sense that there's less interaction. Things like, no food option in the Blackwater saloon... removed. Horse fence? removed... Can't even take a shot of whiskey anymore, you drink it out of a beer bottle now (wtf). But especially the NPCs. There's lots around still but with interaction it feels more lifeless.

So, I huuuugely agree about no Greet, Antagonize, Defuse. Emotes are cumbersome to use and are not interactive.

The whole 'silent protagonist' think kinda sucks, and I think it's lazy that at the very least we didn't get 10 voice options simple saying Hey Mister and Get Out The Way and You Didn't Really Think I Was Serious

I mean, NPCs interact with us yet and get pissed off in the most stupid ways, so we should still be able to interact back.

Heck, I've no idea why the Emotes don't at least serve as proper Greets, Defuses, etc.

TBH this topic it wouldn't have been on a top ten list of concerns but now a few days in RDO it really make a bit difference. Greeting or annoying people in RDR2 really made the world feel alive and RDO emphasizes how badly it's missed.
U make some good points about the lack of voice options


Gold Member
I'll play it for a bit because I just love the world they created, but the random shootings are going to be the thing that ultimately causes me to put it down.


the Deathmatches are fun but nowhere near as good as RDR1's

i didn't bother with free roam or the "online story" because the main story already bored me to death

there seems to be a problem with the head shots, often i get a head shot and it doesn't get registered, i don't know if it's lag or the game is fucked up


I guess I'll probably get some eye rolls but for me rdr2 is one of the best games I've ever played. For three hours last night I had such an epic experience. I just went in planning on just roaming and doing some of the side events that had missed and in the process had a giant organic experience that everything tied so nicely into what I was doing.

Because I spent the last two weeks hunting and crafting the last major satchel I knew the game world really well and so going through the side mission and the other events meant that I didn't even need to look at the map. When I had to go to particular places I knew where they were. When I encountered a house or landmark I had been there in my hunting travels but at that time many of the places were empty but for some reason last night each event rolled into the next at these places which was pretty amazing.

I hadn't done that in a sandbox game before, just play the game like you live in the world and let events unfold instead of playing whack a mole on the map with finishing items. Everything tied together, resting, camping and hunting all made sense to do in regards to my character attributes and horse's disposition.

The core mechanism of shooting can be too easy but the sense of immersion in the game if you let it is amazing. I was going to skip rdr2 until it came out on pc but I'm glad I jumped in now. It's stuff like this on why I love gaming and sandbox games
After playing a couple more hours of RDO I switched back to the campaign as I am in the epilogue and want to wrap it up. I didn't notice it so much when I started playing RDO but after switching back to the campaign I realized there is a pretty huge difference in the response time in controls between the two.

Along with the less alive world, grinding and griefers I think the campaign is where I will end up spending my free time. The campaign world is so much more interactive and alive. The weather and controls help in this regard too. I will go back and forth some more but the campaign seems better for a relaxed old west sim game.

All the South Park stuff about it this season has been hilarious too. I just want to be in this world all the time. :messenger_smiling_hearts::messenger_tears_of_joy:


Gold Member
So I'm sorry if this is the wrong thread for it(I'll move it if I'm wrong) but is the broken HDR in RD2/O fixed yet?

There's no doubt whatsoever that the HDR is busted on the game and I believe since it has been marketed as
an HDR title, that it should have been fixed by now.

Otherwise, the game is spectacular and really have no other issues with it(well besides the controls being a bit too floaty).
Cheers! :messenger_sunglasses:
RDO is a complete disaster right now. It's fine there is tons of time for them to change things, but it somehow is a big step backwards from the main game. Controls are horrible. Random killings are way too common. The only fun thing about the horse in the campaign was cinematic mode, you do that here, you get kicked for inactivity or most likely shot and killed by a rando. It takes half an hour to travel from one activity to another. It took over an hour to make 20 bucks.

What is the deal with the horse races? Who thought it would be a good idea to make them even slower that in the real game? You'd think they would have baseline speed as you max and then the energy barrels would be turbo, but no, that'd be fun, so they made you go even slower. We were on the bard's trail race and it took damn near an entire minute to cross the bridge by the end no one had any stamina.
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RDO is a complete disaster right now. It's fine there is tons of time for them to change things, but it somehow is a big step backwards from the main game. Controls are horrible. Random killings are way too common. The only fun thing about the horse in the campaign was cinematic mode, you do that here, you get kicked for inactivity or most likely shot and killed by a rando. It takes half an hour to travel from one activity to another. It took over an hour to make 20 bucks.

What is the deal with the horse races? Who thought it would be a good idea to make them even slower that in the real game? You'd think they would have baseline speed as you max and then the energy barrels would be turbo, but no, that'd be fun, so they made you go even slower. We were on the bard's trail race and it took damn near an entire minute to cross the bridge by the end no one had any stamina.

There is a fast travel emblem at most local hubs/towns/cities though.....helps a ton.
That being said, it can add up $$$ using it frequently....so I pick and choose my distances based on laziness.
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Gold Member
I did the first mission and went to meet the guy for my first matchmaking to a mission. It asked me to spectate and i put "no". Got dumped in a lobby with randoms and no objectives available???

Same, am I supposed to spectate orr?

Also is there a way to redo my face? The jawline is way different from how it looked in the creator haha
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im most likely going to have to mute everyone online, since people are just running around saying the n-word and just acting like racist bigots. Also its been a problem for a while now, since streamers want to play online games with other people on mics, but can't control racist, sexist pigs. They need to get banned.
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OK I just finished the game and I need to vent. Most wont read this but whatever here i go; I DID NOT LIKE THE CORE STORY OF RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2. Let me break this down why.

The game was advertised about a gang of outlaws robbing banks raising havoc and kinda being the bad guys of the wild west. Bank robbing, train robbing, killing, sleeping with women/"prostitutes".
Something close to Young Guns (1988). Even the promotional material, posters, trailers alluded to that.
Look at this picture:

But instead what we got was you babysitting a community of women, child, and old folks. Doing mundane tasks. Very PG rated. I remember in RDR1 they talked about sharing women (johns wife) it sounded a lot more X-rated.
This is what the true promotional poster should have been.


So let me dig a bit deeper. The game starts off with the group stranded in a snowed in mountain and you do a bunch of tasks to get familiar with the controls i thought it was fine. Chapter 1 was great its my fav chapter by far. Chapter 2 was a total messup story wise. You are in Rhoades and there are 2 waring families and there is supposed gold somewhere. but non of that ever materializes you do a bunch of nonsensical missions and at the end there is a big revenge scene as the gang attacks one of the families and its totally undeserved. And thats the feeling i got from the entire game a bunch of missions that didnt lead to anything or anywhere and i understand that was the intent of the story but don't shaft the player out of a great story because of it.
The game also ran waay too long. the exotic island missions should have been cut completely the epilogue ran waay too long. It was cute in RDR1 you had 3 short missions, but here why am i bounty hunting wth sadie why am i building a house to that awful honky tonky song it was cringeworthy. And at the end of the main quest they shoved down some Indian/Native American stuff down out throats that should have been cut as well. It reminded me of AC3 and what clusterfuck that was. Trying to tell too many stories is always detrimental to the core. This is the worse told story by rockstar since GTA4 that too shoved a bunch of stuff that didn't match.

Lastly the main arch-nemesis of the game Colmes Driscoll, what to say you had so little contact with him that his hanging didn't have the same high as rockstar anticipated. Would have been cool if he actually did something to you, killed someone you loved or raped someone that made you really hate him.

Overall I will say its not the story that i wanted or expected. I feel like the story before there was a camp before blackwater would have been a better story. Dutch and young arthur young john riding robbing. I would have been ok with the base camp stuff if the game started without it atleast for a chapter but we never got that. The story feels very edited and then mish mashed together.

Ok sorry for the rant and I doubt i was able to get my point across entirely but it had to be said. Its not a bad game just i feel like there was a better story to be told with the characters.
Same, am I supposed to spectate orr?

Also is there a way to redo my face? The jawline is way different from how it looked in the creator haha

It had just bugged out. Try hitting left on your d pad and see if you can quick join a game or just hit pause, click online and select free roam to join a new lobby. I had to do the latter.


It deserves every accolade coming its way.

I was a little disillusioned with gaming until RDR2 hit. I thought it would be good but I never expected it to be this good. Could not put it down.

An incredible story, compelling characters...

When this song came in at that moment:

Can't wait to play it again on PC in two years time. It's gonna happen, Rockstar would be stupid not to port it.

Also... GAVIN?! :(
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Ah I had to close the application entirely and reopen it to get it to activate. Weird.

I had the same thing. Got stuck in the loading screen for 45 minutes thinking maybe it was downloading something.

I restarted the game, same issue. So I restarted it again, went to single player, played for 5 minutes, then went into online with no issue.


Gold Member
im most likely going to have to mute everyone online, since people are just running around saying the n-word and just acting like racist bigots. Also its been a problem for a while now, since streamers want to play online games with other people on mics, but can't control racist, sexist pigs. They need to get banned.

This is an option to limit voice chat to Friends, Posse or Crew. Short left press on the D-pad should bring you to the menu.


The core mechanism of shooting can be too easy but the sense of immersion in the game if you let it is amazing. I was going to skip rdr2 until it came out on pc but I'm glad I jumped in now. It's stuff like this on why I love gaming and sandbox games
Think about when it comes to PC and you'll be able to mod the game to make the gunfights better/less popamole. It'll def be worth the wait to experience the game that way for the first time.
Due to payouts being so shite in racing it's more fun to troll others knocking them off their horses trying to cause a pile up. I know it's wrong but fuck it.

Also taking a silver watch to the fence and the payout being $2 compared to so much more in single player. Yeh fuck off rockstar with that shit! :messenger_poop:
Above, I spoke too soon about NPC changes to the world... Blackwater seemed okay but maybe that's because in the RDR2 Epilogue it wasn't great to begin with.

I head over to Valentine though and the Heartlands and NPC life is way downgraded. A lot of NPCs in front of the stores are gone. Almost all the farms are empty. The goat farm west of Emerald Ranch (BTW you can loot it every session for some good food, tonics, and a small jewelry bag lol), a lot of the farms around Valentine. Felt like 2/3rds of the NPCs were removed from the map...

Also, turning the horse option "Flee" into 'dismiss' where your horse despawns and all your medium pelts dissappear is one of the dumbest changes I've seen in a game in a while lol -- and that's saying a lot considering how terrible a lot of RDO is (in terms of design).

That said, the core beautiful world and satisfying (not great but quite satisfying feedback cuz the dismemberment, and sound, and reloading) gunplay is still here though so I think I'll probably still play RDO over GTAO... just, it really needs a few quality of life updates, a major economy re-tweak, and like 2-3 Gunrunning or Further Adventures in Finance and Felony esque updates haha before it's anywhere close to being great haha

the Deathmatches are fun but nowhere near as good as RDR1's

i didn't bother with free roam or the "online story" because the main story already bored me to death

there seems to be a problem with the head shots, often i get a head shot and it doesn't get registered, i don't know if it's lag or the game is fucked up
I enjoyed one so far... the leader one haha. Was still pretty chaotic but the way better performing players are worth more made some players more defensive which helped slow things down.

The king of the castle one tho was a cluster fuck... just dead ppl respawning all around you, killing or dying every 10 seconds... was reaaaally hectic.

the BR one seems fun but could use some tweaking to the speed of the map area changes. felt the pacing wasn't all that good.
i lost count how many times i wanted to talk to an npc and instead i pointed a gun at them. also how many times i wanted to hop on a horse and instead i did a take down on an npc.
god haha i swear i must be at like 150 hours by now... i've been playing a lot. and this still rarely happens.

yesterday, I was trying to fuck around with Emotes. idiot got mad at me cuz I stand too close to him and R* remove Defuse... so I bring out the shoot 'em up emote haha

and I'm holding it (instead of pressing it once) so it does the continuous one so I can Flourish (R2), and I guess after too long or a Flourish, the Emote ends as I'm still pressing R2 to Flourish

*bam* my revolver quick draws and fires lol -__-

so I ride off and come back after Wanted gives up... and now I can't sell my huge collection of pelts cuz the Butcher nearby is stuck standing inside a table and I can't bring up buy or sell

so i ride off and hunt for another 20m or so and i'm in the processing of trying load and pickup pelts and the whole way that skin is Triangle and pick-up pelt is Square but put pelt on horse and drop pelt are both Square... and my horse randomly moves a little so I drop the pelt (no idea why this still happens after 150 hours, the buttons are just intuitive or the contextual actions have horrible context-sensitivity...)

so it's dark and my horse is standing over the pelt i think and also over the dead deer i just shot and i can't see shit, so I L2 my horse to make him "Flee" to the side like I've done a million times in single-player

"your horse has been dismissed" -__-

then I run around there for 5 minutes (i don't want go to far because all the large pelts and carcasses on the ground will despawn since this game has worse de-spawn than GTA5) cuz when I try call my horse back, it says horse cannot reach your position

5 minutes later, it eventually comes... and probably 30 or 35 medium pelts are all despawned -__-

why so many pelts? because earlier I accidentally shoot my gun in town -_-

i mean, i love the core game, the story and the world, but damn... whether it's accidentally shooting your gun or accidentally doing the wrong context-sensitive action because the context changed or didn't appear like it should or accidentally making shit despawn... this game has gotta be one of the most 'not doing what I want it to do' games around -- it's like the anti-MGS V ;p

anyhow, so i fume a bit cuz I'm almost Rank 13 and about to unlock the Rolling Block Rifle ($600) but I haven't even made enough money for the Rank 7 Bolt Action ($350) and I figure 1 hour of hunting is probably at least $30-40, so I ride off, and i trip on a rock and fall down a small cliff barely 10 feet high -_- and i die and my horse K/Os -_- because of course -_- so I run back, I shoot it in the head, and I call it a night haha :p
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Texas Pride

Rockstar doesn't give a fuck about the players time. The payouts for online are too little and the items you need to buy cost too much. They're strangling the earning potential to push gold when they make it available to buy and it's just unnecessary. While I realize the stark difference between GTA & RDR 2 they didn't seem to go out of their way to fuck people and waste their time just to hock shark cards in GTA. They should be getting lit up on social media about this daily.
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Because I spent the last two weeks hunting and crafting the last major satchel

FYI, these simply become purchasable at Fences post-game. Every one of them, no pelt requirements. It's kind of dumb that they do that I think, I was actually looking forward to hunting for all the stuff.
FYI, these simply become purchasable at Fences post-game. Every one of them, no pelt requirements. It's kind of dumb that they do that I think, I was actually looking forward to hunting for all the stuff.

That was my plan too. Do all the hunting based missions and challenges during the end game. Oh well.
I can't tell if I should be happy that RDO has all the progression that I wish was in single player or horrified at the monstrous grind ahead of me. I started late last night and the only thing I can even buy are a few provisions. Still it's pretty fun just roaming around just doing stuff. I joined a random posse from the menu and they actually did the freefroam quests one after the other, with the leader marking which one's next. Didn't use voice chat at all, or maybe they did and I just had everyone muted but still was nice how everything went smoothly without needing voicechat.
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A friend and I ended up having an entire server fist fighting for 3 hours in Valentine tonight. It was hilarious.



No Passive Mode for RDO isn't fun. Everyone seems to have robotic accuracy when they shoot me when I'm just trying to grind.


Honestly I just went back to SinglePlayer. And I’m not unhappy about it.

Totally, I'm doing a lot of the challenges in SP and I accept the RDO is subject to change. But I wanted to get into the swing of it... although honestly more than the griefing, it's the economy that is batshit crazy.
Totally, I'm doing a lot of the challenges in SP and I accept the RDO is subject to change. But I wanted to get into the swing of it... although honestly more than the griefing, it's the economy that is batshit crazy.
I need a Howdy command for NPC’s I encounter in the Online world. I can deal with all the other bullshit.

As Arthur I am Hey There Mister every 5 seconds and love it lol.
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Writes a lot, says very little
I'm not surprised by the glitches. I've seen horses on a roof of a house once on this game...
No Passive Mode for RDO isn't fun. Everyone seems to have robotic accuracy when they shoot me when I'm just trying to grind.
deadeye paint range is pretty far... a lot farther than auto-aim.

contributes to that auto-aim feeling even on carbines but carbines painting body shots don't do much damage... but damn does it make my bolt-action strong.

i was soloing groups of 2-3 players regularly with long-range deadeye painting cuz i had a bolt action and they all had carbines, shotguns, revolvers, etc.

and maybe different abilities... my deadeye and HP almost maxed out from fishing and hunting and got the deadeye painting + the dmg boost from being horse back -- those probably help me survive 1 extra body shot (or require 1 less body shot).

that said, if they get close, i would die, too. especially if someone flank me fast on a horse with a pump shotgun haha

but on a big open field with a rock for cover, bolt action + huge deadeye painting range = i felt pretty safe out there

(p.s. i was hunting so i was usually defensive haha... never attack anyone that didn't attack me first -- or try steal carcasses off my horse as I was semi-AFK in camp hahaha)


Gold Member
I need a Howdy command for NPC’s I encounter in the Online world. I can deal with all the other bullshit.

As Arthur I am Hey There Mister every 5 seconds and love it lol.

I love how much everybody loves this too. I felt like a goof giggling with glee as I ran around town greeting everyone, as I thought Im the only one whod enjoy it so much


So how many missions did you guys do in RDO? Seems all my yellow icons are gone after 5-6 of em.
Is that just the beta cap for now with more story to come later on?

Anyways, I love the game but there are too many little bugs/glitches......economy issues for me to really dig deep into this portion of the game.
Similar to how I did in GTA (Rank 221) ...I will come back when the game is more stable and quirks worked out. I like what I see so far.....its like a blank canvas atm though.
anybody else exhausted from playing RDR2 and wont even touch the MP?

A little bit, I finished the single player 2 days before RDO launched and I've completed the tutorial and not been back to it since.

Not sure why though, RDR2 is my GOTG so far but I just can't seem to get the motivation to move to multiplayer.
So how many missions did you guys do in RDO? Seems all my yellow icons are gone after 5-6 of em.
Is that just the beta cap for now with more story to come later on?

Anyways, I love the game but there are too many little bugs/glitches......economy issues for me to really dig deep into this portion of the game.
Similar to how I did in GTA (Rank 221) ...I will come back when the game is more stable and quirks worked out. I like what I see so far.....its like a blank canvas atm though.
Think it was about 6 that you can replay (where you start doing work for sheriffs)... A few more in the intro. Last mission is the one where you wear armor...

They're pretty cool missions so far, kinda on par I guess with the late DLCs that GTAO added. The morale choices are pretty fun, kinda interesting to see ppl choose.

Economy is pretty lame but I think the worst part for me even more than any grind is that a lot of shit is locked behind gold that you can't realistically grind. I'm nearly about Rank 20 now and I should pass 4 gold. At this rate it's pretty much impossible to buy the gold-locked items and horses I want and also do weapon customization. I don't mind GTAO slow ass grinds but at least you can some sense of progression cuz you kinda make tangible progress toward your goals, and the goals are pretty cool

...even at release in 2013... sorry but an Arabian horse is pretty fuck unremarkable compared to buying a Truffade Adder lol. But in RDO, a lot of shit is locked behind a currency I probably wouldn't be able to grind enough in the next 3-4 months, and worse it's all stuff that was unremarkable in single-player -- it's a premium currency for basic bitch shit.

i'll keep free roaming tho casually I think once I burn out just cuz, bitching aside, the game world is gorgeous and the gunplay is satisfying.

but if the grind is gonna be aspirational and tolerable in any sense, it needs businesses and homesteads for money and Chrome Arabian Mk.IIs for gold

and not 3-4 laters like it took for GTAO to get good ;p hopefully they've improved their content timeline since then.
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