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Red Dead Redemption |OT| Whistling Morricone in the desert


Worships the porcelain goddess
Well, I finished the game tonight and on a scale of one to ten, I would give it a solid seven. This will be based off mainly the story missions. The stranger missions are a mixed bag of terrible to great. They're mostly fetch quests. Anyone who enjoys these and rags on World of Warcraft quests is a hypocrite. :lol

The game can be a glitch filled wreck sometimes (a lot of times) and the story gets bogged down by just plain terrible characters. Almost everyone after Bonnie and the Marshall are dreadful. I would shoot them all if I could have.

End game spoilers.

By the end of the missions to kill Dutch, everything was just a drag. The Government guys were lame and preachy with Marston coming off like a whiny shit. "Can I see my family now?" "Well, did we kill Dutch? No? Then no." Repeat this...what, ten times between cutscenes and conversations? Jesus. The professor was dreadful as well. I wish I could have shot him too? Why the fuck does Rockstar need to throw in all these "crazy" characters into their games? Why would Marston want to keep going back to this asshole anyway?!

Then, there's Dutch. The dude is given no real build up. He just appears. Why did he go crazy? Well, that's never really explained. He says that all he knows is fighting. Okay, that's great. What else? What made him go crazy on that train? What happened for him and the gang to abandon John? Did I miss that? What was the trigger? The moment that Dutch had to make him go foolish? I don't think we ever found out. So, we gladly slaughter angry Native American "savages" who chose to ally with Dutch until the limp climax.

Then John returns home and we basically do the tutorial ALL OVER AGAIN. Yes, I understand that we're teaching Jack how to survive in the world, but that shit was boring in the beginning and its boring in the end. Herding, hunting, blah blah. However, John's interactions with his family are, by far, the best part of the game since the start of it. Abigail is a cute character and Jack and John's relationship is rightfully complicated.

Then all hell breaks loose. I wasn't sad here because the writers of this game beat you over the head with remarks that foreshadow the end of John. I was surprised that it was done with little fanfare. No warning, no speeches from Ross, no...nothing really. Was refreshing. Then you go on to "finish" the game, yadda, yadda.

By the end of the game, I was tired of the story. It just bogs down in endless messages about the inability to escape your past given to you by characters who you have no remote chance in hell in caring about. A message Rockstar is overly fond of using. There's no real sense of dread about the events taking place in the world. A weird feeling you have that the shit may hit the fan. A sense of "change" in the world that is happening around you. Instead, it's beat into you with a hammer.

The rest of the game is fine. Plenty of "stuff to do" with outfits, hideouts, challenges, strangers, jobs, hunting, blah blah. That'll be enough for some. Not for others. I hit 85% complete and I'm done there. After that it feels like a complete grind to me. I'm impressed with the amount of randomness and fun things to do in the world, but after awhile, even they begin to get old and just fill up space. That's not a negative, just more of a YMMV thing. I didn't try online. I doubt I ever will. It doesn't appeal to me. It's the online version of "stuff to do."

Overall, it's a solid game with a nicely realized world. I recognize the work and love put into the game. No question. It's strengths lie in it's randomness, "stuff" and improved gameplay over GTA. Not with its missions and story. It started off wonderfully, but ended with a thud. I don't see myself picking up any expansions for this unless they are completely Bonnie-centric.

The best moment in the game's story takes place near the very end. It's very bittersweet. Nothing "exciting" happens. No guns, shooting, lassoing or otherwise. Just a glimpse at the talent Rockstar possesses when they nail a character. Shame it went to waste.

Perhaps I'm being too hard on it? Nah. I spent $60 on it and this is what I got. <shrug>


So.....I can see why some people hate Free Roam. I spent an hour and a half last night with a friend, and it CAN be a bit boring.

But the night before, me and the same friend had a freakin blast.

The difference? Motivation. You've really got to go and DO something. I dont feel this game is at its best when just doing random BS, like GTA games tend to be.


UnluckyKate said:
Shit, I save up to buy a Winshester rifle from the gun store.

Then I go see the marshall to start a mission.

I found a camp and Marston picks a... Winshester from a dead body.

350$ wasted :(

Try saving up for the most expensive horse in Armadillo and finding out you're already riding that horse since the you got the Stallion from Bonnie in the horse-breaking-tutorialmission. After you've bought it.


I have hit 100% completion- the reward is a bit interesting.

end game stuff mixed in beware:

the fact that as John's son, or even John if you were to use the cheat, you get to wear a federal agent suit with the ability to be free from the consequences of the law = kill everyone/anyone - it seems highly hypocritical, down right morbid really. But then again, you do have to put the suit on...

MP is pretty sweet, if you like riding around with friends, terrorizing other players and finding beautiful cliffs to shoot players horses with sniper rifles. Which I do. And the matches are great when I play 'hardcore' with no auto assist. I know I will get the hang of it, and watching players try to shoot, roll, jump, ride horses, throw dynamite, and maybe accomplish the objectives- I mean 12+ players... it's a lot of fun!


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
I like Thieves Landing. It reminds me of the Pirate's of the Caribbean ride at Disney.

Is it coincidence, or is it always cloudy, foggy and rainy over there? :( I like my towns sunny damnit!

Anyway, are there any easter eggs to be found on the whole of the map? Like in San Andreas?

What are some of your favorite places to chill or to hang out due to the beautiful vista's?


Spirit of Jazz said:
Oh Christ I'm so sorry if you saw that if you hadn't finished the game. I always mess up spoiler tags when I do multiple ones in a post and put slashes in prematurely, I should of checked it twice knowing that. Many apologies.

.. you know what would be better than an apology? Editing your original post (which you haven't done, even after you were made aware of your own ineptitude). I just happened to read it, and I only just got into Mexico.
neorej said:
Try saving up for the most expensive horse in Armadillo and finding out you're already riding that horse since the you got the Stallion from Bonnie in the horse-breaking-tutorialmission. After you've bought it.

Wasted both the money on the american standardbred and the winchester. Didn't buy the buffalo rifle and now it's gone :( Will it ever come back ?
neorej said:
Try saving up for the most expensive horse in Armadillo and finding out you're already riding that horse since the you got the Stallion from Bonnie in the horse-breaking-tutorialmission. After you've bought it.

But that is not wasted money, with the certificate you can always get the stallion, even after it was killed, just by using it.


BaronLundi said:
Wasted both the money on the american standardbred and the winchester. Didn't buy the buffalo rifle and now it's gone :( Will it ever come back ?

It appeared for me after completing a handful of hunting challenges.


Seriously, the amount of douchebag characters R* come up with is becoming grating. The amount of sane characters relative to the amount of retarded ones in this game is insanely low. :lol
Kintaro said:
They're mostly fetch quests. Anyone who enjoys these and rags on World of Warcraft quests is a hypocrite. :lol

To be fair in RDR at least you don't happen to encounter animals that miss bones, skulls, eyeballs or any other bodypart that you are actually supposed to gather for a quest :lol

Kintaro said:
Almost everyone after Bonnie and the Marshall are dreadful. I would shoot them all if I could have.

God Dickens just shut the fuck up ! And the constant empty threats really made it worse.

I loved Seth and Irish though. I just arrived in Mexico (no song for me god dammit), wait and see for the rest of the cast...
Did anyone else kill
funny man? After saving his ass three times and getting the mission complete. I chased after him before his character disappeared forever and hogtied him to the ground, shot him in the head, and burned his body with a molotov. It felt good.
Why do I not get the Gentlemens Attire outfit? Signed up at the social club on the net and linked it ingame with the triangle button, said, that after my next save, it should be under outfits, nothing there :(


BudokaiMR2 said:
I killed my first rabbit by squishing him on my horse. I only realized because of the delicous "squish" I heard in my surround sound.


Riding through a bunch of chickens is even more awesome
clucking sound as your horse sends them flying


First post back here since I picked up my copy. What an incredible game!

Every element of gameplay just blends so nicely. I'm about 35% with about 15 hours logged and am pretty much balls deep addicted. I've caught myself humming songs and last night I even dreamt about red and yellow waypoints on a map. It's been quite a while since a game has caught me like this.

Quick query: I got into a bar fight in Armadillo with some red sash (Bolland Gang?) wearing fellers. Roughed 'em up a bit but didn't kill any. I left the bar to avoid any further confrontation and made my way to Thieves Landing. Upon my arrival shooting breaks out, aimed at me from the Saloon. I took a few shots before making my way to my room for a save and I logged out.

Are these two incidents related? I'm not entirely sure it was the same red sash wearing jerks. If it is though, how do you quell gang animosity?

Darkman M

BaronLundi said:
Wasted both the money on the american standardbred and the winchester. Didn't buy the buffalo rifle and now it's gone :( Will it ever come back ?

You know you can use those deeds to call your horse no matter how many times one dies right?
Darkman M said:
You know you can use those deeds to call your horse no matter how many times one dies right?

Yeah I know and it might come handy but none of my horses died so far so it just seemed like a waste of half of my money at the time.
Darkman M said:
Check Blackwater to get the ending credits.

Hrm, I never went to Blackwater to get the credits. I wonder if its based on whether you thought to shoot the agents in John's last standoff. I blanked and just shot anything I could, so when I played as Jack I read the newspaper to find the agent retired and living outside Armadillo, which opened a stranger like quest to hunt him down and kill him.
Am I missing something when playing poker it said I won $1000, when I left the table I only had 650?

Also I've asked this on nearly every page, but is anyone else unable to unlock the gentelman's attire from the rockstar social club.
darkjedi187 said:
Am I missing something when playing poker it said I won $1000, when I left the table I only had 650?

Also I've asked this on nearly every page, but is anyone else unable to unlock the gentelman's attire from the rockstar social club.

You probably won 1000 chips not $$$. You pay a initial price(IP) to get a set amount of chips, $100 for 1000 in Blackwater IIRC, so you can win IP * # of players.

Email R* about the gentleman's attire, I have no clue as it worked for me.

Darkman M

TheNiX said:
Hrm, I never went to Blackwater to get the credits. I wonder if its based on whether you thought to shoot the agents in John's last standoff. I blanked and just shot anything I could, so when I played as Jack I read the newspaper to find the agent retired and living outside Armadillo, which opened a stranger like quest to hunt him down and kill him.

Yeah that quest starts at blackwater train station maybe the news paper was another way of getting it.
darkjedi187 said:
Am I missing something when playing poker it said I won $1000, when I left the table I only had 650?

Also I've asked this on nearly every page, but is anyone else unable to unlock the gentelman's attire from the rockstar social club.

Here! Says I will see it under outfits, after camping or saving in a home, but nothing :(

Even my golden guns code was for nothing, was accepted, but they never showed up.


bunbun777 said:
I have hit 100% completion- the reward is a bit interesting.

end game stuff mixed in beware:

the fact that as John's son, or even John if you were to use the cheat, you get to wear a federal agent suit with the ability to be free from the consequences of the law = kill everyone/anyone - it seems highly hypocritical, down right morbid really. But then again, you do have to put the suit on...

Well, I consider the Marshal suit (I'm also at 100% completion) to be "non-canonical", if you will. It's just something cool to reward the players who have done everything and can now go on nicely-dressed rampages :D
sw33tclyde said:
You probably won 1000 chips not $$$. You pay a initial price(IP) to get a set amount of chips, $100 for 1000 in Blackwater IIRC, so you can win IP * # of players.

Email R* about the gentleman's attire, I have no clue as it worked for me.

Thank you for the email address. And for the poker advice. I must be confusing chips with dollars.
Darkman M said:
Yeah that quest starts at blackwater train station maybe the news paper was another way of getting it.

I actually got the paper, read that article, and tried to go out there myself. Nothing happened though. Didn't even realize there was
a new ? in Blackwater
since it only shows up when you get close.


ShockingAlberto said:
The inability for the game to understand context makes it both hilarious fun and annoying

I saw a guy getting chased by some wolves and decide to help. Some helpful Mexican riders came by and also shot at it. As a wolf was coming behind one of the riders, I shot and hit it, never actually hitting the rider himself.

But since I was aiming in his direction, he aggro'd and started shooting my face with a shotgun. I basically had no choice but to kill him, which meant his partner came after me and I had to kill him, as well.

So I got an $80 bounty on me for trying to save one dude.

Something like this happened to me, but it was in one of the hideout areas we'd just cleared. I noticed, though, when I paid the bounty that the charge was "Animal Slaughter" or something along those lines.

I guess the Mexican Army didn't like that too much. lol. But I did feel a little better that the crime didn't have to do with the fact that I happened to shoot near the army guys.

mr afghan jones

Neo Member
VindicatorZ said:

Me too, apparently if you try to perform certian actions it overrides the song for some reason and reverts to normal soundtrack.

For me and some other people, if you tried to whistle for your horse rather than take one of the rubbish ones waiting for you, it breaks the song. Other people have had similar due to going into their inventory or trying to loot the bodies of those last two guys you kill.

Real shame as apparently its a magical moment for most people.

So anyone who hasnt gone to mexico yet, when you first get there take no action other than getting on one of the waiting horses and going for a ride and you should hear the song. Try and do anything else and you might not get it.


Endgame spoiler

Did anyone else not talk to the agent in Blackwater to realise there was more to the story? I know I didn't, I found out about Ross living out by Don Julio by looking at the latest newspaper, there was a story about him retiring in it. Lots of other cool stories in that final issue too, tells you what happens to quite a few characters.
mr afghan jones said:
Me too, apparently if you try to perform certian actions it overrides the song for some reason and reverts to normal soundtrack.

For me and some other people, if you tried to whistle for your horse rather than take one of the rubbish ones waiting for you, it breaks the song. Other people have had similar due to going into their inventory or trying to loot the bodies of those last two guys you kill.

Real shame as apparently its a magical moment for most people.

So anyone who hasnt gone to mexico yet, when you first get there take no action other than getting on one of the waiting horses and going for a ride and you should hear the song. Try and do anything else and you might not get it.

Damn, whistled for my horse :( I guess, thats why I don't have a clue, what they mean, when praising the great song at the entrance of Mexico.


Of all the random roadside encounters, there is one I don't know how to handle (usually or always in

There's three Mexican Soldiers about to kill one random guy. The guy always claims to be innocent, and the soldiers tell me to "get lost gringo" or I'll be next.

Usually I just shoot everybody, which ups my fame a bit but doesn't seem to change my honor.
Does anyone else start running in this game, whistle for your horse then jump on when it gets close and then make it start running while you're still getting on? Feels so badass.
mr afghan jones said:
For me and some other people, if you tried to whistle for your horse rather than take one of the rubbish ones waiting for you, it breaks the song.

That is incredibly stupid. I got on one of the horses at the dock, but then minute I saw how bad it was, I got off and whistled for my horse. I want the achievement for completing 20 missions with one horse besides. Lame. I think I have a save right before the mission crossing into Mexico, maybe I'll replay it just to hear the song...


You know that's kinda symptomatic for this game. :lol They create this utterly brilliant moment when the music kicks in while riding into Mexico, and a simple fucking whistle, or gathering a flower will break the tension and abruptly stop it. Dudes! You make it so this song will play out fully! >_<

rainking187 said:
Does anyone else start running in this game, whistle for your horse then jump on when it gets close and then make it start running while you're still getting on? Feels so badass.
Always! I like that the horse anticipates where you're going when you whistle for it, makes for some dynamic saddling. :D
rainking187 said:
Does anyone else start running in this game, whistle for your horse then jump on when it gets close and then make it start running while you're still getting on? Feels so badass.

Hell Yes I do this, Its bad ass when you are chasing someone down.. I also like to jump off the second story of the saloon in Armadillo onto my horse..
Geez, the fifth treasure map is really damn vague. There's just a picture of some rocks, one of which has a twin peak. Apparently it's in Mexico, but that's all I know. There are no names or landmarks to go by at all.

Anybody have any hints at all? I know I could just look it up on YouTube, but I want to at least partially figure it out myself.
Ben2749 said:
Geez, the fifth treasure map is really damn vague. There's just a picture of some rocks, one of which has a twin peak. Apparently it's in Mexico, but that's all I know. There are no names or landmarks to go by at all.

Anybody have any hints at all? I know I could just look it up on YouTube, but I want to at least partially figure it out myself.

I could say in which area it is found, but I think, thats too much?


What counts as a rare weapon? I bought a semi-auto shotgun(they even had those back then?:lol ) and got an achievement. Is it a weapon that only shows up sometimes or something?
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