Rflagg said:
A nun gave me like $300, a collection for me to keep up the work I was doing or something is what she said.
I got $100 from a nun I think. Then later on in the game a nun came asking for $60, this was right after I got to West Elizabeth for the first time...and she claimed to come all the way from Las Hermanas (I think is the name of the nunnery down in Mexico). I gave it to her, but I thought, damn, that bitch came all the way from Mexico to the northern states for $60 bucks. I was just in Mexico and gave the nunnery some cash for a Stranger Mission (I know You).
The money I got from the nun way earlier in the game, was a black nun and spoke with an american accent, not sure where she came from.
sloppyjoe_gamer said:
Single player question...im finding that there isnt any active quests on my map right now. Im basically just running around hunting things, etc....how do you actually come across missions that further along the main story?
I would assume it's time related? Some missions require it to be a certain time before you can pick them up, and won't show up on the mini-map unless that time is met or you're close enough to see it on the map and not in the distance.
But you should still be able to see it on the main map regardless of how far you are. I never ran into a moment when I couldn't see a story mission. Are you sure you're not just passing over it as you're looking for it? I did that a few times with Louisa's mission's in Mexico.