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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls

I think they have all seen it now, but I don't believe they ever got into deeper discussion outside of fielding a few questions.

They talked about it a bit during the Headlander stream as well since Jack had just finished it, but yeah, they didn't go into great detail yet.

The full spoiler talk for Stranger Things is supposed to be during tomorrow's stream. They wanted to give all the viewers time to finish it before they spoiled the crap out of it.

Too bad they didn't get into it while Jay was there, I doubt he will be tomorrow.


Well, at least the video spawned that somewhat entertaining thread. I kinda got the feeling from the video that they're just frustrated their review of the movie was probably instantly grouped up with 'other misogynistic MRA manbabies' just because it was negative - and I can definitely see why something like that could be frustrating - but they should've just let it go.

Either way, hope this is their last video on GB.


Unconfirmed Member
I think the point they were trying to make is that the mysognistic haters were a very vocal minority were terrible and the people who attempted to group everyone who hated it into that group and politicalize a mediocre advertisement in the form of a comedy were also terrible. The truth is that most people didn't follow and didn't care they either didn't care to see the film or likely found it mediocre/bad.

Was the video needed? Not at all. Did the video reveal anything new? Only in that it calculated out the % to show what most people in the middle already concluded, that the controversy on both sides was blown up by both sides.

I have been amused that when the film did decent on rt one side tried to spin it as reviewers pushing an agenda and blah blah blah and then when the box office numbers came out and the film has basically bombed the other side is trying to spin the numbers pushing an agenda. In the end Rich was right in the HitB video, in 6 months nobody will care about this movie just like they don't care about the robocop or total recall remakes.
Wow. Yes. Exactly great post


I agree.
Thev trailer was shit, plenty of people said that without being called women haters, the passive aggressiveness is just pathetic now, especially since the whole ordeal is basically done.

The twinky joke was funny, tho.
That's just they're usual sense of humor and why I like them so much.
The most predictable responses by the usual suspects are all there.

As the fourth highest poster in this thread, I can't tell if I'm in the "usual suspects" group or not, even if I thought this specific video was stupid and idiotic.

Either way, hope this is their last video on GB.

Same. But, I'm sure people will keep fucking that chicken like the Boyhood "IT TOOK TWELVE YEARS TO MAKE" garbage that endured for months.


That's just they're usual sense of humor and why I like them so much.

This felt more like them feeling like they had to really drive home the idea that if you dislike the movie, it doesn't mean you're sexist, which doesn't need mentioning, and makes them look insecure and pointlessly butthurt.
i thought the video was fine, had some good jokes.

It just felt petty, they already made a really good review. And now it just seem like they want to dwell on it out of spit, while completely ignoring the very real sexism that underlined the backlash. They actually made a comment in their review that I believe emphasis the important of this movie. "Women are allowed to make stupid comedies too".


So not worth it
There's 100% a narrative where you can't not like this movie, because as soon as you do you are a stupid sexist pig and you should know better. There's nothing wrong with pointing that out. Sony made a lazy remake and they knew it was a bad movie long before they uploaded that trailer. I was very much in favor of this movie when the casting came out, I love everyone involved in the movie, but that trailer was godawful, if you make a comedy and your trailer (which supposedly has your best jokes) makes me laugh zero times (and I laugh really, really easily too), you made a bad movie.

That said, this video is pretty much exactly the same as this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sn_vAcFGTJU


It just felt petty, they already made a really good review. And now it just seem like they want to dwell on it out of spit, while completely ignoring the very real sexism that underlined the backlash. They actually made a comment in their review that I believe emphasis the important of this movie. "Women are allowed to make stupid comedies too".

I think it's more that they've been exposed to new info that they didn't have during their review. That Sony (after the initial bad reaction to the announcement of the reboot and predictable misogyny that came with it) was using selective deletion of Youtube comments to shape and create the appearance of an overwhelming misogynistic attack against them (which would have been difficult without some genuine misogyny to highlight). This allowed Sony to call a feminist army to their defense (as well as a small army of misogynists, emboldened to continue attacking), and allowed them to deflect away any and all criticism of their movie as misogyny. By saying that RLM didn't do enough to condemn the misogyny, you're playing right into Sony's hands. Those assholes at Sony deliberately triggered an us-vs-them gender war because people didn't like the concept of their fucking movie.

RLM decided to try and calculate the actual misogynistic response (and determined that it's just a noisy minority that should never have been dignified with attention and a platform to spit their bile), and by this point since math was involved it became a job for Scientist Man.
I think it's more that they've been exposed to new info that they didn't have during their review. That Sony (after the initial bad reaction to the announcement of the reboot and predictable misogyny that came with it) was using selective deletion of Youtube comments to shape and create the appearance of an overwhelming misogynistic attack against them (which would have been difficult without some genuine misogyny to highlight). This allowed Sony to call a feminist army to their defense (as well as a small army of misogynists, emboldened to continue attacking), and allowed them to deflect away any and all criticism of their movie as misogyny. By saying that RLM didn't do enough to condemn the misogyny, you're playing right into Sony's hands. Those assholes at Sony deliberately triggered an us-vs-them gender war because people didn't like the concept of their fucking movie.

RLM decided to try and calculate the actual misogynistic response (and determined that it's just a noisy minority that should never have been dignified with attention and a platform to spit their bile), and by this point since math was involved it became a job for Scientist Man.
I don't really care what caused the controversy and I'm not playing into anyone hands. sexism is a big problem, not in the media or in Hollywood but generally and anything that draws attention to it is a positive in my book. RLM don't seem to be very sensitive to gender issues which is fine by my. But trying to paint a narrative in which sexism doesn't play a role is ill informed.

Where did they say sexism had no part in the controversy of GB 2016?
The all video marginalized the sexiest aspect of the controversy, it felt very much like saying "we [as a all] are past sexism".

My oppnion:))) is that if Sony manipulated comments/article to help promote the movie then great. Not the first time that cynical capitalism helped promote social issues.


Where did they say sexism had no part in the controversy of GB 2016?

I thought the problem was that they downplayed the sexism and racism by proposing that the bigger issue was the discussion being hijacked by Sony's marketing team who went to town with it *and* all the feminists and pro-social-justice voices who made mistakes. Also I got the impression that in their video they didn't exactly ever properly distance themselves from all the racism and sexism, but rather focused on the horrors they suffered by being grouped in the same box with the racists and sexists by the supporters of GB 2016.

They were right with their main message, though, because these days every big "social justice" issue that hits the social media sites, many of the good guys fall in the same pit with the idiots they are trying to fight against. Personally I just don't think that's the kind of message that adds anything of value into the discussion. It almost feels like walking into a Black Lives Matter demonstration and starting to point out every black person who paints with a really broad stroke when talking about white people, and all the while never really giving that same amount of effort to address what the actual issue being demonstrated is.


What are the chances that Rich, Jack, and possibly Jay are going through with their Previously Recorded stream tonight?

The hounds have been released!


What are the chances that Rich, Jack, and possibly Jay are going through with their Previously Recorded stream tonight?

The hounds have been released!

I don't know if there's large negativity floating around somewhere, but...


... I think they'll be fine.
I thought the problem was that they downplayed the sexism and racism by proposing that the bigger issue was the discussion being hijacked by Sony's marketing team who went to town with it *and* all the feminists and pro-social-justice voices who made mistakes. Also I got the impression that in their video they didn't exactly ever properly distance themselves from all the racism and sexism, but rather focused on the horrors they suffered by being grouped in the same box with the racists and sexists by the supporters of GB 2016.

They were right with their main message, though, because these days every big "social justice" issue that hits the social media sites, many of the good guys fall in the same pit with the idiots they are trying to fight against. Personally I just don't think that's the kind of message that adds anything of value into the discussion. It almost feels like walking into a Black Lives Matter demonstration and starting to point out every black person who paints with a really broad stroke when talking about white people, and all the while never really giving that same amount of effort to address what the actual issue being demonstrated is.

I think this is especially false. Every time they bring up being lumped in with the crazy people the tone is very obviously sardonic mock outrage. I've never felt like they are claiming they are being attacked, they just find it odd that people who were critical of the film get lumped in with the crazy comment crowd that regularly exists for almost every single popular video on YouTube. Sexism is a real issue. A horrible Ghostbusters remake is frankly not a great platform for addressing it. It is a real possibility that sexism is the reason that the movie didn't do well. But there is really no way to prove that.
Star Wars VII and Mad Max: Fury Road had a similar vocal minority of racist/sexist idiots commenting about it, but those movies were good and in franchises where people actually wanted a new movie. I think it is entirely fair to criticize the media portrayal of the Ghostbusters fanbase in this very specific case.


Every time they bring up being lumped in with the crazy people the tone is very obviously sardonic mock outrage.

You're probably right. It's just so hard to know when someone is being sarcastic for comedic effect and when it's genuine sarcasm. Like the first comment from Jay: "Why the Scientist has to be a man?" Which "side" is Jay making fun of? And how do you know? I mean he's clearly doing a bit there, but I have no clue how to read it.
You're probably right. It's just so hard to know when someone is being sarcastic for comedic effect and when it's genuine sarcasm. Like the first comment from Jay: "Why the Scientist has to be a man?" Which "side" is Jay making fun of? And how do you know? I mean he's clearly doing a bit there, but I have no clue how to read it.

Just from having watched all of their videos I think I have a sense for it and even I'm not always sure because of the purposeful ambiguity of a lot of their jokes/comments. It's definitely difficult to pick up on some times but I think they're really doing it for comedic effect especially since they're really into cringe comedy. There are instances though where in unscripted things they do seem really put off by certain depictions of women especially the over the top rape scenes in a lot of B-movies. RLM is a boys' club, though. I miss some of the female presence on their shows from time to time.


I clicked on the Ghostbusters thread because of you guys and now I hate everyone and everything, THANKS A LOT

If you hate the movie = you hate women
If you hate the movie but specify it has nothing to do with women = you're defensive, and you hate women secretly

I think we're entering the post-feminism era, where extreme feminism has gone too far and some people are turning on it. I don't want to be part of this civil war


This is a pointless message but I have to assume that if Mike, Rich and Jayfu were such monsters some postets paint them as, Jack wouldn't be there or their friend to begin with.
I clicked on the Ghostbusters thread because of you guys and now I hate everyone and everything, THANKS A LOT

If you hate the movie = you hate women
If you hate the movie but specify it has nothing to do with women = you're defensive, and you hate women secretly

I think we're entering the post-feminism era, where extreme feminism has gone too far and some people are turning on it. I don't want to be part of this civil war

Lets chillx what ever your oppnion(should stop doing this) it's really not that big of a deal it, and this thread is really not PC, as a matter of fact it's the only thread on GAF in which we can call each other idiot hack frauds, which makes it the best thread on NeoGAF. This is going to blow over by the time the next review is out.

Going to post my favorite John Stuart Mill quote as my final word on this "issue":
“However unwillingly a person who has a strong oppinion may admit the possibility that his opinion may be false, he ought to be moved by the consideration that, however true it may be, if it is not fully, frequently, and fearlessly discussed, it will be held as a dead dogma, not a living truth”


Lets chillx it's what ever your oppnion(should stop doing this soon) it's really not that big of a deal it, and this thread is really not PC, as a matter of fact it's the only thread on GAF in which we can call each other idiot hack frauds, which makes it the best thread on NeoGAF. This is going to blow over by the time the next review is out.

Going to post my favorite John Stuart Mill quote as my final word on this "issue":
“However unwillingly a person who has a strong oppinion may admit the possibility that his opinion may be false, he ought to be moved by the consideration that, however true it may be, if it is not fully, frequently, and fearlessly discussed, it will be held as a dead dogma, not a living truth”


you're a hack fraud

HA, gottem


This is a pointless message but I have to assume that if Mike, Rich and Jayfu were such monsters some postets paint them as, Jack wouldn't be there or their friend to begin with.

I'm sure we can find a clip of Jack making a single joke that proves beyond all doubt that he's a mouth-breather sexist pig too! Let the witchhunt begin.
I don't know if there's large negativity floating around somewhere, but...


... I think they'll be fine.

Speaking of likes/dislikes. The Ghostbusters 2016 is the Half in the Bag with the highest number or likes at some 21K as of right now. The Force Awakens only has 17.4K likes despite being seen nearly 300,000 times more.


The video was eh. I feel like scientist man is better at explaining stuff like the Terminator timeline.

I haven't been really following this Ghostbusters thing because it just looked like a crappy movie to me, but I was surprised to read in one of the links posted in the previous page where someone refers to the Angry VG Show as a "misogynistic web show" with a few charts that apparently prove this, all because he made a (pretty misguided tbf) video about not wanting to see Ghostbusters, and I'm just here like WTF is all this about?

I mean, I watched it a few times years ago when it was popular and I never got the impression that the nerd was a misogynist when reviewing old games, but apparently he was. And then, from what I get, some other prominent girl reviewer defended him on youtube and called it a witch hunt against him, and now she was also labeled an enabler/denier of some sort. Then she also came to the same conclusion as the RLM guys about Sony using all the drama for marketing purposes, and painting the movie as some sort of feminist movement even though it was just another crappy, lazy reboot to siphon money out of a dead IP.

You know what? Fuck that, I don't even want to go there because there's probably already pages and pages of discussions around that. I do want to say tho that I freely admit the RLM guys can have very uninformed opinions, and while no one likes to think they are sexist/racist/bigots sometimes there's a lack of self awareness with them which mixed with dry, sarcastic humor can go wrong. It doesn't help that they are mostly a bunch of white old farts, so their audience is probably as diverse as their group, and is hard to imagine them as progressive.

But hell, people are just too quick to trip over each other to see who is the first to finally denounce all these dudes, and suddenly sweeping associations with MRA groups are thrown around everywhere. I mean, I've seen how some of those MRA people really are thanks to all the gamergate stuff and they are nasty, nasty cunts. Like fuck man, if all it takes for those associations tob e made is a video like this, then really we should just assume the worst of everyone all the time. There's no fucking subtlety anymore, everyone that doesn't think like me must be some sort of terrible person then, Jesus.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
The major problem with the new video is that RLM just isn't equipped for this kind of discussion. They're a little too flippant and a little too focused on their own perspective to make a video that could engage someone with an alternative view.

So then what does the video become if just more shouting into the void? What was the point? We're they getting a lot of flak for savaging the movie?

Beyond that, they just present numbers without perspective. The kind of sampling they do is pretty useless without controls.

What are the comments on the Wonder Woman trailer like? How about Dr. Strange? How about another random, male-lead movie by another studio as a control?

I'm not trying to draw conclusions here, I don't know how those questions would be answered. Maybe Wonder Woman would be below the average of Ghostbusters. Maybe RLM would still be proven right. I don't know.

As-is, they put in a low amount of effort on a subject that just requires more than they usually are capable of giving.


wait... did anyone actually think they were making a serious case about the numbers?

i'm pretty sure it was all just for comedic purposes y'all

study shows i'm 96.7% sure of it


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
wait... did anyone actually think they were making a serious case about the numbers?

i'm pretty sure it was all just for comedic purposes y'all

study shows i'm 96.7% sure of it

Then what was their point? A significant portion of the video is devoted to it and it is somewhat central to their main point: that Sony manufactured the controversy.


wait... did anyone actually think they were making a serious case about the numbers?

i'm pretty sure it was all just for comedic purposes y'all

study shows i'm 96.7% sure of it

Yes. These are the same guys who EXPOSED Adam Sandler to the masses.


Then what was their point? A significant portion of the video is devoted to it and it is somewhat central to their main point: that Sony manufactured the controversy.

that there was some shenanigans going on around the whole "misogynist critics" angle and presented it in a funny way

Sometimes in comedy you have to exagerate and skew stuff your way to make it funnier, that's about it... I doubt the RLM guys actually think there are NO misogynist critics out there and that EVERYTHING about that whole mess was a conspiracy. They exposed Sandler the same way, as Sanjuro said, and nobody cried about it... we all understood that they we're pointing out stuff while making fun of it, and that was that

I mean if you took the serious accusation they put on Sandlers for cash, then I don't know what to tell you


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Guys, I don't need a comedy lesson. I know RLM, I know their style, I don't get offended easily (nor am I now).

Comparing this video to the Sandler video just doesn't grok because while the Jack and Jill reviews obviously had jokes and they were flippant in the usual RLM style, no one argues that their central point and the facts around it aren't accurate. The Sandler video makes a big deal about demonstrable things: the amount of product placement and the budget, which are compared to other movies in the video.

Peeling away the math they did in this Ghostbusters video leaves you with them just saying "It's not sexism, it's just a bad movie." Which is the point they already made in their review.

There's no reason for them to retread this subject, and especially no need to run the numbers they did if they weren't partially serious. Sure, they present their own opinions with jokes and just as flippantly as anything else, it's their style, but they can still mean the things they say and have a reason to make a 15 minute video.

And if they are trying to make a point here, well, again, they aren't particularly well equipped for this conversation.
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