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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls

I'm happy Mike enjoyed the new Star Trek so much. Hopefully this is a wake up slap so he stops recommending terrible movie that he sees as schlock when they're actually straight face garbage. I'd be completely dead inside too if I had to watch half the garbage they see in cinemas so I get it.

Also, isn't Simon Pegg a fan of these guys? I was wondering if he would ask Mike to help write the next movie, especially since he gave such a glowing review of this one. Would be pretty neat.

I would not be surprised if writers took notes from them for what to do and not to do in their movies.
I would really love a Ghostbusters 2016 Plinkett review, I feel there's a lot of material to be mined from it. I don't know who this Chris Struckmann guy is but he seems like a big baby.
I would really love a Ghostbusters 2016 Plinkett review, I feel there's a lot of material to be mined from it.

Totally agree, I would love to see them do comparisons of parallel scenes and go into why they worked in the original and why they fell flat in the new. The one I keep thinking about is the first "sliming" scene in each movie.

In Ghostbusters '84, the scene is not funny because Venkman gets covered in slime, heck, we don't even see the actual sliming. It's funny because the characters are funny, with Ray and Egon reacting with more excitement toward the supernatural phenomenon than with concern for their friend's well-being. Their actions are both believable based on what we've seen of them so far and continue to inform us about their characters. It's a character-building scene made funny by their personalities.

Ghostbusters '16? It's a scene of one of the girls having slime projectile vomited all over her for what felt like five minutes and then making a comment about how its getting in all the cracks. Which is funny because...uh, vomit and girly parts? Because the only thing funnier than puking is the fact that girls have more cracks than boys.

I'd love to see people who know movies a lot better than I do go through and do that with the whole movie.
Totally agree, I would love to see them do comparisons of parallel scenes and go into why they worked in the original and why they fell flat in the new. The one I keep thinking about is the first "sliming" scene in each movie.

In Ghostbusters '84, the scene is not funny because Venkman gets covered in slime, heck, we don't even see the actual sliming. It's funny because the characters are funny, with Ray and Egon reacting with more excitement toward the supernatural phenomenon than with concern for their friend's well-being. Their actions are both believable based on what we've seen of them so far and continue to inform us about their characters. It's a character-building scene made funny by their personalities.

Ghostbusters '16? It's a scene of one of the girls having slime projectile vomited all over her for what felt like five minutes and then making a comment about how its getting in all the cracks. Which is funny because...uh, vomit and girly parts? Because the only thing funnier than puking is the fact that girls have more cracks than boys.

I'd love to see people who know movies a lot better than I do go through and do that with the whole movie.

Agreed, the remakes' weird action scenes need to be discussed too. It was like they were trying to make a superhero movie towards the end, was such a weird shift.


We just need Plinkett in general
I don't care what it is at this point, it's been too long.

Id watch him review lawn mower parts at this point.


We just need Plinkett in general
I don't care what it is at this point, it's been too long.

Id watch him review lawn mower parts at this point.

You might get a kick out of RegularCarReviews then. I'm pretty sure there's a hint of Plinkett influence/inspiration from some of those
When we finally get a new plinkett review and it doesn't live up to the legacy someone needs to do a plinkett style review of plinketts new review.


Those would be great, there's some A-grade Zack Snyder quotes that could become the new "poetry".

for real. soooooooooo much behind the scenes material and interviews thanks to youtube compared to the prequel material he had to work with.

and snyder says some fucking duuuuuuuuuuuuuumb shit
The sad thing is Mike clearly doesn't have a passion for comics the way he does for star wars/trek and IJ. A ghostbusters plinkett review is likely since he's so passionate about the original film and he despised the remake.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Man he really caught some feelings over some harmless joke.

he just wants to show up on botw


Damnit I thought it was really going to be an hour.

Also, they really are masters at whatever it's called when you make a really funny joke right when it ends, surprising you even when you thought you figured what would happen.


Max Landis is a little too emotional in his statements sometime and that can make him look like a prick, but he's actually really smart

Chris Stuckmann is apparently just a prick

The Real Abed

Yes! I've been binging on Regular Car Reviews the past few days after seeing the review of the PT Cruiser on Jalopnic. Good stuff, just click on the first video and let the playlist roll.
Heh, this guy is entertaining.

Edit: Okay, I'm kind of addicted. I finished the PT Cruiser episode and moved on to the Police Interceptor episode from the sidebar, and am now on the first DeLorean episode. Of course the second episode is next. What have you done?


Jesus, dude. It's a minute in and I'm falling asleep. Get to the point

He saw the joke, and recognized that it was a joke. But he's a sensitive guy and it got under his skin and made him kind of uncomfortable. One day he had a case of the feels, and he was looking at the sign he put up years ago saying "Go watch RLM, they're awesome!" and he thought to himself "Do I really need to keep this sign up?" and he took it down.

Later he realized that he has a private message line straight into RLM, and he thought "Eh, why not?" and sent them a message saying "Hey, just wondering, do you guys hate me or something?" and they responded saying that no, they like him, and they explained the joke and apologized for making him feel bad. Now he's happy again because having confirmation that RLM knows he exists and actually likes him cheered him up.

Then the internet noticed that he had taken down his RLM sign (which he forgot to put back up again), and said "Oooh, it's on. RLM vs Stuckmann. Fight fight fight!" So he needed to stop and explain (he hadn't planned on saying anything about anything).
The good thing about RLM is that they are adults that don't get into embarrassing Youtube melodrama nor upload whiny videos justyfing themselves over redundancies.


If Wil Wheaton was a real Star Trek fan, he wouldn't have run crying to his dressing room after Shatner told him he'd never let a child fly his ship.
TBH I after I heard that story I thought Wil was a big baby, now I wasn't there, but just from the tone of the whole thing it sounded like Shatner was clearly joking when he said it. And then Wil had to go crying to Gene who made Shatner apologize. PUH-LEEZE, grow some skin, Whil.


Just saw the new Independence Day movie and I have to re-watch that HitB episode but I can't believe anyone could have anything positive to say about this piece of trash.


Subete no aware
Just saw the new Independence Day movie and I have to re-watch that HitB episode but I can't believe anyone could have anything positive to say about this piece of trash.
When I saw the scene with the boat, I laughed. It was exactly what they said it would be. lol


I had seen all of the Plinkett reviews but have completely missed out on everything else they have done, so this past weekend I've been starting the fantastic journey of watching all of their videos. I haven't laughed so much in a long time, this is some incredible stuff. I've missed out on so much over the years!!


I had seen all of the Plinkett reviews but have completely missed out on everything else they have done, so this past weekend I've been starting the fantastic journey of watching all of their videos. I haven't laughed so much in a long time, this is some incredible stuff. I've missed out on so much over the years!!

People glamour and drool for a new Plinkett review but Red Letter Media is so fucking much more. Even their commentary tracks on Bandcamp are worth a listen.


People glamour and drool for a new Plinkett review but Red Letter Media is so fucking much more. Even their commentary tracks on Bandcamp are worth a listen.

Definitely, so far the recap shows they've done have been my favorites, short snippets on noteworthy movies. I plan on picking up the commentaries, which of them is the best one to watch first? I'm thinking the Alien one.


Definitely, so far the recap shows they've done have been my favorites, short snippets on noteworthy movies. I plan on picking up the commentaries, which of them is the best one to watch first? I'm thinking the Alien one.

Watch them all but I personally love the Halloween and Alien ones the most. Followed by Jurassic Park and Terminator.


i dont know why anyone cares about this guy. also he seems pretty sensitive to an obvious joke

I'm shocked that anyone could even watch that video. I made it about 20 seconds, looked down at how long it was, and closed the tab. I could tell it was going to be some insanely long-winded whine about nothing.


Subete no aware
She was supposed to play Roz in Frasier.

They filmed a few scenes, and saw how badly she clashed with her goofy cuckoo cloud-esque personality didn't fit with the show.

She pretty much would have played Roz in the same fashion she played Phoebe in Friends.

Oh wow, that would have been terrible.


you can't put a price on sparks
I'm shocked that anyone could even watch that video. I made it about 20 seconds, looked down at how long it was, and closed the tab. I could tell it was going to be some insanely long-winded whine about nothing.

i question it further than that -- why does anyone actually care? he's not even that interesting of a personality. maybe his reviews are good/funny but its not like a written narrative is the same as a cell phone blog video thing


So not worth it
i question it further than that -- why does anyone actually care? he's not even that interesting of a personality. maybe his reviews are good/funny but its not like a written narrative is the same as a cell phone blog video thing

Guy has 700k subs, more than RLM, so I dunno, I'm sure someone cares.

The Real Abed

Stuckman is okay.

RLM is better.

But I watch a LOT of people on YouTube of all kinds.

If I don't like someone's style, I just don't watch it.
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