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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls


She was supposed to play Roz in Frasier.

They filmed a few scenes, and saw how badly she clashed with her goofy cuckoo cloud-esque personality didn't fit with the show.

She pretty much would have played Roz in the same fashion she played Phoebe in Friends.

Dodged a bullet.
I was a Friends fan as a kid, but rewatching it now (they air it sometimes on TV) it's pretty lame, i have to say.
Frasier is still funny tho.
Had the pre rec stream open while I was doing something else, rich is contemplating shaving his head but decided that if he did jack and him would look like they were in a cult.


Two points:

1. I kinda feel they are right.
I don't think this is an issue worth discussing, but...
What happened to Rich's weight loss? He definitely looks like he regressed.


I'm surprised they made this video since Jay said on stream that they just wanted to distance themselves from the movie. And Rich and Jack seemed to agree. And then they talked about Stranger Things and how awesome it is.

I am surprised they didn't bring up the Red Tails connection and how everyone tries to rally behind a movie and cause but it's a big poopy mess.


I'll be working my way through everything for a while since I'm new to their stuff, but by far my favorites are always Wheel of the Worst. As a torture device for the modern age, it has led to some incredible moments.


It might be that I'm just so damn done with the whole subject of Ghostbusters being used to peddle petty agendas, but I didn't like this all that much. The humor was falling flat for me.
Man, I was really hoping they'd keep more restraint on Scientist Man. His first appearance was amazing, he was great as a cameo in that Dangerous Men BotW, and he was in a different BotW (the Jar one, I think?).

But...it's a pretty good video. Especially Jay laughing lol.


Ghostbusters video was great. That Bill Murray clip was painful to watch. Never knew about that whole situation. Pretty fucked up.
Oh for fuck sakes. So sick of their self-defensive "I must be a SEEEEXIST" jokes. It's not funny in light of the other shit going on towards the cast.


It might be that I'm just so damn done with the whole subject of Ghostbusters being used to peddle petty agendas, but I didn't like this all that much. The humor was falling flat for me.

swing and a miss on this
what are they doing?

Despite the fact that I feel they are mostly correct, I can't help but say that this video itself was not needed at all. I mean sure these feminists certainly painted their picture with a really fucking large brush but I'm not so sure that's even a problem compared to what actually happened.

After thinking about this whole thing for a few minutes I genuinely feel like they just fell in the same pit they were criticizing. They should have moved on, but Mike and Rich have always had a really big hate boner for social justice agendas so they couldn't. They probably spent a few days thinking how to deliver this message and instead of realizing it's impossible they just went along with it.

Ray Down

Despite the fact that I feel they are mostly correct, I can't help but say that this video itself was not needed at all.

After thinking about this whole thing for a few minutes I genuinely feel like they just fell in the same pit they were criticizing. They should have moved on, but Mike and Rich have always had a really big hate boner for social justice agendas so they couldn't. They probably spent a few days thinking how to deliver this message and instead of realizing it's impossible they just went along with it.

But in a stream Rich seem to agree they should lay of it, at least that what an earlier comment says.

Either they film it after the fact, but late felt it was a mistake or Mike talk them both into it.


will gain confidence one day
They're probably mostly right, but they're definitely missing part of why people want a tentpole movie led by women to be successful.

Mostly though they just come off as needlessly defensive here.
I had to turn it off halfway through. It's random conjecture and half-baked conspiracy that you see on MRA channels where people connect the dots to paint female game developers or journalists in a bad light without none of the RLM humor.

All along they've gone out of their way to ignore, excuse, or downplay the sexist stuff. There were people who were negative and cautious about a new GB film, but as soon as it was announced it would be all female, everything went to shit; not before and certainly not just with the trailer. Yeah, I didn't like the movie either, but I'm not ignoring or downplaying the disproportionate hate that this movie and lots of female centric media gets by men on the internet. Here's a look on men going out of their way to give poor ratings to women tv shows**, and then go look at the gender breakdown for the new Ghostbusters film.

I thought Mike's stupid comment in The Instant Adoring Boyfriend video about "reverse sexism" was bad, and then there was the dumb "sensitive Joss Wheadon" joke in the Avengers review, but now they're just steering the ship into the the stormy waters of dumbfuckery.


**Then again, looking at the chart in the article, maybe I shouldn't be surprised.
Just an update for those who actually look at the OP:

1. I've added re:View and links to the videos.

2. I've started adding in Half in the Bag links with pictures. It is not easy (they're on episode 111!!!) so I'll be doing it in chunks off and on. Until the pictures show up, the "20XX Episodes" banners will link you to it.

3. I'll probably break out the Pre Rec stuff into it's own post (if a mod can help me!) because I don't even really like PreRec so I'd rather not bother updating it...


God damn that Bill Murray clip was painful. Poor guy.

I was never that bothered either way about the film but if that's true I really fucking hate the producers now.
They should of probably drop it, The video seemed really petty.
I think some arguments can be made on why it was important to make a big deal out of that minority.

I had to turn it off halfway through. It's random conjecture and half-baked conspiracy that you see on MRA channels where people connect the dots to paint female game developers or journalists in a bad light without none of the RLM humor.

I think comparing them to MRA is a bit much. I prefer them having some wrong opinions, then being part of the shit-tier echo chamber which is most of the content out there.


Subete no aware
Yeah this seemed so pointless and feels like something one of those youtube channels that have to put out a video each day would release.


I'm surprised they made this video since Jay said on stream that they just wanted to distance themselves from the movie. And Rich and Jack seemed to agree. And then they talked about Stranger Things and how awesome it is.

I am surprised they didn't bring up the Red Tails connection and how everyone tries to rally behind a movie and cause but it's a big poopy mess.
What vid has them discussing Stranger Things?
Yeah, it seemed weird to make this video specifically about GB, but the idea of a marketing pitch for 'goodwill by default' is interesting at least. It does ignore the actual alt-right asshole shit though, so that's where it felt dangerously close to going off the cliff. Hopefully we're getting a BotW this week to wash it down. I don't have a skull filled with vodka to do that.
I think the point they were trying to make is that the mysognistic haters were a very vocal minority were terrible and the people who attempted to group everyone who hated it into that group and politicalize a mediocre advertisement in the form of a comedy were also terrible. The truth is that most people didn't follow and didn't care they either didn't care to see the film or likely found it mediocre/bad.

Was the video needed? Not at all. Did the video reveal anything new? Only in that it calculated out the % to show what most people in the middle already concluded, that the controversy on both sides was blown up by both sides.

I have been amused that when the film did decent on rt one side tried to spin it as reviewers pushing an agenda and blah blah blah and then when the box office numbers came out and the film has basically bombed the other side is trying to spin the numbers pushing an agenda. In the end Rich was right in the HitB video, in 6 months nobody will care about this movie just like they don't care about the robocop or total recall remakes.


I thought it was funny and while I've said it before that they're hand waving the sexist parts down a little, they're probably bothered by the idea that the movie Itself doesn't matter and it was all about the narrative that took hold before it came out. Grouping people that don't like the movie or thought the trailer looked like trash with all the misogynists that lurk around in every corner of the Internet was supposedely used to get good word of mouth for the movie that was going to get bad word of mouth based on the content of the movie.

Oh boy, somebody made a thread about it.


Yeah this seemed so pointless and feels like something one of those youtube channels that have to put out a video each day would release.

I don't think it felt pointless. I think they just pointed out that people either wanted to like the movie for reasons other than it being a good product.

Everything about the production of that movie and the marketing just felt odd.

I'd be curious how a movie like this would have done if it wasn't a cash grab to revitalize a film franchise to make twinkies and juiceboxes. People have to be sick a little of reeboots and other stuff.

Did recent female starring comedies get backlash like this from the general public?

Trainwreck and Sisters come to mine. People seemed to like them.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Yeah a big miss for me. Would have been way more interesting if they picked it apart like they did for Prometheus on why the humour didn't work, but I guess they already did that in Half in the Bag.


Oh for fuck sakes. So sick of their self-defensive "I must be a SEEEEXIST" jokes. It's not funny in light of the other shit going on towards the cast.
I agree.
Thev trailer was shit, plenty of people said that without being called women haters, the passive aggressiveness is just pathetic now, especially since the whole ordeal is basically done.

The twinky joke was funny, tho.


I don't think it felt pointless. I think they just pointed out that people either wanted to like the movie for reasons other than it being a good product.

Everything about the production of that movie and the marketing just felt odd.

I'd be curious how a movie like this would have done if it wasn't a cash grab to revitalize a film franchise to make twinkies and juiceboxes. People have to be sick a little of reeboots and other stuff.

Did recent female starring comedies get backlash like this from the general public?

Trainwreck and Sisters come to mine. People seemed to like them.

Bad Moms is taking over the world!


Subete no aware
I don't think it felt pointless. I think they just pointed out that people either wanted to like the movie for reasons other than it being a good product.
They already made the point in their review though. To make a separate video just seems like one of those clickbaity things that I see on other channels and I guess I expected better out of RLM.


I think the point they were trying to make is that the mysognistic haters were a very vocal minority were terrible and the people who attempted to group everyone who hated it into that group and politicalize a mediocre advertisement in the form of a comedy were also terrible. The truth is that most people didn't follow and didn't care they either didn't care to see the film or likely found it mediocre/bad.

Was the video needed? Not at all. Did the video reveal anything new? Only in that it calculated out the % to show what most people in the middle already concluded, that the controversy on both sides was blown up by both sides.

I have been amused that when the film did decent on rt one side tried to spin it as reviewers pushing an agenda and blah blah blah and then when the box office numbers came out and the film has basically bombed the other side is trying to spin the numbers pushing an agenda. In the end Rich was right in the HitB video, in 6 months nobody will care about this movie just like they don't care about the robocop or total recall remakes.
This is all correct.
I think the point they were trying to make is that the mysognistic haters were a very vocal minority were terrible and the people who attempted to group everyone who hated it into that group and politicalize a mediocre advertisement in the form of a comedy were also terrible. The truth is that most people didn't follow and didn't care they either didn't care to see the film or likely found it mediocre/bad.

Was the video needed? Not at all. Did the video reveal anything new? Only in that it calculated out the % to show what most people in the middle already concluded, that the controversy on both sides was blown up by both sides.

I have been amused that when the film did decent on rt one side tried to spin it as reviewers pushing an agenda and blah blah blah and then when the box office numbers came out and the film has basically bombed the other side is trying to spin the numbers pushing an agenda. In the end Rich was right in the HitB video, in 6 months nobody will care about this movie just like they don't care about the robocop or total recall remakes.
Spot on post.


You don't get to bring friends.
Rich was dead on about this being forgettable in 6 months.

Heck I had to remind myself that the point break remake was only 6-7 months ago and I had completely forgot it existed
I think the video's undone a bit by handwaving the stuff outside of the trailer away, like the Leslie Jones stuff (which I doubt was their intention, but the tone makes it easy for people unfamiliar with RLM to assume the worst). Like the ComicBookGirl video on the exact same topic, there's this weird trend to ignore the reaction to Fembusters leading up to the trailer since it's harder to work in the 'Sony spun controversy to market a shit movie' angle during that time period. CBG19's video was quite a bit less passive aggressive, more informative and way less ignorant of the abuse being hurled around this film at least.

The percentage breakdown on the trailer is pretty interesting and I definitely agree a ton of innocent people got judged under a broad stroke, but RLM's pandering to their main audience a bit here after their review was far more entertaining and conclusive.

Dunno what the other thread is talking about RLM being transphobic and whatnot though. I don't blindly agree with the video either but claiming they're secret alt-righters is a bit much.
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