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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls

the previous best gifs were


Sam Raimi, for example, made Evil Dead back when he was a novice filmmaker, and it was creative and whatnot and showed that Raimi had a good grasp of the fundamentals. After he matured as a filmmaker and had access to the kind of money he never had starting out, he went back and took another swing at Evil Dead, and most people would probably consider that to be the definitive Evil Dead and would forget the original ever existed (outside of the true enthusiasts) if it weren't for Raimi confusingly calling his remake "Evil Dead 2".


You know, having seen these movies as part of the VHS Russian Roulette known as renting VHS tapes in an actual store I always though '2' was just some asshole making the exact same movie, shot for shot. I never knew this. I really didn't. But I remember thinking: "why is this the exact same movie as the first?". It definitely showed progress in special effects though, so he at least succeeded in that. Army of Darkness is where shit actually gits gud tho.
But Hollywood seems to be producing arrogant filmmakers, and once they reach some level of competency they think that since they have access to a tool that wasn't available before (CG), they must be able to do better than previous generations. They even have the advantage of being able to study the previous work and steal from it be inspired by it. But more often than not, all they seem to create is a wet fart.

It's like, in the future some arrogant hack is going to seriously believe they can beat James Cameron's Titanic, and people are going to point out how ridiculous it is to try and compare yourself to an original of that caliber, and somebody's going to defend it because technically Titanic wasn't an "original", there were other attempts before James Cameron, and if nobody tries to copy James Cameron, then where is the next James Cameron going to come from? Filmy McNotalent has just as much right to try and be the next James Cameron as anyone else does.
I really really really doubt it's an arrogance thing. I really really doubt people are making these movies thinking they're going to top the classic. It's more of a "known name + cool/classic idea + CGI" thing
You underestimate the measure of the average ego (particularly in the movie industry, where everyone is 'the best' and critics are 'haters' all) combined with an unpleasant degree of stupidity.


Sam Raimi, for example, made Evil Dead back when he was a novice filmmaker, and it was creative and whatnot and showed that Raimi had a good grasp of the fundamentals. After he matured as a filmmaker and had access to the kind of money he never had starting out, he went back and took another swing at Evil Dead, and most people would probably consider that to be the definitive Evil Dead and would forget the original ever existed (outside of the true enthusiasts) if it weren't for Raimi confusingly calling his remake "Evil Dead 2".

I always saw Evil Dead 2 as a pseudo sequel/remake/parody hybrid. Which for me fits right in with just how awesomely weird the series progression is.


I was really excited for the 1.0 update of Starbound, but I have to admit, it didn't hook me either. I got past the first boss and did an optional one, kept doing quests, and just kinda realized I didn't care about progressing anymore.

And I fucking loved Terraria. I don't know what it is about the mechanics of Starbound. Maybe I need to try building something.


I was really excited for the 1.0 update of Starbound, but I have to admit, it didn't hook me either. I got past the first boss and did an optional one, kept doing quests, and just kinda realized I didn't care about progressing anymore.

And I fucking loved Terraria. I don't know what it is about the mechanics of Starbound. Maybe I need to try building something.

Yep. Good thing 1.0 came out so suddenly for me, didn't have time to get too excited about it. Played it for like 5 or 6 hours and realized I just wasn't having fun. I kept going through the same-y planets with their same-y dungeons, beating up enemies that were different but still the same, very rarely actually finding any interesting items. The best things about Terraria were the fact that you don't ever leave your world, so building a shelter in the beginning will benefit you for the rest of that save, and that none of the loot was randomly generated. You felt like you're actually making progress all the time, getting better armor, new weapons and tons of interesting items and accessories that have a large effect on how your character plays.

I doubt anything will beat Terraria for me in the 2D-minecraft-lite-also-loot-yadda-yadda genre. It's not just because it was the first, it's still simply the best one I've played.

Hell, I should boot up Terraria again one of these days.
Mike wearing a Space Invaders shirt. Does that mean he is being replaced by Rich?

A Denise Crosby movie is the first choice... featuring Wilford Brimley.. This is going to be good.

Skateboard Kid
is a classic... I have seen this one many times.


The chat kept recommending it to them.

The chat is very hit or miss. There are some games I'd like to see played, but not necessarily them playing it. My favorite streaks were games they can keep their brains a bit unfocused and able to discuss other things in full.

Or give us more OctoJay.


That was a very fast paced BotW. I felt like I laughed too much and missed half the jokes.

I'm glad Plinketto is sticking around, I really want to see them seeing that Jesse Ventura movie and Deathstalker 2.


I started watching BoTW this year and watched the entire play-list from newest to oldest. This is the first new episode since I watched the first ever episode. I expect the hair evolution to be jarring.


"Mommy, where do babies come from?"

"Well you see sweetie, when a man gets fat enough that his armpit flaps look like a set of buttocks..."


I was high when I watched Plinketto #2 but tell me they had done that skating movie somewhere before? I feel like I went back in time or something.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I was high when I watched Plinketto #2 but tell me they had done that skating movie somewhere before? I feel like I went back in time or something.

It's probably because we've all had the Dom Deluise fold fucking conversation at some point in our lives.
I was high when I watched Plinketto #2 but tell me they had done that skating movie somewhere before? I feel like I went back in time or something.

To mt knowledge that is the first time that they covered that movie. But I know it has been reviewed by other people before, like Jon Tron.

Skateboard Kid is a movie that I have seen multiple times without actively wanting to see it. It was a movie that would get a lot of air play on Canadian TV when I was in my teens.

That Dom DeLuise talk came out of complexly left field.

I'm surprised that there wasn't more of a battle for Repo Jake.

Also, great google earth abilities with mike looking up the location of the office being used for the majority of Repo Jake.
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