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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls



I made a vow to never watch Titanic.

I have stayed true to that vow for 15 years.

That doesn't mean I can't watch this review, though!

The Real Abed

I am watching right now, and you know what... I think I might spend the rest of my awake hours watching the Star Wars reviews. Or maybe Star Trek. Or maybe all of them.


Kills Photobucket
I never want to be told that the Fleshlight call wasn't real.

Oh god. Is he going to review Star Trek V? Oh please oh please oh please!!! Do them all! But especially 1, 3 and 5 for bad reviews. Then later 2, 4 and 6 for good reviews.

he said in his 2009 Star Trek review that he actually liked the first one.

The Real Abed

he said in his 2009 Star Trek review that he actually liked the first one.
He said Star Trek 1 is his favorite in the series, along with 2009.
See, that's why I need to rewatch these reviews. I forgot he liked the first because he liked his sci-fi slow and action fast. Still, I'd love to see reviews of all 6 of them for better and for worse. Especially since my favorites are 4 and 6. And I like 5 for its stupid moments like Scotty getting beamed... get it? GET IT? BEAMED! IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE HE HIT HIS HEAD ON A BEAM IRONICALLY!!!


First Trek is my favorite too.

I like how part 1 is more of an analysis of the hoopla surrounding the film Titanic and part 2 is setup for a kill shot. I always know most of the films that he negatively reviews are bad before watching, but he points out things that I don't even notice. The script is bad and the delivery on a lot of the lines is even worse.

The mildly depressing ending to the review was just what I needed.

The Real Abed

First Trek is my favorite too.
I like it very much but damn does it feel like a typical '60s or '70s sci-fi movie. The long-ass scene with the captain flying to the ship especially where they play the entire theme song. Slow shots still on an actor doing nothing like Spock floating out in space towards the V-Ger entrance. Thankfully sci-fi changed by the time the second one came along. They were better off for it. 2 is amazing. And 4 is one of my favorites ever. And 6 was just perfection.

I want reviews of them all.


I'm just mad that I've never been a Trek fan and the 2009 movie is the only one I've watched so if he ends up doing that I'm gonna miss out on much of the shit-flinging.

It's not even a fun-bad movie, it's just bad. All I really remember is the crew sitting around a campfire singing "Row Your Boat" and Spock flying around on rocket boots.

nick nacc

I love rlm. But this is my least favorite review he's done. It was good but lacked the holy shit your right moments. And I didn't buy his explanation as to why Leo is a bad actor. Eh


I love rlm. But this is my least favorite review he's done. It was good but lacked the holy shit your right moments. And I didn't buy his explanation as to why Leo is a bad actor. Eh

I thought the Mexican laborers was kind of an oh shit moment. Also, that conclusion about familiarity was spot on.

nick nacc

I thought the Mexican laborers was kind of an oh shit moment. Also, that conclusion about familiarity was spot on.

That was pretty good. The insane similarities of some scenes from the tv special was cray.the depressing societal things were good too, but somehow felt not in character to me coming from plinket, I know that sounds stupid (it probably is) I cant be the only person who enjoyed it but was kind of waiting for more. I mean Kingdom of the crystal skull had satisfying depth that i felt this one lacked.

I really hope he does a matrix sequel one (too easy) but one I am PRAYING FOR is for him to do a Lord of the rings series review, I think fellowship of the ring is one of the most perfect movies I have ever seen, it's just incredible how it NAILED every scene possible, yet the two towers and return of the king RARELY hit those notes again. I want him to destroy them, and help me understand why they were so disappointing to me.


I love rlm. But this is my least favorite review he's done. It was good but lacked the holy shit your right moments. And I didn't buy his explanation as to why Leo is a bad actor. Eh

This review made RLM go up in my eyes. It's good to know that Mike is a bit of a history buff.


That's was pretty good. The insane similarities of some scene was cray.the depressing societal things were good, but somehow felt not in character to me, I know that sounds stupid. I cant be the only person who enjoys it but was kind of waiting for more. I mean Kingdom of the crystal skull had satisfying depth that is felt this one didn't.

I really hope he does a matrix sequel one (too easy) but one I am PRAYING FOR is for him to do a Lord of the rings series review, I think fellowship of the ring is one of the most perfect movies I have seen, it's just incredible how it NAILED every scene possible, yet the two towers and return of the king RARELY hit those notes again. I want him to destroy them, and help me understand why they were so disappointing to me.

I wouldn't expect another Plinkett review for awhile though. :( Just enjoy this one for the meantime.
I wish he picked a film that was more outwardly bad.

Granted, I never cared for Titanic in the first place (largely for the reasons he described) so maybe this is better when you're of the opposite opinion?

Davey Cakes

It reminded me of the ST 2009 review, honestly. With having two sides, bad and good (likable and unlikable), and appealing to the average viewer.

He's pretty good at pointing out the pros and the cons and the reasoning behind them.

I never saw all of Titanic. Only the second half (back when there were still VHS movies and you had the switch tapes). Coming from my perspective, I never really saw any of the romantic parts, just the high-action parts with the ship going down. It's nice to have more perspective on the first half without needing to watch the movie.

James Cameron really is a genius, though. Not in terms of making his movies have depth (at least his newer ones), but by including elements that are hallmarks of great film making while also balancing this off with relatable material that will capture the mass audience.

So yeah, good review by Plinkett. Possibly better than his Crystal Skull one.
First time I ever heard anyone say DiCaprio was shit.

I think that he really softballed that issue. There was a lot of handwaving, and I would have liked to see him tackle some of his films (like "The Aviator", which I enjoyed quite a bit) instead of just saying "He's only good when he's retarded!". This review, while highly enjoyable, had a few instances of this kind of weakish argument.
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