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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls

Background guy is awesome.

"Why are we putting a force field around the warp core that will just fail the first time we.

*Enterprise gets shot at--*

"..oh there it goes."

"So you don't want us to shoot at the warp core, but instead shoot at the smaller, harder to hit target that's NEXT to the warp core?"


I like how he brings up that stupid room Picard takes the girl to in First Contact. The one that has no door entrance, nothing but a control panel that opens a window.


I like how he brings up that stupid room Picard takes the girl to in First Contact. The one that has no door entrance, nothing but a control panel that opens a window.

And that the "window" is opaque, not transparent, so you can't even see outside unless you open a hatch into the cold vacuum of space, and hope that the ship's force fields prevent you from killing yourself and everyone else on the ship!

Crawl through the tunnels -> Reach mystery closet room of makes no sense.


lol, the stream was shut down one hour into it:

Content from this channel has been removed at the request of the copyright holder. If you're feeling adventurous, start broadcasting and fill this space with your live video.


Do we know when the reruns end? Isn't it going to end with the new review?
Oh shit! Titanic!

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