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Red meat triggers toxic immune reaction which causes cancer, scientists find

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Some things are shown to cause cancer more often than other things. Therefore, all things cause cancer, so eat whatever you want, because you'll die anyway. Most of this thread:


Beef I'm already done with. Pulled pork, kalua pig, tonkotsu ramen, carnitas and tonkatsu I'll have a harder time giving up. But man, the last time I got a carnitas quesadilla and I saw all that fat sliding off the meat and out of the end of it, I was about done. Good thing I like chicken.
*in mice

Red meat is a good source of protein, vitamin and minerals, but an increasing body of research suggests too much is bad for long-term health.

Eat on folks, but like anything else, dont go overboard.
I'm pretty sure there is a study done by somebody somewhere that proves that everything except peas is unhealthy for you.

Honestly, I wouldn't go believing this without more evidence.

Peas are sooo gooooooooooood. Man this is the best New Years ever. Tasty food like chicken and peas being proven healthy, nasty ass beef getting the shit reputation it deserves.

Anyone eat brown rice + green peas + chicken curry or spicy tao chicken? These dishes are FOAT-tier, you will never even think about eating beef again.


Wait wait wait. Pork is considered red meat?

edit: Haha, never mind. I forgot that it was considered "white meat" as a work-around (as it finishes white).

I'm fucked.


Well I guess it's a good thing that I eat mostly white meat. But yeah everything seems to cause fucking cancer. My stepdad from 10 years ago was the very picture of healthy lifestyle. He did pretty much everything right and the doctors would have been proud. Well in the end he got testicular cancer which ended up killing him. I'm waiting for a research that concludes that today's raised awareness of all the things that causes cancer is causing a new type of perpetual stress of getting cancer that when prolonged actually causes cancer.


Well I guess it's a good thing that I eat mostly white meat. But yeah everything seems to cause fucking cancer. My stepdad from 10 years ago was the very picture of healthy lifestyle. He did pretty much everything right and the doctors would have been proud. Well in the end he got testicular cancer which ended up killing him. I'm waiting for a research that concludes that today's raised awareness of all the things that causes cancer is causing a new type of perpetual stress of getting cancer that when prolonged actually causes cancer.

You can do all of the "right" things and still get a "wrong" outcome. If anything, people should at least be mindful of the risks of red meat or what have you, but realize by existing in this universe, your form, your organism, is all but assured dissolution. Life and the cessation of life are both promised to what exists, and there is no escape from this acceptable game.
....How is this even possible? Why the fuck would a human body not want delicious beef in its tummy?

What were we suppose to eat? GRASS? Fuck.
So scientists are working on getting this missing sugar into some sort of dietary supplement pill so that we can all continue to safely eat steaks forever, right?


Sometimesbthis whole 'Don't enjoy what you like or you will get sick and die' seems to have a lot of similiarity to religious rules of 'Don't enjoy what you like or you go to hell'
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