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Reggie slams PSP "2 hour" battery!



This morning in Seattle, Nintendo made its most aggressive attack on Sony’s PSP project to date. Following months of staff members whispering to any member of the press that would listen, constantly sewing seeds of doubt regarding the Portable PlayStation, head of sales and marketing for the US, the infamous Reggie Fils-Amie, landed the first on-the-record blow.

“Let me tell you something,” bellowed Fils-Amie with something of a glint in his eye. “Those little women at the Tokyo Game Show with those portable consoles strapped to them… What you didn’t see is that those women were having to go recharge the batteries every two hours!”


aoi tsuki

“Those little women at the Tokyo Game Show with those portable consoles strapped to them… What you didn’t see is that those women were having to go recharge the batteries every two hours!”
If the game media was as pervasive as any other form of media, i think people would have a problem with that.


That's not fair competion (let alone that I don't think Reggie is sure of what is saying) but I guess things are getting hot :D :D :D
And for Nintendo this could be its most important console fight ever.
Or maybe those girls just didn't want to stand one foot away from and attached to smelly game journalists for more than two hours without taking a break... :)


Reggie doesn't follow no silly corporate PR..

He only kicks ass and takes names.


On a serious note, between Iwata and Reggie, I think Nintendo finallly has a backbone.


And for Nintendo this could be its most important console fight ever.

IAWTP, but I'll qualify it with saying that Nintendo will have only succeeded if they utterly crush PSP into the ground. Nintendo, IMO, can't afford any REAL competition in the handheld sector, and certainly not competition like they're seeing in the home console realm.


Still Tagged Accordingly
MaddenNFL64 said:
That's Japan saying that shit. Reggie knows whats going on.

"Put on your helmets boys, it's a war!"

aoi tsuki said:
If the game media was as pervasive as any other form of media, i think people would have a problem with that.
Goreomedy said:
They weren't little?
cja said:
They weren't women?
:lol :lol :lol
fugimax said:
On a serious note, between Iwata and Reggie, I think Nintendo finallly has a backbone.
Yamauchi was the only backbone Nintendo ever needed.


Ante Up
“Let me tell you something,” bellowed Fils-Amie with something of a glint in his eye. “Those little women at the Tokyo Game Show with those portable consoles strapped to them… What you didn’t see is that those women were having to go recharge the batteries every two hours!”

So, what is he saying, that the recharge time is about 5 minutes? :D


So, what is he saying, that the recharge time is about 5 minutes?

Yes, Sony has finally found a way of enforcing that warning in the beginning of all instruction manuals about taking a break every few hours while playing games.


mashoutposse said:
So, what is he saying, that the recharge time is about 5 minutes? :D

Of course that's absurd,in a 3 days show you can't go recharging the batteries every two hours :D :D


And even i am moderately surprised
"Yamauchi was the only backbone Nintendo ever needed."

by the end, it just sounded like he was an insane old fool.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Elios83 said:
Of course that's absurd,in a 3 days show you can't go recharging the batteries every two hours :D :D

Sure you could. They could have had more already charged in the back and kept a rotation going.

Scrow said:
Yamauchi was the only backbone Nintendo ever needed.

Yamauchi was too stubborn. He had too much backbone IMO.


And even i am moderately surprised
"yeah, but an insane old fool you wouldn't want to fuck with."

... Sir , we are making a mistake...

*snorts coke of a whores back*

Nintendo are in better hands now, Yamauchi wouldn't have been happy until he'd alienated EVERYONE.

aoi tsuki

Goreomedy said:
They weren't little?
cja said:
They weren't women?
jett said:
I dunno if they were little, but they sure were ugly.

Haha! :D

It was the phrase "little women" that caught my eye. It's valid in the context, although it still seems like an odd thing to say. Like "What you didn't see at E3 were all those fat guys who jerked one off to the pics they took of them with the booth babes... every two minutes!"


teiresias said:
IAWTP, but I'll qualify it with saying that Nintendo will have only succeeded if they utterly crush PSP into the ground. Nintendo, IMO, can't afford any REAL competition in the handheld sector, and certainly not competition like they're seeing in the home console realm.
PSP definitely won't be crushed 'into the ground', it already has too much industry support for that. I've also got the feeling Sony's looking at PSP as a longer term product than their console line (ie: we won't see a PSP2 in 5 years) while Nintendo's likely already getting the next GameBoy ready for release in a few years.

Then again, if PSP can only manage N64 level marketshare (30% worldwide) I think both sides would trump that up as a victory. And in a way, they'd both be right.

Elios83 said:
Of course that's absurd,in a 3 days show you can't go recharging the batteries every two hours :D :D
You can when only half the PSP girls are on the show floor at a time. ;)


At least he -- unlike the rest of Nintendo who seems to still be asleep at the wheel -- isn't denying that PSP is in direct competition with DS. Honestly, if the rest of Nintendo would go into this "attack mode" and stop trying to pretend that Nintendo is a god of its own market, then Nintendo as a whole would be better off.

But as long as people like Shigeru Miyamoto are making business and policy decisions, I can't imagine that happening. I know Nintendo recently lowered his responsibilities, but they really still need to take it down a notch. His place is in software, not hardware, not company policy, and not as a company spokesman.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Would be a much more compelling attack if he actually had proof, which I imagine wouldn't have been hard to have come by with a little preparation. Especially for a big Western man like Reggie who's got the silver tongue that could woo those little women into doing anything he wants them to ;)

Sho Nuff

What Reggie doesn't know is that all of those "little women" were third-dan black belts (to prevent people from trying to steal the demo units) and they could easily wipe out Mr. Fils-Aime's beer-drinking ass.


snapty00 said:
At least he -- unlike the rest of Nintendo who seems to still be asleep at the wheel -- isn't denying that PSP is in direct competition with DS. Honestly, if the rest of Nintendo would go into this "attack mode" and stop trying to pretend that Nintendo is a god of its own market, then Nintendo as a whole would be better off.
You realize SCEI is doing the exact same PR double speak/off the cuff attacks right?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
On the very same front page here at GAF we have two opposing threads... with two very different responses....

On this side we have the comments from Sony that the DS is for kiddies.... and so we have responses poo poohing Sony for making such comments.

On the other side we have comments from Nintendo slamming the PSP for a the 2 hour battery(which hasn't even been confirmed).... and we have responses that generally amount to yeah... Nintendo that's the way to do it, stick it to them!

<insert conclusion here>


head of sales and marketing for the US, the infamous Reggie Fils-Amie, landed the first on-the-record blow.

Nice to know that Spong knows the fucking definition of "infamous."

Someone get me a Sam's Club-sized rolleyes icon, please.


I'm waiting for Reggie to "slam" Kutaragi's wife, then go up on stage at E3 and brag about it. It could and will happen!


DarienA said:
On the very same front page here at GAF we have two opposing threads... with two very different responses....

On this side we have the comments from Sony that the DS is for kiddies.... and so we have responses poo poohing Sony for making such comments.

On the other side we have comments from Nintendo slamming the PSP for a the 2 hour battery(which hasn't even been confirmed).... and we have responses that generally amount to yeah... Nintendo that's the way to do it, stick it to them!

<insert conclusion here>

Hypocrisy is the lifeblood of fandom. Everyones just having fun anyway.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
On this side we have the comments from Sony that the DS is for kiddies.... and so we have responses poo poohing Sony for making such comments.

On the other side we have comments from Nintendo slamming the PSP for a the 2 hour battery(which hasn't even been confirmed).... and we have responses that generally amount to yeah... Nintendo that's the way to do it, stick it to them!
There's a third one as well, where everyone seems to be defending/agreeing with Iwata saying that DS is 'a toy'.

Noone cares as much for their precious company as Nintendo fans. Noone. It's quite sad, actually.


snapty00 said:
I have no idea, and I don't see what that has to do with anything I just said.
Well, it seems to be more standard industry practice than anything, much less an specific corperate flaw on Nintendo's part. Nintendo & Sony did the exact same thing with PS2 & GC early on actually.


Marconelly said:
There's a third one as well, where everyone seems to be defending/agreeing with Iwata saying that DS is 'a toy'.

Noone cares as much for their precious company as Nintendo fans. Noone. It's quite sad, actually.

Miyamoto said it, and I still say it should be called a doodad thingamajig.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
reggie really is the man....

I haven't seen such good old fashioned console flaming/bashing going on since Bernie Stolar was at Sega..


I was of the belief that everyone acted like an any idiot Reggie made some vicious comment. It's just... Tradition or something.
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