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Reign of Fear: A NeoGAF DnD 5e Play by Post Campaign

Yeah, I totally wasn't going to have the caster hurl a fireball at the pile of flammable substances to cover his escape before Thosar ruined things with his Command spell.
Funny thing is, Galen totally didn't jump to seeing if those would catch fire to use as the group's initial distraction because he didn't want to risk setting the forest on fire.

Sorry I haven't been able to give Galen's in-character write up; it's been kind of busy. Despite this, did Galen get to help Fhiess with the burial?))

Galen slides off the eagle, turning to it. "Thank you, my noble friend," he says, "you have been a great help to us in taking care of the situation here."

Whether he was able to help Fhiess or not, he finds Peaseblossom. [syl]
"Thank you for your help here, Peaseblossom,"
[/syl] he says, then he looks at the ground a moment before adding, [syl]
"It didn't exactly turn out as I would have hoped, and I have no idea how it would have gone without you."

((This bit with Peaseblossom can be in the timeline wherever it works best. I'm also assuming we cannot get the tiger to help pull the wagon for much the same reason as I wouldn't expect to keep the eagle.

So, are we going with the Thosar-approved circle of subdual on the dire wolf and tying it to the back of the wagon to have it follow along? We need to train it to take watch. And yes, we need to bring it along. The poor thing's an orphan, and the party is the only family it has.

Just in case it becomes relevant, Galen still had slightly over 59 minutes on his use of Hunter's Mark remaining at the end of combat. I figure it'll run out before anything turns up, though.))

Mike M

Nick N
((There's nothing that would have kept Galen from helping Fhiess burying the body, so if you want it, it is so. You're correct that the tiger isn't going to let you hook the wagon up to him, for a variety of reasons : )

The dire wolf is still hostile, and it would take a DC 25 Animal Handling check from one person (though others could lend aid) to lower it to indifferent, and a subsequent DC 30 check to make it friendly. It's not just some wild giant wolf, he's been specifically trained to obey the hobgoblins and attack others.

That said, he's eyeing the woods as though he'd run like hell if given the chance.))
<Once he's done burying the hobgoblin, Fhiess will cast Enhance Ability (Charisma) to give advantage to whoever is going to make the check, and has one more Bardic Inspiration to give to boost the skill check: 1D6 => (5) = 5>

Mike M

Nick N
((Also, I think almost everyone still has a point of Inspiration to get advantage on the roll, if not everyone. I want to say Ludwig burned one?))
((Yeah, I burnt it back during the first hobgoblin fight. Why I did that instead of using vow of emnity is beyond me. Anyway, Bless may still be in effect too if Galen or Nyx make the handle animal check. Not sure how their charisma modifiers are, but I figure one or both of them has proficiency in handle animal to make up for it. Otherwise, not much else for Ludwig to do but roll for an assist when the time comes.))
((Okay, what rules are we using for lending aid?

And Galen does not have handle animal, so it may be possible Nyx is better suited for this, though he can convey the group's intention -that they want it to join their pack- if they have not attacked it in the past ten minutes. Unless it is ruled that only Galen has to not have attacked it that recently, though I figure that probably will not be the case. (Page 4, Primeval Awareness, Paragraph 3) ))

Mike M

Nick N
((The help action isn't really well defined out of combat uses, hmmmm...

* Okay, Guidance, Bardic Inspiration, and Enhance Ability are all doing different things and can stack.

* A Help action would provide advantage, and therefore wouldn't stack with Enhance Ability.

* Helping requires an animal check DC 15. For each success, whomever is going to actually do the check can make another roll.

* Bardic Inspiration and Guidance are only good for one roll.

* Enhance Ability lasts up to an hour, so they'd have advantage on any additional rolls they get to make (so yes, functionally two rolls for every successful handle animals check from someone else).

Hopefully that's clear.))
((Just to point out, Animal Handling falls under the Wisdom attribute rather than Charisma. That gives Galen an inherent +3 to the check; maybe Nyx will beat that. Does Nyx have anything that might help further?

Also, would using Primeval Awareness to convey that we want it to join our pack possibly help?))
<Fhiess will cast the Wisdom version then, but I believe it still does the same thing, which is give advantage.

EDIT: Or Chrisma afterall, if Persuasion is Charisma>

Mike M

Nick N
((Well, Enhance Ability can be applied to Wisdom as easily as Charisma, but good catch.

More than ten minutes has passed since the wolf last attacked, so you would be able to use Primeval Awareness to communicate that you want it to join your pack, but you'd need to make a persuasion check to actually have any effect. You could use it in replacement of the Handle Animals check.))
((I was pointing it out more for actual rolls than for Enhance Ability, as Kittenmaster's desired effect was clear. Galen would likely fair better at Animal handling than at Persuasion, so that use of Primeval Awareness will have to be set aside either way, though I suppose it could be used for general interactions with the dire wolf should this all turn out, just because.

Just to make sure, the 25 DC has to be beat before we can worry about the 30, right? I'm fairly certain that's correct. Would it be correct to assume Thosar's Guidance can be reapplied after it is used for the 25 DC in order to use it again for the 30?))
((Just to point out, Animal Handling falls under the Wisdom attribute rather than Charisma. That gives Galen an inherent +3 to the check; maybe Nyx will beat that. Does Nyx have anything that might help further?

Also, would using Primeval Awareness to convey that we want it to join our pack possibly help?))

((I've got a +3 as well since i opted not to have animal handing as a skill for some reason, and druids get nothing to make it easier(i can only talk to small animals because I'm a gnome... I miss wild empathy). I could transform into a dire wolf myself, but I'm not sure if the makes me speak wolf or do anything else that might be helpful here. Don't suppose there is some in the UA book I am unaware of that might help?))
((With jack of all trades, Fheiss may be as good or better than both of our nature focused characters at this task. I think the aid action is going to be our best bet. I don't think we have a chance to actually succeed at a 30 barring the magic 20 roll.))

Mike M

Nick N
((As far as I know, there's no UA material that Nyx can take advantage of in this situation.

A D&D game where our ranger and forest gnome druid aren't proficient in Handle Animals.

What a time to be alive.))
((Wait, I just noticed the bardic inspiration. 5+3+d4+d20 is a long shot to make 30, but could get us to 25 for indifferent. Could we get the wolf to follow us while indifferent so we can work on getting him to friendly when we have more resources to do so? Maybe get him to follow with the promise of food.))
((With jack of all trades, Fheiss may be as good or better than both of our nature focused characters at this task.
<He can't benefit from Bardic Inspiration, so not really. Maybe he might be better on repeat tries.>
A D&D game where our ranger and forest gnome druid aren't proficient in Handle Animals.

What a time to be alive.
To be fair, Galen isn't exactly an "Animal Handling" focused Ranger; even if the Beast Master Ranger had been the most powerful kind of character available, he still would have gone Hunter. Though, yeah, Alternate Universe Galen Keene is a Beast Master with proficiency in Animal Handling.

Wait, I just noticed the bardic inspiration. 5+3+d4+d20 is a long shot to make 30, but could get us to 25 for indifferent.
Yeah, just need an 18 to pull it off if the d4 maxes for us. The party is doomed to be eaten.

Galen's best rolls have doom and gloom comments on Coyotecode. His worst had a silly comment turned self-fullfilling prophesy.

Could we get the wolf to follow us while indifferent so we can work on getting him to friendly when we have more resources to do so? Maybe get him to follow with the promise of food.
The party has food. Sagishi also has rope, and he doesn't even need a robe to carry it around. I think, if we can get the 25 using just Guidance, we may be able to double-down on Guidance and Bardic Inspiration for the 30, but we can't possibly do it the other way. It also seems we need to get the 25 before we can try for the 30.))
Keranos ventures near the wounded dire wolf cautiously, to try and gauge its friendliness.

"There there, boy..." He begins, reaching one hand out.

It responds by snapping at him. He pulls away just in time and backs up, scowling at it.

"I doubt we'll ever get this thing to like us," he says. "My inclination is to either put it out of its misery, or heal it up and send it on its way. Seems an awful lot of trouble to do anything else."

Keranos does not seem to bear the same sort of grudge against what he judges to be a wild beast as he did against the hobgoblin. He sees animals as he sees forces of nature; they are too wild and instinctual. To him, they cannot make rational decisions, and are therefore undeserving of judgment.

((If you guys want to get the wolf to like you, it might help to heal it first))
((Too bad primeval awareness is out, Galen could have sat that dire wolf down at a nice desk and conducted a business meeting on why it should usurp Ludwig as the animal mascot party member join us. But, you know, all animal-like. Anyway, Ludwig can't do anything but try and aid, so he'll go for that. Handle animal being wisdom based makes the aid a bit more a long shot, but here goes nothing!))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=146287]Aid (Handle Animal): 1D20 + 1 = [12]+1 = 13
In his time away from Baglahm, Ludwig has been treated as an exotic animal by more than a few people. While he himself is no animal tamer, he thinks back on what he found more and less annoying from such reactions. After a minute or two of contemplation, he speaks up. "Ok, if you're trying to win over the dire wolf, you probably shouldn't just run up and start rubbing its belly or legs. A little ear scratching will probably fly if you don't approach it like a jackass. It'll probably appreciate food, and for the love of Rand please don't start making baby noises at it and calling it stupid names like Mr. Schnuckum-poo."

After ending his piece, he is about ready to leave it to the others when he feels the need to add "Uh, I'm not actually certain how much of that will transfer to the dire wolf. I just know I found those annoying bits really grating when people decided I was some fancy, rare creature to gawk at."

((Yeah, healing it some's probably a good move.))

Mike M

Nick N
((At indifferent, he could possibly be convinced to follow if you left food out and made it easier to eat your scraps than to go hunting on his own.

Worth noting that thus far the magic bag of food has only produced fruit, bread, and cheese.))
((Protip: Animal friendship spell would be totally handy right now.))

Thosar casts a guidance spell upon the the brave soul who actually attempts to entreat with the beast.


((I don't think Sagishi has anything to help in the situation. Pretty sure charm person doesn't work on animals and even if it did the wolf would probably be even more pissed once the spell runs out. And his wisdom is a whopping 0 so...))
((Funny story. Galen could have had Animal Friendship or Speak with Animals, but they weren't mundane enough for him.

Clearly, Galen is going to be an issue.

It seems were the party currently stands is a +5, a +1d4, an enhanced ability, two unsuccessful attempts at aid, and either Nyx or Galen making the check on the puppy. If someone else wants to do so, their names could probably be easily put in the running.

Since Galen and Thosar were later additions to the party, would they not have inspiration? I never even considered that Galen might have it.))

Mike M

Nick N
((You know what, I think you're right. These inspiration point was from the festival competition to get in the delegation.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Okay, Spike Growth only lasts 10 minutes, so we'll just say that burying the caster happened after however the attempt to befriend the wolf works out.

Going forward with healing before trying will require something that works at range or taking damage from the spike growth area of effect to make physical contact. The spikes are the only thing him typing him from running away outright, so dropping it before trying would require some other methods of keeping him put.

Do we have any consensus for who is going to make the handling check? Looks like Keranos and Ludwig are out, and if Fhiess does it, it means no Bardic Inspiration boost to the check.))
((Okay, Spike Growth only lasts 10 minutes, so we'll just say that burying the caster happened after however the attempt to befriend the wolf works out.

Going forward with healing before trying will require something that works at range or taking damage from the spike growth area of effect to make physical contact. The spikes are the only thing him typing him from running away outright, so dropping it before trying would require some other methods of keeping him put.

Do we have any consensus for who is going to make the handling check? Looks like Keranos and Ludwig are out, and if Fhiess does it, it means no Bardic Inspiration boost to the check.))

((I do actually have ranged healing, its weak, but well thats the price for being ranged I guess. Of course I'm also the one holding the spikes and I forget how concentration works... i wanna say its fine if I don't cast another concentration spell but ehh, to lazy to look it up. Don't suppose anyone has a shrink animal spell? If we could just make it small talking to it would be no problem(maybe. that probably wouldn't work. if such a spell even existed and was low enough level for us to cast it).))
((Yeah, you can cast while concentrating. Just can't hold concentration one multiple spells. The roll is down to Nyx or Galen, since they've got the best wisdoms.
As for shrinking the wolf, I don't think there's anything short of polymorph that'll do the trick.))
When Keranos sees that the others have decided to try to heal and befriend the wolf, he channels his divine power through his out of body avatar and injects healing energy into the wolf. "There we are," he says.

((Cast Cure Wounds through my familiar to heal the Dire Wolf for 11 points))
The roll is down to Nyx or Galen, since they've got the best wisdoms.
As for shrinking the wolf, I don't think there's anything short of polymorph that'll do the trick.
So, what you are saying, if I am understanding this correctly, is that there is a chance they are not allowed on the same watch. We could also look into turning the wolf into a figurine. We wouldn't have to worry about a figurine running off.

Don't suppose anyone has a shrink animal spell? If we could just make it small talking to it would be no problem.

ThLunarian, how is Keranos' telepathic persuasion ability?

Just to make sure, here's my understanding of how this works:
Each successful help action adds a roll that can be used in this attempt,
Enhance Ability will double the total number of possible rolls,
Guidance can be cast again between attempts.

If it is between Nyx and Galen, I am not entirely sure on the best way to decide who gets the honor of trying to gain the group a giant wolf buddy. I will, however, say that Nyx might be more the kind of character to pull this off, but that would be up to DeadPhoenix.))
((The creature has to be able to speak a language for that to work, and also Keranos isn't really invested in making this happen so he's not going to act like he is. The healing spell was just to help out the rest of the party))

Mike M

Nick N
((Ooh, good thinking using the familiar to get in close enough to heal the wolf))

Just to make sure, here's my understanding of how this works:
Each successful help action adds a roll that can be used in this attempt,
Enhance Ability will double the total number of possible rolls,
Guidance can be cast again between attempts.
((This is correct. So far Ludwig and Keranos have failed their assist rolls, Fhiess and Thosar would be casting spells, and Sagishi hasn't taken an action.))

If it is between Nyx and Galen, I am not entirely sure on the best way to decide who gets the honor of trying to gain the group a giant wolf buddy. I will, however, say that Nyx might be more the kind of character to pull this off, but that would be up to DeadPhoenix.))

((It sounds like mechanically it won't matter who does it since your scores are even. Nyx might be the more flavorful option, but there's no bonus associated with it.))
The creature has to be able to speak a language for that to work, and also Keranos isn't really invested in making this happen so he's not going to act like he is. The healing spell was just to help out the rest of the party.
Okay, I knew it transcended language barriers, but haven't had time to double-check what you were using, if there even is another ability for it beyond what Keranos uses. I also wasn't sure if the healing spell signified a willingness to work on the goal of gaining a ferocious Steed of the Storm or not, though I'm not too sure if the party would even throw the wolf into combat if they could. Too much of a risk of losing it.

I will also join Mike in congratulating you on the ingenuity of channeling the spell through Keranos' spirit itself.

It sounds like mechanically it won't matter who does it since your scores are even. Nyx might be the more flavorful option, but there's no bonus associated with it.
Yeah. If Galen had no investment in this, I would have rolled for a Help Action already, as a druid makes a lot of sense for this, but since he does, it probably comes down to how much Nyx cares about having a wolf follow the party around. Galen is only really invested in this because
Fhiess got stuck on the idea of wolves when the party learned they were helping those who were trying to kill them. Were it not for Fhiess, Galen likely wouldn't care.

DeadPhoenix, you can read that too, if you think it might help.

As for food for the wolf, Galen does have a feature for gathering it, though, since it specifically states "forage," it is possible it wouldn't apply to hunting.))


((I guess Sagishi can make an assist roll and see how it turns out. What kind of check is it? Wisdom, like handle animal?))
((Fuck I'll just do it now to get it over with. Maybe Sagishi will help or not, idk))
Nyx walks over to the edge of her spike growth and tries her best to let the dire wolf know if he promises to be good(like not making any sudden movements or anything like that, she will remove the spikes.

Handle animal: 1D20+3+5+1D4 = [6]+3+5+[4] = 18
1D20+3+5+1D4 = [6]+3+5+[1] = 15

((i think i got all the bonuses right, but uhh... rolling sixes both times. Not great.))
I guess if we can keep the wolf around Fhiess could use his jack of all trade rolls to try to convince it that we'll feed it any kobolds that we encounter?>

Mike M

Nick N
Despite Keranos's clandestine healing of the animal's wounds and Nyx's best attempts to bring her knowledge and familiarity with woodland creatures to bear in convincing the wolf that the Endowed only wish the beast well, it remains incorrigible. It stands with its legs splayed and claws furrowed in the rich earth, careful of its footing among the magical brambles that surround it. It snarls and snaps at any that approach it; evidently the hobgoblins' training is sufficient enough that its loyalties are not so easily swayed.
I guess Sagishi can make an assist roll and see how it turns out. What kind of check is it? Wisdom, like handle animal?
Yeah, it was a Wisdom (Handle Animal) check, but it seems a bit late now. Keranos will have to kill this prisoner, too.

Which leaves the party with the ever important question of which way they shall go when they leave, which was touched upon earlier. Interestingly, it seems they may need to find a way past running water in every direction that would bring them out the the woods with relative speed, though it is possible the paths left heading out of the outpost will lead them to a crossing.

As far the heavy stuff Ludwig is now dragging around, it seems safe to say the party is keeping the inebriating substances for their own use, but what are the plans with the pointy sharp things? Would they be entering into a sort of Party Armory that gets thinned out as weapons are proven to have served their purpose? There is also the goblin quarterstaff. On one hand, it could prove useful for non-lethal dealings with goblinoids, but it still costs quite a bit.

Would we be able to bring some of the wood (crates or tower) for Ludwig to use as carpentry materials?))
Once Fhiess finally finishes patting down the dirt covering his opponent, he glances over to the wolf and watches Nyx try to reason with the large creature. He frowns when he sees the animal snap back and refuse compliance. He walks over, weary from giving the wolf's owner a proper burial, "Ah, what do we do? Even a canine as large as he is, is frightened of us after we killed his owners.."

<When would it be possible for Fhiess to try to roll a handle animal check?>
<Sadly that was my last cast of enhance ability for today>

Fhiess approaches the wolf the best he can, and tries to maintain composure, gently reaching out to let it sniff him. He speaks as softly as he can, "Ah, we don't wish to hurt you. Your master is.. away now, but we can take care of you. Surely if you went out alone, there would be nobody to protect you from being hunted. Please allow us a chance to show that we aren't merely a danger, but can work with you on our journey."

<1D20+1+3 => (2 + 1 + 3) = 6

Christmas is ruined>
((Does this mean Galen gets to try? He would, of course, require a casting of Guidance or an especially lucky d20 roll to succeed. It's just a shame this isn't made easier by his and Thosar's toying with the watchgoblin instead of killing it outright...)
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