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Reign of Fear: A NeoGAF DnD 5e Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
((Okay, no taming enemy mounts this day. Are you guys killing him or letting him go? Remember, he's likely to take off the moment the spike growth disappears.))

Visual approximation of current situation said:
((As amusing as it would be to pull a "Well,you couldn't call Ol' Yeller over, so I guess I just have to put him down right in front of you," I'm not playing an evil character any more. Let it run and be free it is!))

With the assorted attempts to woo the dire wolf having run their course, Ludwig offers a dismissive shrug. "Well, the trained warbeast doesn't want to be our best friend. Probably time to just let it return to the wild. Hmm, where were we going to get mass quantities of wolf food anyway?"
((Another option is to pull Galen's Hunter's Mark out from its languishing in Limbo (nowhere does it say it must be applied to a new target immediately) and place it on the wolf. The party could then track the poor thing to its frien- err *cough,cough* I mean lair.

That approximation is so adorable.))
Fhiess frowns, struggling to contain disappointment, "Then I suppose we should be a safe distance before we set him free. I wonder where it will try to go now that he doesn't have a rider to give direction?"
Thosar shrugs noncommittally.
"Same thing as any other lone wolf. It'd probably be a greater mercy to put him down since his entire pack is dead now. I doubt it will come for revenge later, if we leave it."

He looks toward the cart and the path leading north.
"In either case, we have more important things to see to. This volatile stuff in the crates, we have enough now to analyze it properly. I think it'd be best to burn the rest."
Galen shows a slight amount of disappointment at the large wolf's resilience toward any amount of warming up to them -or at least dropping hostilities.

"It is unfortunate that we could not gain its trust, to some extent," Galen says, his words a bit slower than normal. "I cannot help but wonder, if we followed it, where would it go? Have they trained their wolves to seek out a nearby outpost should one garrison fall? Or perhaps it truly is on its own now."

He turns to Thosar. "True, we do have more pressing matters right now. We may wish to bring a little extra of this substance..." his eyes trail to the crates sitting nearby, "I believe they called it 'Glurg,' with us, but I agree that it would do well to burn whatever of it we do not take." Galen returns his full attention to his companions.

"Are we planning to cut through the woods to the north, taking a more direct path toward Kingsword?"

Mike M

Nick N
Though the wolf is unable to understand the discussion that is taking place before him, he does seem to grasp on some level that the conversation has something to do with him and his fate. He stops snarling and carefully lowers himself to the ground to avoid the brambles, watching the debate with avid interest, if not comprehension.

How could you think of killing this said:
"Glurg? Does that not have a translation to common?" He wonders, "It must be a brand given by them, or even the brewers."

He glances to the wolf again, "I could be wrong but.. I think we made it calm down somewhat?"

He holds a hand close again to see if it will attack.

Handle Animal: 1D20+1+3 => (9 + 1 + 3) = 13

If it doesn't snap at him, he will suggest, "It may be safe to free him now."
"Very well, I've little interest in the mutt himself despite him trying to tear out ny throat earlier... Maybe observing where he goes will give us some insight as Galen said."

In reply to the ranger's comment, he agrees. "If we're able to strike a path directly to kingsword with your help to avoid hinderances, I think that would be best. We can load up whatever "glurg" we can and then go."

Mike M

Nick N
Despite his recently calmed demeanor, the wolf's lips curl back from its sharp teeth with a pointed snarl as Fhiess stretches out his hand.


((Sounds like the growing consensus is to let wolf go and take the trail north with the wagon load of loot?))
Nodding with Thosar, Ludwig says "Yeah, it'll go where it goes. It survived a battle with us where two of its kin didn't, so survival of the fittest may very well keep it going in nature, just as it does in the civilized world."

As the group speculates about routes and what to tow along, he'll add "Sounds about right, that makes more sense than zigzagging all over the place. Might as well take as much Glurg as we can with the booze and other goods, there's a convenient cart for lugging it along. We just need to figure out the best way to move it, best way to drag the cart along and...." There is a long pause as the J'raffa trails off. "Fuck, I'm going to have to pull the cart, aren't I?"


((Just dropping in to wish you all happy Holidays! I hope you all get to spent some fun and relaxing time with your loved ones!

I'm planning to do a little in-character post, but won't have time until Sunday.))
Fhiess quickly retracts his hand, "I suppose we should begin heading off before freeing him."

He starts to collect some of the discarded loot to fill his share of helping out, "Some of these gems are quite valuable! They make for jewelry that even nobles adorn that aren't cost inflated by powerful spells." He laments somewhat, "If only I was a jeweler, then I would be able to turn these into designs that sell for additional profit."
Galen crosses over the grounds toward the crates of the vile rage-inducing substance, patting Ludwig on the shoulder. “Unfortunately,” he says as he passes, a cheerful tone lacing his voice, “it seems so; those who will be capable of pulling the thing are in short supply to handle the demand.” He pivots on a step, turning around to walk backward, facing his companions, adding with a smirk, “But at least you will have no such short supply of intoxicating substances to make your legs and your tongue go numb.”

Galen turns back to the crates, bringing a hand to his chin. “Ludwig, what are your thoughts on bringing along the extra wood from the crates we won’t be needing? Might it be of use?”

Galen does not seem to react to Fhiess’ fascination toward the jewels at this time.

((Oh dear; we’ve got comical Galen now!

As far as I can tell, it seems the group is moving in a “let’s go north!” trajectory, though the immediacy of such travel may be open to questioning, as Thosar did agree that something might possibly be able to be learned from where the wolf goes. It is likely the wolf will just be sent off to run free without hinderance, though. And oh dear; am I (or Galen) veering toward a “pillage everything in the name of the free market!” style of adventioneering?

Also, now that I actually have a bit of time, I would like to wish you all a merry Christmas (as well as any other holiday you may be celebrating around this time). I hope you've all had a good Christmas, even if that wolf was intent on ruining it.))
((Belated happy holidays! The wolf did not in fact succeed in ruining it.

Yeah, Ludwig's contagious like that :p ))

For brief moment, Ludwig looks extremely offended, but it quickly passes and he shakes his head. "Yeah, I suppose you guys have got me there. This kind of manual labor isn't exactly uncommon J'raffa work, but lugging things is typically the domain of squires and similar jobs. I figured I'd be done with that once I was a full-fledged paladin, but hey, there aren't a lot of people my size around here, are there? I should have got a squire before setting out from Baglahm."

He shows approval at Fheiss looking to make money from the gems, and in response to Galen, he says "Eh, might as well nab it. I'm sure I can put it towards something or other for us."

Mike M

Nick N
Once the effects of Nyx's brambly enchantment fade away, the dire wolf turns tail in a single, fluid motion, bounding into the trees and out of sight in record time. Peaseblossom looks on after him, waving goodbye with a slightly forlorn expression on her face. "
" she laments, "
I thought maybe he would want to be my friend.

The sprite's melancholy is forgotten almost as quickly as it possessed her, and in no time at all she is bobbing to and fro, jumping on rocks and examining the grain of wood in the timber used to make the walls of the now-defunct encampment. Now that the threat has passed, it seems there's not much than can hold her interest for any prolonged period of time at the moment.

The Endowed salvage the hobgoblins' wagon and load it up with what salvageable materials they can find, along with the barrels of ale and a case of bottles containing the mysterious substance the goblinoids referred to as "Glurg." Being the closest thing to a beast of burden available, Ludwig shrugs into the harness and starts to haul it northward out of the compound.

The hobgoblins must have made a great deal of use of this route, for just beyond the tree line is a crude boardwalk. The planks of wood flat across the ground are not the smoothest road in Telmur, but it's still dramatically better than hauling a laden cart over uneven stones and tree roots. About a mile out from the structure, a rutted trail is visible leaving the plank road. It looks to lead up an incline onto a rise that has been cleared of trees, the wood either used to lay down the planks for the road or to construct the outpost.

For the short time that he was held captive, the hobgoblin did says something about delivering the animals to a rise. The road clearly does not stop here, however.
Getting what rest he can on the cart, Thosar recovers a small portion of arcane power. Once the group arrives at the clearing, he peers about it and toward the road that continues on. "I suspect this road goes on to another camp or perhaps the highway, eventually. I think we should follow where it leads."

(( He probably doesn't see much. Perception: 1D20+4+1D4 = [1]+4+[4] = 9))
Short rest for Arcane Recovery, gonna recharge 2 level 1 spell slots.))
Whenever the group is finally able to find time to rest, Fhiess begins to recall a story: "When I was young, I always wanted to have a wolf of my own when I saw somebody have one as a pet, but we weren't allowed to have any further pets after my father's kobold scratched my arm. We eventually had a goldfish, but it was little more than a house decoration and when it died, there was no interest in getting another and it became proof that I wasn't responsible enough to keep an even larger animal alive. I suppose I was too foolish to think that a dire wolf would let us keep it after we had killed its master."

<Song of rest: 1D6 => (1) = 1

Only one hit point, but it's a hit point filled with sadness and bitter tears>
“Yes,” Galen agrees, “it would likely be good to see where the road itself leads.” His gaze shifts toward the rise, and he adds, “However, it may be worth it to investigate this location quickly, in case anything of importance might turn up. If it is mearly a drop-off point as was indicated, it shouldn’t take long.”

((The time of comical Galen is over; now is the time of business!

If I may ask, are we including extra wood for Ludwig’s craft in the salvagable materials? We have the potential crate or crates to have torn apart while discarding the extra Glurg, and there is the chance something could be salvaged from the watchtower. If so, how much do we have? Galen needs to know for reasons.

Also, about the Glurg, did the party properly dispose of whatever of it was left behind in fire? It is the most effeicient way available to be sure.

Noisy Ninj4, Galen might like a Guidance for a quick trek over to that rise, should the group make a stop to look. And if it wouldn’t be a bit much in the way of cantrip abuse…

Nezumi, would you prefer for Galen to bring up longbow training or for Sagishi to do it? Either is likely viable, so it probably comes down to who does so first.

Also, the UA Natural Explorer has the ranger ignoring difficult terrain, remaining alert to danger when tracking, and moving stealthily overland at a normal speed. If something needs to be checked out, it may be worth looking into sending Galen given the current surrounding terrain. I suppose Galen can officially look at that quarterstaff after the group passes this rise. Should be fun.

And not to be Scrooge, but did Song of Rest require Hit Die expenditure?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Thosar's perception check doesn't turn up anything new, unsurprisingly.))

((The time of comical Galen is over; now is the time of business!

If I may ask, are we including extra wood for Ludwig’s craft in the salvagable materials? We have the potential crate or crates to have torn apart while discarding the extra Glurg, and there is the chance something could be salvaged from the watchtower. If so, how much do we have? Galen needs to know for reasons.

Also, about the Glurg, did the party properly dispose of whatever of it was left behind in fire? It is the most effeicient way available to be sure.

Noisy Ninj4, Galen might like a Guidance for a quick trek over to that rise, should the group make a stop to look. And if it wouldn’t be a bit much in the way of cantrip abuse…

Nezumi, would you prefer for Galen to bring up longbow training or for Sagishi to do it? Either is likely viable, so it probably comes down to who does so first.

Also, the UA Natural Explorer has the ranger ignoring difficult terrain, remaining alert to danger when tracking, and moving stealthily overland at a normal speed. If something needs to be checked out, it may be worth looking into sending Galen given the current surrounding terrain. I suppose Galen can officially look at that quarterstaff after the group passes this rise. Should be fun.

And not to be Scrooge, but did Song of Rest require Hit Die expenditure?))

((If you guys are taking the barrels, a crate of the Glurg, and the rest of the loot, there's not a whole lot of room left in the cart (you wouldn't even be able to seat anyone comfortably at this point). If you guys want to break stuff down and take the lumber, you can take as much as you want within Ludwig's weight limit (So at least a couple hundred pounds, I think). But at the risk of metagaming you'd be carrying around a bunch of extra weight when you could almost certainly buy what you need for a pittance compared to the payoffs you get from even the lowest-level encounters. Trade goods are cheap stuff in the D&D gold economy.

However you want to dispose of/leave the Glurg is up to you guys. If you want to just throw a fireball at a huge pile of flammable material loaded with glass and nails, that'd certainly be efficient, yes : P

And no, Song of Rest doesn't require Hit Die expenditure.))
((I see. And using the crate and barrels as some sort of chair wouldn't work? I could see the use of them as a chair going either way, honestly; it just seems like something that could be tried, as I imagine the barrels to be taller than the crate, and therefore able to be used as some sort of makeshift back. The wood is less to not have to pay for it and more to actually have it if Ludwig wants to use it, rather than having to get some at a more civilized stopping place. It could even be placed against the barrels to provide a more straight back to the chair, or placed under the crate.

I asked about the Glurg to be disposed of because Galen and Thosar had briefly discussed burning it, so that's more about what was decided than anything.

And Galen is certainly going to have a perception check; the nature of the check, however, depends on if the party stops to explore the rise or not.

EDIT: If anyone was wondering, the "Reason for Editing" section during editing does not allow for the use of HTML.))
<Thinking about it now, we still have empty containers of glurg that we were planning on taking to get researched. We could use one of the bottles to take some of the substance for study purposes and dispose of the rest.>


((Maybe we also take a couple of bottles that Sagishi can try and sell on the black market to maybe gather some more information on who is behind this.))
((True, we could take only one bottle, but I think the reason the party would take the whole crate is to have extra in case that one bottle, or even a few of them, won't suffice, for whatever reason. If everyone wanted, however, I am sure the party could have taken the extra time to try to make it smaller. Maybe half its size?

If that took an hour, it would also allow for a day's worth of longbow shenanigans.

If Sagishi wants to grab a couple bottles for black market use, it may be a good idea to not let the rest of the party know he's taking them; I'm sure at least some of them might not be too thrilled at the idea of the cranky juice making it to that particular market, regardless of what he hopes to accomplish. On the other hand, he may be able to convince them to go along with it...

Also, this is very important: Peaseblossom has opted to part ways with this band of fun people, hasn't she? Or has she not?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Like I said, if you want to take the lumber, you can. It wouldn't be a comfortable ride for anyone in the cart, but that wouldn't really have any impact on game mechanics. Besides, you all walked there in the first place and have a perfectly good wagon waiting with Barrow, so it's not like you would be hoofing it until you divested yourself of the goods.

Peaseblossom did wander off at some point and has not returned.))
Keranos eyes the hill with some interest. "We ought to mark this location somehow, so that it is easier to find later, in case it becomes urgent to take up this cause once more. I would rather we not dispose of the poison just yet; it seems to me that we possess a rather valuable shipment. Perhaps if word spreads of this shipment, it could attract attention. The sort of attention that would get us answers. I would sooner dump the extra lumber than dispose of these vials."

Mike M

Nick N
((Turns out it's difficult to find a D&D-related happy new year's picture that doesn't have a different year in it... Happy New Year regardless!

Now, are we taking a few minutes to check out the rise, or pushing on?))
I Think I Found a Workable New Years Image said:

((Galen is quite interested in checking out this rise. It shouldn't take long he says.

Since when does anyone believe a word Galen says?

ThLunarian, I just thought I might point out
that the out of character discussion is regarding disposing of any Glurg that does not get loaded on the wagon, as discussed, up til now, by Thosar and Galen, as, prior to loading the wagon, both suggested burning what the party does not take. I had asked about it because it was never actually resolved, and it is therefore an open question as to how the party handled this before leaving. Just thought I might bring it up to avoid some confusion regarding Keranos' declaration of intent to keep it all. Galen would want to keep this stuff handy as well, for practical reasons, so he is not advocating getting rid of what the party brings with them, though he may have been willing to take less than a crate.

We have a new wagon, so that must mean two words: War Wagon. Which means we will need to find something terrifying to pull it...

I should probably explain the recipient of the letter Galen has been writing. Back when I gave Galen's loose backstory, I hadn't actually solidified this particular character's role, as I wanted to make sure it would fit in with how Galen was being introduced to the party. As it turned out, there were no conflicts with what I had come up with and a tower crushing a city. Here's the scoop on Ellesmira: Galen, having retired from running around like he's doing now and settled down, is now married to a member of his old party who also retired, an enchantress named Ellesmira. I never pinned down her exact character, and she could be human, elf, or half-elf, depending on what you think is best; I have also toyed with the idea of fey ancestry for her, as it would also explain a few abilities Galen might use. They have at least one child, a daughter (more based on her mother than on her father, I would think). I did not really want to create a location for them to live unless it was in conjunction with you, and I don't know everywhere in the kingdom, so the location identified on the paper Galen handed Fhiess is not yet named, but is where they live.

Where Galen has the adventuring party in his past, I should also probably point out is intended as a more open hook for you to use, whether it be someone they did not get along with, someone who adores them, or members of the party itself. The adventuring party is open for pretty much whatever use, though I'll define stuff as the adventure goes along. Sorry it took so long for me to sit down and write that out.

Happy New Year, everybody!))
((Mike: Consider it sent. Because it is.

Noisy Ninj4: I keep forgetting my intent to ask, but you said Thosar could use a longbow until reaching 5th level; I take it the bow would be replaced by something better?))
If only Ludwig could spontaneously hit level 20, then he could take on angelic avenger form and be the most terrifying wagon puller EVER.

Ludwig is also interested in checking out the hill since we're already here. Not sure if he can actually go up there what with pulling the wagon, but I'd have to roll a nat 20 to get anything off perception Thosar hasn't already, so not exactly an issue :p))

Busy pulling the wagon along, Ludwig doesn't see fit to jump into the debate over carrying lumber due to the combination of its cheapness and the fact that he doesn't have to deal with uncomfortable riding conditions either way. As his last foray into contemplating the merits of discussing everything to death yielded no good answers, he leaves that business to the others.

As they reach the rise, he says "Marking it for later's good and all, but might as well check it out while we're here. I'm ready to get back to Barrow and resume with the larger task myself, but a few extra minutes won't hurt anything. If it's fucking nothing, oh well, off we go, but if it's a bigger lead into this whole feral animal ring, then hey, that seems worth it."
((I can see why you would drop the bow, than. And Thosar would likely not need to worry about the possible loss of range, either, as he could worry about other things.

Nezumi: Do you have any preference as to who brings up the idea of longbow training or when?

And for checking out the rise, should this actually be a thing...


If only Galen had rolled Ludwig's 20...))
Fhiess hms when Keranos suggests marking their position, assuming he means on the map, "Fair point, it may also be useful to mark the directions the outer routes going outward from here go on the map, so that we have more of an idea on where other bases may be."

He does not object to inspecting the hill.

Mike M

Nick N
The top of the rise is just barely below the tops of the trees below; it would be difficult to spot this point from below short of erecting some sort of flagpole or something of a similar nature.

There were trees up here, at some point, judging by pile of uprooted stumps that appear to have been tumbled down the other side opposite the boardwalk running through the forest. Whatever traces may have remained on the hill, however, look to have been thoroughly erased; the soil is largely broken and smells as though it has been churned with the voided wastes of the captive animals, though a layer of straw appears to have been spread over it at one point to help keep boots clean. There are clear indentations where the dirt is pressed and leveled, obviously marking the locations where the cages marking captive animals had been deposited. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to their arrangement, as though they were just dropped haphazardly and without care for their position on the hilltop.

Thosar's sharp eyes catch something moving in the underbrush surrounding the denuded hill. It looks like an enormous piece of cotton fluttering in the breeze, but upon examination it turns out to be a down feather of enormous size.
((I just figured I should drop in and note that Galen doesn't seem to have any actions worth taking quite yet, so that shall come later.

Also, when the party does take that short rest, Galen will be taking an official look at the quarterstaff, and he will have to talk with Fhiess after he tells his restful story.))
((Galen had been thinking of maybe climbing up for a look if the party opted for such investigation, unless that's part of the description of findings. In either case, if the party is done here, Galen will be too.

Thosar's sharp eyes catch something moving in the underbrush surrounding the denuded hill. It looks like an enormous piece of cotton fluttering in the breeze, but upon examination it turns out to be a down feather of enormous size.
It's an owlbear, naturally, come to kill us all.))
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