I need help guys...
Tl;Dr (still long

-Met girL over a year ago
-Things are for the most part good. We fall in love with each other
-Meets this guy around November
-Originally no problem, but they start hanging out more and more
-She has mental breakdown, returns with a plan. Feels like Im not a part of it but she still wants me around.
-Things change, its hard to see her or even talk to her. Shes spending more and more time with him and friends she met through him. Shes never lets me meet them, even after months of asking.
- Confront her about, says nothing is going on. No real proof but still so suspicious
- We keep trying to go out, but jealousy is really tough. It seems like shes fallen for the guy but denies it multiple times. We have a really deep heart to heart, and its hard not believe her.
- Pretty much break up, except she kisses me right before she leaves. Took it as a goodbye. Im devastated; went home brought family dog with me to keep me company.
- Dog jumps out of my window for no reason, breaks back and dies.
- Even more of mess, go to her for help. She helps. Week passes, shes at my house and we end up all over each other. Another week passes, at my house again and we sleep together.
- two week pass, shes talking to me more but its not a lot.
- Call her and unload everything that Ive been feeling. She feels bad. Tells me she feels terrible for how shes been acting.
- Decide to give her one final attempt to prove that she cares. Tell her to skip her weekly swing dance, a thing that shes been doing for months and has refused to ever let me go. She ends up inviting me instead, and lets me meet her friends including the guy that Ive had so many suspicions about. This will be the first time Ive ever meet him. Its been months.
Gaf, wtf is going on?