Aiolos is the best saint of Athena. It is known.
Most faithful and devoted not named Seiya I'll give you that.
Aiolos is the best saint of Athena. It is known.
Lost Canvas is meh, it has high moments, but at my age I cannot put up with the filler.
Omega is trash.
This was huge in Mexico but I never once heard anyone talk about it in the US. I'm looking forward to it.
This was huge in Mexico but I never once heard anyone talk about it in the US. I'm looking forward to it.
It's interesting that one of the latest games has Japanese and Portuguese dubs, but not an English one. They know their audience.
It's interesting that one of the latest games has Japanese and Portuguese dubs, but not an English one. They know their audience.
This gif represents everything I miss about old animation.
Sub please don't embarrass your roots.Why does this look like Ronin Warriors
Saga is undeniably the best gold saint.
And the strongest.
As he said, he was the only one strong enough to stand up to the gods.
The Sanctuary movie was shit but his design is phenomenal IMO.
Saga is undeniably the best gold saint.
And the strongest.
Sub please don't embarrass your roots.
If I'm not mistaken he was being considered to be Pope as well before the assasination plot.
I wonder if this series will ever have a proper finale.. I mean shit I'm 29 and I remember seeing this as a kid.
The closest we got to a series finale was the heaven arc.
Interesting that the title is Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya. I guess they know their audience.
When are we getting a Saintia Sho adaptation, tho?
Hell, just look at what markets they actually bothered releasing Legend of Sanctuary in:
This isn't a series being made to hook new subscribers in the US, that's for sure.
Aiolos is the best saint of Athena. It is known.
When people disregard filler
Yep. Shion was torn between him and Aiolos. In the end he decided to choose Aiolos because he felt something off in Saga.
The elysion arc right ? Wasn't that basically the finale ?
I'm pretty sure it was announced a while ago, just no news since.
Saint Seiya had the best filler of all anime. OF ALL TIME
Man,. that show was the bomb! It was fucking HUGE in dominican Republic
Man,. that show was the bomb! It was fucking HUGE in dominican Republic
So pumped for this. I used to sit and watch the Spanish dub every day with my cousins when I was in El Salvador one summer. I had no idea it had such a big following.
Asgard Arc fam.
This gif represents everything I miss about old animation.
You just can't find something even remotely similar in shows like dragonball super or any modern saint seiya series.
There's something about the colors and shadows that I can't find in modern animation.
I've just realised something - I WANT TO WATCH THIS WITH THE LATIN AMERICAN DUB.
My favorite was Andromeda, he was sensitive and wanted peace. Then when shit hit the fan
Tormenta Nebular!!!
"Hay que realizar
Todos mis sueños
En el fin esperanza
Que nos guiara
Para siempre "
Didn't show interest in Saint Seya, even though it was the shit in my school. Decided to watch it later as an adult and it had it's charm. The music and the dub is really cool (latino), wondering how this new remake will turn out.
My favorite was Andromeda, he was sensitive and wanted peace. Then when shit hit the fan
Tormenta Nebular!!!
My favorite was Andromeda, he was sensitive and wanted peace. Then when shit hit the fan
Tormenta Nebular!!!
Wow at China making more than Mexico and Brazil combined!!
This gif represents everything I miss about old animation.
You just can't find something even remotely similar in shows like dragonball super or any modern saint seiya series.
There's something about the colors and shadows that I can't find in modern animation.
Saga is undeniably the best gold saint.
And the strongest.
As he said, he was the only one strong enough to stand up to the gods.
The Sanctuary movie was shit but his design is phenomenal IMO.
I like Aphrodite too but he didn't get a lot of shine sadly. I guess Albafica made up for that a bit.
Even without late series spoilers, his armor had the strongest powers.
If ikki and shun didn't traded places the sanctuary saga would have lasted like 5 episodes
1- everyone before shaka
2- shaka
3- everyone after shaka
4- endboss
I don't know whch would be more broken, battle hardened shun with phoenix armor or ikki using the andromeda armor to its fullest
Ikky is the more complette knight, in battle trainning, and variety of powers. He can attack your mind, and has one of the most devastating phisical attacks as well.
Shun is nothing without that chain.
Granted, its a very powerful chain. But still
Any gold Saint can kill any other gold saint whose guard is down, he attacked Shion from the back while hiding his true self. Plus Shion was old AFHow did Saga even kill Shion
It made sense when the Pope was just some normal dude named Ares
Lol, that's no quite true. The chain is not what makes him string, au contraire, it is his way of going easy on his opponents, because it's very hard to survive his "naked" attack. He could shatter a silver armor before going back to Japan to find his brother. The thing is, Shun is a pacifist above everything else.
Edit: But I can agree the Ikki is the most complete knight among the protagonists.
When people disregard filler
Any gold Saint can kill any other gold saint whose guard is down, he attacked Shion from the back while hiding his true self. Plus Shion was old AF
This times a thousandIt better have fucking Pegasus Fantasy as the opening
Someone explain to me why we had this Spaniard song in our Latin American dub.