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Remember Me |OT| You forgot, didn't you?

I can sum up this game:

Final Fantasy XIII if it was a beat-em up. Corridors corridors, handholding handholding, cut scene cut scene.

At least FFXIII's combat LOOKED cool. Here it feels like a 12-year old girl in a slapfight with 3 immutable combo strings.


The devs looked at both God Hand and Batman Arkham. I wish they went with God Hand's more direct and responsive input over Batman's rhythmic button mashing and countering. They didn't want to copy either game though and wanted to do their own thing, but it seems more inspired by the batman games.

I'm still enjoying the game a great deal though, so the combat, which is neither fantastic nor terrible, doesn't bother me.

Also, I tend to walk a lot in this game, because DAT ASS.

Neo-Paris is also one of the best worlds created this gen.


The devs looked at both God Hand and Batman Arkham. I wish they went with God Hand's more direct and responsive input over Batman's rhythmic button mashing and countering. They didn't want to copy either game though and wanted to do their own thing, but it seems more inspired by the batman games.

I'm still enjoying the game a great deal though, so the combat, which is neither fantastic nor terrible, doesn't bother me.

Also, I tend to walk a lot in this game, because DAT ASS.
I feel the same way, including DAT ASS. The battle system isn't amazing but I enjoyed the Arkham games battle system, so this is a pass in my book.

The music, enviornments, and graphics are all great. If this gets a sequel I would like to be able to explore more of Neo-Paris or wherever. Nilin is also are pretty cool protagonist. I enjoy her monologues at the beginning of each chapter, reflecting on the events up till then.
Not enough AAA appeal and manufactured hype, plus the lack of ad dollars is a quite the motivator for them to give it poor reviews lol.

Hot damn I try not to get jaded and cynical but yeah, this game getting such mediocre reviews makes me start to believe what you're saying.

Atmosphere, art, setting in this are all fantastic. Such a shame it's getting such a tough go.
damn you guys are brutal

is the game at least worth a rent for the spectacle of the locations?

Let me tell you about this Remember Me game, right?

In the future of Neo-Paris, memories are now commodities; you can buy cool memories from retailers, take away painful ones, transfer memories to dying relatives, all sorts of shit. Sounds cool, but of course the big company that sells it, MEMORIZE, is of course a big evil conglomerate that kidnaps poor people and rebels, takes their memories with the BRAIN DRAIN and locks them up, and flushes out the ones they don't need to the streets outside the walls of the rich and privileged. Sounds pretty interesting for a premise, and the art is fantastic, but trust me; you will not care about a single character in this game. Not only is every made-up word/terminology annoying("My sensen is my choice!" "Use your S-Pressen!" "Remember you soon!"), but all the voice acting ranges from good(Nillian the main character), to just ok(half the cast), to ohgodjustshutup(most of your supporting cast, unfortunately). So much clunky dialog and weird expositional spiels, and these dreadful between chapter interludes with a lot of flowery dialog of Nillian's talking about her inner struggles with the morality of her choices(because when you can't show, just keep telling us about it). It's never funny(although it tries, especially black barkeep guy's painfully strained attempts at one-liners, "how can a man compete with a sewer full of stinking lizard brains, huh love?"), or subtle, or as interesting as it should be. I'm in chapter 5, and I couldn't tell you where I am, and I don't really care.

It's a third-person action game made in 2013 by a new company following a lotta trends. So that means you got a LOT of this handholding, no skill required platforming stuff that's just boring as hell. God of War has this, but they usually have enemies you can fight, and when Uncharted does it you usually get some snappy banter or something to go along with it, but here it's just mindless climbing everywhere. And there's so MUCH OF IT. More than any one period in Uncharted 2, let me tell ya. Worse yet, there's a yellow arrow you can't turn off that pinpoints EXACTLY where you need to jump to, every single time. I mean, sometimes in Uncharted 2 I have to figure out which ledge to jump to or how far to swing on this rope or whatever, but there's not even that. They migh as well just let me push a button and let the game start jumping around for me, that's how useless my player input seems to be.

Then there's the combat, which somehow manages the task of being too shallow AND overly complex for it's own good. There's been comparisons to the Batman Arkham games in how you fight, and well...sorta, I guess? In the Arkham games, it has a very simple system of attack, counter, gadgets, and assorted specials you can use after certain hits in a row/enough hits on the combo counter. You just point towards somebody, Batman hits 'em. And it's VERY accurate, at least with a 360 analog; I could pinpoint an armored guy in a bunched up group for a special-armor-breaking special, it'll hit 'em. You get in a rhythm between hits, counters, dodges, and what have you, and your hits feel powerful, because of the animation and the great sounds of leather rustling when you counter a blow, or the POW when a guy gets knocked out with a jump kick. It's not a system with the depth of DMC3 or Bayonetta or even Metal Gear Rising or anything, but it's very satisfying.

Remember Me is not that.

So far(chapter 5, several hours in, maybe something opens up, IDK yet but it's not a long game I hear I gotta be 3/5ths of the way there), you have these 3 immutable strings of combos: XXX, XYYXYY, and YXYXY. You can change up what each one does in the combo lab when the game gives them to you(the game is big on dictating at you when and where EXACTLY you can use abilities). Say you want XXX to do a lot of damage, you put the power Pressens(uggggh) on both the first two Xs, and then perhaps a chain Pressen at the end(which doubles the effect of the last Pressen). There are Pressens that give you health, ones that speed up the cooling abilities on your Sensens(uggggh), and again, the chaining one.

These combo strings are immutable. You can not switch them up. Once you start one, you have to complete it or it'll just reset to some other combo string. You can also only do one combo on one person. So if you do the YXY, dodge, and you try the XY finisher on another guy, it'll just reset. It's not like God of War where you can finish a combo with Triangle at any time in the standard Square button weak attacks, depending on the context of the situation and your timing; no you get three strings, and there's no deviating from them. Also, did I mention the camera gets really close in small spaces and kinda sucks at keeping an eye on everybody without you babysitting it all the time? Also, did I mention there isn't a lock-on? Also, did I mention the auto-lock on thing kinda sucks ass? So what you get is a lot of half-started combos when it's a group of three guys because you're always dodging attacks and your strings reset when you hit another guy or dodge the wrong thing. Not to mention the combo strings have to be hit like a rhythm game, so you spent most of the longer strings looking at the button input bar at the bottom instead of on the screen, praying to God you input this shit right and nobody interrupts you. And the sound effects and animations are REALLY fuckin' weak for combat. In Batman, you feel like fricken' BATMAN when you flying around the room, smacking armored guards and ninjas with your backflip kicks and gadgets and shit; in Remember Me you feel like a 12-year old girl in a slap fight. It's one-dimensional, repetitive, frustrating, stiff, and just plain bad.

The non-platforming/boring immutable strings of combat is occasionally broken up by the world's most rudimentary stealth sections or "puzzles" where you just follow the only path, hit a switch, and go about your way("GREAT JOB, NILIAN" constant voice in your head guy compliments). There's also these the memory remixes, which may be the single interesting element in the game, and it's mostly trial-and-error for the pre-determined elements the game allows you to mess with, and there's only 4 of 'em I hear, I've already played 2. "Neat" would be the word for those.

And it's got some great art, but it's REALLY linear. And you know I'm the last dude to complain about games being linear, but this shit gives FFXIII a run for it's money. Just lots and lots of pretty artwork. Your play space is so closed off and restricted and tiny, you never believe for a minute this is an actual world, despite all the nice set dressings.

This game does NOTHING well. Absolutely nothing. An interesting concept/cool female protagonist design and voice acting are not enough to save complete mediocrity.

in a word: HELLNO


Been playing for a couple of hours, and just beat the first boss.

It's good. Solid. Decent. Or whatever other word you would use to describe a 6-7/10 experience. Gameplay is competent, the visuals are music are lovely, and it's well paced.

Definitely looking forward to playing some more, and I hope it sells well enough to produce a sequel, so the dev team can have another crack at it. Who knows, maybe the sequel could be DONTNOD's Uncharted 2.


Hot damn I try not to get jaded and cynical but yeah, this game getting such mediocre reviews makes me start to believe what you're saying.

Atmosphere, art, setting in this are all fantastic. Such a shame it's getting such a tough go.
I mean don't get me wrong, the game isn't a masterpiece by any means. Despite having a lot of fun with the combat, it is a bit janky and the animations leave a lot to be desired. Still, there's nothing egregiously wrong with the game at all, certainly nothing that would warrant 5s and 6s. For me the game is a solid 7 out 10 and I may bump it up to an 8 if it gets better.

Guys, is that horrible screen tearing right at the beginning intentional?
Yeah it's an intentional effect. The game has no screen tearing whatsoever. Actually the game is pretty glitch free and runs very well on PS3.


Gamefly finally added the steam key to my order. Time to pre-load (I don't feel like using a vpn to unlock it).


You giving the game a shot?

Yeah, I'll try it out despite awfulness of the script. The uniqueness of the world+protagonist along with its visuals and audio seem to make the game worth a shot (got it for cheap, though).

Although I will most certainly still dislike this game for its stupidity.


Formerly Gizmowned
I have no menus working on the PC version. The opening and start menus are just blank. Any one had this issue?
Yeah, I'll try it out despite awfulness of the script. The uniqueness of the world+protagonist along with its visuals and audio seem to make the game worth a shot (got it for cheap, though).

Although I will most certainly still dislike this game for its stupidity.

Cool, will be interested in your impressions. Yeah, a lot of the ideas so far have made me physically uncomfortable they've been so bad.

damn you guys are brutal

is the game at least worth a rent for the spectacle of the locations?

Didn't get to play for long yesterday, but overall initial impressions? This really is coming across so far like a Deus Ex or maybe Binary Domain kind of sci-fi fanfic built around Enslaved gameplay. The ratio of control to cinematic interruption has been pretty annoying so far, and what's there for viewing, I might add, has been comically bad. The only characters I've enjoyed so far are the robots :p The hand-holding is more in the form of bread crumbs here than on-rails sequences - my biggest issue being that everything's linear so the bread crumbs are as mind-boggling dumb and unnecessary as the game world concepts presented with them.

Going to finish the game to give the combat a fair chance, but it's definitely the over-engineered but under-cooked weirdness I feared. It certainly doesn't feel like Arkham, more like some weird 3D version of an NES brawler, which inasmuch, doesn't exactly feel bad. No need to even bring up the "platforming."

Having said all that, I am curiously enough a frequent sucker for well-made setpieces, and while the world is not as convincing to me as it has been for others, the designs are great, the use of color pretty nice, and the art direction is top-notch. Good atmosphere, and the OST really is as special as people have been saying.

Whether it's worth a rental? Well, personally I'll rent just about anything I'm remotely interested in as long as it's not completely broken, and technically speaking, this really seems a well-polished product, at least on PS3. I can also say this much, 3 hours in and it hasn't put me to sleep yet, which is more than I could say for either Enslaved or Tomb Raider.


Playing this on pc, or trying to at least. What the hell is with the mouse control? The game judders if I try to look up or down - it's like the game is resisting my efforts to do so. This means that I'm constantly fighting the controls. The camera is awful, one of the worst I've seen. Weird numbers all over the menus that mean absolutely nothing. Oh, and QTE's?

Are we gonna get a Rremember Me PC performance thread or what?

How's the performance on the PCs, for those who have it?

runs fine on my i7 laptop, but it looks like a console game to me - not the high level of detail (eg Deus Ex) and open vistas I was expecting, lots of tunnels and fixed angles
in a word: HELLNO

Well you are wrong about the combat mechanics. You can switch between targets, but the fixed combos are really strict and it's too easy to break them.

Edit: Ah ok I see what you mean. You have to use a specific enemy to dodge to be able to continue a combo on it.

Playing this on pc, or trying to at least. What the hell is with the mouse control?
The developers didn't give a single damn about mouse controls is whats up with them. It controls fine with a gamepad.


I'm in chapter (episode?) 2 and really enjoying it. Interesting world & characters. I like the combat, and I'm one who doesn't even especially like Arkham's combat. Very linear, but I was kind of in the mood for this sort of game right now. I guess it was the right time for me to play it.

Granted I haven't played through the whole game, but I cannot understand some of the really low reviews.


i really enjoyed the game so far (beginning chapter 3, 360 version) but i cannot advance, since the game always freezes at one point:
after i found johnny greenteeth in the subway, the game freezes. there is nothing i can do about it. game disc is fine, game is installed.


Gold Member
Steam unlocks in 2.5 hours, I feel like I'm the last person in here to play this game.



i really enjoyed the game so far (beginning chapter 3, 360 version) but i cannot advance, since the game always freezes at one point:
after i found johnny greenteeth in the subway, the game freezes. there is nothing i can do about it. game disc is fine, game is installed.
Hhhmm haven't had it freeze on my 360. Some hitches and shit but no hard locks. Maybe try restarting the episode?
However, serious question, are there any games you did like this generation?

Oh sure, lots of games. If my rant gave you the impression of just big anti-AAA game guy, that's definitely not me. I loved Uncharted 2, and the Arkham games and Gears of War 3 and Bioshock Infinite and all kinds of stuff. Guacamelee, Mark of the Ninja, The Walking Dead, Journey, Bayonetta, Rayman Origins, X-COM: Enemy Unknown, etc. I loved this generation.

I did NOT love this game.
Oh sure, lots of games. If my rant gave you the impression of just big anti-AAA game guy, that's definitely not me. I loved Uncharted 2, and the Arkham games and Gears of War 3 and Bioshock Infinite and all kinds of stuff. Guacamelee, Mark of the Ninja, The Walking Dead, Journey, Bayonetta, Rayman Origins, X-COM: Enemy Unknown, etc. I loved this generation.

I did NOT love this game.

I read your post above and I can agree with all of your criticism. Yet somehow this game pulled me in. In a way I compare it with Deadly Premonition in that regard. Like with that game, I can totally see why people would hate it OR love it.


Did two more episodes last night, still enjoying it a lot. It just a decent game, I wasn't expecting a AAA blockbuster and I don't mind that it's not that. It's sort of like a French/Fifth Element-esque grimy version of Mirror's Edge, minus the awesome parkour (and esurance) and in 3rd person.

It does commit one crime that is a pet peeve of mine... I hate it sooo much when a game suddenly limits what you can do just because you walked into a certain area. "Uh oh, there are ordinary citizens around, relaxing, chatting, going about their daily lives. Therefore you may NOT USE YOUR ATTACKS. Also, you may NOT JUMP. Or do anything at all! All you're allowed to do in this area is walk at 1/2 the speed you can normally move in."

Seriously devs, please stop doing that.


Got done with the second remix. While the process is super simple there is something really weird about messing with a dude's memory like that. Pretty cool.

Really liking it. Thought I was getting closer to the end but apparently I still have a few episodes left.


Gold Member
I know that feel.

Why is it still locked, goddamnit? I'm sitting here waiting until midnight like a douche for this game to unlock and now that it's 10 past midnight nothing is happening.

"Pre-load complete - when the game is released you can play it immediately"

It's like Steam is taunting me or something. I hate this.


Why is it still locked, goddamnit? I'm sitting here waiting until midnight like a douche for this game to unlock and now that it's 10 past midnight nothing is happening.

"Pre-load complete - when the game is released you can play it immediately"

It's like Steam is taunting me or something. I hate this.

JUST started to decrypt :)
But half past midnight now, will play tmorrow :)


I just finished episode 5.
I always feel bad doing those memory remixes. It's pretty fucked up actually.


Gold Member
Installed it, played for a bit into the first episode. Good lord it looks spectacular. Atmosphere is amazing, and the music is great. Already heard lots of sounds that weren't on the soundtrack, unfortunately. I have to admit that "Errorists" is the dumbest thing ever.

Super impressed with the start, can't wait to continue tomorrow.
I just finished episode 5.
I always feel bad doing those memory remixes. It's pretty fucked up actually.

I've only done one so far, as I'm only in Episode 3, but still. It kinda sucks that the only way to progress also makes you feel like a dick.


Played a bit, great atmosphere and music, the graphics sometimes leave a bit to be desired though for some reason.

I feel a bit constrained so far. I keep seeing all this interesting world around (buildings, roads etc...) but exploration is so minimal it hurts. I hope it'll opens up a bit once I'm done with the initial stuff.


ok, previous post i said i finished the game, actually i only finished the 3rd level

now,,i finished the game
i am still on my mind
shallow gameplay, bugs here and every where , the movements are not natural at all
you can use the gun ( spammer ) to kill enemy..and robots..but not little flying
driod thing that can kill you with Search ray
??? what logic
you move from A to B..you can't explorer the place, you can't try other routs
sooo many things

i am very concern on some characters

why shes remind me of sam from tomb raider ?

the combo is .... no need for describe how awful it was , there is actually 4-5 combo list
you can customize the combo buttons as you wish for healing attack and damage and other thing,later in the game you can hardly do a full combo

for the story..its was really good, i enjoy it in fact, if it was a movie,,it will be awesome

the memory remix is also cool..its like ghost trick, the sad part is
there are only 4 remix, the 3rd one is 2 remix memory (remixception ? )

the sound track is very nice,i only liked the title screen OST

its a good game for 10-15$ , rent it or buy it from steam sales or amazon


Played a bit, great atmosphere and music, the graphics sometimes leave a bit to be desired though for some reason.

I feel a bit constrained so far. I keep seeing all this interesting world around (buildings, roads etc...) but exploration is so minimal it hurts. I hope it'll opens up a bit once I'm done with the initial stuff.

It doesn't. That's my biggest complain so far. I'm not asking for an epic open world environment, but at least let me talk to the citizens of the shantytown.


Neo Member
Oh, so it's not open world? That sucks. I was excited about this game because it looked like a futuristic Assassin's Creed. I have never been able to figure out why there are so few (if any) open world cyberpunk games. At least we're getting Watch_Dogs.


No, it's extremely linear. Like, possibly the most linear game I've played in the last decade. Very disappointing, what with this beautiful, enticing world they've created. But, you're right. We have Watch Dogs to look forward to. Let's hope it delivers! From playing Neuromancer on my C64 to Deus Ex - Human Revolution, I've loved the idea of a cyberpunk open-world game. So very, very disappointing, this game.


Game arrived today and I just spent some time with it. So far, so good! Graphics are beautiful, the voice acting is fine (particularly our heroine's), and the movement is fast and fluid.

Atmosphere and music are tremendous. Dig that lighting engine, too.

Combat is fun. I do wish for counter moves, but I suppose they couldn't just rip off Batman completely.

Somehow, I got vibes of Mirror's Edge, Riddick (perhaps Dark Athena more than Butcher's Bay), and for some reason, that old PS One game, Fear Effect. :)

I'm eager to dig in more this weekend!


Hi everyone! It's game time!

I've got a Remember Me Steam key free for a fellow Gaffer. It'll go to the first one quoting this post with:

- The original name of the game, before it was renamed to Remember Me


- A drawing of Nilin using only MS PAINT. Doesn't have to be good. First post wins.

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