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Renegade Ops |OT| PC lesser race finally joins in the battle against oppression


Not as deep as he thinks
I hate it when my car flips over. :lol

It always happens in the worst possible moments too!


Trucker Sexologist
GrayFoxPL said:
Wait. What? Where? When?

Mercs sequel!?
The word on the street is that Mercs Inc got re-worked and moved over to FB2 sometime after Pandemic closed. It was a multiplayer focused spin-off and footage was leaked awhile back.


SapientWolf said:
The word on the street is that Mercs Inc got re-worked and moved over to FB2 sometime after Pandemic closed. It was a multiplayer focused spin-off and footage was leaked awhile back.

Wait, you mean Mercenaries, not Mercs series from Capcom?



Trucker Sexologist
GrayFoxPL said:
Isn't that a sequel to Commando, like the title says? Shitty one at that.

Mercs are Mercs.
Mercs is the sequel to Commando, Commando 3 is the sequel to Mercs. We're getting wildly off-topic. But now that we're waxing nostalgic, I wonder how hard it would be to make a Return Fire mod for ROPs.


SapientWolf said:
Mercs is the sequel to Commando, Commando 3 is the sequel to Mercs. We're getting wildly off-topic. But now that we're waxing nostalgic, I wonder how hard it would be to make a Return Fire mod for ROPs.

Yeah, got myself confused.

Carry on with Rouge Ops.

Erm Renegate.
Anyone having trouble with the online? I'm on PS3 and the game has hard locked the system 3 times trying to start a mission, and once gotten stuck in a infinite load. It's happening to the other players too because I keep seeing the same names in the lobby.

Finally got into a match on the fifth try.

Edit: And of course, the game hard locked again, at the end of the one mission.


Corky said:
what is this?...

wh...why isn't it on steam yet?




Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
I'm up to Mission 7 at this point. I had fun playing it with a buddy, but it's pretty mindless action. I don't think we even knew what was going on half the time... just follow the red arrow to the location and kill everything in sight. It's decent enough, but very repetitive. Some of the helicopter shit makes it fun, at just the right moments.

One really stupid gripe is that achievements are single player only... which makes no damn sense. I'm doing the exact same stuff as in the single player mode, but I can't unlock achievements. Not a single one for multi... just weird.
Great game. Feels like driving a Halo Warthog. Love the G.I. Joe vibe to the whole thing. This feels like a breath of fresh air even if it is an amalgam of a load of past games.


Not as deep as he thinks
So apparently some people have been saying that if you play online with a character that has upgrades, you'll lose your upgrades and you're only left with the remainding points you didn't spend. You'll still keep your level, but upgrades go bye bye. I don't even want to risk it with my main character. Sucks if true.

I'm up to stage 8 now! Game is so addicting.

What level is your main character? Mine is Roxy at level 38.


Does anyone maybe have some insight into the scoring/ranking in this game? I have no idea how some guys on the leaderboards have 5 million scores on level 1 alone! If I play that level perfectly with grabbing every single survivor and no deaths, I get a score of 1.2 million. Granted, the leaderboard guys are playing on Hardcore but does that really yield 5x as many points? I tried hardcore for a bit and the survivor bonus is only doubled, not quintupled... I don't get it!

Do these guys know a "trick" to getting huge chains, or what? I have no idea how I'm supposed to get that 50x chain for that one achievement... My highest is like 11. :(

Awesome game though! I'm really loving the mix between open, adventure-like levels and very focused, intense levels.

Edit: Some dude broke 6 million now! WTF!


Just finished mission 3. Am I the only one that thinks they're a bit too long? It's a lovely game with engrossing gameplay though.


Not as deep as he thinks
I also just finished the game at level 42 lol. Stage 9 was INSANE. I don't even know how I'm going to beat that on Hardcore. I BARELY made it on Normal. The ending punchline was hilarious. I believe the maximum level is 45. Not entirely 100% sure.

I'm also confused on how to chain combos...the maximum I've gotten was like 13 and that was in the final level. I don't know how exactly you're supposed to get a 50 combo. It's impossible. Even at 13, you can't continue it because you run out of enemies in the final stage. I also don't understand what the requirements are for getting the Alien rank. The game doesn't really explain none of this in great detail, which is a bummer.

I think the levels are appropriate. They're long, but not TOO long. You're always in action too. Never a dull moment.

I really do hate the flipping of the car. It has screwed me over several times. It's like it does it on purpose just to piss me off.


Rewrite said:
I'm also confused on how to chain combos...the maximum I've gotten was like 13 and that was in the final level. I don't know how exactly you're supposed to get a 50 combo. It's impossible. Even at 13, you can't continue it because you run out of enemies in the final stage. I also don't understand what the requirements are for getting the Alien rank. The game doesn't really explain none of this in great detail, which is a bummer.
Yeah, these two have been bumming me out a little (just a little though, the game is a blast! :) all morning. I want to practice the skills I'll need for the achievements but I just have no idea what to practice.

The streak one is especially mystifying to me. How am I supposed to keep the streak going when all clumps of enemies are too far apart? Even with boosting my ass off, I can never hit the next squad in time to keep the streak going... Not getting it. :(
I played multiplayer yesterday and I got the 50x combo trophy during an air strike. I very much doubt I got even remotely close to a 50x combo and I was in multiplayer anyway, so yeah....seems like that trophy is glitched. I'm not complaining, though, since that trophy seems very difficult to achieve.


Enco said:
Around how long is this game?
Plenty of game play time in here, plus replayability with the different classes and difficulty settings. I started out the game on hard and had my ass handed to me pretty nicely in the first mission.

I'd say there is a good chunk of the story and the missions are long.


slaughterking said:
About 3 hours for one playthrough on normal.
This is correct. There isn't a vast amount of content in here and the replayability is fairly low since the missions are so long and story-driven. It's not that much fun to escort the president of Nameless African Country over and over again... But it's a damn fine 5-10 hours total!


Not as deep as he thinks
That escort mission had me laughing and raging so hard at the final part of that level. I kept dying and it spawns you so far away from the president and because of that, the "hp" of the president's car almost went down to 0. I just kept getting overwhelmed with missiles/rockets and my car would always flip or get stuck somewhere for a few seconds making me vulnerable to the impending rocket doom.

For me, I must have spent about 4/5 hours to beat the campaign. I had to retry the first level several times as well as other ones (especially the last one).

slaughterking said:
I played multiplayer yesterday and I got the 50x combo trophy during an air strike. I very much doubt I got even remotely close to a 50x combo and I was in multiplayer anyway, so yeah....seems like that trophy is glitched. I'm not complaining, though, since that trophy seems very difficult to achieve.
Lucky. I don't know how I'm going to do it. I got the side objective trophies done.

aku:jiki said:
The streak one is especially mystifying to me. How am I supposed to keep the streak going when all clumps of enemies are too far apart? Even with boosting my ass off, I can never hit the next squad in time to keep the streak going... Not getting it. :(
Exactly. Even in the final stage where you get bombarded with a lot of enemies, you still have to wait until the platform moves for the next wave to appear and it takes too long for that to happen that you'll lose your combo streak anyway. I just don't see how it's possible to do it solo. I haven't tried hardcore mode yet, but maybe it's a little different in that mode? From all the levels that I've played...there is literally no area or part where you can chain that amount on Normal difficulty.


Just finished level 7 and I'm really enjoying this game. The graphics and visual effects are excellent and it's great fun tearing around blasting everything.

Makes we wish for a real Desert Strike reboot though. Come on EA, do it.


Where the FUCK is the PC release? Has Sega even said anything? Have they made a comment on it? Is there any confirmation of when we can even expect it or why? What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!


duckroll said:
Where the FUCK is the PC release? Has Sega even said anything? Have they made a comment on it? Is there any confirmation of when we can even expect it or why? What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ban Sega!
Rewrite said:
Lucky. I don't know how I'm going to do it. I got the side objective trophies done.
Yeah, that one's not too hard. I'm doing my hardcore playthrough right now, which is also pretty manageable.
That Alien Skill trophy could be a problem, though. My ratings are getting better, but the requirements for the highest rating seem quite high.
duckroll said:
Where the FUCK is the PC release? Has Sega even said anything? Have they made a comment on it? Is there any confirmation of when we can even expect it or why? What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not enough enthusiasm from pc gamers.


Do you get to keep any progress when you die on a mission, like the XP you earned?

I played he demo last night and died on the final boss of the first mission.


After watching the second Quick Look my hype for this game just went through the roof (had no idea there were fucking helicopters in this game) but I'm still not sure what platform to get it for. I know the PC version isn't out yet but has anyone had the chance to try it with a mouse and keyboard?


Curufinwe said:
Do you get to keep any progress when you die on a mission, like the XP you earned?

I played he demo last night and died on the final boss of the first mission.
Yup, you do actually.
Now I've lost one upgrade for no apparent reason since the last time the game crashed. Stupid game, is this the price I have to pay for getting the 50x combo trophy? :I


Game could have been awesome fun but for me it's ruined by the mission structure. The missions should have been chopped into smaller bits. Just had a 25 minute gameplay session on a mission and then game over near the end. I'm not feeling inclined to redo all that.

Since the game is somewhat repetetive, a smaller/shorter mission structure should have been ideal for shorter gameplay sessions, which in turn would keep it fresh.
Man, I'm getting more and more bugs.

My Roxy has reached level 45, which appears to be the max level, but I didn't get the corresponding trophy. A friend of mine said he got the 50x combo trophy when he reached level 45, so maybe they mixed those up?

And I was stuck in a black screen again after finishing a multiplayer game. This time though there were some guys with headsets and while the game appeared to be frozen for me I could still hear them and they were actually calling me out because I wouldn't "ready" for the next mission. I couldn't do anything, though.

I also get this blue...thing in the center of the screen now.



What the fuck is that? :lol I only get it in menus, so it's not too troublesome. But it surely shouldn't be there.


duckroll said:
Where the FUCK is the PC release? Has Sega even said anything? Have they made a comment on it? Is there any confirmation of when we can even expect it or why? What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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