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Report: Nintendo Direct planned for next week


hype confidence GIF


We should be getting a Zelda blowout special, or maybe they hace a Direct for it by itself? We are due a Direct for releases for the first half of the year though, then another in April or May, then the 'E3' direct, which wont be an E3 Direct.

I feel Metroid is next gen or cross gen, so maybe more Pikmin 3 and a focus on third party titles maybe.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
They have to talk about Zelda at some point. It's coming out soon.

The little teases they have shown arent enough.


What I want to see the most is some gameplay of Tears of the Kingdom that convinces me that six years of development didn't go into something that ended up looking like an expansion pack for Breath of the Wild
Well, that and a remake of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, but I'm not holding my breath on that one


Where TF is Metroid Prime 4

It will be an exclusivity of the next hardware. The Metroid case is really a scandal to come out.
That said, I'd like to be wrong.

Well, the next ND in February is no longer in doubt, now it will be the content that will make people talk. Don't dream anymore: Zelda will be the last big Nintendo game and will take all the space.
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It will be an exclusivity of the next hardware. The Metroid case is really a scandal to come out.
That said, I'd like to be wrong.

Well, the next ND in February is no longer in doubt, now it will be the content that will make people talk. Don't dream anymore: Zelda will be the last big Nintendo game and will take all the space.
Not unless they can push out one or two more Fire Emblem games for good measure lol
What I want to see the most is some gameplay of Tears of the Kingdom that convinces me that six years of development didn't go into something that ended up looking like an expansion pack for Breath of the Wild
tbh at this point I hope TotK is just that and they already develop next gen Zelda in the background. Because I don't want to think about how long the next mainline game with a wholly new map and concept would take otherwise - close to a decade?
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Sure will be Zelda.
Eh.... Zelda is still a ways out. I feel like it would be better to do a big media/press event and time a specific show around it in March or something. Right? I dunno. It's literally the biggest game they've ever made, or so we all expect it will be. So they shouldn't just do the usual show a trailer in a Direct and then do a 5 minute deep dive, and then we wait for hands-on impressions two weeks later. I guess it also depends if Nintendo has more Zelda-specific stuff this year beyond just TotK. If they are doing official licensed Lego sets, or other such trans media Zelda stuff, I'm all for it, and they could make a themed Direct or even a live show out of it, where media and influencers are invited out to Redmond or something. Or if they're going hard on Zelda this year and are also planning Wind Waker HD port for later in the year, all the more reason to make a Zelda-themed show. Which we've never gotten for Zelda before, so why not do it this year, if they've got nothing else in the major AAA space til fall or next Spring, due to the hardware transition. That would be killer! They did a big blowout for Mario in 2020, and if COVID hadn't ruined live events, it would've been an even bigger event, no doubt.
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YouTubers are since December crazy for an upcoming direct lmao, everything they talk about is the allegedly direct coming any at any time since last month, I'm about to unsubscribe to some since they all feel into rumormongering, Jesus, it's this time of the year again
It's the same thing every year... every time we hit January, June, or September it's "Direct speculation time", because Nintendo basically always does a Direct in those three months like clockwork. Outside of a few exceptions like COVID, or E3 being canceled like last year, you can basically set your watch to it. 99.9% of YouTube videos are just made-up fan speculation. Any actual news or tidbits come from watching NateDrake, Grubb, or other such chatter from actual insiders. But sometimes they know stuff but don't say anything, because they don't want to spoil the surprise. Which I appreciate. NateDrake sometimes posts a Direct predictions podcast like literally the same hour the Direct is officially announced by Nintendo, so he clearly knew the exact day and time, because he recorded the show days before, knowing what was going to happen, but not knowing all of the contents of the show.
Bring it on. There’s always something at these directs that I enjoy. Absolutely hoping for a new Mario, Metroid and Zelda. Also really want to hear more about Metal Slug Tactics because it looks amazing.
Bring it on. There’s always something at these directs that I enjoy. Absolutely hoping for a new Mario, Metroid and Zelda. Also really want to hear more about Metal Slug Tactics because it looks amazing.
Well, Zelda might not be there, just depends if TotK is getting a specific event later in March closer to launch, or not. A new Mario is unlikely, unless it's a 2D or B-tier title, since a new 3D flagship Mario would for sure be held back for the next hardware, whenever that may be. As far as Metroid goes... we are just patiently waiting for Prime 4 to finally see what the game looks like, as it's been in development at Retro for 4 full calendar years now, so it could conceivably be ready any month now. Another common rumor/ poorly kept secret is some kind of remake of Prime 1, also made by Retro, that may or may not be completely finished, but is arbitrarily being held in limbo by Nintendo, for no other reason than timing.

Likely things if there is a first-party Direct this month are:

-Pikmin 4
-some kind of minor new game announcement from a franchise that is not Mario, Zelda, or Metroid
-some kind of non-3D Mario game not made by EPD Tokyo, to coincide with the movie
-the rumored reboot of Donkey King, may or may not be 2D, being made by EPD Tokyo
-Splatoon 3 paid DLC update
-final trailer for Octopath 2 before launch
-more info of any new or updated content in the Kirby port coming in 2 1/2 weeks, or just a final trailer
-Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D remake update, since Square's been silent on it for like 2 full years now. Assuming it was just being held back til it was nearly done and ready to show for the last time
-any new farming sims such as Fae Farm from the Dauntless developer
-new trailer for Rune Factory 3 Special
-who the hell knows, something out of left field. It's Nintendo. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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Maybe they will shadow drop the N64 controller for the Switch. I’ve been checking that thing many times a day for two months and it’s always sold out. Come on Nintendo, I want to give you money. 😓


One of the green rats
I can confirm that there will more than likely be one in February…precisely at some time.


Writes a lot, says very little
Yes please, give me more TotK footage please! Show me dungeons and unique bosses.
Im Ready Lets Go GIF by Leroy Patterson

Only thing I give a fuck about regarding this game currently.

No dungeons, no unique bosses (please none of that copy and paste shit)....no buy.

GOW is my new Zelda replacement and it fucking curbstomps that series right now. Puzzles, amazing backtracking, unique bosses and areas, changing levels from night to day to do puzzles or flooding an area to alter it to compete a quest. GOW 2018 and Ragnarok are giving me those things I wanted in BoTW ie "old Zelda concept" and if the new Zelda game doesn't return to those ideas, its an easy skip. So I'll be watching that Nintendo Direct close to see whats going on.

I never in a million years would have thought the best Zelda game I every played would be God Of War and BotW was a copy and paste wannabe AC RPG rip off lol

Let me fucking roll too , the fuck lol

If its really more of the same of BOTW AC Great Value edition type shit, I'll move on from the series. I buy games based on concept and design, not name lol, I'd just have to pray for a remake of an older Zelda to get those feels then.

Advance Wars remake
Luigi's Mansion game.

All I care about...
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