Something will definitely happen today.
Indeed, can't wait for that Pokemon news in the morning,
Something will definitely happen today.
Indeed, can't wait for that Pokemon news in the morning,
Unless Sony's "We're going to aggressively target mobile" has some other implications as well...
I think the detachable controllers would be rounder on all sides, but that's just me. It seems like a pretty good visualization of what it could be like, though. Hadn't thought of a "gameboy" mode, but I'm not sure that'll be comfortable (holding a 6" tablet by the bottom like that sounds really heavy)
Look who you quoted.We're not even half way through yet. Can't count this month out yet.
If nx isn't shown this month, my prediction is that there will be at least three threads on October first complaining about how Nintendo lied.
Either that or Nintendo may have chose to push back the reveal to avoid competition with Sony & Apple.
Either way, I do expect a reveal in the near future.
Look who you quoted.
I just feel like if its not shown yall will curate more rumors then saying oct.. then nov.. then dec.. then jan.. etc..
This has been happening since Jan 2016 for heavensake
Sony with the Neo is only a hardware refresh, NX will be a new system.
Is bad sign if Nintendo is afraid that a hardware refresh will overshadow the NX :/
Something will definitely happen today.
Really? I think Nintendo is paranoid as Sony/MS attempts to copy everything they do to be 'different'.
Also, why does Sony & MS need system 'refreshes' right now at this time? I don't recall any generation where this has been done.
Really? I think Nintendo is paranoid as Sony/MS attempts to copy everything they do to be 'different'.
Also, why does Sony & MS need system 'refreshes' right now at this time? I don't recall any generation where this has been done.
I'm sure tomorrow something indeed will happen
Thought more about me buying some water, but well, that could be another thing.
Look who you quoted.
I'm sure tomorrow something indeed will happen
I'm having déjà vu. The smiley face.
I see two scenarios as being most likely:
1.) The reveal is the day before TGS
2.) The reveal is announced during TGS.
Sounds Awesome![]()
It will be revealed at the Sony show obviously.
Someone made this mock up, not sure if it has been posted
I think the detachable controllers would be rounder on all sides, but that's just me. It seems like a pretty good visualization of what it could be like, though. Hadn't thought of a "gameboy" mode, but I'm not sure that'll be comfortable (holding a 6" tablet by the bottom like that sounds really heavy)
It will be revealed at the Sony show obviously.
You used the wii mote sideways as a NES Pad, you could plug in a nunchuck or even another controller. I don't think this would be that much different.I really do feel like having so many options or configurations will be the death knell for this thing. I think the beautiful and attractiveness of the Wii to the mass market was that you just used the Wiimote.
You used the wii mote sideways as a NES Pad, you could plug in a nunchuck or even another controller. I don't think this would be that much different.
Someone made this mock up, not sure if it has been posted
I think the detachable controllers would be rounder on all sides, but that's just me. It seems like a pretty good visualization of what it could be like, though. Hadn't thought of a "gameboy" mode, but I'm not sure that'll be comfortable (holding a 6" tablet by the bottom like that sounds really heavy)
Ya know, people joke about NX getting delayed but I kinda wish it would be.
Why you ask? This is why. I made this list a few months and updated it with the new announcements.this is a list of all the games I want:
Zelda U (WiiU)
Persona 5 (PS4)
Persona Q (3DS) - BOUGHT!
Persona 4: Dancing All Night (PSV) - BOUGHT!
DanganRonpa V3 (PSV)
Zero Escape 3 (3DS) - BOUGHT!
Gravity Rush 2 (PS4)
Yomawari (PSV) - BOUGHT!
Detroit: Become Human (PS4)
Yooka-Laylee (PS4)
Ace Attorney 6 (3DS)
Ace Attorney Trilogy (3DS)
The Last Guardian (PS4)
Hyrule Warriors Legends (3DS)
Mario & Luigi 5: Paper Jam (3DS)
Yokai Watch 2 (3DS)
Yoshi's Woolly World (3DS)
Until Dawn (PS4)
Pikmin 3DS (3DS)
Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4)
Etrian Odyssey V (3DS)
Kirby Planet Robobot (3DS) - BOUGHT!
Steins;Gate (PSV)
Steins;Gate 2 (PSV)
Rythm Heaven Megamix (3DS)
Super Mario Maker (3DS)
Indivisible (PS4)
Valkyria Vampire (PSV)
Pokemon Moon (3DS)
The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)
Ultimate NES Remix (3DS)
Neptunia Noire (PSV)
Neptunia Blanc (PSV)
Neptunia Sega (PSV)
I on average have $50 a month to spend on games.
Most of these games will just completely go out of stock and start going up in price before I ever get a chance to buy them since I'd rather buy physical, but I guess its nice atleast knowing I...should always have the option for digital. (RIP in piece first Senran Kagura Vita game.)
If I'm lucky, including NX and Zelda I will maybe be able to get 10 of these next year, not even including unannounced NX games.
There are literally too many games. So Nintendo, I'm fine with a delay to 2019. Just give me plenty of time to get the games I want please.
Oh well. Thats life I guess. I sadly can't catch em all.
Or alternatively: Nintemdo please have a bad first year lineup with only Zelda as the good game. >
But seriously, never having to suffer through a Nintendo game on a tv is a dream come true. I literally am dreading playing Persona 5 on a tv and may just wait in hopes for a NX version.
Having the controllers being able to attach to the top/bottom too would allow DS backwards compatibility.
most of the posts here seem to be about Handheld rumors. Any thoughts or info on the stuff in SuperMetalDave's Latest video?
Personally, kinda hoping for more of a console than handheld. And something more powerful than the ps4 and within range of the NEO would be pretty awesome
Unless there's a major boost in relative screen size, the capacitive touch screen would be less sensitive than the original resistive type, so pixel-perfect accuracy (expected in some DS software) would be out of the question.
Nintendo pretty much has to reveal it soon if they want any hope of better third party support. You can't say "Hey, make games for my system, but you're not allowed to talk about it so your sales will tank."
Yep. From Nintendo I feel like Smash 5, Splatoon 2, Animal Crossing, and 3D Mario are all likely. Who knows what else they can pull off.There's probably going to be a lot of games you want next year. Assuming you follow the industry and have somewhat diverse taste 50$ a month has never been enough to buy you every game coming out that you want, and that's been true since the 80s.
most of the posts here seem to be about Handheld rumors. Any thoughts or info on the stuff in SuperMetalDave's Latest video?
Personally, kinda hoping for more of a console than handheld. And something more powerful than the ps4 and within range of the NEO would be pretty awesome
Right, but that still entails actually marketing the games. Two months isn't enough time for that and they're not doing it during Christmas, so I have to think they'll reveal it soon.nintendo has already spoken to the people who they want to do business with. nintendo's not making a device for everyone to dump their ports onto for launch like what happened with 3ds and wii u. they'll be more or less curating the library and support to build their userbase. in return they'll help with marketing in the form of nintendo directs and other support.
Oops, added the original source to the postI'm pretty sure this is a Gaf-> Internet -> Gaf situation
Edit: Yep, here's the post from a few days ago
Yeah, the idea has been floating around for awhile. It's pretty cool, hope Nintendo allows for the controls to be put on in that way as it allows for different orientations for original titles as wellHaving the controllers being able to attach to the top/bottom too would allow DS backwards compatibility.
If they're exclusives as they usually are on handhelds it wouldn't matter too much though waiting too long and missing out on the re-reveal of DQXI could lessen the impact.Nintendo pretty much has to reveal it soon if they want any hope of better third party support. You can't say "Hey, make games for my system, but you're not allowed to talk about it so your sales will tank."
Question 4:
To the extent that you can share with us today, I would like you to give us a hint about NX, the dedicated video game system for which you said you would announce the details in 2016. Is it possible that you will both announce it and release it in 2016? Will it be a replacement for any of the existing dedicated game systems, or will it become your third pillar, so to say? Or, in the first place, should we abandon the current notion of thinking about home consoles and handheld devices separately? Also, does the "N" in "NX" stand for "Nintendo"? Does this codename "NX" have any specific meaning?
Answer 4:
We will not announce any details about NX until 2016. I used the name "NX" during our joint press conference with DeNA on March 17 because we thought that our announcing the business alliance with DeNA to start a smart device business could result in such misunderstanding as "Nintendo is making a transfer to smart devices because it is pessimistic about the future for dedicated video game systems." I intentionally chose to announce the development of NX so early because I wanted to confirm the fact that we are developing a new dedicated video game platform, that we have never lost passion regarding the future for dedicated video game systems and that we have bright prospects for them. Though I cannot confirm when it will be launched or any other details of the system, since I have confirmed that it will be "a dedicated video game platform with a brand new concept," it should mean that we do not intend it to become a simple "replacement" for Nintendo 3DS or Wii U.
Your question also included the "current notion of thinking about home consoles and handheld devices." When it comes to how dedicated game systems are being played, the situations have become rather different, especially between Japan and overseas. Since we are always thinking about how to create a new platform that will be accepted by as many people around the world as possible, we would like to offer to them "a dedicated video game platform with a brand new concept" by taking into consideration various factors, including the playing environments that differ by country. This is all that I can confirm today.
Overall like it and it's a good execution. The only thing that a lot of these mockups don't do that I would change is adding a + & -/1 & 2 button to each controller attachment in between the analog stick and D-pad/ABXY configuration similar to + and - position on the wiimote. Also I don't see NX supporting the Wiimote, or Wii U Pro controller but I could be wrong.Someone made this mock up, not sure if it has been posted
I think the detachable controllers would be rounder on all sides, but that's just me. It seems like a pretty good visualization of what it could be like, though. Hadn't thought of a "gameboy" mode, but I'm not sure that'll be comfortable (holding a 6" tablet by the bottom like that sounds really heavy)
The only thing that makes me question this is that Iwata specifically said that Nintendo would be moving from a system based service to an account based service which would suggest more than one hardware device. I see Nintendo going forward with the high powered handheld with a TV out, hybrid device. However, down the road they. ould sell higher power/next generation consoles and handheld devices that are all compatible with each other in some form. The console could provide a lot more power and wireless streaming to the NX handheld for Wii U gamepad like functionality. The handheld portion could have different colors, redesigns, stronger hardware, 3D, etc as upgrades you can get. All games purchased are saved to your account and you can play those games on almost any NX device. I believe Nintendo was being truthful in that they don't attempt to limit their hardware to just one system.I got bored so, following from this post:
Where I talk about previous statements from Iwata, I decided to take another reading from the "Gospel of Iwata" aka things he says to investors that aren't set in stone like when Iwata was adamant Nintendo wouldn't develop mobile games.
I looked at the Q&A session from May 8th 2015
Again, I am posting some of the answer, click the link for the rest.
Once more, if you haven't read my post linked at the top, do so for you to understand the context. I brought this up not to "prove" anything but to remind people what was said in the past because people have misremembered certain statements or even took them out of context with regards to the current rumours on NX.
Anyway, looking at the bolded. Not only is the NX a "brand new concept" for Nintendo but, it is not a simple "replacement" for the 3DS or Wii U. Hence, Iwata remains vague on what the NX is.
Next, looking at the second bolded paragraph.
'Since we are always thinking about how to create a new platform that will be accepted by as many people around the world as possible, we would like to offer to them "a dedicated video game platform with a brand new concept" by taking into consideration various factors, including the playing environments that differ by country."
Well, Iwata wanted to create a platform that would take into the considerations above.
So, about this brand new concept. What if some people have been over-thinking that there has to be more than the NX being a hybrid?
What if the hybrid is all the concept was? As I said before with regards to a hybrid. It's not just a portable with TV out, it has to do things a portable can't do such as local multiplayer with controllers connected to one device via Bluetooth.
The 3DS can't do that. It can only do local multiplayer with other 3DS devices, not controllers.
There's still some time before the NX is revealed. So in summary:
- January 2013 - Iwata outlined the integration of their architectures to ease software development.
- January 2014 - Iwata wasn't sure whether to integrate hardware form factor and size into one or to have multiple form factors. He only cited Apple and Android as ideas at the time.
- May 8th 2015 - Iwata explains NX as being a brand new concept and that he wanted to create a platform that would be accepted by as many people as possible in both Japan and Overseas.
I'm not here to prove anything, I'm just sceptical when people in this thread yesterday decided to use statements from over 2 years ago to claim the hybrid has to be fake because Iwata said something no one could remember in the correct context unless they went to reread it.
If the NX does become revealed as a hybrid, it will probably end up making more sense from these statements over the last few years than to take one particular statement so long ago out of context as the absolute "truth".
Remember, things change. The NX hybrid could get scrapped at the last minute like how the Wii U Gamepad was almost scrapped at the last minute.
The only thing that makes me question this is that Iwata specifically said that Nintendo would be moving from a system based service to an account based service would suggest more than hardware device. I see Nintendo going forward with the hybrid device. However, down the road sell higher power/next generation console and handheld devices that are all compatible with each other in some form. The handheld portion could have different colors, redesigns, stronger hardware, 3D, etc as upgrades you can get. All games purchased are saved to your account and you can play those games on almost any NX device. I believe Nintendo was being truthful in that they don't attempt to limit their hardware to just one system.
I don't think we should trust anything that starts with "10" lol.I don't know about you guys but I'm psyched for whatever has got cooked up. I'm sure it'll be even better than an NX announcement.
I don't think we should trust anything that starts with "10" lol.
I don't know about you guys but I'm psyched for whatever has got cooked up. I'm sure it'll be even better than an NX announcement.