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Report: Obama brings chilling effect on Journalism

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The reason he keeps things secret is because its dangerous for high level information to leak out to the public, get misconstrued, and next thing you know you have half of white hick america going apeshit. Any time information is made public Obama gets blocked from doing anything by idiots.
Every time I hear "post 9/11 world" I just think of Rudy Giuliani and his ridiculous presidential campaign "9/11, 9/11!!" It immediately negates the credibility of the person speaking as having no valid point and trying to scare the public into something.

On a side note, we now have the TSA outright threatening to (illegally) arrest people who make remarks or joke about security:



so because of this he is a terrible president? REALLY?? Perhaps he is terrible when it comes to journalistic freedom but that doesn't make him a terrible President.

He is a terrible president for a lot of reasons. Whistleblowing, surveillance, ties to Wall Street and protection of these corrupt evil fucks, transparency promises, completely useless against Republicans and so on.

Let me clarify something though, in my previous post I was comparing him to Bush only regarding whistleblowing and intimidation of journalists. No way Obama is worse than Bush.
As big an asshole as Bush was, Bush wasn't trying to sneak his finger up your bum.
Well Bush made it so the TSA could pull anyone out of a line and literally do that, and do you think domestic surveillance could have been expanded under Obama, were it not for the Bush administration? Of course it expanded, blank checks were being printed for seven years prior Obama to "fight terror."
Again, those are shitty things, but Obama has taken the Patriot Act and run with it. Hell, the whole of Congress has. Obama voted No on the 2005 Patriot Act and then reauthorized it as President.
The president has put it on congress to curtail the powers of the Executive Office. alsso, from the OP:
The administration has processed a record number of Freedom of Information Act requests and improved processing times, strengthened whistleblower protections with a new law and improved transparency on government spending, data, lobbying and other information, Schultz said. He also noted Obama has declassified volumes of information and signed orders limiting new classifications.
The overreach was there to be abused and only Congress has the power to reign in those abilities. The Republicans whine about this and that but they have no problem with these authorities because they want their guy in the oval office. Its not just Obama enabling these overreaches, it seems like a part he's playing at the behest of just about everyone in government.
Every time I hear "post 9/11 world" I just think of Rudy Giuliani and his ridiculous presidential campaign "9/11, 9/11!!" It immediately negates the credibility of the person speaking as having no valid point and trying to scare the public into something.

On a side note, we now have the TSA outright threatening to (illegally) arrest people who make remarks or joke about security:

After Giuliani mayored his way through 9-11, he started a private security company and had profited greatly advising municipalities and various business entities on how they might be best prepared for a terrorist attack.

The NYPD has a global counter-terrorism unit. If they monitored phone calls, someone would blame Obama.
Yeah, stopping something as democratic as the Patriot Act by using stalling tactics would have been really undemocratic.

All this things, the Republicans are using now, to stop the Affordable Care Act were installed to stop legislation like Bush was doing. But because the Democrats were so spineless at the time, they didn't use it.

The Republicans and the Tea party are crazy enough to use it for anything, so it's not their fault that the Democrats are such weaklings. If they Democrats would actually have balls, they could have stopped it already some time ago or they had the chance to stop things like Filibusters without the Filibuster, but again they did not.

Using legislative tactics to uphold legislation in a Republican government for the purpose of a minority viewpoint is the exact opposite of how a "democracy" should run.

You are meant to protect minorities & minority viewpoints, not to see them upheld through utilization of loopholes in the system. If a minority viewpoint wishes to be pushed through, there is a way to do it - legislation.

You say the Patriot Act is bad, and a lot of people here agree with you. However, push come to shove, people prefer defense over an ephemeral sense of freedom. Welcome to most countries in the world.
Really, care to explain why rather than drive by posting? Obama has been absolutely awful on issues such as government transparency, violations of public privacy, war powers, and economic regulation oversight. All of these were issues that elected democrats criticized Bush for and now are towing the line for Obama when he pulls much of the same shit.

Yeah a few have called him out, the vast majority have done jack shit about it. Excuse me for wanting a president who doesn't shit all over the electorate and a political party that doesn't change it's principles based on which party is in office.

These posts ignore EPA Regs, reformation of civil rights department of DOJ, Credit Card Act, CFPB (the first useful new federal agency in ages) Volcker Rule, Lilly Ledbetter, etc.

I'm sure Gaimeguy can give you a list at some point.


Strap on your hooker ...
The democrats had the chance to undo all of this, they had two years time, but they decided that they rather stick their head up their ass.

The Republicans are terrible, but at least they get something done, while the Democrats are some whiny kids complaining all the time, but as soon as they are in power and could change something, they suddenly sit on their balls.

Of course Obama blames now the Republicans or Congress or Santa Claus for not closing Guantanamo or other things, but they could have done it, if they wanted it. They were just too afraid of Fox News and that they could lose the election, which they did anyway.
The Democrats never possessed enough of a majority to steamroll whatever they wanted through, they still required Republican votes to accomplish anything. And Republicans literally sent marching orders to their party to not cooperate on anything.

That's the core difference between Dems and Repubs. Repubs are able to get things done because Dems can actually be wooed to the other side (or away from their own) on an issue if it makes sense or has the will of the public behind it. Dems aren't able to move anything because because whenever they try to make a case for their side, the Repubs' response is to place their fingers firmly in their ears and scream LALALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU.

I mean, in a way their obedience to the party line is admirable, but there's a line between being a good soldier and being an obstructionist asshole, and Repubs are sitting twelve feet past that line.
The Tea Party is crazy, but at least they take a stand to something. They move to Washington, they do demonstrate, the actually act.

While liberals or the Democrats are sitting in their chairs and are whining about the Tea Party, Fox News or bad weather.

Of course the Tea Party is winning, as long as the others are to lazy or to afraid to take a stand for something. If 500'000 people would march to Washington demanding to stop this idiocy, they would act, but of course this will never happen.
You don't remember the Occupy movement? There were huge throngs of protestors in every major city, a more coordinated outcry than the Tea Party's ever gathered. But Fox News and the Republican talk radio machine viciously and constantly worked to slander the movement and hand-wave any signifigance of their message with "They're just entitled kids living in their parents' basements, why are you too good for a job at McDonald's, college boy? Bootstraps, etc." And eventually that sustained attack won.
Nah, worse things have happened to societies and they survived.

Government secrecy is always bad, because of the opportunity it creates for abuse. It needs a very strong justification, which is not provided by America's ridiculous self-imposed task of world policing.

wait...excuse me, let me get you right.

Worse things have happened so modern society with instant news than the imminent destruction of humankind.

Please, do share, what this is.


You are under the assumption that Fox News and Talk Radio has that much power over the masses.

CNN, NBC, ABC, NYT among others are pretty much this Admin's PR bullsh***ers. Oh and trust me, Democrat's unwilling to fight has nothing to do with cowardice. Or rather, not by same point of view, mind you.

Could be wrong, though, the Democrat Party is the Barack Obama Party since 2008, there is not a single shred of dissent there, which means, either many Blue Dogs are keeping it to themselves or if there is indeed some discontent or criticisms to be made, are bottled up.


As much as I love to hate on Obama - I feel this is a Government trend which will continue in perpetuity until people actually stand up for themselves instead of fawning over every entitlement program as "they are doing such a good thing". I only bring entitlement programs into this as they are a means to an end. They create government dependency and strip individual liberties in an attempt to create a society that continuously trusts in government and looks to them for all answers since they become the hand that feeds. This destroys entrepreneurialism and individual thinking and liberty. We are slowly being conditioned and silencing the media is a critical part. There are many heads to the hydra that is the government but they are all working towards a common goal. Create a society dependent on government, silence anti-government speech, silence the media from any critical reactions to what the government does all in order to gain more control of its people. We would do well as a society to change laws to limit terms so the elite do not govern in perpetuity, disallow ANY family member to work in any part of government (in the private sector, I'm sure you've all heard radio contests and how people who work for that station and all family members cannot participate for fear of a stacked deck... How is the same not applied to people in power?) and get rid of all government ponzi schemes. Yes, the entitled might bitch about it but its illegal for the private sector to do it but the Govt appears it can without blowback.

All in all - a smaller, less overreaching government. Not anti-government, not an anarchist's dream, just a smaller more individual focused government. People have to remember these assholes work for US - not the other way around.

tinfoilhat.jpg :p
The reason he keeps things secret is because its dangerous for high level information to leak out to the public, get misconstrued, and next thing you know you have half of white hick america going apeshit. Any time information is made public Obama gets blocked from doing anything by idiots.

The problem is that there is a near consensus among democrats and GOP over this (as well as on a lot of other civil liberty questions), there is no debate over this, there is nobody who presents an alternative to this, so the media doesn't care, they can't sell stories about this.

When news agencies and private ideals group encounter an issue that bleeds over to The Other Side in a shared concern, surprise! They don't do jack shit because they're the other team and that ain't kosher. And the next administration's funny business will come off the very same way unless this changes.


Strap on your hooker ...
You are under the assumption that Fox News and Talk Radio has that much power over the masses.
Why not? They rake everyone else over the coals in ratings. If not explicit power, they've got a pretty uncanny ability to guide the tone of debate.

CNN, NBC, ABC, NYT among others are pretty much this Admin's PR bullsh***ers.
They've got a liberal bias, sure, but they're much more objective in their presentation than their conservative counterparts. For instance, when the Tea Party rose to power, I saw plenty of pieces on these leftist pinko networks that examined the movement and what it was about in a detached, neutral, sometimes even downright favorable fashion, even if they clearly didn't agree with it. When the Occupy movement hit, Fox and friends launched into an unbroken volley of epithets and name-calling.

When CNN hosts a roundtable discussion, they fall over themselves to equally represent both viewpoints; When Fox hosts one, there's six inlays of talking heads and five of them are conservatives. And even the 'liberal' one has a strong whiff of someone who probably has a shrine of Gordon Gekko they masturbate to.

The proper counterpoint to a subtle bias is not an overt one.
"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves (Gospel of Matthew 7:15"

No, he's using it correctly.

It is correct from a certain point-of-view. To say that Obama had made campaign promises that were intended to remain unfulfilled, in a malicious or devious manner, would be correct.

To consider that the campaign promises were also bundled with a pragmatic position of compromise; close GITMO: "not in my backyard," end drones has the program noticably reducing number of attacks, ACA took up over a year negotiating and creating the whole sequester leading to this shutdown. From this other point-of-view the saying is hyperbolic or even incorrect.

It is entirely subjective, truthiness. A standard poetic license covers the poster, it would make a decent political cartoon even if I don't agree.


you need secrecy...there are certain info that are more detrimental for public knowledge than it is without.

for example, if there is an asteroid heading for us, with only a month left to to hit, do you think they'll tell us?

fuck no. if they did, all sort of normalcy in society would go out the shitter

I disagree, secrecy leads to worse and bigger lies being told.
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