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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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Why would infowars post that? They're Trumps best friend.

Alex jones is terrified that knives are out for trump and trump isn't paying enough attention to the conspiracies and dark forces arrayed against him.
He posts and says stuff under the delusion that he is communicating with trump this way. He thinks they are best buddies just that the messiah is too busy to communicate directly.
He thinks that because trump buttered him up one time time so much that he glowed with pride.
Again, that is an October 19 memo and a statement about their level of knowledge at that time. The December 13 memo describes the new information they get from their source so that statement is no longer accurate or relevant.

Show me the December memo then....

I also like how it isn't just CIA or NSA or whoever... it's the entire IC.

Well except for parts of the FBI that are pro-Trump.

Basically, the way I put it is the NSA and CIA are assholes, but they are assholes who specialize in knowing their shit.
lol ya InfoWars will just post whatever

If people have dirt on Trump, right before the inauguration is definitely when it will do critical damage

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle


someone tweet this to him please, lol

Maaaaan, nobody respects the President of the USA right now huh, hahaha.
lol at the paranoia in this thread. Reminds me of Berners accusing Hillary fans as Correct the Record shills. In the United States alone, there are millions of people (left and right wing) who regularly pat Putin on the back and falsely equivocate US interventionism with Russian antagonism, so I can imagine it's not hard to find at least one African (who has much less of an excuse to be an American apologist) in the world who feels the same way and happens to have access to the internet. If you disagree with him, provide your own voice as a counterweight. If he is annoying or incessant, put him on ignore. But whipping yourself up into a paranoia and taking the time to discredit some random person on the internet is at best fruitless and at worst a step toward putting NeoGAF in exactly the same position it was pre-election.

It's just something I noticed visiting this thread, that the pro-Trump (not "American apologist") posters who've mentioned where they live have been non-American. Nothing paranoid about that.
As far as providing a counterweight, other posters have already did a fine job in showing that particular poster will bend over backward to cast the most favorable light he can on Trump while ignoring evidence to the contrary (see: the person providing a quote from Trump about Saudi Arabians buying his properties in response to his Hillary whataboutism that led to the outburst I quoted). He just brought up his location (kinda) which caught my attention. One would expect a far greater native-to-nonnative ratio to be supporting their president, but that doesn't appear to be the case in my experience here nd elsewhere.
I disagree with you about ignoring this sort of thing. Ignorance needs confronted and corrected whenever it rears its head, ignoring it doesn't benefit us, it's what led to the situation we're in. It's led to "fake news" being a thing, it's led to a state-run propaganda organ like RT being trusted over our own news agencies. It needs to be pulled out into the light and shown why it's wrong, so casual readers skimming this thread and others understand what it is. Putting a pro-Trump poster on ignore just because they're "annoying or incessant" is the equivalent to sticking your fingers in your ears. As the old saying goes, "Evil wins when good men do nothing".


Nah, infowars makes $$$ playing devil's advocate no matter the sitting administration. Think about it, if their vision for utopia came to fruition, what kind of redneck conspiracy theory can they ram down people's throats to drive clicks?

Alex Jones is going to become some fucking national hero to a small select group of Liberals these next four years.

Truth. I remember listening to Alex Jones a couple times during Bush Jr when I was young and impressionable. Fuck him he stands for nothing and cares about no one.


Pizza, Bourbon, and Thanos
I'm not a Russian troll. I believe Trump has a Putin connection to some extent, but I also believe that using unverified Tweets and retired NSA employees' opinions as facts does a ton of harm to the possible legitimate facts that Trump and his team were working with Russian authorities during and prior to the 2016 presidential campaign.

Let the professionals work and don't muddy up the water with sensationalism that the Trump administration can point to as a means to delegitimize proper investigations by the media and the FBI.

Don't know about all of this post, but the point about disinformation actually does worry me. During the cold war not just information, but disinformation was king. So many myths and conspiracy theories exist because of the disinformation purposely produced by state agencies during that time. Disinformation dissemination is a much cheaper mechanism than information security. The easiest way to bury any real claims of this is to cheaply produce a lot of fake companion claims. As these hundreds of purposely fake claims are disproven it mounts doubt and dulls the motivation to keep searching.

A lot of books about hiding ones identity and things of that sort mention that it's really a battle to make the truth too expensive to dig up. That being the case you just want to be more financially efficient at burying than they are at digging. Bullshit is cheap and self disseminating. Especially for a desperate American left. Not saying most, many, or even some here are doing that, just giving unsolicited words of caution.


LOL. Big league negotiator. Russia won't even accept this one-sided offer from Trump. I wonder why Russia thinks they can get Trump to remove the sanctions without even a token, face-saving gesture for Trump.

"A spokesman for the Russian president pointed out that Russia is not currently considering the possibility of reducing its nuclear arsenal in exchange for a sanctions deal."



LOL. Big league negotiator. Russia won't even accept this one-sided offer from Trump. I wonder why Russia thinks they can get Trump to remove the sanctions without even a token, face-saving gesture for Trump.

"A spokesman for the Russian president pointed out that Russia is not currently considering the possibility of reducing its nuclear arsenal in exchange for a sanctions deal."


You know Trump is calling them right now to tell them "You don't have to really reduce your nuclear arsenal! Just say you will!" and they're like "Niet! We would lose face. You can propose to remove the sanctions in return for a very nice letter from Vladimir!"


LOL. Big league negotiator. Russia won't even accept this one-sided offer from Trump. I wonder why Russia thinks they can get Trump to remove the sanctions without even a token, face-saving gesture for Trump.

"A spokesman for the Russian president pointed out that Russia is not currently considering the possibility of reducing its nuclear arsenal in exchange for a sanctions deal."


Well there you have it. Trump is going after Russia (over something pointless) and Russia is having none of it. This proves they are not working together! Phew, dodged a bullet there.


You know Trump is calling them right now to tell them "You don't have to really reduce your nuclear arsenal! Just say you will!" and they're like "Niet! We would lose face. You can propose to remove the sanctions in return for a very nice letter from Vladimir!"

Trump is going to have a Christie moment with Putin.



LOL. Big league negotiator. Russia won't even accept this one-sided offer from Trump. I wonder why Russia thinks they can get Trump to remove the sanctions without even a token, face-saving gesture for Trump.

"A spokesman for the Russian president pointed out that Russia is not currently considering the possibility of reducing its nuclear arsenal in exchange for a sanctions deal."


I... what? They don't want to look too eager I guess?
I'll save you all the click but inforwars posted that there's going to be a tape release within 48hrs prior to inauguration day.

This won't be the piss tape. This is the same tape Tom Arnold was referring to.

Again, it's inforwars, so.... High chance of it being 100% bullshit haha.
The Arnold tape has no potency now other than confirming what Trump's detractors already 100% believe. His base either won't care or will actually applaud him behind closed doors. The only people who will look foolish are those who bought into the Kaepernick/Sarandon both sides bullshit and stayed home.

Bet, if a tape of Trump saying nigger surfaces the right will immediately pivot to Hiphop to excuse him. It'll be a month of asinine "why can't we say it?!?!" smokeclouds, deflections and quoting Snoop Dog or Kanye or whoever. Think Betsy McCaughey reading Beyonce lyrics on CNN to defend Trump's sexism, but worse.


The Arnold tape has no potency now other than confirming what Trump's detractors already 100% believe. His base either won't care or will actually applaud him behind closed doors. The only people who will look foolish are those who bought into the Kaepernick/Sarandon both sides bullshit and stayed home.

Bet, if a tape of Trump saying nigger surfaces the right will immediately pivot to Hiphop to excuse him. It'll be a month of asinine "why can't we say it?!?!" smokeclouds, deflections and quoting Snoop Dog or Kanye or whoever. Think Betsy McCaughey reading Beyonce lyrics on CNN to defend Trump's sexism, but worse.

Still, on the plus side, anybody that defends that man will have to answer for what Trump said because anybody can then say, well he's a racist. It will certainly make gaf an easier read any way. No more 'prove that he is racist' bs.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
LOL. Big league negotiator. Russia won't even accept this one-sided offer from Trump. I wonder why Russia thinks they can get Trump to remove the sanctions without even a token, face-saving gesture for Trump.

"A spokesman for the Russian president pointed out that Russia is not currently considering the possibility of reducing its nuclear arsenal in exchange for a sanctions deal."


Dance, Puppet. Dance for my entertainment...


I was hoping something would happen today with this story, though I couldn't say what exactly. Sad! 😢
Well it is a holiday in the states.. but yeah, it seems like Trump will be President and anything that comes of this will take some time.


Okay. You're right then that the Intel hinges on a Cohen meeting, although it can't say what specific day for sure.
The interesting thing is that Cohen has simplified things by claiming that he has never been in Prague in his life. They simply have to put him in Prague at any time to catch him in a lie with pretty clear implications.
The interesting thing is that Cohen has simplified things by claiming that he has never been in Prague in his life. They simply have to put him in Prague at any time to catch him in a lie with pretty clear implications.

Problem is that unless they have video/photos of him in Prague, it's easy for him to deny.


Problem is that unless they have video/photos of him in Prague, it's easy for him to deny.
Seems hard for him to avoid all CCTV/surveillance video, and if he stayed in a hotel or commercial accommodation he would have had to provide documentation. If they ever narrow down the perspective time they could look for straightforward witness identification.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Seems hard for him to avoid all CCTV/surveillance video, and if he stayed in a hotel or commercial accommodation he would have had to provide documentation. If they ever narrow down the perspective time they could look for straightforward witness identification.
No one's gonna dig up all the CCTV videos from months ago. Besides even if he's caught in a lie... so what? Trump is caught blatantly lying all the time and there are no repercussions. :\



”Tell the families of those 117 CIA officers who are forever memorialized on our wall of honor that their loved ones who gave their lives were akin to Nazis," Mr. Brennan said. ”Tell the CIA officers who are serving in harm's way right now and their families who are worried about them that they are akin to Nazi Germany. I found that to be very repugnant, and I will forever stand up for the integrity and patriotism of my officers who have done much over the years to sacrifice for their fellow citizens."

Mr. Trump's aides didn't respond to requests Monday night for comment.
No one's gonna dig up all the CCTV videos from months ago. Besides even if he's caught in a lie... so what? Trump is caught blatantly lying all the time and there are no repercussions. :\

The point is that if they get proof that Cohen was in Prague then he's more likely to be convicted for this.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
LOL. Big league negotiator. Russia won't even accept this one-sided offer from Trump. I wonder why Russia thinks they can get Trump to remove the sanctions without even a token, face-saving gesture for Trump.

"A spokesman for the Russian president pointed out that Russia is not currently considering the possibility of reducing its nuclear arsenal in exchange for a sanctions deal."

Amazing. Russia knows, one way or another, they can own Trump and run circles around his terrible negotiating skills.


I'm starting to feel at this point that an apology will be demanded almost every day of a Trump presidency whether it be Trump making the demand or somebody that Trump offended.
Damn, the CIA is probably going to go ham on Trump, even during his presidency.

I'm starting to feel at this point that an apology will be demanded almost every day of a Trump presidency whether it be Trump making the demand or somebody that Trump offended.

I think him insulting the intelligence agencies is going to bite his ass hard. If there is one group not to piss off, it is them.

And it also makes me think of this for some reason.


Alex jones is terrified that knives are out for trump and trump isn't paying enough attention to the conspiracies and dark forces arrayed against him.
He posts and says stuff under the delusion that he is communicating with trump this way. He thinks they are best buddies just that the messiah is too busy to communicate directly.
He thinks that because trump buttered him up one time time so much that he glowed with pride.

Alex Jones is a businessman. His sole interest is in getting clicks and hocking crappy products to gullible conspiracy theorists. I wouldn't trust a single thing he claims to believe in.
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