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Republican Bias at Fox News Documented in New Film, Featuring Former Employees

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Friday July 9, 12:29 pm ET
Former Fox Journalists, Internal Memos to Blow the Whistle on Fox Partisan Bias
Progressives Call for Media Reform

NEW YORK, July 9 /PRNewswire/ -- At a New York press conference this coming Monday, four former Fox News employees will go on the record to expose Fox's persistent Republican partisan bias, while releasing internal memorandums from Fox News Channel showing executive level instructions to Fox on how to bias the news.

The four Fox whistleblowers appear, along with three others, in Robert Greenwald's new documentary "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism," excerpts of which will be shown at the news conference. The film is a devastating indictment of the Fox News Channel's purposeful disinformation in the pursuit of partisan objectives. Also at the news conference, Common Cause and MoveOn will outline their forthcoming campaign OUTFOX, starting with thousands of house parties to show the film taking place on Sunday, July 18th.

On Tuesday, media are invited to the official film premiere and to a panel on media consolidation and reform hosted by The Center for American Progress, with media authors and critics such as Arianna Huffington and Eric Alterman.

WHAT: Press Conference with FOX Whistle Blowers

WHEN: Monday, July 12, 2004, 12 NOON

WHERE: Emery Roth Salon I, Ritz-Carlton NY, 50 Central Park South, New
York, New York (59th Street between 5th & 6th Avenues)

WHO: Former Fox employees; Eric Alterman (The Center for American
Progress); Robert Greenwald (filmmaker); Chellie Pingree(Common
Cause, spokesperson for coalition)

To RSVP for the press conference (at which copies of the full film will be available), please contact Trevor Fitzgibbon or Kawana Lloyd at 202-822-5200.

At Tuesday's panel, The Center for American Progress' Media and Democracy Project will explore the impact of today's media ownership structure on news, journalistic standards and democratic dialogue, as well as explain why progressives must include media policy in their political agenda. How has media concentration affected the accuracy of news and the diversity of viewpoints? What does it portend for informed debate and democratic participation? Five leading writers will answer these questions and explore issues presented in Greenwald's film. A reception will follow.

WHAT: Panel Discussion and Film Premiere

WHEN: Tuesday, July 13, 2004, Panel discussion: 5 - 6:15 p.m. Film
premiere: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

WHERE: Tishman Auditorium, 66 W. 12th Street, New York, New York

WHO: Eric Alterman (What Liberal Media?), Arianna Huffington
(Fanatics and Fools), John Nichols (Our Media, Not Theirs), Nicholas
Lemann (dean of the Columbia University School of Journalism) and Paul
Starr (co-editor of The American Prospect and author of The Creation of
the Media).

To RSVP to the panel discussion and film premier, call (212) 229-5808, ext. 101, or e-mail dover@newschool.edu to reserve seating. If you require special accommodations, please RSVP five days in advance.

Source: MoveOn.org; Center for American Progress

Heh, I can't wait to hear O'Reilly's reaction to this... "In today's talking points, a new movie from a group of left-wing looney bomb throwers takes aim at my family."


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The conservative bias at Fox News is obvious, but mostly because it is about the only place you will find conservative views being broadcast outside of AM radio.
Ripclawe said:
Now thats some unbiased sources, are they using F.A.I.R as well?
No matter how hard you try, Rip, you can't spin this one. It's not like it's a significant blow to the Republican party, unless they are greasing palms, so relax.

Faceless: I think it's just press only, but give those kind folks a ring and see they'll let you in. If anything, just say you're a concerned voter or something. If anything, it will prompt them to release it out to the masses.


lmao i can just see bill talking about this "if i could make it being as poor as i was anyone can. i mean im not biased. fox is not biased. if anyone thinks we are biased is either jealous of my ratings or hates america. your choice. we distort u decide...err i mean we report u decide. dont hate america. now how about that website....france is evil!"

man i was watching scarborough country today...and at least the man admits to what he is. he is conservative. he is a republican. his pov is almost identical to bill on most things. but i can sit thru scarborough. he usually lets his guests talk no matter how anti his pov they are. by the end of the show im not aggravated.


Scarborough usually has some great guest panels, and he has some good credentials to be a commentator, as well.


effzee said:
lmao i can just see bill talking about this "if i could make it being as poor as i was anyone can. i mean im not biased. fox is not biased. if anyone thinks we are biased is either jealous of my ratings or hates america. your choice. we distort u decide...err i mean we report u decide. dont hate america. now how about that website....france is evil!"

man i was watching scarborough country today...and at least the man admits to what he is. he is conservative. he is a republican. his pov is almost identical to bill on most things. but i can sit thru scarborough. he usually lets his guests talk no matter how anti his pov they are. by the end of the show im not aggravated.

scarborough and o'reilly DIFFER GREATLY in point of view, and I've watched both shows quit a bit...


well not really...yet
Scarborough is a fucking O"reiley wannabe. If you can grasp the concept of how pathetic that is.... He even mildly resembles him. Wouldnt be surprised if he was grown in some tube in the MSNBC basement......havent seen his show in a long time so maybe hes not so much anymore.

Regardless, I dont care for him.

But I loathe O'Reilley. One of the few people is actually hate to the very core. Despicable person. Id love the oppurtunity to spit on his face.


WasabiKing said:
No matter how hard you try, Rip, you can't spin this one. It's not like it's a significant blow to the Republican party, unless they are greasing palms, so relax.

Faceless: I think it's just press only, but give those kind folks a ring and see they'll let you in. If anything, just say you're a concerned voter or something. If anything, it will prompt them to release it out to the masses.

who is spinning? yeah Fox news leans conservative, thats why its been a success since everyone else is left of center. But trotting out those 2 to make a case about it is laughable.


my whole point is that no matter how much u disagree with scarborough or even hate him...at least he admits to what he is. he isnt afraid to call himself conservative or republican.


Ripclawe said:
who is spinning? yeah Fox news leans conservative

Yes, and there are a few slot machines in Vegas. I think you may have just qualified for Understatement of the Year.


TAJ said:
The conservative bias at Fox News is obvious, but mostly because it is about the only place you will find conservative views being broadcast outside of AM radio.

No shit, I guess CNN is straight down the middle. People here would like to think so anyway.
DJ_Tet said:
No shit, I guess CNN is straight down the middle. People here would like to think so anyway.

CNN doesn't carry themself as being "fair and balanced" either. When you give yourself a slogan as being fair and then you clearly aren't you'll get people investigating it.


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I couldn't care less about helping out either the Republicans or the Democrats as they're both organizations with no plan to help anyone but their own careers. With that said, any movement to bring to light the fact that the media can never be biased and people need to think for themselves, that I can support.


"CNN doesn't carry themself as being "fair and balanced" either. When you give yourself a slogan as being fair and then you clearly aren't you'll get people investigating it."

Woah, stop right there. All news media outlets carry themselves as the unmitigated truth. Fox News uses their slogan to imply that the other news sources you are used to are NOT free of bias whereas they are. I'm not going to argue that FOX News is fair and balanced but its not like the other channels have slogans saying that they are influenced by personal agendas do they?

CNN has been for years trying to define themselves as the number 1 source for pure news. Just because they haven't used an in your face slogan doesn't mean they haven't made a serious marketing push over the last 20 years to burn its image of itself into our heads.


At least CNN tries to pretend that they're impartial. Fox News, seemingly, goes out of their way to make sure you know you're watching GOPTV.
The problem with fox news isn't their "bias", it's that they feel the bias to the right versus bias to the left is the only thing that separates them from respectable left leaning news sources. The thing is, they aren't respectable, they don't present their ideology well and they come off as being the channel for morons. It's just too bad people who fit into their basic value sets are forced to tune in to fox because there are no other well known right wing alternatives.

They're a lot like the toronto sun. They're under the impression that the globe and mail is an intelligent representation of the canadian left (which isn't true, but suppose they are), and that the sun is the opposition to the right, just as well written - if not better, by intelligent editors with well thought out view points. For those who arent familiar with it, they're the joke of our city, with the biggest draw being a "sunshine girl" in a bikini.


cnn's slogan is what? your #1 source of news? the world leader or something? its much different then fair and balanced. that whole slogan reeks of "those guys are tricky but we are not we just present pure news"...thats also followed up by "we report you decide" again implying they dont add any bias. cnn has no slogan where they imply the bias of thiers or others.

and IMO most news is just sensationalist. they go where the ratings are...where the tragedy, controversy, and the meat is. if it bleeds it leads. thats the nature of the news and by that trend most news tends to be liberal in the sense of being inquisitive and progressive when confronted with the status quo or the govt. i dont mean liberal in the sense of political liberal but liberal in the sense of probing.


At a New York press conference this coming Monday, four former Fox News employees will go on the record to expose Fox's persistent Republican partisan bias
do we really need exposes and whistleblowers on this? I mean this shit is obvious.


People are quick to compare CNN to FOX News, but they are NOT equal. FOX News is to conservatives as... umm... Bonnie is to Clyde? Wow, that's lame. Contra CNN, which, if anything, are far more implicit in any left-wing bias.


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Azih said:
do we really need exposes and whistleblowers on this? I mean this shit is obvious.

Not to Fox's audience it isn't. By and large, Fox viewers honestly believe that FNC is the only un-biased news source out there and everything else is just liberal bullshit. Sadly, these same people will most likely discount this film. The only ones who will see it are people who already see through Fox's propaganda.


Not to Fox's audience it isn't. By and large, Fox viewers honestly believe that FNC is the only un-biased news source out there

wrong, that is something trumped up to label fox viewers, there is a large number of conservatives out there who are just glad to have some station that reports news from something other than a liberal POV and watch foxnews.

and everything else is just liberal bullshit.



What exactly makes CNN's way of reporting the news 'liberal'? I just see them reporting the news, even Fox usually just reports the news, but there is that 10% of the time where they add their own slant to the news.

I was in England last week and I have to say their news reporting kills our, but their original TV programming is godawful.


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Ripclawe said:
wrong, that is something trumped up to label fox viewers, there is a large number of conservatives out there who are just glad to have some station that reports news from something other than a liberal POV and watch foxnews.

Aside from the people I know who watch Fox just for the humor of it, every other Fox viewer I know honestly think that FNC is the first un-biased news network to come around. Granted, this is a somewhat small sampling set but it seems to jive with the letters O'Reilly reads at the end of his show and the callers from his and Hannity's radio shows.


Minotauro said:
Aside from the people I know who watch Fox just for the humor of it, every other Fox viewer I know honestly think that FNC is the first un-biased news network to come around. Granted, this is a somewhat small sampling set but it seems to jive with the letters O'Reilly reads at the end of his show and the callers from his and Hannity's radio shows.

Thats the evidence you have to prove your point? I can point to NPR, PBS, chris matthews, aaron brown and the same thing applies there, especially when the media gets things wrong like paul bremer did not do a farewell speech which the washington post and LA times touted, then come to find out its wrong.

I was in England last week and I have to say their news reporting kills our, but their original TV programming is godawful.

at least over their the papers are written with their biases clearly out in the open, unlike here where the media insists its "objective"

perfect example of liberal thinking that dominates the media.

PBS hires Tucker Carlson who the media labels a "conservative" which is a joke in itself. PBS gets slammed for being too conservative because of one guy getting hired.
I watch Faux-News based soley on the fact that I want to see what kind of spin they can put on the news. They're hilarious. Sean Hannity, though, is a real, prime piece of shithead.


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Ripclawe said:
Thats the evidence you have to prove your point? I can point to NPR, PBS, chris matthews, aaron brown and the same thing applies there, especially when the media gets things wrong like paul bremer did not do a farewell speech which the washington post and LA times touted, then come to find out its wrong.

Uhm, I thought we were arguing over whether Fox's audience realizes they're biased or not.


Minotauro said:
Uhm, I thought we were arguing over whether Fox's audience realizes they're biased or not.

the question should be do people realize how bias CNN,MSNBC, ABCCBSNBC and other sources of news are? The reason the media is attacking foxnews is that the success it has had is threat to how the mass media can spin the news without getting broadsided by something/someone that says no thats not how the story is, this is the real story.

You see the so called smoking gun memos this film has to prove how bias Foxnews is?


One memo, believed to be circulated in April, suggested how to cover the rise in American deaths in Iraq: "Do not fall into the easy trap of mourning the loss of U.S. lives." Another covered the U.S. siege of Falluja: "It won't be long before some people start to decry the use of 'excessive force.' We won't be among that group." Referring to the 9/11 Commission hearing, a third urged: "Do not turn this into Watergate."

its basically saying report the news without the emotional claptrap that is all over the media and bluster. These editorial memos are done in any newsroom or media outlets day after day.

This was posted on the Houston chronicle website by accident showing how they want to cover the mass transit issue(they were for it) But somehow because foxnews does it, its evil!

plus its sponsored by moveon. right there you know its garbage.
Ripclawe said:
if you believe that, then neither is foxnews.

just shut up. ALL of the anchors have admitted their bias for all things conservatives during their shows. i don't have to believe anything when it's TOLD to me by the source.


fox news: cant be subtle about its conservative points when slamming it in with a hammer.

just now im watching this show called fox news watch or something and they have a bunch of journalists talking about the things of this past week and one guy has the nerve to question the values of all muslims. then he goes to claim they all are tight to hate the jews in thier mosques.


Effzee, that's crap. I watched the same episode, and you are blowing the comments completely out of proportion.


Thing is, editorial decision also factors into what CNN/Fox News would cover, and there you see some bias...

For example, Fox News is really pushing the corruption of the UN/French officials (and connections of front companies), while CNN gives it the casual mention...

Deliberate or not, CNN does have a liberal bias, which is different from a conservative "attitude" that Fox News has...

The difference is, while you can see very liberal guests on Fox News (like Black Panther Party, NARAL/NOW reps) debate conservative guests on Fox, unlike CNN, some points are just taken for granted...

I've seen countless debates on abortion (with both sides represented by articulate, passionate guests), while I wonder if you are even allowed to see a discussion about the issue on CNN (actually, I've seen some debates, but it's mostly ignored compared to how Fox News doesn't worry about being politically correct when it decides something can be debated)...

While the fact that there are debates on abortion can bring some to see a conservative attitude, I think it's unfair to call Fox News "BIASED", because almost everytime I turn on the channel, I see guest from a liberal-to-very liberal point of view along with a conservative counterpart discussing something...
i dont see fox or CNN as being "biased".. i see them as reporting the news truthfully from a certain *PERSPECTIVE*..

for me, fox airs the news from my perspective, whereas CNN airs it from a more liberal perspective..

both will air that there was a bombing somewhere.. but then o'reilly will give his perspective on it and have someone who disagrees and they argue about it.

whereas CNN has someone who pretends to not have a perspective and they just drop in little tidbits of liberalism, and more often than not, have liberal guests who they discuss things with..

i prefer fox news as they have entertaining hosts, as well as good show formats (hannity+colmes is great), and they tell the news from a perspective i trust.

dont see how that is "lying" if you simply dont understand or agree with the perspective.


Wolfy said:
Effzee, that's crap. I watched the same episode, and you are blowing the comments completely out of proportion.

it was whats implied. the man kept using the word "values" over and over to imply something here. that there values are different. they are taught hate. im not doubting all this happens in areas and but what was implied is a lot more general.


effzee said:
it was whats implied. the man kept using the word "values" over and over to imply something here. that there values are different. they are taught hate. im not doubting all this happens in areas and but what was implied is a lot more general.

so you put words in someones mouth because of your interpretation of what he said?

seems to be like a lot of the whining about Fox News wouldn't be a problem if people dealt with what is actually said on the channel (like hearing 2/multiple sides of issues), rather than complaining that a conservative voice can be heard, so Fox is now the Al-jezeera of the US...


right the conservative voice can be heard. thats why the country is split down the middle. thats why bush won the election. thats why conservatives like scarborough have thier own show. cause u know without fox news the conservative pov was lost and it wasnt heard.

im not putting words in his mouth. infact on that same show there was this lady who refuted him right away and said "i dont think its a matter of values as much...." and then she went on to something else. using the word values implies something. and he was talking about how its not wrong to them (wrong being the terrorism and them being the arabs) cause thier values are diff then ours. tell me u hear that and what do u think is implied?

ps: im not using this as some sort of evidence of fox's bias. this wasnt controlled by them. we have other anchors and such to point out as examples. this could have been said on cnn for all i care..it just irked me. infact msnbc once read some web posting by some terrorist on thier terrorist site as "posted on an islamic site". that irked me too cause using the word islamic there seems incorrect. thats what i meant by implications.


Diablos said:
Can't wait to see this documentary. I hope the fuckers get kicked off the air.

dear god no then what would have happen to the conservativ pov? how will our children learn of it? thru watching cnn?


Ripclawe said:
its basically saying report the news without the emotional claptrap that is all over the media and bluster. These editorial memos are done in any newsroom or media outlets day after day.

And yet, Sean Hannity seems to be prone to fevered, angry, emotional outbursts every time he is on screen. :(
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