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Republican Debate 10 [CNN] Super Tuesday Bros. Melee

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That's like a meme right? Woudn't he have been a kid when some of the murders happened?


You are in denial. That's what most of the coverage says. Trump was exposed as a shallow blowhard tonight. It won't make a difference to his irrational retarded supporters, but impartial people who were on the fence will take notice.

Most of the coverage has been saying that since debate one.


Trump had some legitimately bad moments in this debate. The problem with arguing that those bad moments are going to cost him support is that it ignores the reality of the exact opposite being true so far. Trump has always given uneven debate performances, where he sometimes defends non-republican positions, gets stuck repeating nonsense, has insults that land flat. Yet through it all, his support rises and he actually wins primaries! We just can't say that bad debates = loss of support when it comes to Trump. He defies the conventional laws of politics.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
You are in denial. That's what most of the coverage says. Trump was exposed as a shallow blowhard tonight. It won't make a difference to his irrational retarded supporters, but impartial people who were on the fence will take notice.
His poll numbers will increase anyway, I guarantee it.


Yeah Trump has had no policies since the beginning. That part isn't shocking. Clearly the GOP or R voters in general don't give a shit.

It's just about vague emotional appeals. Rubio tried to hit him with that tonight but it failed because;

1) Rubio does the same thing.
2) Rubio is a sweaty mess who has something that America can't have in their President.


Trump had some legitimately bad moments in this debate. The problem with arguing that those bad moments are going to cost him support is that it ignores the reality of the exact opposite being true so far. Trump has always given uneven debate performances, where he sometimes defends non-republican positions, gets stuck repeating nonsense, has insults that land flat. Yet through it all, his support rises and he actually wins primaries! We just can't say that bad debates = loss of support when it comes to Trump. He defies the conventional laws of politics.
Well said, it's very confusing.

El Aleph

Rubio is losing to Trump in his home state of Florida.

If that's not the definition of a choke artist, then I don't know what you call it.

That was before this debate. Before tonight, I would've agreed that Rubio was finished. Now I think he has a fighting chance.


Trump had some legitimately bad moments in this debate. The problem with arguing that those bad moments are going to cost him support is that it ignores the reality of the exact opposite being true so far. Trump has always given uneven debate performances, where he sometimes defends non-republican positions, gets stuck repeating nonsense, has insults that land flat. Yet through it all, his support rises and he actually wins primaries! We just can't say that bad debates = loss of support when it comes to Trump. He defies the conventional laws of politics.

Yeah, Trump has had worse debates and went up in the polls.


Trump had some legitimately bad moments in this debate. The problem with arguing that those bad moments are going to cost him support is that it ignores the reality of the exact opposite being true so far. Trump has always given uneven debate performances, where he sometimes defends non-republican positions, gets stuck repeating nonsense, has insults that land flat. Yet through it all, his support rises and he actually wins primaries! We just can't say that bad debates = loss of support when it comes to Trump. He defies the conventional laws of politics.
Trump's secret is simple: He always acts as if he knows what he's talking about, even when he doesn't.

He can say any bullshit and as long as he says it confidently without skipping a beat, he comes out on top.

It was especially impressive tonight where he managed to keep talking consistently even as he was double-teamed and constantly interrupted by Rubio and Cruz.


Realizing something tonight, but in the debate and in the post-debate interviews. The RNC is preparing to label the entire left as Socialist. lol
I certainly hope so. If we move on to the GE and the debates are still a circus of "who gets to drop the shittier insult" it's gonna be a long election season.

GOP voters seem to pick a candidate not base on how they're going to carrying out their platform, but on what they want to do, and how strong etc they seem.

So when Trump says 'Let's build a wall' the voters aren't really looking at the feasibility of that, but they know they want a President who wants that, because they want it. Etc.

They want to see someone talking passionately about something, never mind the details. Republican voters care less about facts, and more about morals and religious values.


Realizing something tonight, but in the debate and in the post-debate interviews. The RNC is preparing to label the entire left as Socialist. lol
Of course. The DNC was preparing to label the entire right as Trump, but the voters are saving them the trouble.


Trump had some legitimately bad moments in this debate. The problem with arguing that those bad moments are going to cost him support is that it ignores the reality of the exact opposite being true so far. Trump has always given uneven debate performances, where he sometimes defends non-republican positions, gets stuck repeating nonsense, has insults that land flat. Yet through it all, his support rises and he actually wins primaries! We just can't say that bad debates = loss of support when it comes to Trump. He defies the conventional laws of politics.

It's actually a pretty basic rule he's following with a plurality of voters in the GOP.

Be the most racist. Nothing else matters.
It's just about vague emotional appeals. Rubio tried to hit him with that tonight but it failed because;

1) Rubio does the same thing.
2) Rubio is a sweaty mess who has something that America can't have in their President.

Trump has a pretty clear policy

- Build the wall
- Re-negotiate all trade agreements
- Univerisal Healthcare Coverage from the government
Well that's what's I mean. Vague policy stuff. So yeah I guess he's had policies. But I guess I mean specific stuff.


Trump had some legitimately bad moments in this debate. The problem with arguing that those bad moments are going to cost him support is that it ignores the reality of the exact opposite being true so far. Trump has always given uneven debate performances, where he sometimes defends non-republican positions, gets stuck repeating nonsense, has insults that land flat. Yet through it all, his support rises and he actually wins primaries! We just can't say that bad debates = loss of support when it comes to Trump. He defies the conventional laws of politics.

I was thinking it was a bad performance but it was really only bad at the beginning. More importantly I'm pretty certain no one would handle a pile on like that and come out on top. He wasn't his best but he was getting hit from all sides by desperate men.

El Aleph

If you tell yourself this enough times you might actually start to believe it.

That's what Trump supporters do: they conduct raids to spread their propaganda, cover over and minimize Trump's faults and meltdowns, deny they ever happen, and chant his slogans in the hope that people won't notice how worthless Trump is. They repeat lies over and over again until people start believing them. Trump supporters are fundamentally dishonest people, even worse than Cruz.
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