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Republican Debate 10 [CNN] Super Tuesday Bros. Melee

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Right. Go read the comments on a Politico or National Review piece that criticizes Trump via factual evidence. The Trump fans GIVE ZERO FUCKS. They see every attack as unfair or a strawman. Did he turn off a number of voters who will vote in the primary? Sure! But he didn't lose any support, and the folks who are undecided that break for Rubio, Cruz, or Kasich are not going to be enough to beat him on Super Tuesday in a huge slew of states.

Republican primary voters give zero fucks about factual evidence.

CF their position on climate change, trickle down economics, single payer health care and raising the minimum wage.


What is with the fascination with asking Trump for his tax returns? The spin room questioning is awful. This isn't an issue the general public cares about.
It's the desperation attempt to make Trump look untrustworthy. The desperation from the right wing media is going on all cylinders now.

"I'm going for gasps!"
LMAO motherfucker..
I imagine that the play isn't to attack Trump in an attempt to get his supporters, it's to get the supporters of everyone else on stage. You try to come across as the competent alternative who can actually fight him. Problem is that it's a little late in the stage to consolidate enough support to overcome all of Trump's support. Rubio basically needs everyone else's voters, which could happen with enough time, but Super Tuesday is next week.


I imagine that the play isn't to attack Trump in an attempt to get his supporters, it's to get the supporters of everyone else on stage. You try to come across as the competent alternative. Problem is that it's a little late in the stage to consolidate enough support to overcome all of Trump's support. Rubio basically needs everyone else's voters, which could happen with enough time, but Super Tuesday is next week.

Yeah they should have tried this months ago.

El Aleph

Cruz firmly believes in a lot of horrible and harmful stuff. As do his supporters. That he honestly believes all that horrendous and damaging nonsense isn't a positive. Because he'll burn this country to the ground before he budges his position on anything.

His supporters want that, because they too have an evangelical belief in those same positions.

Again, I'll take the bellwether buffoon over the wolf in wolf's clothing.

Trump supporters legitimately want all his awful stuff as well. They think racism and authoritarianism are great. Even worse, Trump encourages them in their sadism. Remember that incident where that woman at a Trump rally called Cruz a "pussy" and Trump repeated it? What people forgot was that the woman called Cruz a pussy because Cruz was visibly hesitant about endorsing torture at the previous debate. You can see it all recounted in the video below:


In other words, Trump thought it was hilarious that this woman called Cruz a pussy for not being enthusiastic about torture. Not only that, but he encouraged that attitude! This is sadism. It's disgusting. And he openly encourages physical violence against dissenters at his rallies!


As bad as Cruz is, can you provide any examples of Cruz encouraging this kind of violent thug behavior at his rallies? He at least has some tincture of responsibility and conscience in his heart. Trump encourages his supporters to embrace and outwardly express their most vile and barbaric impulses.
Fun fact, I don't watch debates. Never have. I watch people reacting to them. that's the important part. What goes on at the debate... that's irrelevant. Who wins is the person everyone watching *thinks* won, not who made the best points or whatever other metric you might want to use.

This thread and the other places I've been keeping an eye on tell me that Trump won. So he did. Whether Rubio made valid points or not.
Fortunately they're the same.

Oh, yeah then totally vote Cruz, he is legit crazy.

Ugh.. I need to get clarification on Texas rules. I know someone running for the Dem US House primary who I like, so I want to vote for them.

I know Texas is semi open in the sense that if you voted Dem or Repub, you can't then vote for the other party in a runoff. But I guess you pick up just one of the two ballots?


Every online poll Ive seen has trump winning the debate by 60% or more, holy shit

He's 19 points ahead of Cruz in the poll at The Blaze with about 26k votes. That's Glenn Beck's web site. The same Glenn Beck who is basically campaigning for Cruz right now.


Choke artist, meltdown guy, sweating on Putin's shoes.

This is what people will remember about Rubio from tonights debate.


As bad as Cruz is, can you provide any examples of Cruz encouraging this kind of violent thug behavior at his rallies? He at least has some tincture of responsibility and conscience in his heart. Trump encourages his supporters to embrace and outwardly express their most vile and barbaric impulses.

Uh you must've missed it tonight when Cruz basically said he'd let people die on the sidewalks if they didn't have healthcare.

The guy is a psychotic nutcase....
oh my god that was amazing. trump's little side remarks always have me rolling. last time it was "well she should be running" and then this time calling cruz a basket case.
Fox News is just gushing over Rubio tonight. So predictable.

"pummeled trump" lol

Fuck Fox News. They've been on Rubio's dick since he did better than people thought in Iowa. They are a RNC puppet and have had a big hand in creating the hatred in their party.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The RNC is going right back to the same tactics they tried at the beginning of the cycle to attack Trump. It is bizarre to watch.

Also, LOL at the poster saying Cruz had a touch of "conscience in his heart" the same night where he insinuated that people dying on the street is better than the government paying for health care.

D i Z

These pundits buying on the idea that all the attacks thrown at Trump are going to stick?

All giddy lmao...

That was the plan, no? They loaded damn near all of their questions at Trump for a reason. Now they just need to fuel the narrative that whoever got their shots in did a good job up there (in this case Rubio) and pretend that people didn't actually see Trump murder both Rubio an Cruz at his own pace. Viewership numbers and all that.


That was the plan, no? They loaded damn near all of their questions at Trump for a reason. Now they just need to fuel the narrative that whoever got their shots in did a good job up there (in this case Rubio) and pretend that people didn't actually see Trump murder both Rubio an Cruz at his own pace. Viewership numbers and all that.

I love it personally. At least when it comes to Fox, they pay the price the most with their viewership.
These pundits buying on the idea that all the attacks thrown at Trump are going to stick?

All giddy lmao...
They seem to have expectations in check on it being a bit late.
Yeah they should have tried this months ago.
Pretty much.

Wolf openly wondering why the hell they'd keep letting Trump talk more is amusing. He was a pussy when it came to getting talked over, but in terms of the argument in the middle he allowed an acceptable back and forth.
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