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Republicans to kill U.S. rules on corruption, environment, labor and guns next week

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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I imagine all of the representatives are exuberant right now. So many more opportunities to get paid.

This is definitely going to be two years of everyone in power doing whatever they can to loot the country and get as much as they can before voters have a chance to remove them from office.

Unfortunately by the time the people in this country wake up and realize the mistake they've made it'll be too late for everyone.

Unfortunately, you're probably right. It seems highly likely that it will be made a good deal more difficult to vote for most people by the time the next major election comes around.


2-4 years? You're giving them too much credit. They pay attention during presidential election years, lament how they can't believe these are our choices (douches and turd sandwiches!), and disappear when the GOP begin their fuckery.

Hey man, there are Governors, too, that they can't be arsed to give a fucking shit about!


Expected, but

To the 'both sides are the same' fuckers I know are lurking in this thread right now: Would Clinton have done this?
2-4 years? You're giving them too much credit. They pay attention during presidential election years, lament how they can't believe these are our choices (douches and turd sandwiches!), and disappear when the GOP begin their fuckery.

This is the result when people get their political opinion from personas and YouTubers that spew "both sides" like Boogie and PhillyD.

They cannot back up their stance but they like to act above politics by casting everything as equal.


The US wants to take Latin American countries crown as the most corrupt country in the continent? By all means, take it. Who knows? In a few years (or months) they can have the distinction of being officially a tax haven country.


Holy shit these guys work fast. If it was the Dems in this position, all of this might be done in two years.


How do other countries seem to keep pure Greed out of their political systems? Why has US failed so horrible at letting those who only want power to benefit themselves from obtaining such power? What do we change? How do we fight without a massive overhaul of the systems and laws or even the Constitution?


Don't worry, America. This is all part of bringing your jobs back. Just part of the process of hiring you, don't mind us!


Doesn't matter Democrats would have done the same thing guys.So why didn't the people who voted republican or the people who didn't vote just vote Democrat? :(


He is attempting to induce 'outrage fatigue' early so people will give up caring about the details and tune out anything political.

Don't fall for it, stay loud, angry and aware every shitty step of the way.


We get this post in every Trump thread... When was the last time we saw a 'both sides are the same fucker' around here? This place has been as somber as a memorial service this past week.

there were a couple of "both sides" comments on a Gaming Side-thread yesterday.

Anyway, back to topic: fuck these evil people. I mean, they're literally, outright evil: hypocrites, misogynists, homophobes, selfish, greedy bastards that put the individual over communities and profits over the individual.


If the dems win back seats in 2 years can we repeal this?

thats a "BIG" if. You better believe the republicans are working their asses off 24/7 to find new methods of voter suppression and that's before they got control of every part of the government.
Lot of people in this thread pissed about non-voters when the alternative never offered a real solution to their ever-growing problems, from healthcare to underemployment, and were led by a candidate that threw downballot under the bus in a crucial year for downballot races.

The Democrats offered little more than a downward spiral that made what we're facing now an inevitability.
This whole week has been making wanna go around punching and yelling like a madman at all of my "both sides are the same," "meh, why bother voting? it's rigged!," "some other dumbass edgy excuse for being a lazy fuck" friends.

Fuck the apathetic left, republicans and those south park independents types.


If the dems win back seats in 2 years can we repeal this?

The Dems would have to gain majorities in the House and Senate. No easy feat during a midterm election especially since Dems are defending more Senate seats in 2018 then the GOP. Last time it happened was in 06 at the height of the Iraq War anger. Something like that will have to rile voters.


Lot of people in this thread pissed about non-voters when the alternative never offered a real solution to their ever-growing problems, from healthcare to underemployment, and were led by a candidate that threw downballot under the bus in a crucial year for downballot races.

The Democrats offered little more than a downward spiral that made what we're facing now an inevitability.

Fuck these disgusting lies.
If there's a supermajority to overrule a Presidential veto, then yes, in theory.

That's going to take a lot of work, and unfortunately there will need to be tangible, real damage done to the overall well-being of the country in order for voters to snap the hell out of it and vote in a supermajority.

It's a long shot. Possible. Like Trump was, remember?


Lot of people in this thread pissed about non-voters when the alternative never offered a real solution to their ever-growing problems, from healthcare to underemployment, and were led by a candidate that threw downballot under the bus in a crucial year for downballot races.

The Democrats offered little more than a downward spiral that made what we're facing now an inevitability.

Are you giving giving us a venting outlet? How kind of you.
Lot of people in this thread pissed about non-voters when the alternative never offered a real solution to their ever-growing problems, from healthcare to underemployment, and were led by a candidate that threw downballot under the bus in a crucial year for downballot races.

The Democrats offered little more than a downward spiral that made what we're facing now an inevitability.

Not being offered solutions and facts =/= Listening to offered solutions and facts


If the dems win back seats in 2 years can we repeal this?

We have spent the majority of the last few years with constant Police caused shooting of minorities. Tell me which minority would be willing to go to the polls once Poll Watching is no longer illegal?

Also, get ready for the incomprehensibly complicated applications for Voter ID.

Poll Tax is another thing that could come back.

Good luck trying to win come midterms.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
How do other countries seem to keep pure Greed out of their political systems? Why has US failed so horrible at letting those who only want power to benefit themselves from obtaining such power? What do we change? How do we fight without a massive overhaul of the systems and laws or even the Constitution?

Most countries fail at it.
I think that perhaps it helps to make sure the possibility of coalitions is a real thing. Every party should have equal chances of winning. Two party systems don't really work. No party should by itself be able to control everything.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Lot of people in this thread pissed about non-voters when the alternative never offered a real solution to their ever-growing problems, from healthcare to underemployment, and were led by a candidate that threw downballot under the bus in a crucial year for downballot races.

The Democrats offered little more than a downward spiral that made what we're facing now an inevitability.

That's really just some complete nonsense, but I could see how one might come to that conclusion if they only got their information from social media bubbles and a media focused on the spectacle of Trump and emails.


How do other countries seem to keep pure Greed out of their political systems? Why has US failed so horrible at letting those who only want power to benefit themselves from obtaining such power? What do we change? How do we fight without a massive overhaul of the systems and laws or even the Constitution?

US isn't actually that bad (or wasn't anyway). Most of it is education. If you can convince stupid people you'll magically cure all their problems by feeding their prejudices then they'll start to believe you and give you power. Most of it is really just people believing propaganda, and that works it's way up into government, Trump himself is just a powerful guy that believes someone else's propaganda as are many top-level Republicans legislators whether that be from the bible, oil companies, fake news sites or anything else. I don't think they're all out to get cut deals (I don't rule out some are), I think many of them are really that gullible or drink their own kool-aid to the point of irrationality.


How do other countries seem to keep pure Greed out of their political systems? Why has US failed so horrible at letting those who only want power to benefit themselves from obtaining such power? What do we change? How do we fight without a massive overhaul of the systems and laws or even the Constitution?

You'd have to kill the culture of worshipping the wealthy as the engine of the country and subsequently the hatred of the poor as lazy moochers, and in order to do that you'd have to get rid of our fetish with individualistic freedom and patriotism, as well as our racism (poor people were considered victims of unlucky circumstance until black and brown people started being included into the fold of welfare recipients).

In other words, we will always have one side of people who refuse to see the fact that they'll never amount to anything worth putting in the history books because it would mean recognizing that they've been played for fools by the very people they've been white knighting this whole time.

Lot of people in this thread pissed about non-voters when the alternative never offered a real solution to their ever-growing problems, from healthcare to underemployment, and were led by a candidate that threw downballot under the bus in a crucial year for downballot races.

The Democrats offered little more than a downward spiral that made what we're facing now an inevitability.

The alternative were actual plans for the continuance of Obama's positive governing on top of not being straight up evil. Didn't know that was such a hard fucking choice for "you people." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Not being offered solutions and facts =/= Listening to offered solutions and facts

Oh, plenty of people listened. Means tested divisive claptrap that gave private corporate a free pass or a way out to keep screwing people over. Look at how well Obamacare played out - people being mandated by law to pay for health insurance with no mandate to make adequate care accessible, so you would have plans with $5000 premiums. And yet Obama goes around going "yeah, we have so and so many American insured," which is not the same thing as "access to care," and never was, and never will be.

Democrats never concerned themselves with getting to the root of the problem. Wonkish, "big data," overly complicated and needlessly divisive faux-meritocracy trash for policy, depressing the vote as they refused to listen to the average person's problems, and then liberalism acts all smug like they did nothing wrong as they lose time and time again, from 2010 to 2016. How the hell do you people not realize this "Party," if you can even call it that anymore with how much they've lost, is out of fucking touch?

The alternative were actual plans for the continuance of Obama's positive governing on top of not being straight up evil. Didn't know that was such a hard fucking choice for "you people." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"Positive governing" is a delusion at this point. We've known this since 2014. The jobs "created" were in retail and service industry positions that don't pay a living wage. Obama's Administration was managed decline for corporate benefit. Trump will bring us rapid decline. At the end of the day, it's still a decline.


Oh, plenty of people listened. Means tested divisive claptrap that gave private corporate a free pass or a way out to keep screwing people over. Look at how well Obamacare played out - people being mandated by law to pay for health insurance with no mandate to make adequate care accessible, so you would have plans with $5000 premiums. And yet Obama goes around going "yeah, we have so and so many American insured," which is not the same thing as "access to care," and never was, and never will be.

Democrats never concerned themselves with getting to the root of the problem. Wonkish, "big data," overly complicated and needlessly divisive faux-meritocracy trash for policy, depressing the vote as they refused to listen to the average person's problems, and then liberalism acts all smug like they did nothing wrong as they lose time and time again, from 2010 to 2016. How the hell do you people not realize this "Party," if you can even call it that anymore with how much they've lost, is out of fucking touch?

This is fucking stupid, anti-science nonsense.

In fact, it is so fucking stupid that you decry "mean testing" in one paragraph and ask to listen to the average person's problem in the next.


At this point the US should have a law book for each party that applies when that party is in power so they don't have to repeal/reinstitute everything after each changeover.
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