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Republicans to kill U.S. rules on corruption, environment, labor and guns next week

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If you honestly believe "both sides are the same", you need to punch yourself. In the face. Repeatedly.

I don't mean a light tap, I'm talking a full-force left hook from Tyson himself.

The rich vs poor and middle class in cookies


The Autumn Wind
Lot of people in this thread pissed about non-voters when the alternative never offered a real solution to their ever-growing problems, from healthcare to underemployment, and were led by a candidate that threw downballot under the bus in a crucial year for downballot races.

The Democrats offered little more than a downward spiral that made what we're facing now an inevitability.
Literally none of this true. Let me guess, you're a Bernie or buster.


We have spent the majority of the last few years with constant Police caused shooting of minorities. Tell me which minority would be willing to go to the polls once Poll Watching is no longer illegal?

Also, get ready for the incomprehensibly complicated applications for Voter ID.

Poll Tax is another thing that could come back.

Good luck trying to win come midterms.
Voter ID can come back, but bringing back a poll tax would require an amendment to repeal the 24th. I don't see that one happening, thankfully.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
"Positive governing" is a delusion at this point. We've known this since 2014. The jobs "created" were in retail and service industry positions that don't pay a living wage. Obama's Administration was managed decline for corporate benefit. Trump will bring us rapid decline. At the end of the day, it's still a decline.

We're not getting well-paying manufacturing jobs back. It's just not going to happen. The U.S. economy does not exist in a vacuum.

There was also a push to increase the minimum wage to make those low-paying jobs more livable, on top of the constant push to improve the social safety net.

Unfortunately, people still believe in some American Dream where everyone is middle class and has two cars in the driveway of their single family home that they paid for with their own hard-earned money. That dream was only a reality for a select few for a couple of decades in the history of this country. It was not sustainable, because all of those jobs disappearing was inevitable in a global economy where the cheapest manufacturing base is constantly shifting.

That leads to people voting for demagogues with empty promises of bringing back jobs and an economic golden age they only know about from movies. Instead, they should be working for improving the social safety net so that everyone can live comfortably even if they are lacking in ability, opportunity, or ambition. That doesn't look like it will happen, though, because so many people absolutely hate the idea of paying for someone else's way.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Tax breaks.

Tax breaks for the rich people that they aspire to be but have no chance of becoming because they constantly vote against improving their own prospects and opportunities.

Zen Aku

Is there any possible sane reason why Republicans would want to repeal an anti-bribery law? I can't think of one.

Honest question.


Junior Member
Tax breaks for the rich people that they aspire to be but have no chance of becoming because they constantly vote against improving their own prospects and opportunities.
This is the definition of every republican I have ever met.
This is fucking stupid, anti-science nonsense.

Hillary said single-payer would never happen. Hillary said free college was impossible and then introduced a half-measure that did nothing to avail the current student debt crisis. Her platform was literally anti-science nonsense completely ignorant of the reality of the people who weren't well-off in this country, a number growing evermore by the day. Her excuse of "I don't want Trump's kids going to college!" was so utterly insane and set that policy up to fail from the start - if the people with the wealth don't see any benefit from it, they'll do everything to shut it down.

She fucked up. She and her billion dollar campaign with every advantage humanly possible fucked up. Deal with it and learn how to get people to actually vote for you instead of smugly looking down upon them as everything burns like you're somehow a better person.
I get it. Republicans have seemingly always hated environment, labor and gun laws, but corruption laws? How....how do you possibly justify that?

The core thesis behind all those other categories of regulation is that there should be no restrictions on how people with money spend it to exercise power.
Hillary said single-payer would never happen. Hillary said free college was impossible and then introduced a half-measure that did nothing to avail the current student debt crisis. Her platform was literally anti-science nonsense completely ignorant of the reality of the people who weren't well-off in this country, a number growing evermore by the day. Her excuse of "I don't want Trump's kids going to college!" was so utterly insane and set that policy up to fail from the start - if the people with the wealth don't see any benefit from it, they'll do everything to shut it down.

She fucked up. Deal with it and learn how to get people to actually vote for you instead of smugly looking down upon them as everything burns like you're somehow a better person.

The Democratic party is idiotic when it comes to curtailing the cost of college, I'll give you that (they're primarily responsible for it). But she's right about single-payer. An angry mob would have to descend on Capitol Hill and burn it down for that to happen anytime soon.
Blame the morons that voted all these clowns in.

I also blame those 57% of registered voters out there who were too lazy to get out there & vote against Trump. They're just as much to blame as the ones who voted for him.

They just sat on their asses & let it happen. I bet that they won't let that shit happen again come 2020.


Only liberals can be corrupt, and the Republicans are fine because they all have God on their side.

That's probably their thought process.

But there have been studies showing atheists are less likely to lie and be dishonorable... oh wait, they hate science too.

Republicans, when they say they want to make america great again what they really want is to bring America back to the dark ages when we were ruled by superstition.


Is there any possible sane reason why Republicans would want to repeal an anti-bribery law? I can't think of one.

Honest question.
I believe the reasoning for this is that a number of other governments are corrupt as hell and in order to essentially get anything done, some of these corporations have to bribe officials to start certain projects. The corporate thought process is that this anti-bribery law put some corporations at a disadvantage compared to other foreign entities when bidding for contracts or whathaveyou.

My understanding is that this is especially prevalent in the Middle East and parts of Africa.


Hillary said single-payer would never happen. Hillary said free college was impossible and then introduced a half-measure that did nothing to avail the current student debt crisis. Her platform was literally anti-science nonsense completely ignorant of the reality of the people who weren't well-off in this country, a number growing evermore by the day. Her excuse of "I don't want Trump's kids going to college!" was so utterly insane and set that policy up to fail from the start - if the people with the wealth don't see any benefit from it, they'll do everything to shut it down.

She fucked up. She and her billion dollar campaign with every advantage humanly possible fucked up. Deal with it and learn how to get people to actually vote for you instead of smugly looking down upon them as everything burns like you're somehow a better person.

This post reads like "Feed them lies, consequences be damned".


Hillary said single-payer would never happen. Hillary said free college was impossible and then introduced a half-measure that did nothing to avail the current student debt crisis. Her platform was literally anti-science nonsense completely ignorant of the reality of the people who weren't well-off in this country, a number growing evermore by the day. Her excuse of "I don't want Trump's kids going to college!" was so utterly insane and set that policy up to fail from the start - if the people with the wealth don't see any benefit from it, they'll do everything to shut it down.

She fucked up. She and her billion dollar campaign with every advantage humanly possible fucked up. Deal with it and learn how to get people to actually vote for you instead of smugly looking down upon them as everything burns like you're somehow a better person.

You are peddling gross mental gymnastics and abandoning evidence to produce a false equivalence.

I will not allow you to coopt the term "anti-science" with a thoughtless tirade on topics you do not understand.

Shame on you. The only person I'm looking down upon right now is you and your intelectually dishonest rhetoric.

Find another fool to drag into your nonsense.
I believe the reasoning for this is that a number of other governments are corrupt as hell and in order to essentially get anything done, some of these corporations have to bribe officials to start certain projects. The corporate thought process is that this anti-bribery law put some corporations at a disadvantage compared to other foreign entities when bidding for contracts or whathaveyou.

My understanding is that this is especially prevalent in the Middle East and parts of Africa.

This is actually true, especially when it comes to competing against Chinese companies. But overall the foreign corrupt businesses act is a positive thing. It's never wrong to stand up for the right thing. Giving money to corrupt governments will only make things worse in those countries.
Geez that's awful, no good can come from any of that.

Instead of marching now, Democrats should have marched straight to the polls a few months ago.

Neo C.

How do other countries seem to keep pure Greed out of their political systems? Why has US failed so horrible at letting those who only want power to benefit themselves from obtaining such power? What do we change? How do we fight without a massive overhaul of the systems and laws or even the Constitution?

You've never updated your ancient system (in a meaningful way), that's why. If I were American, I would go nuts over all those undemocratic rules, but Americans seem to love traditions.

To be fair though, I don't think other political systems are as stable as they seem to be. The world advances so fast, most countries just try to catch up.


This is actually true, especially when it comes to competing against Chinese companies. But overall the foreign corrupt businesses act is a positive thing. It's never wrong to stand up for the right thing. Giving money to corrupt governments will only make things worse in those countries.
Yea this is something we shouldn't support as repealing this would be essentially supporting those corrupt regimes. It's a moral issue but obviously corporations don't care.

Zen Aku

I believe the reasoning for this is that a number of other governments are corrupt as hell and in order to essentially get anything done, some of these corporations have to bribe officials to start certain projects. The corporate thought process is that this anti-bribery law put some corporations at a disadvantage compared to other foreign entities when bidding for contracts or whathaveyou.

My understanding is that this is especially prevalent in the Middle East and parts of Africa.

Can the dismantling of this law be used so that companies can bribe our own government officials? I assume not. Cause that shit would be a whole new level of crazy.

So basically, this is the Republicans point of view. "Since everyone is playing dirty overseas. We have to as well, and this law is preventing us."
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