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Republicans to kill U.S. rules on corruption, environment, labor and guns next week

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get some go again
To the 'both sides are the same' fuckers I know are lurking in this thread right now: Would Clinton have done this?
the dumbass liberals who thought trump winning would be better in the long run since people would rise up and finally throw out the crooked politicians are equally as idiotic. no democrat is going to be able to easily overturn all the bad shit 4 or 8 years of trump is going to do.


Oh gee it's almost as if the Democrats should have done something a little bit more constructive with their time than go "vote for us, skum!"

As if Trump was ever a valid choice. Too many Americans have proven they're fundamentally indecent people. There's no debate to be had with them.


Oh gee it's almost as if the Democrats should have done something a little bit more constructive with their time than go "vote for us, skum!"

Hey guys I think I found someone who didn't bother voting.

You don't get a magical unicorn candidate every cycle. You still have to show up. Lives are literally at stake... but her emails though right?


And in the midst of this all trump supporters can utter on social media is "MAGA" or "cucks" as if they think they won't be affected.


Oh gee it's almost as if the Democrats should have done something a little bit more constructive with their time than go "vote for us, skum!"

Oh gee. It's almost as if you could have posted something a little more constructive than this inflammatory bullshit. But here you are.
You wouldn't hear them say shit. They'd be staying dead silent.
If I were a Trump supporter I would never post in threads like these.

Diablos (or whatever) got banned after bravely being the only voice of conservativism around. I would never risk my account for stuff like this.

I'm not saying you should think about it, but maybe if you really want to hear what Republicans think, go to Republican reddit or something. Don't even comment, just read what is posted and what people think about it.


If I were a Trump supporter I would never post in threads like these.

Diablos (or whatever) got banned after bravely being the only voice of conservativism around. I would never risk my account for stuff like this.

I'm not saying you should think about it, but maybe if you really want to hear what Republicans think, go to Republican reddit or something. Don't even comment, just read what is posted and what people think about it.

That's one way to spin his post history, I guess.
why is trump able to do so much so quickly? is this because they hold the house and senate?
Dems had even more power from 2008 to 2010, but did fuck all with it, couldn't even get a public option passed and had to settle for ACA. Trying to play the responsible Card, reach across the isle and it bit then so hard in the ass

Well Republicans now have full power and are taking every advantage of it.


If I were a Trump supporter I would never post in threads like these.

Diablos (or whatever) got banned after bravely being the only voice of conservativism around. I would never risk my account for stuff like this.

I'm not saying you should think about it, but maybe if you really want to hear what Republicans think, go to Republican reddit or something. Don't even comment, just read what is posted and what people think about it.

Well the majority of them will be either spinning this or be in denial. No one likes being wrong.


The mainstream Democrats the day after the biggest loss in party history came out and said there's nothing wrong with their politics. The problem is the Party has completely detached themselves from reality.

Oh yeah sure it's the Democrats that are the ones detached from reality. Makes total sense.


get some go again
If I were a Trump supporter I would never post in threads like these.

Diablos (or whatever) got banned after bravely being the only voice of conservativism around. I would never risk my account for stuff like this.

I'm not saying you should think about it, but maybe if you really want to hear what Republicans think, go to Republican reddit or something. Don't even comment, just read what is posted and what people think about it.
wasn't diablos supposedly for sanders at some point? dude was probably just being a contrarian for fun.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
If I were a Trump supporter I would never post in threads like these.

Diablos (or whatever) got banned after bravely being the only voice of conservativism around. I would never risk my account for stuff like this.

I'm not saying you should think about it, but maybe if you really want to hear what Republicans think, go to Republican reddit or something. Don't even comment, just read what is posted and what people think about it.

diablos didn't get banned because he supports Trump.
Hillary said single-payer would never happen. Hillary said free college was impossible and then introduced a half-measure that did nothing to avail the current student debt crisis. Her platform was literally anti-science nonsense completely ignorant of the reality of the people who weren't well-off in this country, a number growing evermore by the day. Her excuse of "I don't want Trump's kids going to college!" was so utterly insane and set that policy up to fail from the start - if the people with the wealth don't see any benefit from it, they'll do everything to shut it down.

She fucked up. She and her billion dollar campaign with every advantage humanly possible fucked up. Deal with it and learn how to get people to actually vote for you instead of smugly looking down upon them as everything burns like you're somehow a better person.

The reality in our big tent political system is that there are 2 viable parties for the foreseeable future. The choices presented are shit and much, much shittier. You don't choose much, much shittier when you can choose "bring me down softly" shit. Otherwise, you are just a masochist who prays accelerationism will work, lest we become 3rd world banana republic or kleptocratic mafia state in the process. At least the neoliberal shills only slowly chipped away at our wealth over the course of decades. This looks to be a straight up instant robbery.


I'm actually legit scared now. USA is turning into a banana republic with a narcissist as its leader

this could actually lead to war

The world has ridiculous amount of tensions at the moment. Economic differences, emerging automation, climate change, ideological differences, Russian adventurism, whatever else...
I figure a war or wars of some kind are inevitable, even in the West. I don't think "traditional World War III" will happen, or even nuclear one, but perhaps a crisis that might as well be called one.

I need a Survivalist guide.


29 year old with a "Gold-star" Obamacare plan racks up $68,000 in medical debt because Obamacare was a federally madated blank check to the fucking vultures of private health insurance to keep doing what they're doing. "Reality" was dropping the hammer on shit like this happening, or preventing premiums from being jacked up 20% right before the election.

When you give people no answers, they either don't turn out to vote, or they go to someone who is giving them (wrong, mind you) answers.

This guy's issue has nothing to do with the ACA. He got that debt by going out of network and living in a red state not interested in protecting its residents from balance billing. You will note though (as the article does), that the Obama administration already issued a new rule to at least limit it to your in-network out of pocket max. But guess which regulation is going to be rescinded now
Oh gee it's almost as if the Democrats should have done something a little bit more constructive with their time than go "vote for us, skum!"

Well, when the alternative is "vote for skum, US!"

Blame Hillary all you want. The American people that didn't vote, or voted for Trump are solely responsible. If I was starving and offered a stale loaf of bread or a kick in the balls for dinner I wouldn't blame the loaf of bread for being stale if I got kicked in the balls.
There is no way all of this gets fixed in a decade or even 2. We're fucked because dumbasses voted for this dumbass.

We haven't even recovered from Reagan yet, and he was decent compared to Trump.

Trump could very well be the next Andrew Johnson and make it so that we never recover from his shit.


We haven't even recovered from Reagan yet, and he was decent compared to Trump.

Trump could very well be the next Andrew Johnson and make it so that we never recover from his shit.

Consider his behavior and opinions towards Native Americans, and his eagerness to destroy our lands to speed up the Dakota Pipeline, I see him more as an Andrew Jackson.


the dumbass liberals who thought trump winning would be better in the long run since people would rise up and finally throw out the crooked politicians are equally as idiotic. no democrat is going to be able to easily overturn all the bad shit 4 or 8 years of trump is going to do.

They are still trying to push this shit too. Lowkey on that "Yeah but two party systems arent fair tho" while this fucking orange cunt dismantles shit on every level. God I wish I could strangle these shortsighted assholes.
Consider his behavior and opinions towards Native Americans, and his eagerness to destroy our lands to speed up the Dakota Pipeline, I see him more as an Andrew Jackson.

I coworker of mine said that people who are indifferent or supportive of Trump will laugh and call this "The Trail of Liberal Tears" so I find the Andrew Jackson comparison accurate.

They are still trying to push this shit too. Lowkey on that "Yeah but two party systems arent fair tho" while this fucking orange cunt dismantles shit on every level. God I wish I could strangle these shortsighted assholes.

I'm getting tired of the "you have to burn everything down to rebuild better" gymnastic they are pulling.
Consider his behavior and opinions towards Native Americans, and his eagerness to destroy our lands to speed up the Dakota Pipeline, I see him more as an Andrew Jackson.

Yeah, that's just as likely. There are a lot more parallels between Jackson and Trump, too.

I imagine what's really going to happen is that he's going to take the worst aspects of our past presidents. He has the ability to be Jackson (or post-Pearl Harbor FDR), Johnson, Nixon, and Reagan all mashed together. Fuck.


Gold Member
This whole week has been making wanna go around punching and yelling like a madman at all of my "both sides are the same," "meh, why bother voting? it's rigged!," "some other dumbass edgy excuse for being a lazy fuck" friends.

Fuck the apathetic left, republicans and those south park independents types.

That is exactly what we all need to do. Hold the ones in our lives accountable. Remove them from your life and let them realize how real it becomes. Let them know why.

Lets take this shit back.


I'm not saying you should think about it, but maybe if you really want to hear what Republicans think, go to Republican reddit or something. Don't even comment, just read what is posted and what people think about it.

I didn't say Republicans. I said Trump supporters, and they're all on /r/The_Donald (which, for the record, is significantly larger than /r/Republican).

Oddly enough, I couldn't find anyone there talking about the policy changes in this thread. Instead, the front page is full of gems like this:

Is it just me? Or is anyone else getting joy from reddit collectively losing their shit at our President's success? In 5 days he's undone 8 years of stupid.


Hey guys I think I found someone who didn't bother voting.

You don't get a magical unicorn candidate every cycle. You still have to show up. Lives are literally at stake... but her emails though right?
Who the hell cares about her emails? The DNC assumed they had everything in the bag and told everyone that their choice in November was how high they were jumping when told.

They were as the hare and they and everyone else paid dearly for their arrogance.

Also Scottish and votes regularly and would have probably voted DNC out of pure self preservation, fie to you and your assumptions.
I didn't say Republicans. I said Trump supporters, and they're all on /r/The_Donald (which, for the record, is significantly larger than /r/Republican).

Oddly enough, I couldn't find anyone there talking about the policy changes in this thread. Instead, the front page is full of gems like this:

Is it just me? Or is anyone else getting joy from reddit collectively losing their shit at our President's success? In 5 days he's undone 8 years of stupid.

I'd ask them what was stupid from the last 8 years, but I'd probably be immediately banned.


Protip: The "both sides are the same" people aren't actually paying attention to any of this at all. They tune in once every 2-4 years just to get annoyed that their Facebook feed is full of politics and they get angry that they don't understand what's going on so they pretend to be better than everyone.

Democracy eh, what a crock of shit. It's not working in this day and age - the US and UK are clear examples of this.

What do we do next?


Oh gee it's almost as if the Democrats should have done something a little bit more constructive with their time than go "vote for us, skum!"
They weren't wrong. It was arrogant and stupid yes, but it was more arrogant and stupid for people to ignore them just to be contrary.


If I were a Trump supporter I would never post in threads like these.

Diablos (or whatever) got banned after bravely being the only voice of conservativism around. I would never risk my account for stuff like this.

I'm not saying you should think about it, but maybe if you really want to hear what Republicans think, go to Republican reddit or something. Don't even comment, just read what is posted and what people think about it.
Diablos bravely praised Trump's awful shit at every opportunity. He was a blight on reasonable conversation among people who value things like human rights and intellectual honesty.
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