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Republicans to kill U.S. rules on corruption, environment, labor and guns next week

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Other rules eyed for quick overturning by Congress include newly minted environmental, gun control and labor relations measures, sources said.

What are the gun control regulations and why would they want to overturn something that could possibly protect people?

After six years of legal battles, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in June approved the rule requiring companies to disclose payments to foreign governments. It will probably be killed swiftly with two simple congressional votes.

Also this. So basically they want to be able to be as shady as they see fit.

The rich vs poor and middle class in cookies

Fucking brilliant.
Yea this is something we shouldn't support as repealing this would be essentially supporting those corrupt regimes. It's a moral issue but obviously corporations don't care.

Exactly, which is why we have a representative government to make sure things like this aren't allowed. Or at least we used to have a representative government, thanks to things like gerrymandering and voter suppression it isn't as representative as it used to be.

edit: I like the cookie gif. But to be more accurate the poor guy should be black.
The Democratic party is idiotic when it comes to curtailing the cost of college, I'll give you that (they're primarily responsible for it). But she's right about single-payer. An angry mob would have to descend on Capitol Hill and burn it down for that to happen anytime soon.

At the rate things are going, that'll probably have to happen sooner than later.

You are peddling gross mental gymnastics and abandoning evidence to produce a false equivalence.

I will not allow you to coopt the term "anti-science" with a thoughtless tirade on topics you do not understand.

Shame on you. The only person I'm looking down upon right now is you and your intelectually dishonest rhetoric.

Find another fool to drag into your nonsense.

Uh, okay, Sorkin Jr.


There is no longer such thing as a "moderate Republican" anymore. Nothing to suggest some tempered, reasoned argument to be made. The damage Republicans have managed to push in less than a fucking week will irreparably harm the country and the world. This is the Republican dream. It always has been, and you're fucking fooling yourself if you think you would have gotten any different with any GOP candidate.

Fuck the Republican party, fuck their supporters, and fuck everyone that passively "sat this one out" under some idiotic fucking notion that both parties were the same.
At this point it seems like people need to start buying pitchforks, kerosene torches, and plane tickets. Maybe some buckets of tar and bags of feathers to round it out.


Lot of people in this thread pissed about non-voters when the alternative never offered a real solution to their ever-growing problems, from healthcare to underemployment, and were led by a candidate that threw downballot under the bus in a crucial year for downballot races.

The Democrats offered little more than a downward spiral that made what we're facing now an inevitability.

"Not being blatantly evil" is not a valid reason?


I can't stop laughing at this stuff.

Like, this is some real super-villain shit. I'm not all the way into comics but who's closest to Trump and his cabinet? Just, man this is insane. Like something made up in a comic.


Hillary said single-payer would never happen. Hillary said free college was impossible and then introduced a half-measure that did nothing to avail the current student debt crisis. Her platform was literally anti-science nonsense completely ignorant of the reality of the people who weren't well-off in this country, a number growing evermore by the day. Her excuse of "I don't want Trump's kids going to college!" was so utterly insane and set that policy up to fail from the start - if the people with the wealth don't see any benefit from it, they'll do everything to shut it down.

She fucked up. She and her billion dollar campaign with every advantage humanly possible fucked up. Deal with it and learn how to get people to actually vote for you instead of smugly looking down upon them as everything burns like you're somehow a better person.

Yeah, you tell em. Hillary's still the problem. Deal with it. Very cool advice.


It's kinda crazy how quickly one man can destroy this country

Don't fall into this line of thought. All Republicans are either outright evil or complacently tolerant of evil.

If liberals have any backbone we'll resist and hit them back. I've lost faith in my peers but I'll still punch a Nazi if I see one. I hope every day that we drop the love bullshit and learn to hate, and I'll keep talking about it.

Fuck Republicans.


Protip: The "both sides are the same" people aren't actually paying attention to any of this at all. They tune in once every 2-4 years just to get annoyed that their Facebook feed is full of politics and they get angry that they don't understand what's going on so they pretend to be better than everyone.

Yep. People who come to a "both sides" conclusion are the people who don't pay attention to politics in the first place.

Lot of people in this thread pissed about non-voters when the alternative never offered a real solution to their ever-growing problems, from healthcare to underemployment, and were led by a candidate that threw downballot under the bus in a crucial year for downballot races.

The Democrats offered little more than a downward spiral that made what we're facing now an inevitability.

The solutions put forth by Democrats were real solutions, as in, grounded in reality. Bringing back manufacturing and coal mining jobs lost 30 years ago with wages higher than ever, or killing Obamacare while making insurance coverage both more robust and even cheaper, are not real solutions, they're lies.

What we're facing now is an inevitability solely because of Donald Trump and his voters.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
So with the republicans easily shooting down everything, they're going to deregulate the banks so folks with almost no credit can get $350,000 houses again, right? Let the banks regulate themselves!

They're going to deregulate limits on hunting and fishing right? If I'm good enough to shoot down 20 bucks, then I should be able to kill 20 bucks!

What about the pharmaceutical companies getting deregulated? That way, they're able to make as many drugs that they want. More drugs means more options, more options means more competition, more competition means lower prices! What a win!

And don't get me started on deregulating coal and oil mining. Drill bitch, drill. More oil means lower prices at the pump. Think about all the money we're going to save!

Go Trump! Making america fucking awesome again!



10 threads on the front page about political shit Trump and the republicans are ramming through.

It's tricky. All new news, all valid, all fucking important and all depressing but coming to the OT at the moment feels just coming to an extended Political forum.

I think I need stay in gaming for a while.

On topic - further bullshit but at this point, worse will probably get announced tomorrow
Yeah, you tell em. Hillary's still the problem. Deal with it. Very cool advice.

The mainstream Democrats the day after the biggest loss in party history came out and said there's nothing wrong with their politics. The problem is the Party has completely detached themselves from reality.

The solutions put forth by Democrats were real solutions, as in, grounded in reality. Bringing back manufacturing and coal mining jobs lost 30 years ago with wages higher than ever, or killing Obamacare while making insurance coverage both more robust and even cheaper, are not real solutions, they're lies.

What we're facing now is an inevitability solely because of Donald Trump and his voters.

29 year old with a "Gold-star" Obamacare plan racks up $68,000 in medical debt because Obamacare was a federally madated blank check to the fucking vultures of private health insurance to keep doing what they're doing. "Reality" was dropping the hammer on shit like this happening, or preventing premiums from being jacked up 20% right before the election.

When you give people no answers, they either don't turn out to vote, or they go to someone who is giving them (wrong, mind you) answers.


That, and unlike when Obama took office, the US economy is doing extremely well. Unlike Obama, Trump and congress don't have to worry about the US entering a depression.

The fucked up thing about all of this is that Republicans have actually received less votes than Democrats in several elections, yet they still hold power.

So much for Democracy....

Gerrymandering at it's finest


The mainstream Democrats the day after the biggest loss in party history came out and said there's nothing wrong with their politics. The problem is the Party has completely detached themselves from reality.

You are arguing over chess, while mobsters are setting your house on fire.


The mainstream Democrats the day after the biggest loss in party history came out and said there's nothing wrong with their politics. The problem is the Party has completely detached themselves from reality.

Your suggestion amounted to promising free college and a single-payer health system. The party isn't the one detached from reality.


The mainstream Democrats the day after the biggest loss in party history came out and said there's nothing wrong with their politics. The problem is the Party has completely detached themselves from reality.

I agree that the Dem party has a lot of issues. What do you think will help here though? Genuinely asking.
Anyone else starting to get these weird uneasy paranoid twinges like maybe they knew what they were doing with the 2nd Amendment after all and the only good thing about the next 4 years is it'll be easy to stockpile guns before the Trumpstapo begins knocking on doors

I feel completely bonkers and yet I never expected things to look so bleak so quickly a year ago


I use to give some republicans the benefit of the doubt but after seeing how everyone pretty much got "in-line" and put party (scared to piss off the administration) over doing what's right....fuck them all, seriously. Fuck Rubio especially


I am fairly young, and am not American. My first awareness of a Republican in power was George w bush.

Anyways, how the fuck can anyone vote Republican after this? I am so baffled that a party can go against the interest of their citizens to such a degree that its ludicrous.

The Kree

I am fairly young, and am not American. My first awareness of a Republican in power was George w bush.

Anyways, how the fuck can anyone voted Republican after this? I am so baffled that a party can go against the interest of their citizens to such a degree that its ludicrous.

Black president.


I remember seeing a lot of Trump supporters on here talking about how they will vocally condemn/criticize any awful moves that the Trump administration makes. Where they at? Or is this not corrupt enough for them?


I remember seeing a lot of Trump supporters on here talking about how they will vocally condemn/criticize any awful moves that the Trump administration makes. Where they at? Or is this not corrupt enough for them?

They all slipped up and were banned eventually.


Oh gee it's almost as if the Democrats should have done something a little bit more constructive with their time than go "vote for us, skum!"
why is trump able to do so much so quickly? is this because they hold the house and senate?

No, everything he's done so far are executive orders which don't require legislation. Things like actually repealing the ACA will not pass because they require a supermajority which they do not have. What republicans call repeal now is simply defunding parts of the healthcare system but they cannot actually repeal it on their own. They also can't "replace" on their own either. Any of his major plans require democratic support which he will not receive.
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