So a white supremacist possible Republican, an alt-right Republican/Russian operative, and a creepy sexist racist Russian operative who worked to elect Trump.
Not good enough, he needs to be fact checking their asses until they renounce their bigoted views instead of letting them manipulate the YouTube algorithim.
Do the math
the Atari Jaguar has 64 er...
Unbelievably stupid stuff.
These people know racism was a thing before the internet, right?
If anything I think having this massive free platform gives people an insight into the lives of others which actually reduces prejudice and hate.
I think that's the bit they just don't get.
Maybe you platform some awful guy and have a debate and he gains 1000 followers?
How many followers does he lose though?
The problem with de-platforming is that if the optics are wrong you make the de-platformed party look like a plucky underdog and this only instills a siege mentality in their supporters. Then it attracts other supporters who just like a fight. Then it gets attention anyway and you get a lot of neutrals saying "hang on, I actually want to hear what he has to say for himself now".
Imagine you are on the jury for a murder trial. You hear the prosecutions opening accusation. Then the defense gets up to speak and the prosecutor just goes nuts. Fuckin screeching, trying to pull the building fire alarm, ranting about the victims family feeling unsafe before finally demanding that the defense not be allowed to make their case. Any sane person thinks "something is off here" and any fair minded person then demands to hear the defense. Then you make up your own mind.
Rogan does a podcast that is not quite mainstream but also not excessively edgy. It's the kind of show where, really, you expect the hosts to say stuff that is sometimes insightful, sometimes gripping, sometimes a bit out there. That's like the "essence" of the show.
The problem with ResetEra is that one of the main struggles of the site is keeping people "on message". Certain things are not to be questioned. Not joked about. Not to be talked about in a fashion that is deemed "dismissive". Not to be argued with or contradicted.
Rogan is like the opposite of that. He will just let a guest talk absolute shit (Bob Lazar, for a non-political example) and say "woah" or "interesting" and the audience is free to observe and decide for themselves. That's good entertainment in a way and the show is supposed to be entertaining.
What Reeeee tries to do is fine in a controlled environment but the rest of the world is not a controlled environment. People are free to construct and express their own opinions and, for the most part, you are not able to just send them away.
So a Reee member overhears "trans athletes have an unfair advantage over biological female athletes" and their thought is where the hell did you hear that.
It's banned speech within the bubble but common sense without. So their thinking is that is the world was just like Reeee anyone holding this opinion should be banned and the source of the opinion should be removed.
Not realizing that anyone with any common sense can come to the same conclusion without Joe Rogan.
So, the OPs specific talking point about the opinion "hire the best minds, don't just hire diverse people" being right-wing somehow is a bit of an issue. First because it's kind of mundane, non-extreme, opinion and second because it's an opinion that a person could easily come up with on their own.
Are they telling me that Joe Rogan having a platform is the reason that some lady at some office somewhere thought "the best person for the job should be the one that we hire". Like as if her life experience doesn't consist of many situations where she had a choice and she decided "I choose the best one". Fucksakes.
The problem is that they, as a group, deal with opposing opinions by making them go away.
Anything seen as even remotely "off message" is dealt with instantly.
Certain content is banned outright, certain people are never to even be mentioned.
(This is also why they end up with so many trolls "hiding in plain sight" as absolute parodies of ReeetardEra posters.)
So it becomes harder and harder for them to relate to regular people because regular people are allowed to form and express their own opinions.
De-platforming would work for something like a guy who thinks 2+2=5. It's just wrong but of course he would be natural "de-platformed" as people just aren't going to listen. Certain other ideas cannot be de-platformed because people keep coming up with the same idea over and over again and independently. This is why you need discussion and debate.
You literally need to give neutrals the chance to see the discussion in action and see who comes out on top.
How many Atheists were once fully signed up religious believers?
How many of them drifted from religion simply because they saw debate and discussion happening and it swayed them.
Would it be fair and just to basically ban religious people from hearing anything that could shake their faith?
Just control exactly what they hear and who the hear it from so that they can't ever even have a chance to think the "wrong" thoughts?
They continually argue in favor of a totalitarian approach to discussion. It's so bad that you can't even point that out or you'll take a ban.
Don't talk about this. Don't ask about that. We need to do more because people are still saying stuff we don't want to ever hear.
Yet, they know all of the names of the biggest "alt-right" figures and they know all of their opinions.
Share a video critical of Star Wars and Cheebo with find you the 20 second clip from a 4 hour livestream where the guy who made the video you shared said "I agree" to a guy who made another series of videos and in one of those videos this other guy called Rose Tico a bitch. They are so well informed on who said something problematic and where and when and how they are related to other people we should all never listen to.
It's like some guy telling you alcohol is a gateway to all kinds of fucked up shit and you should be careful cos it messed up all these other people he knows... as he chugs down his 8th shot of whiskey before noon.
They are fucking delusional and they point blank refuse to perform any kind of introspection.
The truth is that for them Joe Rogan has to be "right wing" because otherwise you might see him thinking about stuff and talking about stuff and you might one day think it's just fine for you to also think for yourself.
They do the same with a whole number of videogame and pop culture related personalities also. Red Letter Media. Angry Videogame Nerd. Pewdiepie. Cos if you see these guys having a good time and not taking things too seriously then you might end up thinking that you can do that too. Then if you are laid back and unafraid and thinking for yourself you might end up telling these authoritarian assholes to fuck right off.