Straight out of an Incel manifesto and also coincidentally, Incident Manager Hobbes only fan.
Another situation where being part of a community like ResetEra is probably quite harmful to the individual.
Nobody can hit them with some hard truths out of fear of the ban hammer.
If you're a 20 year old dude and you hit the gym or get yourself into running or some other sport and take it semi-seriously then you will improve not only your appearance but your mentality also. I'd say after about 6 months to a year of that you'd be well placed, at 21 with a healthy mind and body and attitude, to get whatever you want out of life.
Nah, give up at 20 years old because... reasons?
I love how he talks about "long held beliefs and dreams". Dude, you are 19 years old! Relax.
Do not fucking "embrace" self-hatred for fucksakes.
Haha. What am I saying?
Has he tired transitioning? That's a good trick.