In most cases, the moderate view is the best choice since not many people like extreme left SJW idiots or right KKK pitchforkers.
The best case for a Democrat win is still Biden. He's still the top of the polls.
The problem with the left (and that includes Biden), is that they aren't talking about important topics to topple Trump. They are afraid to talk about the economy, tariffs, jobs and shit like that because it's humming along great.
So they've resorted to groveling for votes due to freebies or the usual rich guy tax to make poor people feel better. It can work. But so far Trump's arrogant hard stanced numbers game is winning.
It's like a business strategy meeting at work. People chime in what to do. There's always the sales guy who thinks the best strategy is sell it as cheap as possible. But profits sink. And it makes rising the price later hard. Then you got the bean counter who thinks everything should sold at a high price so profit margins are best. The guy never thinks that sales might be shit if you price yourself out of the market.
Well low and behold look at that. The most reasonable price every department can live with is somewhere in the middle.
Talk about Nobel Prize worthy wheeling and dealing.
Rights never been KKK, most the KKK are as left as they come, the Media gave Spencer a boost to try and claim he was right wing but he was also left wing. David Duke might be the only right-wing klansman that's worth anything and he's an EX_Klansman.
But yeah the current demo problem is they aren't really running against Trump on anything, yet, they are catering to the base and the radical left in some instances when looking at Biden, and largely when talking about the other candidates, but they don't really have a way to run against the economy, and almost all the Debates have not been about how they will COUNTER Trumps current policies.
Instead of saying how they will counter, they just give out platitudes and buzz words and say things like yeah, we'll raise your taxes, we'll give you free healthcare, we'll give you 20,000 a month, and then assume they don't need to breakdown how because they believe their base is full of idiots.
But when the general comes around, or even late primary, they will have to put their policies in a context as a counter to what Trump has, Elizabeth warren only did that a minimal amount, and shattered her campaign which is not recovering.