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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Girlfriend/boyfriend sound a bit juvenile as they use the words we have for young females/males. I guess the best mature sounding alternative for someone you're dating that isn't at the point of being an SO/spouse, would be lady friend and suitor but those would be considered too stuffy in todays society. I'm down for going full old school with belle and beau.
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In a thread about fighting loneliness it’s really weird how so few, if any, actually recommend trying to meet and interact with other people. Then again it’s resetera.


REEEEE is full of extreme introverts. These are the people who basically see small talk and flirting as harassment. "Don't talk to a woman on the streets, that's not getting to know her, that's harassment". They are the ones who keep sharing comic strips of person A going to a party with person B and then immediately feels ostracized, even though no one is even thinking about them, let alone forcing them into a lonely corner of some sort. These people aren't capable of social interaction in person and often assume the worse of the situation. If you want a social study of extreme introverts, REEEEE is the BEST place for it.
Many years ago, I used “my partner” for a period of time in reference to my girlfriends. Keep in mind that this was BEFORE sjws were a thing and it was actually quite a common phrase for couples to use at the time. I just found using “my girlfriend” all the time felt juvenile.

My ex used to refer to me as her partner, because as you say girlfriend/boyfriend sounds too high-school.

I thought i'd try this out at my new job to sound more mature. When asked if I was single, I said "no, I have a partner". Followed by every bloke in the room thinking "Poofter, eh?". So I went back to using Girlfriend.


lot of butthurt white knights coming out in defense of a shitty failure of a character and running with stupid conspiracies like “Reddit wrote the movie”
Like, you're the fucking Disney corporation. You own most of pop culture at this point and could use your influence and might to both make money and *be good* rather than just make money. But they refuse to. These people burned thru multiple directors in each of the last Star Wars movies because they didn't want directors who would have their own vision or do anything except what the executives and their spreadsheets said test audiences wanted. So they shitcanned Lord and Miller, they shitcanned Colin Trevorrow, and let's be realistic-- they shitcanned Rian Johnson once he turned up the heat in a creative way that they didn't like.
“It’s like this corporation only cares about money! Imagine that! The scales are slowly falling from mine eyes!”

Also y’all remember them “shitcanning Rian Johnson” and how he was fired like Lord and Miller and Colin Trevorrow? Huh? Wait? That never actually happened? What does “shitcanning” even mean?

Why is it “being realistic” to state that something that never actually happened in fact happened? Rian was not fired, why are these people are equating a few in movie jokes with public firings? Must he be defended so much you have to make up some bullshit to have him seem like a victim? LOL TLJ stans really live in another universe than the rest of us
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wants to fuck an Asian grill.

Interest lost, because boobs!


PS2/XBOX/GCU is my fav era for fanservice in games. Nowadays everything is either super conservative or super perverted. But back then you had lots of titties in games but they weren't the focus. Just good wholesome titties on the side with your main entree.


Gold Member
The editors at Wikipedia ARE STILL butthurt about Trump being in Home Alone 2, holy crap. The first time I talked about it on Wednesday. But now they're back at it.

*Make 10 second cameo*


So, someone edited it and it was reversed and now they're pissed? Damn, these people.

Also, I remember posting in the old thread about the mod bleed from communities and lo and behold KiA now outlawing reset threads that create campaigns of hate because they are 'nobodies'. This was always the endgame. I agree that individually they are in fact nobodies, but that was never the issue with the community campaigns, it was the issue of the collective and mob mentality of bullying creatives through idealism. Lot of subtle little things like this if you peer hard enough, not just reset but the wider community about stifling bad image or 'bad looks'




So I had a question after reading the JK Rowling thread.

Is JK Rowling a feminist? All I know about her is that she wrote Harry Potter which really doesn't seem to have any feminist leanings. Again my only knowledge is from the movies and pop culture but as far as I can tell HP is not some feminist book.

Is she some big feminist? And why is she a radical? If someone is a radical feminist wouldn't they advocate for radical things like men should be buried underground while our balls are being milked for our semen or that every company must hire 50% women or some shit.

I mean I know they use the made up word TERF to describe anyone who doens't bow down to their gender propaganda but outside of thinking men/women are different biologically is there anything radical or feminist about JK Rowlings?


Radical means you follow the traditional biological definition

It’s a poor attempt to make the gender fluid world of male vaginas and female penises the norm, by saying not thinking that is “radical”


Gold Member
...is there anything radical or feminist about JK Rowlings?

Not really, I think it started when she refused to recast Johnny Depp when the whole wife beating thing was published (which I think turned out Depp was the real victim?). Then she said Dumbledore was gay, but then ddin't support any sexuality stuff being in the fantastic beasts films that highlighted this. Then she was accused of appropriating Navajo culture because some folk tales or lore sort of appeared in the films (not sure if that's the monsters or actual myths), and it was not 100% accurate. It eventually culminated with something about the books really being about colonialism and the house elves were black slaves - don't quote me on that though because it is just me remembering or trying to. It's just a complete escalation of tearing someone down who created something they liked. Now this latest TERF moment is the social media gotcha I guess.

Reading that back and man, what a fucking mess.


Not really, I think it started when she refused to recast Johnny Depp when the whole wife beating thing was published (which I think turned out Depp was the real victim?). Then she said Dumbledore was gay, but then ddin't support any sexuality stuff being in the fantastic beasts films that highlighted this. Then she was accused of appropriating Navajo culture because some folk tales or lore sort of appeared in the films (not sure if that's the monsters or actual myths), and it was not 100% accurate. It eventually culminated with something about the books really being about colonialism and the house elves were black slaves - don't quote me on that though because it is just me remembering or trying to. It's just a complete escalation of tearing someone down who created something they liked. Now this latest TERF moment is the social media gotcha I guess.

Reading that back and man, what a fucking mess.

Ok but she isn't a "feminist" then? Everything you wrote doesn't seem feminist to me. Dumbledore being gay has noting to do with feminisim, same with Depp or Navajos. And last I checked Harry Potter was a dude (at least he identified as one LOL) so as far as I know there isn't anything feminist about HP.

Seems like an odd label for someone who doesn't particularly push feminism.


Radical means you follow the traditional biological definition

It’s a poor attempt to make the gender fluid world of male vaginas and female penises the norm, by saying not thinking that is “radical”

That doesn't seem radical to me. Radical would be something extreme. Like milking men for their semen and keeping them locked up in cages.

But ya guess it just goes to TERF being a made up word. If someone is neither a radical or a feminist how can they be a TERF? Its like calling me African American when I am neither African, American, or black.


Gold Member
Ok but she isn't a "feminist" then? Everything you wrote doesn't seem feminist to me. Dumbledore being gay has noting to do with feminisim, same with Depp or Navajos. And last I checked Harry Potter was a dude (at least he identified as one LOL) so as far as I know there isn't anything feminist about HP.

Seems like an odd label for someone who doesn't particularly push feminism.

Specifically feminism she went on a rant, can't quite remember about liberal men - lemme google, try this



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
There are two separate articles on the same day over at Vox about why JK Rowling is evil because of this tweet:

"JKR just ruined Harry Potter, Merry Christmas."

Totally bonkers.

Journalists are punching themselves in the face. Go after multi-billion dollar entertainment brands, do it. See how quickly your corporate sponsors and your political masters cut your strings. As if the layoffs in media weren't already accelerating...


The Tribe Has Spoken
My ex used to refer to me as her partner, because as you say girlfriend/boyfriend sounds too high-school.

I thought i'd try this out at my new job to sound more mature. When asked if I was single, I said "no, I have a partner". Followed by every bloke in the room thinking "Poofter, eh?". So I went back to using Girlfriend.
Lol. Yeah, I said “many years ago” because the same thing happened to me and so I stopped using it as much.

I was getting my hair cut, chatting to my hairdresser and talking about “my partner” and after like the third haircut like this, she asked if “my partner” was a man or woman.

That phrase went in the bin after that.


at times i wonder if it is just a Russian troll farm or something. IMO they do more to radicalize people than anywhere else on the planet. the Extremely Online Left seem to be good only at kicking people out and reducing their numbers to ever more insane and radical members. they unwittingly promote and platform the very "alt right" that they complain are an insignificant minority. they do more to damage popular discussion than any professional troll ever could.

Twitter is nothing but media people, trolls, and gov't intel agents. MSM is a racial/sexual corporate gaslighting racket. the internet was cool pre-Obama, before there were ads everywhere, and media assholes commanded the narrative. now it's just an echo chamber, the stupid subconscious of elitist journalists. IMO we are stuck in this Virtual Media Hell that in 2016 bled over into the real world.
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Update: Game developer mentions Trump supporters get beat up in his city. Only on Resetera.


There's too much other crap in that thread to screen cap but a lot of Resetter's are convinced that no Republican should leave their suburbs and that cities are now exclusively property of the Democrats.

I made a thread earlier today that just coincidentally touches upon this topic and more, I think anyone interested should check it out, since it describes Resetera (and the rest of the world) perfectly. Especially since I believe this next decade, we're going to see more people like Feep, going around and trying to pick fights with Conservatives.

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Resetera clearly is insane and pretends 2016 didn't happen, they think most of the country is hard left so guys like Biden have to be removed to succeed. They said that the Dem nominee needs to go left as possible to have a chance.

I hope they spread that nonsense nationwide so it gives Trump an easy reelection while the alienate all the center and leaning voters.


Gold Member
Resetera clearly is insane and pretends 2016 didn't happen, they think most of the country is hard left so guys like Biden have to be removed to succeed. They said that the Dem nominee needs to go left as possible to have a chance.

I hope they spread that nonsense nationwide so it gives Trump an easy reelection while the alienate all the center and leaning voters.

In most cases, the moderate view is the best choice since not many people like extreme left SJW idiots or right KKK pitchforkers.

The best case for a Democrat win is still Biden. He's still the top of the polls.

The problem with the left (and that includes Biden), is that they aren't talking about important topics to topple Trump. They are afraid to talk about the economy, tariffs, jobs and shit like that because it's humming along great.

So they've resorted to groveling for votes due to freebies or the usual rich guy tax to make poor people feel better. It can work. But so far Trump's arrogant hard stanced numbers game is winning.

It's like a business strategy meeting at work. People chime in what to do. There's always the sales guy who thinks the best strategy is sell it as cheap as possible. But profits sink. And it makes rising the price later hard. Then you got the bean counter who thinks everything should sold at a high price so profit margins are best. The guy never thinks that sales might be shit if you price yourself out of the market.

Well low and behold look at that. The most reasonable price every department can live with is somewhere in the middle.

Talk about Nobel Prize worthy wheeling and dealing.
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Gold Member
Every. time. Compete on quality and service and people will pay more, race to the bottom does not work.
Every year, these are the stupid discussions I have to get involved in..... (simplified for sake of example)

Sales: I want to sell it for $5 on a blowout sale

Me: Why?

Sales: We can sell 50,000 cases

Me: But we lose money

Sales (trying to be clever): The more cases we sell, it keeps the machines running. So we can get economies of scale from the plant

Me: Ok, makes sense I guess if the crew have downtime (assuming it's not already churning shit out 24/7). How much do we save then?

Sales: I don't know

Me: Exactly. Your blowout sale is declined
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Sales (trying to be clever): The more cases we sell, it keeps the machines running. So we can get economies of scale from the plant

Oh yes, that too. Sales fuckers only care about making their targets. Also keeping sales and marketing away from product dev and manufacture is always best.


Gold Member
Oh yes, that too. Sales fuckers only care about making their targets. Also keeping sales and marketing away from product dev and manufacture is always best.
Top line sales targets are the evil. Whether the sales guy is smart enough to know what's going on or a complete moron, it's those top line targets that make sales people do stupid deals to flush out endless cases of product out the door.

The second the company institutes net profit targets, all these fuckers (except the truly dumbasses) magically change and sudden;y they care more about financials.

It's a stupid thing too because every company I've worked at has the majority of annual bonuses based on profit kinds of metrics including %. So someone trying to sell tons of product for cheap isn't going to help the annual bonus anyway because profits on those cases will be shit.

Here's other stupidity I run into.....

Sales: I need to give more costs discounts this year

Me: Why?

Sales: The buyer needs more since he wants to increase his profits

Me: And if we do that, our profits sink. What do we get out of it?

Sales: (Blank stare)

Me: Bye.
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In most cases, the moderate view is the best choice since not many people like extreme left SJW idiots or right KKK pitchforkers.

The best case for a Democrat win is still Biden. He's still the top of the polls.

The problem with the left (and that includes Biden), is that they aren't talking about important topics to topple Trump. They are afraid to talk about the economy, tariffs, jobs and shit like that because it's humming along great.

So they've resorted to groveling for votes due to freebies or the usual rich guy tax to make poor people feel better. It can work. But so far Trump's arrogant hard stanced numbers game is winning.

It's like a business strategy meeting at work. People chime in what to do. There's always the sales guy who thinks the best strategy is sell it as cheap as possible. But profits sink. And it makes rising the price later hard. Then you got the bean counter who thinks everything should sold at a high price so profit margins are best. The guy never thinks that sales might be shit if you price yourself out of the market.

Well low and behold look at that. The most reasonable price every department can live with is somewhere in the middle.

Talk about Nobel Prize worthy wheeling and dealing.

Rights never been KKK, most the KKK are as left as they come, the Media gave Spencer a boost to try and claim he was right wing but he was also left wing. David Duke might be the only right-wing klansman that's worth anything and he's an EX_Klansman.

But yeah the current demo problem is they aren't really running against Trump on anything, yet, they are catering to the base and the radical left in some instances when looking at Biden, and largely when talking about the other candidates, but they don't really have a way to run against the economy, and almost all the Debates have not been about how they will COUNTER Trumps current policies.

Instead of saying how they will counter, they just give out platitudes and buzz words and say things like yeah, we'll raise your taxes, we'll give you free healthcare, we'll give you 20,000 a month, and then assume they don't need to breakdown how because they believe their base is full of idiots.

But when the general comes around, or even late primary, they will have to put their policies in a context as a counter to what Trump has, Elizabeth warren only did that a minimal amount, and shattered her campaign which is not recovering.


Fake tough guy Resetard is the absolute best. These guys scream bloody murder and denounce hate crime if you metaphorically raise your voice and yet they talk about kicking ass all day. Sure you do buddies, sure you do.
There was a hilarious cartoon posted during the run-up to the 2016 election. SJW's tried to portray extreme manliness like it was a bad thing (and I guess you could say Trump represents being a Man).


They don't seem to get that being strong and powerful is the only way to win a fight in real life, not screaming and yelling pronouns in peoples faces.

This may also explain why Resetera does everything to downplay Men so much. They only want to beat up other people who are just as feminized and scrawny as they are.
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Rodent Whores
Game developers threatening to beat up Trump supporters if they see them in real life? Only on Resetera.

That's not a threat. That's an observation of the environment. Maybe there was something else said in the thread that was more threat-like, but this thing right here is not it.

Dr. Claus

That's not a threat. That's an observation of the environment. Maybe there was something else said in the thread that was more threat-like, but this thing right here is not it.

Yes. That is akin to saying something along the lines of "I mean good luck. I've seen precisely one pooh shirt ever in the city of Beijing. No one tires it here because you'd get your ass in prison." Nothing in that suggests that the poster is the one to toss them in prison (or in the case of the poster, kick their ass).

Regardless, there is plenty to call out for that particular developer. They have said some outright trash and have ensured I will never purchase their titles and actively advocate others to avoid them. Fuck that cunt.
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You know, the Star Wars thing is a little funny.

This is a franchise set in space, where hypothetically there could be a million different alien races out there. You can't fucking represent every single one of them.

Even more bizarre is when they attempt to insert Earth politics into a highly futuristic Space soap opera. Earth would be just one planet, yet what entitles it to having more screen time compared to Gungans or Wookies?
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