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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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That kid knew exactly what he was doing. He was just smart going about it and won a payday out of it. Good for him, but he's not exactly a traumitized victim or anything.

Some of the comments go a little overboard with it which is why I said in my first post he should just fuck off with his money somewhere so we don't have to see his face again.
How do you think it was going to school the next day after media outlet after media outlet and forums like Era falsely paint him like a racist Nazi? You seriously think he was bullied at school or recognized outside and confronted? Now that the news of the court case came out his face is gonna be everywhere again and extremists like on Era are gonna be even more pissed at him.


CNN fucked up I'm with you on that so they don't get any sympathy from me. Both sides suck in this situation.

I mean she has a much stronger argument than this kid ever did that's for sure.

Nice to see some friendly faces on here! :) I avoid the politics section and this thread for obvious reasons, but I enjoy posting on off topic :D

Both sides? What exactly did the kid do?

Big brain both sides wojak is getting a workout lately.

I make no qualms about being on the left. I’ve said that before, in this thread.
I'm referring more to your entrenchment with establishment, elitist thinking. There are a lot of left leaning people here and many of them agree there is some degree of deep state. I have no gripe with you being on the left, that's not what I am referring to. I will clarify, but call me out if I'm not making sense.

Racial superiority. Enforcing religious principles via government. Military/police worship.

Those are positions that I'd consider "right wing extremist" but deep state conspiracies are not one of them. That's more of an internet freethinkers vs Facebook/CNN guzzlers dichotomy. Is Julian Assange a right wing extremist? I seriously don't know where people are on the spectrum viewed through your paradigm, that's why I'm asking.
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The Tribe Has Spoken
I have no stake in who wins your election as I'm an Aussie bit I agree trump winning again would be fucking hilarious to watch what happens over there......And that's coming from someone who has left leaning views.
Same. I’m gonna have the bbq going, the esky full of beer, 5 screens with all the news channels simultaneously playing and a back up generator in case the power happens to go out. Don’t wanna miss a second because, if he wins again, the meltdowns will be talked about for millennia.

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Gold Member
I make no qualms about being on the left. I’ve said that before, in this thread.

I lean left and I find it more sane over here. Over there we are cool with wishing death on people? Fuck that. I tend to stay out of politics though so who am I to say.


This is not something you can know and seeking damages for that is hardly unwarranted.

At the very least you can admit that thread went way overboard and had flagrant TOS violations that weren't actioned at all.
I agree some of the comments went a little overboard and hopefully moderation will address the death threats. My personal experience has been positive with them in the Israeli topics. They are very quick to ban anyone that compares Israel to Nazi Germany which I appreciate. : P Era is not perfect, but they try the best they can to be fair and reasonable on a hostile topic like that.
Both sides? What exactly did the kid do?

Big brain both sides wojak is getting a workout lately.

Look I said my piece already and I'm not interested in picking a fight with you guys. He was being provocative with wearing that hat and walking into that protest fishing for a reaction and that's what he got. The Trump hat isn't much different to me than the klansmen hood to me.


I agree some of the comments went a little overboard and hopefully moderation will address the death threats. My personal experience has been positive with them in the Israeli topics. They are very quick to ban anyone that compares Israel to Nazi Germany which I appreciate. : P Era is not perfect, but they try the best they can to be fair and reasonable on a hostile topic like that.

Look I said my piece already and I'm not interested in picking a fight with you guys. He was being provocative with wearing that hat and walking into that protest fishing for a reaction and that's what he got. The Trump hat isn't much different to me than the klansmen hood to me.

You didn’t say your piece. You just said “both sides” and left it at that.

I appreciate you expanding on your opinion a bit more in this post but your information is just wrong. The kids were there before the protestors and they were waiting for their bus to pick them up after a school excursion. He didn’t walk into the protest — he stood there and they walked up to him. He stood his ground and said nothing, yet was labelled a hateful smirking Nazi. What was he supposed to do in that situation? Never mind the Black Israelites who were the ones yelling all of the pejoratives that the white kids got blamed by the media for.

Please explain why a MAGA hat is equivalent to a klan hood.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
As quickly as people get banned on this site I'm genuinely surprised that this obvious troll and his troll post are still here.

The design and explanation for it was shit and Kojima is just as disgusting and obnoxious as a lot of the content creators over there. You already knew that though.

Interpretation: "Waahhhh mods please ban this guy he thinks women are attractive and doesn't have a problem with a woman in a bathing suit waaahhhhh"



Gold Member
I agree some of the comments went a little overboard and hopefully moderation will address the death threats. My personal experience has been positive with them in the Israeli topics. They are very quick to ban anyone that compares Israel to Nazi Germany which I appreciate. : P Era is not perfect, but they try the best they can to be fair and reasonable on a hostile topic like that.

Look I said my piece already and I'm not interested in picking a fight with you guys. He was being provocative with wearing that hat and walking into that protest fishing for a reaction and that's what he got. The Trump hat isn't much different to me than the klansmen hood to me.

damn dude I’m sorry you had to live through some klan shit to be able to make that comparison. Come on I’m not a trump supporter and even I know how dumb that sounds. I haven’t heard about any MAGA hats burning people at the cross.


why do I get the feeling like there’s a good amount of people there on disability? Anyway, I don’t know anything about their relationship but this feels like a very one-sided rant.

NEETS gotta eat and having a "Condition" means they take responsibility for nothing, it's not thier fault.
I agree some of the comments went a little overboard and hopefully moderation will address the death threats. My personal experience has been positive with them in the Israeli topics. They are very quick to ban anyone that compares Israel to Nazi Germany which I appreciate. : P Era is not perfect, but they try the best they can to be fair and reasonable on a hostile topic like that.

At least we agree on the death threat thing, but I genuinely feel you're being naive if you think they'll ever address it. You saw the people in that thread that were actually contesting the death threats getting banned and even someone hoping the kid dies in a car accident without so much as a warning. These people have been successfully dehumanized even among the staff, which is what allows people to wish or explicitly threaten harm on them with at best a slap on the wrist.

And just to be clear, I DON'T think those kids were in the right beyond going after CNN. Being underage doesn't preclude someone from being a shithead. I won't go as far as to say the maga hat is the same thing as a klan hood, but it's absolutely incendiary in many situations and is just asking for trouble. ...Which is kind of interesting, don't you think? For the longest time, "look how she was dressed" was a way for right wing misogynists to justify all kinds of shit. How we present ourselves absolutely has consequences, but there are expectations that they won't be disproportionate. You may argue that the difference is being intentionally being incendiary, but as someone with brainwashed Trump supporting family members in Kentucky, I can tell you right now that for many people, it doesn't even cross their minds that they're being threatening just by wearing that shit. But either way, you and I both know if Sandmann got murdered, they'd be using the "just look at what she was wearing" defense, just in a more roundabout way.

On the Jewish/Israel thing, that I just can't wrap my head around. You made (or was it a bump?) a thread considering moving to Israel for your own safety and people started attacking you for it. They only started getting banned after a mod came in to set guidelines, basically exonerating the people making direct attacks against you before that post.

Or what about this thread:

One person got banned for a derail while other people agreeing with him didn't get anything. People are in there basically talking about the community there the same way 1930s Germans were talking about the Romani, and we both know how that turned out. Which is funny because the school official didn't even make a distinction between the types of Jews (she still has her job by the way), yet that thread is all about "we should hear the concerns of this blantant antisemite. It's not like Jews matter in this situation because they have all the money and aren't fearing for their lives in the wake of increasing antisemitism from all sides of the political spectrum." The thread also died after 2 pages because 1. people were too afraid to spout their antisemitic dog whistles now that a mod made things clear and 2. people don't care about Jews if their involvement in something doesn't fit their narrative (notice how white supremacist attacks against Jews got 10+ page threads at minimum).

What about this thread:

Another one that died after 2 pages with a single ban over a weird tangent and another ban about... contesting the white supremacy accusations in the thread. Think about that, the biggest ban in there is on a Jewish guy not trying to shift blame of a crazy black guy stabbing people (including a child if he wasn't stopped) to white supremacy, all while people that minimize the situation or spout another "we should listen to the concerns of the black community there and not the other marginalized community this thread is about" justification that gets no ban or even a warning.

That includes a mod by the way, and I can tell you from actually talking to her that Nepenthe doesn't give a shit about Jews when they aren't politically useful for whatever hotep rhetoric she wants to spout.

What about this thread that you posted in:

The one ban is from a person complaining about the antisemitism in there.

Oh, and there's also a big antisemitic dog whistle in there that went unmoderated. "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" is a Palestinian nationalist slogan insinuating the extermination of those that currently live there and is NOT a slogan in favor of a one state solution. When I had an account, I reported that post. Heard nothing back.

But if none of this will change your mind, there's really nothing else I can say. Enjoy your time on Era and hopefully you won't turn into a useful idiot like many Jews have on the left.
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Rapid Response Threadmaker
Look I said my piece already and I'm not interested in picking a fight with you guys. He was being provocative with wearing that hat and walking into that protest fishing for a reaction and that's what he got. The Trump hat isn't much different to me than the klansmen hood to me.
That's literally the wrong version of events the early reports were saying....

Please read this, it's a timeline of events and what actually happened:

It's January 18. The Covington Catholic students were in DC for March of Life. The Native American group were there for the Indigenous Peoples March. It was the second day of the Indigenous People's March and just finishing up. The Covington students were told by their adult chaperones to meet at the Plaza of the Lincoln Memorial, a major landmark, to take their buses to go back home. Before the students had arrived, a group of about 4-5 Black Israelite "preachers" had begun insulting and heckling passerby's. They were saying incredibly inflammatory and racist things to these people passing by. The students had arrived as they were doing this. The Black Israelites called a passing black person a racist slur, accosted a passing woman, told some arriving indigenous protestors that indian meant "savage", and were using inflammatory gay slurs.

The Black Israelite's started heckling and harassing the student group calling them racial slurs and saying they were incest babies.The Covington Students reacted to this by saying "whoa" and "easy", basically audibly vocalizing their displeasure at the racist and hateful shit these guys were saying. More students were coming in for the destined bus departure point. To drown out their hate the student's started singing school chants. As part of this school chanting they also performed a dance based on the Maori Haka (You can argue cultural appropriation, but that would be a conversation for another time)

The Indigenous People's March just concluded, Philips who came upon what was happening thought the Black Israelites were victims to the students that were in actuality trying to drown out their abuse and hate. In Detroit Free Press, Phillips said, "They were in the process of attacking these four black individuals.... These young men were beastly and these old black individuals was their prey, and I stood in between them and so they needed their pounds of flesh and they were looking at me for that." It's possible that Phillips seeing the Haka dance thought they were mocking the Black Israelites or the Indigenous March, but that was an incorrect assessment. Phillips approached the crowd of waiting students, beating his drum until he stopped in front of Sandmann while continuing to beat his drum in Sandmann's face.
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I'm referring more to your entrenchment with establishment, elitist thinking. There are a lot of left leaning people here and many of them agree there is some degree of deep state. I have no gripe with you being on the left, that's not what I am referring to. I will clarify, but call me out if I'm not making sense.

Racial superiority. Enforcing religious principles via government. Military/police worship.

Those are positions that I'd consider "right wing extremist" but deep state conspiracies are not one of them. That's more of an internet freethinkers vs Facebook/CNN guzzlers dichotomy. Is Julian Assange a right wing extremist? I seriously don't know where people are on the spectrum viewed through your paradigm, that's why I'm asking.

Perhaps it is me. I see this sort of thinking as paranoid and very extreme. Who is this deep state? They seem to have international leanings. Is it the Freemasons? The UN? Bankers? It’s the sort of thing you read about on /pol/ or hear on the Alex Jones program. I would consider it extreme.


Gold Member
Here's a tip for moderation.

Maybe if the Reeee mods modded their own "verified community manager" Thanatos for calling GR site a bunch of shitheels for liking Pewdiepie. He said it around the 6th post of the thread. And it kind of snowballed from there until people fought back and said the site is ok.

Thanatos disappeared after his one shitpost.

And no Reee mods gave Thanatos flak for being a shit disturber.
Wow. They actually banned Thanatos.


New owners came in and told the writers to stay ontopic. They didnt like it when they could not inject politics into every article for clicks.

Someone please pull up Jason Schrier saying everything's fine tweet from the Deadspin staff exodus. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I love the little shitty hot take Schrier has. You're a "gaming journalist". All you lot had to do was shut the fuck up, sit the fuck down and do your job rather than injecting bullshit politics into everything.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I love the little shitty hot take Schrier has. You're a "gaming journalist". All you lot had to do was shut the fuck up, sit the fuck down and do your job rather than injecting bullshit politics into everything.

They tend to think their job is "journalist with a focus on the gaming industry." Or at least, that's what they desperately want it to be, but it's rare to find a stable employer who actually wants that.


They tend to think their job is "journalist with a focus on the gaming industry." Or at least, that's what they desperately want it to be, but it's rare to find a stable employer who actually wants that.

Schrier is good when he's doing his 'exposes" and I can tolerate him doing them, but the rest of the stuff they all "report" is absolute rubbish.

Well they've shit the bed now haven't they. Kotaku use to be good but fuck me it started going down the pan years ago. It's amasing it's still floating around like the shit in the toilet it is


Gold Member
Schrier is good when he's doing his 'exposes" and I can tolerate him doing them, but the rest of the stuff they all "report" is absolute rubbish.

Well they've shit the bed now haven't they. Kotaku use to be good but fuck me it started going down the pan years ago. It's amasing it's still floating around like the shit in the toilet it is
Schreier's hidden investigations are pretty good. Who doesn't want to read a good shit show about Anthem or the game company that made Binding of Isaac?

Problem is his exposes are all negative. Basically a dirt digger. Considering he's supposedly a veteran gaming industry reporter you'd think he'd have more content and more positive stories.

Dr. Claus

I agree some of the comments went a little overboard and hopefully moderation will address the death threats. My personal experience has been positive with them in the Israeli topics. They are very quick to ban anyone that compares Israel to Nazi Germany which I appreciate. : P Era is not perfect, but they try the best they can to be fair and reasonable on a hostile topic like that.

Look I said my piece already and I'm not interested in picking a fight with you guys. He was being provocative with wearing that hat and walking into that protest fishing for a reaction and that's what he got. The Trump hat isn't much different to me than the klansmen hood to me.

You would have to have more than a few screws loose to compare a red hat to that of a Klansman's hood. Please stop drinking the kool-aid and see the therapist you desperately need.

Schreier's hidden investigations are pretty good. Who doesn't want to read a good shit show about Anthem or the game company that made Binding of Isaac?

Problem is his exposes are all negative. Basically a dirt digger. Considering he's supposedly a veteran gaming industry reporter you'd think he'd have more content and more positive stories.

Schreier's investigations have more than a few issues. They are almost always hit pieces designed in a way to minimize the good and emphasize the bad. Y'know, when he actually writes something like that instead of the majority of his work which is just click bait trash. The only reason he is considered famous within the industry is because he does the absolute bare minimum to be called a journalist. The majority do even less.

We need more people like Sophia Narwitz who actually does real work and not cunts like Schreier who insult the former for doing his work.


If I were a prison guard looking after Epstein and he wanted to kill himself, I might look the other way too. He destroyed many lives and deserves no sympathy.

After Hitler killed himself should we let all the nazi war criminals go free then? He wasn't just a regular pedo but an enabler for the rich and famous.


Neo Member
I agree some of the comments went a little overboard and hopefully moderation will address the death threats. My personal experience has been positive with them in the Israeli topics. They are very quick to ban anyone that compares Israel to Nazi Germany which I appreciate. : P Era is not perfect, but they try the best they can to be fair and reasonable on a hostile topic like that.

Look I said my piece already and I'm not interested in picking a fight with you guys. He was being provocative with wearing that hat and walking into that protest fishing for a reaction and that's what he got. The Trump hat isn't much different to me than the klansmen hood to me.
I started out refuting basically ever dumb ass point you made but we both know you would just ignore it so i make it short, you are a fucking idiot.
Especially the "maga hat= klansmen" thingy, just because you are stupid and believe stupid shit and downright lies doesn't mean your idiocy is other peoples or some random children's problem, no its YOURS.
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You would have to have more than a few screws loose to compare a red hat to that of a Klansman's hood. Please stop drinking the kool-aid and see the therapist you desperately need.
I'm just fine and I would appreciate it if people stop calling me crazy.
I started out refuting basically ever dumb ass point you made but we both know you would just ignore it so i make it short, you are a fucking idiot.
Especially the "maga hat= klansmen" just because you are stupid and believe stupid shit doesn't mean your idiocy is other peoples or some random childrens fault, no its YOURS.
An I knew this was how this was going to go. >.> More rediculous personal attacks.

A hat like that is going to generate negative attention like a klan hood would. Anyone that walks around with one knows that and wears it for that reason


I lean left and I find it more sane over here. Over there we are cool with wishing death on people? Fuck that. I tend to stay out of politics though so who am I to say.

I consider myself an anarcho-communist but still find it saner here. You can't have a difference of opinion over there, which to me is what makes a discussion forum interesting. People merely repeating the party line over and over, makes for a sterile environment. I disagree with like 90% of what I read in the politics forum here, but hey, that is fine. I don't expect people to agree with me either.


Neo Member
I'm just fine and I would appreciate it if people stop calling me crazy.
An I knew this was how this was going to go. >.> More rediculous personal attacks.

A hat like that is going to generate negative attention like a klan hood would. Anyone that walks around with one knows that and wears it for that reason

Cry me a river you are not the victim in this you are just playing one.
Newsflash no amount of "i dont want a fight/discussion/or even be called out" covers you calling every maga hat wearer a klansmen.
That is not how this works sorry.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Cry me a river you are not the victim in this you are just playing one.
Newsflash no amount of "i dont want a fight/discussion/or even be called out" you write covers you calling every maga hat wearer a klansmen.
That is not how this whole "hurr pls dont be mean" thing works at all.

Now you're just stretching his words. He was talking about how, in terms of getting an inflammatory reaction, the MAGA hat is about the same a klansman's hood to him. I strongly disagree with that, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't calling people who wear MAGA hats members of the ku klux klan.


After Hitler killed himself should we let all the nazi war criminals go free then? He wasn't just a regular pedo but an enabler for the rich and famous.

Absolutely not. All of that should be investigated and the proper charges filed against all of them. Epstein isn't the only one who knew something.


Neo Member
Now you're just stretching his words. He was talking about how, in terms of getting an inflammatory reaction, the MAGA hat is about the same a klansman's hood to him. I strongly disagree with that, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't calling people who wear MAGA hats members of the ku klux klan.

Damn could have fooled me.. but instead you just fool yourself..

He was being provocative with wearing that hat and walking into that protest fishing for a reaction and that's what he got. The Trump hat isn't much different to me than the klansmen hood to me.

Also notice he lies again even though people arleady corrected him on this, kovington kids didnt approach ANYONE.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Damn could have fooled me.. but instead you just fool yourself..

Yeah, that's the quote I read. I assumed the second sentence was in direct relation to the first, but TaySan can correct me if I'm wrong and he actually thinks that people who wear MAGA hats are basically Klan members, which would be insane.
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Yeah, that's the quote I read. I assumed the second sentence was in direct relation to the first, but TaySan can correct me if I'm wrong and he actually thinks that people who wear MAGA hats are basically Klan members, which would be insane.
I don't mean they are literally like cartoon klans members, but the hat is basically gives the same negative attention that a klans hood would at this point and they all know it.

I never see anyone personal that wears one for any other reason than to piss someone off.
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Neo Member
Yeah, that's the quote I read. I assumed the second sentence was in direct relation to the first, but TaySan can correct me if I'm wrong and he actually thinks that people who wear MAGA hats are basically Klan members, which would be insane.

He already did correct you here let me post it again.

He was being provocative with wearing that hat and walking into that protest fishing for a reaction and that's what he got. The Trump hat isn't much different to me than the klansmen hood to me.


Neo Member
I don't mean they are literally like cartoon klans members, but the hat is basically gives the same negative attention that a klans hood would at this point and they all know it.

I never see anyone personal that wears one for any other reason than to piss someone off.
Damn you never even met a maga hat wearer that you didnt perceive as doing it to piss you off (mindreader?) but they give off that "KKK" vibe to you... thanks for clarifying and basically exposing yourself the second time maybe this time its enough for zefah.. i doubt it.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Damn you never even met a maga hat wearer but they give off that "KKK" vibe to you... thanks for clarifying and basically exposing yourself the second time maybe this time its enough for zefah.. i doubt it.

He's clarifying his opinion that he thinks people only wear it to get a negative reaction out of people. I think that's bullshit, but it was pretty clear to me that was his point from the beginning.

Chill with the insane aggression.


Neo Member
He's clarifying his opinion that he thinks people only wear it to get a negative reaction out of people. I think that's bullshit, but it was pretty clear to me that was his point from the beginning.

Chill with the insane aggression.
Damn you give off negative reactions to other people with that obama hope shirt you are wearing damn you should stop doing that everyone (mindreading) already knows this obama paraphernalia gives off that KKK vibes.

"Wait why are you attacking me?! I didnt call all obama shirt wearers clan members! I just said they give other people "negative reactions" and give off a KKK vibe.... chill with the aggression"

If you still dont get it i will just ignore you... no hard feelings.
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