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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Digital Foundry mentions resetera a lot in their videos. They should probably stop doing that.

Where did feistyboots go? DIdn't see any of his madness in here for a while. I miss him.
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It's been a great week for protected posters.

B-Dubs iron fist policy in action.


Digital Foundry mentions resetera a lot in their videos. They should probably stop doing that.

Where did feistyboots go? DIdn't see any of his madness in here for a while. I miss him.

Kethkat stopped posting after they blew up Era for her getting banned and got her unbanned. So I guess they've gone to the same place.
Really, no one can make an argument against Era having a very big perception issue that pre-split GAF never had even at its worst. It's more than just anecdotal evidence and alt-right trolls, it's pretty ubiquitous whenever the name comes up in most any context that involves people with awareness of online communities. Either that or just confusion over what it is since we're still talking about an entity without a Wikipedia page.

And the thing is this has boiled over internally as well. You'll see plenty people call out the site ON the site, with them actually outnumbering the crazies in that Girlfriend Reviews thread to the point of forcing the mods hands to ban the two derailers despite it being historically fair game to point out in the past. And of course there's the "official" discords, many of which bar Era staff from joining because they don't want them seeing all the shit talking they do about them and the rest of the site.

The sense of community there is extremely unhealthy and fragmented for a forum of its size, which is going to continue causing problems like these week after week if not day after day. People will still log in, but they won't post and will just use the place as a news aggregate like a ton of journalists do.

By the way, they do that reluctantly apparently. That's right, even the supposed only branch of gaming that supports the site doesn't actually care about the place beyond scrounging for things to write about. For example, Sal Romano of Gematsu hates Era partly due to the banned game list and other limiting factors that prevent him from getting a complete picture. He and many others would abandon it in a heartbeat if there was another place like it without the crazy community and weird rules.

Right now, there are two things keeping Era alive: it's usefulness as a news aggregator and people coming in to laugh at them. It can't survive on the latter forever and the former has been failing for a while. I'd honestly be surprised if it hasn't gone the way of SA over the next few years, though I can't put an exact date on it. Could happen this year for all I know.
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If they had somewhere else to jump to the normies would. But the community has convinced itself that all the surrounding wells are poisoned with;

Alt Right
Trump Supporter

Its a cult, designed to push an ideology and not a forum or even a gaming forum.


Gold Member
GF Reviews thread was locked.

It's fucking hilarious that they can't even have a discussion about a non-controversial Youtube channel without moderation.
Here's a tip for moderation.

Maybe if the Reeee mods modded their own "verified community manager" Thanatos for calling GR site a bunch of shitheels for liking Pewdiepie. He said it around the 6th post of the thread. And it kind of snowballed from there until people fought back and said the site is ok.

Thanatos disappeared after his one shitpost.

And no Reee mods gave Thanatos flak for being a shit disturber.
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They literally are problematic-adjacent by their definition though. They follow people like Jontron, Nakeyjakey, Boogie, Dr Disrespect, Pewdiepie until he deleted his account, etc. They're big youtubers, of course they're "problematic-adjacent" like literally everyone else in their sub tier.

It's no wonder they won't give the site the time of day and the boyfriend thinks it's a hive of alt-right trolls. Normal people don't think like this.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
That Girlfriend thread especially but also all of the drama since B-Dubs "took over" has revealed (or reinforced, if you will) a number of things about their moderators everyone else on the internet already knew:

- They're uneducated, so they miss things informed people would have quickly caught
- They're fine letting their users defame public people so long as that defamation falls inline with their collective warped worldview and politics
- They are totally incapable of adult reflection, improvement, and the issuing of mea culpas. They'd rather shut down discussion and quickly move on
- They misunderstand simple concepts such as inflammatory commentary, misogyny, criticism, even trolling
- They seem to have forgotten that discussion forums are made for discussion and not the conforming of a group to a set of ideals like some cult
- They're completely incapable of processing criticism without it shattering their fragile egos (I will never not laugh at "mod whining")
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GF Reviews thread was locked.

It's fucking hilarious that they can't even have a discussion about a non-controversial Youtube channel without moderation.

To be honest EVERY video I ever linked on that place, no matter who it was or the subject and was relevent to the discussion would have one or two people popping up saying that Youtuber was shit for some reason. "Did you know one time they did/said this? Ughh!"


Translation: Shit! Girlfriend reviews has called this topic out onstream, let's pretend to look like a normal forum.

It's been a good day for rrreeee getting called out on its shit from the outside what with the Bluepoint Games tweet as well.
Did Bluepoint delete their original tweet about Reee? Its not there anymore.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I went through the page 4 of that thread and grabbed some highlights besides those I've already posted. Buckle up.

Even the OP update makes it seem like the video is about these supposed controversies. The video has nothing to do with it. Amazing!

Community manager banned!



I'm trying to educate the chat on our common politics here but it's hard. :(


Nah, mate, the left can really be that bad:

The chairman has spoken, pleb!

Apparently they can't even discuss a puppet that reviews games without devolving into shit:

This is Arlo, by the way:

With all this damn drama, how I can I turn this thread around and make it about me?

Why stop at threads? Why on his twitter, personal phone number, home address, his work?

Were they smiling, laughing? Was it angry? How many times did they blink when they said it?

I would but if I accidentally breathed the same air as a moderate, I would then become a nazi-sympathizer myself.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I have no clue why Chairman Yang puts up with those people. The guy has a good head on his shoulders and is constantly going against the grain with stuff like this. Always had in the past too. Surprised he hasn't gotten perm'd by now honestly.

Edit: Huh, apparently he still checks gaf from a quick glance at his profile. Luv ya C Chairman Yang ;)

He ought to be careful. We are a forum discussing people who are discussing Youtubers who once mentioned other Youtubers who some view as racist.

What an interesting coincidence that the chain of moral culpability stops just before it includes checking this forum!
You reckon coz of all the Ree hate and pedo talk backlash?
Things magically disappear when you start adding reee and pedos in the same sentence

Even 4chan (of all places) was getting stuff removed If you were talking about this

For a place that supposedly had nothing to hide they sure went out of their way to hide things

2 hr 37 min 24 sec

Actually read the posts and talk about how ridiculous it is, then right after he gives his overall opinion of the site as a whole.

OK but seriously though, how about that Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup? LMAO

The whole Internet thinks Ree is a joke, which is going to make it hard for them to control what content is in video games and make sure video games follow their insane political viewpoint since that is apparently the primary objective of the site. They are a complete failure in this so maybe Cerium should just shut it down and make a new site and try again at this point if that's what his goal is.
This thread...

This is the perfect example of showing how bad that mental ward has gotten. The assortment of posts fall into one of four categories:

Insulting and/or wishing harm to a minor, 33%:









Finding another reason to complain about America, 42%:







Concern for the opportunist activist who actually instigated the situation with the students, 20%:





Dissenting opinions that actually offer common sense, 5%:





More responses





"Ben Shapiro would agree with your assessment. "

As would CNN, thus the reason for them paying up. Idiot.

This post does not fall under the categories posted above, but is unique in its own way, only to be filed as unintelligible verbal diarrhea:



If anyone has a way for me to get an account, let me know as I would love to tear them a new one. It would be a slow build, and I would eventually be banned (for talking sense) and go down in a huge ball of flames. But it would be the most beautiful display of fireworks...Hinderburg V2.0.
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their insane political viewpoint since that is apparently the primary objective of the site. They are a complete failure in this so maybe Cerium should just shut it down and make a new site and try again at this point if that's what his goal is.

Ceriums objective was purely to make money hoping he'd get the 6 figure sum that was offered to GAF back in the day. He's now realized that's not going to happen so has distanced himself from the operation while it still provides a regular income and turns some profit. When it finally burns down he was no longer in charge and is shielded from any critisism becuse he's made B-Dubs "Responsible" for the day to day operation of that forum.
Jesus christ. The amount of hatred and vitriol being thrown at Elon musk and his unborn child is insane... are these people connecting from an insane asylum??

This is now ancient history, but I copped a 1 week ban in the early days for defending Elon Musk over one of his Twitter dramas. I think it was the 420 going private thing, honestly it's been long enough now that I can't remember. I wasted a precious afternoon of my short mortal life defending the one billionaire on Earth who is trying to save humanity from climate change by starting an electric car company. Of course now I realize the reason it was futile was actually because they all hate humanity as they hate themselves. They want to see humanity extinct because of their own self-loathing, they can't stand their own existences so they want humanity wiped out as some sort of satisfaction or revenge for their own miserable lives.

In unrelated news, the share price of Tesla breached the now memetic 420 level a week or two ago now. How ironic.

Elon seems to be living his best life. We should all strive to follow his example and randomly dance because dancing is fun even when you're on stage at a factory grand opening ceremony because fuck it, life's short so why not have fun.
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Hey TaySan TaySan , glad to have you over here bud!

Good to see you had some time to browse this thread after posting your boob preferences (ain't no shame in that).


But I also noticed your avatar in this Covington thread over at the loony bin and saw this beauty of a post:


"You just drop an article like that with no clarification of course we are going to assume the worst from you. "


"of course we are going to assume the worst from you. "

Hmmm...what ever happened to assuming the best in someone? Wouldn't you say that prejudging someone without know the whole story (like exactly what happened with that exact Covington story) would be...what is the word I'm looking for...ah, yes...problematic??

Of course you are entitled (maybe not the best choice of words there) are free to share your opinion but I would hope that you would take the time to research and respect other viewpoints as well instead of automatically assuming the worst in someone.

One thing that we encourage over here, in this trashfire of free thinkers, is to have a good healthy discussion hearing opinions from all sides. Welcome, and hope you enjoy your stay here!
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Oh, TaySan TaySan is here?

Hey dude, ngl, I enjoy some of your posts over there. Not because I agree with them (well, some of them), but you remind me a lot of myself when I was trying to navigate this weird shift in internet culture a few years ago and how naive I was over who my true "allies" were.

As a fellow Jewish dude, I'd honestly try to phase away from places like Era. That's probably the biggest thing we have in common; just how much we want it to be part of our identity. I feel like the Jersey City and Monsey incidents should have shown you that people over there can be pretty damn antisemitic and won't get moderated over it. If I was still over there, it would make me super uncomfortable. At least with Nazis you know where they stand, but these kinds of people claim to be on our side when we're nothing more than schrodinger's minority; only utilized when it's useful for them.

But if you MUST stay, I could help you bring it to the forefront there. Trans era got their concerns heard, no reason Jewish-Era can't be the same with a very public thread that they'd be hard-pressed to lock.
Hey TaySan TaySan , glad to have you over here bud!

Good to see you had some time to browse this thread after posting your boob preferences (ain't no shame in that).


But I also noticed your avatar in this Covington thread over at the loony bin and saw this beauty of a post:


"You just drop an article like that with no clarification of course we are going to assume the worst from you. "


"of course we are going to assume the worst from you. "

Hmmm...what ever happened to assuming the best in someone? Wouldn't you say that prejudging someone without know the whole story (like exactly what happened with that exact Covington story) would be...what is the word I'm looking for...ah, yes...problematic??

Of course you are entitled (maybe not the best choice of words there) are free to share your opinion but I would hope that you would take the time to research and respect other viewpoints as well instead of automatically assuming the worst in someone.

One thing that we encourage over here, in this trashfire of free thinkers, is to have a good healthy discussion hearing opinions from all sides. Welcome, and hope you enjoy your stay here!
Key point....there are different opinions here and we sometimes don't agree on things
But that's actually what life is about

Learning from things and realising not everyone is the perfect little angel and most people want to work towards being a better person and helping others along that journey.

Ree don't want that......it's a one way street there and it's not going up.


Hey TaySan TaySan , glad to have you over here bud!

Good to see you had some time to browse this thread after posting your boob preferences (ain't no shame in that).


But I also noticed your avatar in this Covington thread over at the loony bin and saw this beauty of a post:


"You just drop an article like that with no clarification of course we are going to assume the worst from you. "


"of course we are going to assume the worst from you. "

Hmmm...what ever happened to assuming the best in someone? Wouldn't you say that prejudging someone without know the whole story (like exactly what happened with that exact Covington story) would be...what is the word I'm looking for...ah, yes...problematic??

Of course you are entitled (maybe not the best choice of words there) are free to share your opinion but I would hope that you would take the time to research and respect other viewpoints as well instead of automatically assuming the worst in someone.

One thing that we encourage over here, in this trashfire of free thinkers, is to have a good healthy discussion hearing opinions from all sides. Welcome, and hope you enjoy your stay here!

lol I’ve seen TaySan TaySan so many times riding the woke cancel train in Ree threads linked in this thread.

cum chumps like that usually don’t last long here. I don’t get why he would make an account with the same name and avatar when he’s behaved like that on Ree. I guess he deserves kudos for at least being honest shrug 🤷🏽‍♂️


Neo Member
I went through the page 4 of that thread and grabbed some highlights besides those I've already posted. Buckle up.

Hey, new to this site (kinda, was banned from NeoGAF before it turned into Resetera). I made a post in that very thread, boy was it a mess. Feels like making a post on that site is borderline committing account suicide, that is unless you 100% align with their political view points...even then, who knows.

Pretty fed up with the place.


Hey, new to this site (kinda, was banned from NeoGAF before it turned into Resetera). I made a post in that very thread, boy was it a mess. Feels like making a post on that site is borderline committing account suicide, that is unless you 100% align with their political view points...even then, who knows.

Pretty fed up with the place.
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