Even the OP update makes it seem like the video is about these supposed controversies. The video has nothing to do with it. Amazing!
Community manager
I'm trying to educate the chat on our common politics here but it's hard.
Nah, mate, the left can really be
that bad:
The chairman has spoken, pleb!
Apparently they can't even discuss a puppet that reviews games without devolving into shit:
This is Arlo, by the way:
With all this damn drama, how I can I turn this thread around and make it about me?
Why stop at threads? Why on his twitter, personal phone number, home address, his work?
Were they smiling, laughing? Was it angry? How many times did they blink when they said it?
I would but if I accidentally breathed the same air as a moderate, I would then become a nazi-sympathizer myself.