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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I am curious.

What was/is the nature and extent of the harrassment?

Are these people contacting you directly? How?
In the past but not lately. An unlisted number would leave "goodbye horses" on my voice mail.

The most manifest though was when they hijacked my social media accounts, including linked in and sent racist messages as me to my boss, coworkers, and the pastor of my church. They have spread libelous information about me that have cost me friendships and possibly job interviews.



TWO STAFF POSTS! Their little community needs the jailers to pop in TWICE in one thread to tell them how to think and behave. Gotta love it.

It's a pretty good illustration of the anti-social nature of Resetera, the Internet in general and SJW movements too.

When a well loved member of society, who is held in very high regard, dies it is absolutely not appropriate to bring up accusations less than 24 hours after their death.

Fair enough it we are talking about a person who had committed heinous crimes and it would be wrong to just let those go unmentioned.

Unproven accusations though? That ain't right. Wait a few weeks at least.

People are upset and are grieving and these utter fucking scumbags think it's fair game to bring up something that the guy MAYBE possible could have done? What an absolute disgrace.



In the past but not lately. An unlisted number would leave "goodbye horses" on my voice mail.

The most manifest though was when they hijacked my social media accounts, including linked in and sent racist messages as me to my boss, coworkers, and the pastor of my church. They have spread libelous information about me that have cost me friendships and possibly job interviews.

What the fuck? That's insane!

To be fair I would place far more trust in NeoGaf as a place where people will not go after your personal life over disagreements than ResetEra.
Trying to ruin someone's real life over Internet disagreements is completely out of order. :(


In the past but not lately. An unlisted number would leave "goodbye horses" on my voice mail.

The most manifest though was when they hijacked my social media accounts, including linked in and sent racist messages as me to my boss, coworkers, and the pastor of my church. They have spread libelous information about me that have cost me friendships and possibly job interviews.
Why do you think this was Kiwi Farms?
I'm not opposed to having right-wingers around but do understand that anything goes rules does tend to slide right ward into the fringes of bigotry and wingnut conspiracy theories. I should have clarified that I don't think that's what this place is, but I have here and there seen the tropes and dogwhistles they use. I believe In balance.


Gold Member
What would suggest then? That everyone take moral stands whenever and wherever they need to regardless of the consequences to themselves?
If some people's moral stands take a back seat when the consequences for taking such stands could jeopardize their job/livelihood/etc, that's hypocrisy.
At the very least I'd expect the people who do this to not shit on long-dead people who actually did a ton of good for the world just because they expressed racist views once or something. if you're a coward you don't get to shit on people who were actually brave and stood by what they believed in. Nobody's perfect, nobody has the right to expect perfection from anyone.

But no, RE members constantly, incessantly try and dig out minor shit from most significant people's lives just to make the woke Internet thread of the day and to feel a little better themselves.

just seems absurd to me to expect people to sabotage themselves and then when they don't to question their beliefs as a result.

For example I strongly support stricter gun control laws. But if I found out my boss was a gun nut I am not just gonna throw caution to the wind and start lecturing him about why guns are terrible and why gun control is necessary. Not because i don't strongly believe in gun control, but because I don't want to get fired for taking a pointless moral stand.

And to be clear by pointless I mean that nothing would come of it. Me lecturing my boss wouldn't suddenly make gun control happen. It would be a pointless hill to die on. Which is why i said earlier that picking your battles is important when it comes to facilitating real change.
What's the metrics for judging that your moral stand is "pointless", though?
By what you said here, you'd think a single black woman not giving up her seat to a white person on a bus would be a pointless moral stand.

I'm not asking or expecting you to sacrifice your job in a situation like the one you described, but if we're talking about principles here, some of the biggest movements came out of common people's smallest actions.

I understand people have a great deal to lose these days for taking a stand, opposed to how it was decades ago. But that's just more reason to not do purity tests on others and point out their hypocrisy on a daily basis.

IIRC who that is, they have a really dumb Sonic avatar and are an insufferable political extremist.
While this is true, I always appreciated his posts about gaming. Ignoring this person altogether would mean missing some very interesting insights about gaming, which is - or should be - RE's focus.

excel is top of the totem pole of protected users. They'd have to go nuclear to catch a ban.
Were there ever a time when excel didn't go nuclear? I remember her(?) posts on GAF, she(?) was one of the most insufferable members here as well.
This person posts so much, too. I guess banning excel would practically half RE's traffic, LOL.


While this is true, I always appreciated his posts about gaming. Ignoring this person altogether would mean missing some very interesting insights about gaming, which is - or should be - RE's focus.
The problem is that it isn't, and that person was one of the militant. I do remember a fun thread by them about the Dreamcast IIRC, that's it for positive things I saw from them.

Were there ever a time when excel didn't go nuclear? I remember her(?) posts on GAF, she(?) was one of the most insufferable members here as well.
This person posts so much, too. I guess banning excel would practically half RE's traffic, LOL.
By nuclear I meant spout a ton of wrong think. Being extremely militant about the things REE supports isn't nuclear within the context of my post, for excel that's just Tuesday.
U need balance with everything in life....you can't simply bundle yourself in cotton wool and hide behind your pronouns or diagnosed disorders....life is about pushing yourself and ignoring these so called boundaries of what is conformal

However completely ignoring the other end of someone's view is the wrong way....you can only educate someone if u understand what drives them in life....as fucked up as you may perceive it
Fact is it's quasi impossible not to have either on any forums dabbling into politic topics in current day. Precisely because of what you call "dog whistles" (by definition a sound most people can't hear) and "nazi adjacent" (by definition you can't be both "'adjacent" to a thing and be that thing, so using this term means advocating banning non-nazis people subjectively considered as "adjacent" to them).

If a forum tries to ban what some people will identify as "dog whistles" or "nazi adjacent", the only effect would be to make alt-right types use more subtile "dog whistles", making them look a bit less "nazi adjacent", then the forum has to ban them too, and the story repeats itself endlessly, with more and more innocent being confused with the actual propagandists (as they don't hear, and so use the whistle), up to turning a place into resetera. And it's same in the larger society, look at what happen to the poor people that haven't realised the "new meaning" of the ok sign for example and lost jobs because of that. It's actually the real goal of the alt-right, riling up the left until it behaves totalitarian, and then exploiting all the people pissed by that / turn false positives into new militants.
Resetera style moderation serves the alt-right more than it really threatens it.

Personnally clown world also made me hesitate to join this place as it's such a textbook illustration of the main alt-right tactic as described in innuendo videos etc... (taking ultra extreme examples of "sjw" or sexual minorities activists behavior, making people laugh about them in what may first look like as innocent jokes, and then slowing moving the goal post into assimilating the whole left to them or adding other far right propaganda in the mix - like extreme drama about the immigration in Europe turning our countries into complete hellholes, something that always makes me laugh as a french - climate denialism or references to conspiracy theories) it can only make any non far-right people with some political culture suspicious.

But on the other hand what would be the best to avoid things like clown world existing ? Censoring speech (with affermentionned escalation effect) or actually having "sjw" types and representants of protected groups stop ridiculing the left with regularly insane behavior some in the left then feel forced to defend, even if they mock it in private, just because of their identity. What % of the behaviors mocked in clown world aren't really ridiculous and condemnable even in the interest of the left itself ? Isn't the threat of helping the alt-right discourse actually a chance for the left to actually realize what cuts it from the average people ? Personnally the more I think about it, the more I consider this kind of topic actually usefull, there's a virtue in being mocked when it's desserved, and not only letting this discourse exist but actually listening to it may be the main hope for the left to evolve and one day speaks to the 99% (or the 89-% as there are easily 10% of insane people, including not only the nazis but a worrying quantity in the left, that should be considered lost to science and would be better ignored/fought than catered to, something this kind of thread helps realise).

Anyway even their right to speak (as opposed to what they actually say) should be defended when it's simply speech (not open calls to violence) , as it's impossible to both support free speech without allowing people express point of views you consider disastrously wrong. And there's no democracy without as large possible freedom to speak (I know I'm not in complete agreement with both my country and some part of the modern left on that).

ps : sorry for another serious and political post from a reeefugee only posting in this thread :). Came here just to make fun or rera originally, but as that thread took a different direction...
Wow we need more posters who explain themselves as patiently and thoroughly as you. Thank you.

Ps. don't apologize for speaking your mind.

Xaero Gravity

The term dog whistle just reminds me of when BDS started barking at people in the Jessica Price thread and didn't even catch a ban for that level of trolling/hostility. That thread in general was my first eye opener about REE, really surreal stuff for people to go to bat for a woman that toxic.
Haha that's what got me banned.
I'm not opposed to having right-wingers around but do understand that anything goes rules does tend to slide right ward into the fringes of bigotry and wingnut conspiracy theories. I should have clarified that I don't think that's what this place is, but I have here and there seen the tropes and dogwhistles they use. I believe In balance.
Do you believe balance is achieved by all members holding middle-of-the-road opinions, or do you believe balance is achieved by allowing a wide range of opinionated people (sometimes complimentary, sometimes adversarial) to explain themselves and hash out the details?


Gold Member
It's a pretty good illustration of the anti-social nature of Resetera, the Internet in general and SJW movements too.

When a well loved member of society, who is held in very high regard, dies it is absolutely not appropriate to bring up accusations less than 24 hours after their death.

Fair enough it we are talking about a person who had committed heinous crimes and it would be wrong to just let those go unmentioned.

Unproven accusations though? That ain't right. Wait a few weeks at least.

People are upset and are grieving and these utter fucking scumbags think it's fair game to bring up something that the guy MAYBE possible could have done? What an absolute disgrace.


ESPN handled it very well I thought last night. Saying what happened in 2003/2004 is part of his story but he grew from it and went on to be a model father and a renaissance man. But of course for REEEE the only people who are allowed to grow and change are their liberal heroes and their homophobe owner.
I think this may be the longest I've lasted on Resetera thus far, just over a week! What's hilarious is I've been using the same avatar, it was just rotated upside down but I'll change it now and see if I can get two weeks!

To be fair I've barely been posting in off-topic, I'm sure that'll make things short.


It is a bit of a difference whether the postings come from a campaign from the outside, where people just try to dig up dirt on Era mods because they hate Era or whether it is used to confirm suspicions of ongoing behaviour from the inside. I do not think he has much to fear from that issue but at the same time it is not too surprising that B-Dubs wants to stay updated on what people dig up about him.

Come on Yoshi, you know ERA is fine with witch-hunting for less, what was shown countles times int his thread.
They are ok with digging up posts, comments, videos and they grasp on anything, even false accusations, just to get to someone.
Sure B B-Dubs doesn't have to look behind his shoulder right now but wait for a KetKat 2.0 situation on the site. I bet 10 bucks that once the mod/admin team do something the loonatics will despise, someone will drop those screens and Cerium will have to find another GM.
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Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Come on Yoshi, you know ERA is fine with witch-hunting for less, what was shown countles times int his thread.
They are ok with digging up posts, comments, videos and they grasp on anything, even false accusations, just to get to someone.
Sure B B-Dubs doesn't have to look behind his shoulder right now but wait for a KetKat 2.0 situation on the site. I bet 10 bucks that once the mod/admin team do something the loonatics will despise, someone will drop those screens and Cerium will have to find another GM.
Yes, it is not unreasonable to assume this would happen if a similar situation repeats, unless (!) it was used as suggested here before that (i.e. unmotivated "see what a badguy B-Dubs is").


Gold Member
If they were smart, they'd spin off politics to its own sub-section like EviLore EviLore did here. It helps an immense amount.

Now every other thread is some jackhole posting an article promoting or bashing the candidate they like/hate, lather rinse repeat. Thankfully, I guess, they all still maintain the fortitude to jump into ALL these threads and provide us with entertainment. Imagine how boring it'd be if ExceLarry just said "I'll sit this thread out". Yikes.

They were going to try that, and the slacktivist larping troons lost their shit.


It's a pretty good illustration of the anti-social nature of Resetera, the Internet in general and SJW movements too.

When a well loved member of society, who is held in very high regard, dies it is absolutely not appropriate to bring up accusations less than 24 hours after their death.

Fair enough it we are talking about a person who had committed heinous crimes and it would be wrong to just let those go unmentioned.

Unproven accusations though? That ain't right. Wait a few weeks at least.

People are upset and are grieving and these utter fucking scumbags think it's fair game to bring up something that the guy MAYBE possible could have done? What an absolute disgrace.


But "he admitted it!" according to them. Seriously go look how many times the word "admit" is used on every page of that thread. They try so hard to convince themselves.
rycisko said:
The MJ comparisons in this thread are fucking ridiculous. Kobe was slammed in the media for this one at the time, he did not look good even after the settlement. But I'd like to think in my heart the reason why we keep reading about all these great "dad stories" about Kobe is because he used that 2nd chance to become a better person, a better husband, a better dad.

Everyone deserves a chance at redemption. Just as every reserves their right to not forgive him, that's your choice as well. But 18 pages about the topic is kind of gross. Off for the night after this one....

[User banned (1 month): hostility and thread whining, ignoring staff post]

Like.. literally just a (probably) very valid observation, but nope, it is wrongthink and deserves a *1 month* ban.

I humbly ask every semi-normal thinking REEEEEEra member to go in that thread and post a common sense comment, so all that will be left there are the completely batshit insane people. TaySan TaySan , do you think the above post by a ResetEra member deserves a 1-month ban? A Aristide ? Terra Torment Terra Torment ?

I suppose the best case I can make, is I *guess* they think it goes against this STAFF POST:

Nepenthe said:
You can use the obituary thread to express sentiments of mourning (this would be the actual "time and place"). This thread is about the harassment received by supporters of Bryant's victim concerning her allegations of sexual assault. Therefore, it is not the "time and place" to shut down discussion over this matter.

Any posts doing that going forward will be treated as thread-whining and moderated strictly.


Which basically says this thread is to have a "discussion" about his alleged sexual assault/and corresponding harassment/etc. Okay. Isn't the post by rycisko, by definition, discussing this? Or have they absolutely changed the definition of discussion to mean you have 1 talking point, and anything coming within sniffing distance of disagreement is ban-worthy?
its basically in this thread you can praise him all you want, and in this one you can whine about how a black man did no jail time, therefore justice has never been served

Seems that way. I suppose if they made that clear, and removed the "Discussion" word, then at least it'd be fair. Don't pretend or tell people they can discuss things when very clearly you can not.


What KF does is perfectly legal harrassment which sucks for people like me. :/ I've had multiple posts of mine intented ONLY to be read by Era members that is now on the wide interwebs.
If I had the power I would shut them down for good!
[User banned (1 month): hostility and thread whining, ignoring staff post]

Like.. literally just a (probably) very valid observation, but nope, it is wrongthink and deserves a *1 month* ban.

I humbly ask every semi-normal thinking REEEEEEra member to go in that thread and post a common sense comment, so all that will be left there are the completely batshit insane people. TaySan TaySan , do you think the above post by a ResetEra member deserves a 1-month ban? A Aristide ? Terra Torment Terra Torment ?

I suppose the best case I can make, is I *guess* they think it goes against this STAFF POST:


Which basically says this thread is to have a "discussion" about his alleged sexual assault/and corresponding harassment/etc. Okay. Isn't the post by rycisko, by definition, discussing this? Or have they absolutely changed the definition of discussion to mean you have 1 talking point, and anything coming within sniffing distance of disagreement is ban-worthy?
It went against the staff post, but that post did not deserve a 1 month ban. But I'm not staff so I don't have a say over matters. :/
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It's obvious from all the facts regarding the case that the accuser was lying for clout and attention, she saw the opportunity to take advantage of a young, black, and rich star athelete and took it.

It's hilarious watching those miserable social outcasts over there use what is clearly a prepared statement from Kobe's lawyers designed to just make the case "go away," as an example of an admission of guilt. Who are they kidding. I seriously don't know why the black posters over there even bother anymore. Unless they just like the abuse.


Obviously it"s one of the many examples of very bad moderation on rera. Can't really say more as this Kobe story is everything but my speciality (like never heard about this affair before he died).
Just reminds me a similar story when Johnny Hallyday died in 2017, an iconic french rock star who had 3-4 unproven rape allegations against him in his long carreer.
Was sorta fun seing everyone hesitate between mentionning them or not while making his necrology (especially as it happened when #metoo was in full stream and journos were just repeating "believe the victims" mantra the day before celebrating him), and people being harassed by whole forums for daring mentionning these accusations or attacked by the few believing his accusers for denying them.
But as there's no french resetera, I've not seen any forum forbid to mention them in one thread and then forbid to deny them in another. :)
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It went against the staff post, but that post did not deserve a 1 month ban. But I'm not staff so I don't have a say over matters. :/

How would you say it goes against the staff post? Genuinely curious. I thought maybe it did as well, originally, but the more I looked at it, I don't see where it does.

The post does not express sentiments of mourning, that would be more appropriate for the other thread. The only other staff post guideline is "Therefore, it is not the "time and place" to shut down discussion over this matter."

What part of that post "shuts down discussion"? They say the MJ comparisons are fucking ridiculous, which, I think is valid, but doesn't tell people they CAN'T make them, it's an opinion. They go on to DISCUSS that maybe he did change/become a better person over time. "Everyone deserves a chance at redemption. Just as every reserves their right to not forgive him, that's your choice as well" is another statement that can be discussed, *I* think it's a rational statement, but others should be free to debate/discuss this, do people not deserve a chance at redemption? "But 18 pages about the topic is kind of gross." I suppose this is "threadwhining" in the tamest of ways, it's an opinion really, but I guess those are not allowed if it's not the right opinion?

Obviously you don't have a say, I wasn't asking you to overturn it, I was asking for your opinion as a frequent member over there. I am glad we agree it's not worth a 1-month ban.

The sad part is if you go through MOST of the bans over there, you'll see the same pattern. Over abuse of power over people having opinions that are not 100% the ERAparty line. That's stupid & "dangerous".

Obviously it"s one of the many examples of very bad moderation on rera. Can't really say more as this Kobe story is everything but my speciality (like never heard about this affair before he died).
Just reminds me a similar story when Johnny Hallyday died in 2017, an iconic french rock star who had 3-4 unproven rape allegations against him in his long carreer.
Was sorta fun seing everyone hesitate between mentionning them or not while making his necrology (especially as it happened when #metoo was in full stream and journos were just repeating "believe the victims" mantra the day before celebrating him), and people being harassed by whole forums for daring mentionning these accusations or attacked by the few believing his accusers for denying them.
But as there's no french resetera, I've not seen any forum forbid to mention them in one thread and then forbid to deny them in another. :)

Another day, another example of bad moderation :) They're getting good (bad?) at this!
Incoming ban? (Forum wouldn't let me edit/put this in my above post for some reason)

SlickShoesRUCRazy said:
I debated posting or not, but decided I would. This is my opinion only. It's not meant to diminish the opinion of others.

What Kobe did to that woman was a horrendous act. It was rape. Just because he was not convicted of it, does not mean it was not rape. It was un-consensual sex. That's rape. There is no hiding the fact. There is no diminishing this act. It will always be a part of Kobe's legacy whether or not he was convicted for it.
Unfortunately we live in a country where being white and/or wealthy generally makes you immune to facing repercussions for criminal acts outside of murder, and even then, it is very likely that people walk if they are white and/or wealthy. Kobe should have faced more serious punishment, but likely because of his fame/wealth, he got a slap on the wrist.

That being said, I think though Kobe knew what he did was unconscionable. I don't know Kobe personally. I'm not even basketball fan. All I can go off of is what we see of him in the public eye. But coming into a thread literally an hour after he died along with his 13 year-old daughter to simply say he is a rapist is cold.

I think he appreciated his luck when so many black men/other minorities do not get the same slap on the wrist after being accused of rape. I think ever since he has tried to do right by his daughters and other girls/women through what he knows, basketball. Again, I don't know Kobe personally. I don't know him other what we see in the public eye. But from what I have seen, he loved his daughters and wanted to do right by them. He wanted to empower them. Even creating an entire org meant to empower girl/women athletes(Yes, I know his org is for everybody).

Some people change, some people don't. We see many people escape punishment for their heinous acts without any self re-evaluation and attempt to do better. I personally don't think Kobe was one of those.

I think Kobe's lasting legacy will end up doing more to empower women/women athletes than 99.9% of of the people in this forum will do in their lifetime simply sitting behind a keyboard calling him a rapist while never actually lifting a finger to empower women.

Again, I am not trying to diminish others opinions, just my 2 cents.


At least someone is being honest.

Darksol said:
You’re not in the memorial thread, you’re in the Kobe is a rapist thread.

Nobody is obliged to hold off on calling a rapist a rapist.

I'm not opposed to having right-wingers around but do understand that anything goes rules does tend to slide right ward into the fringes of bigotry and wingnut conspiracy theories. I should have clarified that I don't think that's what this place is, but I have here and there seen the tropes and dogwhistles they use. I believe In balance.

I think it's fair to look at things this way. People have thresholds and that's fine. Like I can appreciate edgy jokes, but if I have reason to believe someone is being genuinely hateful, I'm probably not going to see them as good people. I won't wish harm on them either except in VERY rare circumstances, but that's neither here nor there.

The problem with places like Era is the net is cast waaaaaaaay too wide. Like a mod cosigning the idea of it being impossible to be a good person while simultaneously being a Trump voter. I fucking hate Trump and hope he's removed from office, but you just can't make a mass judgement on 60 million people. Hell, I wouldn't make a mass judgement on the 13.4 million people that voted for Hilter, and I'm friggin Jewish. We can't know the reason of every single person for voting a certain way, it's just not possible even with good polling. There's definitely going to be plenty of malicious reasons for it, but also totally negligible ones as well.

People get too caught up in these judgement calls that they refuse to see the people behind the opinion, and that's not a good thing.

Kev Kev

TaySan TaySan why are you posting personal info on forums in the first place?

dont you know? oh you sweet summer child

resetera is the last bastion of hope for humanity. it will be the only light left in this cold, dark world at the end of all things. all others will fall, but not the Eranians... oh no, they shall live on basking in glorious sjw triumph screaming "victoryyy, we have cancelled everything and everyone, so none may hurt our little feelings!!!"

its basically the only safe space left to post your personal information. after all, a true Eranian may even need to cancel their very own family and friends one day. so personal information cannot be entrusted to them either. in era, and only in era, do we trust. amen.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
I think it's fair to look at things this way. People have thresholds and that's fine. Like I can appreciate edgy jokes, but if I have reason to believe someone is being genuinely hateful, I'm probably not going to see them as good people. I won't wish harm on them either except in VERY rare circumstances, but that's neither here nor there.

The problem with places like Era is the net is cast waaaaaaaay too wide. Like a mod cosigning the idea of it being impossible to be a good person while simultaneously being a Trump voter. I fucking hate Trump and hope he's removed from office, but you just can't make a mass judgement on 60 million people. Hell, I wouldn't make a mass judgement on the 13.4 million people that voted for Hilter, and I'm friggin Jewish. We can't know the reason of every single person for voting a certain way, it's just not possible even with good polling. There's definitely going to be plenty of malicious reasons for it, but also totally negligible ones as well.

People get too caught up in these judgement calls that they refuse to see the people behind the opinion, and that's not a good thing.

The blind willingness to demonize another person over who they voted for with zero context about the individual is a totalitarian propaganda hellscape. They do that on the regular while claiming to be progressive. There is nothing liberal nor progressive (at least in the past) about that.
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TaySan TaySan why are you posting personal info on forums in the first place?
Era is a meant to be a safe place for people like me to share and be open with like minded members and not be judged harshly and laughed at. There are very few places for people with disabilities that are safe and Era is one of them.

But you have bad people outside of the forum with bad intentions cherry picking posts with no context to them and laughing at them. Obviously I cant do anything about otherwise I would shut them down for good.
Era is a meant to be a safe place for people like me to share and be open with like minded members and not be judged harshly and laughed at. There are very few places for people with disabilities that are safe and Era is one of them.

But you have bad people outside of the forum with bad intentions cherry picking posts with no context to them and laughing at them. Obviously I cant do anything about otherwise I would shut them down for good.
But it's public...
Era is a meant to be a safe place for people like me to share and be open with like minded members and not be judged harshly and laughed at. There are very few places for people with disabilities that are safe and Era is one of them.

But you have bad people outside of the forum with bad intentions cherry picking posts with no context to them and laughing at them. Obviously I cant do anything about otherwise I would shut them down for good.

Then why are you here? You won't find your echo chamber safe space here, this is a public forum. Unless you're admitting that Gaf is safer than Reset? Good on ya then.


Gold Member
Era is a meant to be a safe place for people like me to share and be open with like minded members and not be judged harshly and laughed at. There are very few places for people with disabilities that are safe and Era is one of them.

But you have bad people outside of the forum with bad intentions cherry picking posts with no context to them and laughing at them. Obviously I cant do anything about otherwise I would shut them down for good.

That's the same reason my wife shares her nudes with me through pornhub.


Era is a meant to be a safe place for people like me to share and be open with like minded members and not be judged harshly and laughed at. There are very few places for people with disabilities that are safe and Era is one of them.

But you have bad people outside of the forum with bad intentions cherry picking posts with no context to them and laughing at them. Obviously I cant do anything about otherwise I would shut them down for good.

You don't know what safe space means obviously.


Why not creating a private safe forum then ? (perhaps even on Rera as they can only accept such demand in the name of protected groups)

Rera, even if it may be a good place for some categories of people really needing a safe space*, is certainly of all the internet the forum the most read and quoted by potentially hostile people (between here, Kiwi Farms, the specialized twitter accounts and several gamergate related spaces where people certainly like to have a laugh at era).

It's not very prudent to post anything personnal there.

* (and even I'm not so sure, it must feel very harmful for say, a rape victim, to face their moderation while venturing into a more political thread and suddenly lose her access to the fabled safe space because she happens to support Gabbard or whatever cancelled figure of the month ; or face a more-protected poster who'd be allowed to use anything against her)

Dr. Claus

What KF does is perfectly legal harrassment which sucks for people like me. :/ I've had multiple posts of mine intented ONLY to be read by Era members that is now on the wide interwebs.
If I had the power I would shut them down for good!

It went against the staff post, but that post did not deserve a 1 month ban. But I'm not staff so I don't have a say over matters. :/

Seriously? The internet isn't some private place. Anyone anywhere can read your shit. If you don't like that, don't post on the internet to begin with. It isn't your safe space.


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
People on the site might be largely sympathetic but it's not a closed forum is it. People have been hate-reading Era and gunning for it's users since day one - it's incredibly naive to think what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.


Gold Member
Era is a meant to be a safe place for people like me to share and be open with like minded members and not be judged harshly and laughed at. There are very few places for people with disabilities that are safe and Era is one of them.

But you have bad people outside of the forum with bad intentions cherry picking posts with no context to them and laughing at them. Obviously I cant do anything about otherwise I would shut them down for good.

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