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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Former mod Finale Fireworker chimes in.


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That Stinkle's exchange was embarrassing. His coworkers are probably laughing at him behind his back. What an absolute cuck.

I REALLY hope he is a nobody at 343 and does not make decisions on any Halo games. I think that is pretty obvious though. Hard working devs actually work on their products and don't post on shitty social justice tranny warrior forums 24/7.
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I REALLY hope he is a nobody at 343 and does not make decisions on any Halo games. I think that is pretty obvious though. Hard working devs actually work on their products and don't post on shitty social justice tranny warrior forums 24/7.
I wouldn't say it's obvious. Plenty of talented and gifted people can otherwise have shitty components to their personality. Some of your favorite actors and musicians probably believe there isn't much separating a conservative from an alt-right lunatic.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Do these people not have day to day actual problems that straw manning a "what if" specific political scenario is what brings out emotional rants?

Like... if this is what keeps them up at night and not personal, closer to home issues, just twitter's tantram for the day... mother fuckers have it good.
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Do these people not have day to day actual problems that straw manning a "what if" specific political scenario is what brings out emotional rants?

Like... if this is what keeps them up at night and not personal, closer to home issues, just twitter's tantram for the day... mother fuckers have it good.
they enjoy misery. if nothing is happening at the moment then they be damn sure to create misery for their own boner.


Since when do people who put thought into the right day to riot, give two shits about the rule of law????? 🤡

Every single person who condoned or said nothing about Antifa and the left wing riots, or who called these people and events protesters or protests, and who now claim to worry about the rule of law is a lying hack piece of crap.
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25 minutes ago

Why does it feel like there's a ton of closet conservatives in the Democrat party? Like......if someone wanted to vote for a conservative they'd already be a Trump supporter.
when you almost realize that not 100% of the 91 million people in your political party are all far left activists. but you can't because you live in a bubble.

these idiots don't even realize that the only reason Hillary got a bunch of votes is because Democrats have conservatives in their numbers.

its like they have bought the Far Left Squad Twitter version of reality wholeheartedly. they can't imagine a fellow Democrat would have conservative values because it would shatter their illusion of being perfect moral creatures.

i also do love how it's framed conspiratorially. "closet conservatives" oooh are they hiding? do we need to root them out and kick them out of the party? what a great way to win elections!
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when you almost realize that not 100% of the 91 million people in your political party are all far left activists. but you can't because you live in a bubble.

these idiots don't even realize that the only reason Hillary got a bunch of votes is because Democrats have conservatives in their numbers.

its like they have bought the Far Left Squad Twitter version of reality wholeheartedly. they can't imagine a fellow Democrat would have conservative values because it would shatter their illusion of being perfect moral creatures.

i also do love how it's framed conspiratorially. "closet conservatives" oooh are they hiding? do we need to root them out and kick them out of the party? what a great way to win elections!
I've been saying this for years. We are reaping what was sewed with positive-reinforcement parenting, helicopter parenting, and participation trophies. These loony tunes man-sized children were coddled to such an absurd degree that they genuinely believe written or verbal disagreement is tantamount to a physical attack, and that anyone who disagrees with them is a big bad evil doer. When it comes from one of their own, its absolute mind blowing to them.


"people don't give a shit about the rule of law because is something too abstract and remote for them"
-- spoken by a foreign idiot who doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about

i can assure you, Americans have a very personal, very complicated relationship with the law. we have to deal with it on a day to day basis. but go on indulge your fantasy, you ignorant foreign bitch.
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"people don't give a shit about the rule of law because is something too abstract and remote for them"
-- spoken by a foreign idiot who doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about

i can assure you, Americans have a very personal, very complicated relationship with the law. we have to deal with it on a day to day basis. but go on indulge your fantasy, you ignorant foreign bitch.

What is it about English language forums that draw people from non-English speaking countries who want to preach about how much better their own shithole country is than the Anglosphere/ first world countries? I don't think you will find many native English speakers frequenting a Chilean forum to shit on their country.


Gold Member
That will solve everything there is famously no racism in Italy /s

Imagine thinking Italy has less institutionalized racism than the US.

We have football hooligans publicly declaring that they don't think a black player, born and raised in Italy and bearing a fully Italian name, will ever be "completely" Italian and barely getting a slap on the wrist.

We have politicians young and (especially) old not even trying to hide their deep-rooted racism.

But sure, you'll be much better here. Plenty of opportunities for a black foreigner here, 'specially if you don't speak the language like a pro.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
What is it about English language forums that draw people from non-English speaking countries who want to preach about how much better their own shithole country is than the Anglosphere/ first world countries? I don't think you will find many native English speakers frequenting a Chilean forum to shit on their country.

He comes from a country where they rioted over a modest increase to public transportation fares. Because that is how shitty and meaningless their lives are and how terrible their society has ended up given their attitudes, beliefs, and work ethics (pretty much all highlighted or alluded to in his post).

He's jealous and angry of us. We can live a normal life regardless of who is president or which political party is in charge of whatever chamber of Congress in a given year. I guarantee you if he had a chance to earn $50k in the US in a stable job (a literal fortune for a Chilean) he'd ride his family's fucking donkey the seven thousand miles to the US if he had to.

Edit: Also, $20 says Delphine has a big flopping schlong - speaking on behalf of women everywhere ^^^
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Unconfirmed Member
What is it about English language forums that draw people from non-English speaking countries who want to preach about how much better their own shithole country is than the Anglosphere/ first world countries? I don't think you will find many native English speakers frequenting a Chilean forum to shit on their country.
From what I gather our government makes us an easy target for their own government to use us as a tool for distractions of whatever problems they have. We are painted as spoiled, loud assholes and it doesn't help our current pres acts in said stereotypical manner. So they bunch us together even though our previous pres was down to earth and W didn't care what the media said about him. (in comparison) Not to say our gov doesn't like to distract us from our societal issues with their "infighting" either.


I may be wrong though.


Unconfirmed Member
Painted as? We are proud, spoiled, loud, belligerent assholes, thank you very much.
You city folk? I guess city folk are this.
Can you imagine being such a cuck that you have to go learn a foreign language so you can go bitch at people who speak that language natively, just to be heard?
You think they learned an entire new language just to shit on Americans?


Neo Member
It was on Twitter that he was talking about his ugly racist kid, the Southern Poverty Law Center recorded it for their hate speech archives:


Probably even better was one of the replies was a guy saying how if that happened he'd just beat his kid.

I wouldn't be surprised that they now secretly call their kid a #nazi-sexist-racist-homophobic-transphobic-xenophobic....*breathes* shit heel...if true.
It reads more like: "I need woke points, quick let's throw the 5 year old under the bus. What kind of story can I shit out on twitter." Probably didn't think that the loonies will now label his kid a racist, now and forever.
By "Americans won't lift a finger" does he mean he wants us to send drones and troops to keep peace in conflict zones? Does he want us to spend even more money patrolling the oceans to deter piracy and keep trade routes open? I thought America wasn't supposed to be the world police.

In what manner would he expect an average American to sacrifice a piece of their "employment or standard of living" to help the people who "are literally risking their lives to protest and combat injustice and corruption"? Like, do I change jobs or buy fewer chicken tendies or... what parts of my employment or standard of living am I suppose to tithe... I mean "sacrifice for the greater good" in this scenario? Please be specific, I want to do all the right steps to save my soul from Progressive Hell where I get blocked on Twitter and ostracized on Facebook, my internet persona wouldn't be able to handle the humiliation.

Are we supposed to be afraid for our safety? What will this "reckoning" be? It's not like they have guns or upper body strength. They can't even successfully run over Republicans sitting down in a booth, a stationary target. They can't even kill some old politicians playing baseball when t hey do use guns. The cult continues to predict doomsday while promising salvation, but they are the ones in the streets smashing cars and burning things.

I have so many questions for ghostmind, our prophet of the Progressive Apocalypse :messenger_fearful:
I sometimes feel like Resetera is filled with people who don't have a ward or Psychologist nearby. Which would explain the strange characters like those shown above, and why many of them are from the same cities/metropolitan areas world wide.


The day of reckoning is coming.
wait this guy is mocking people who "casually complained on message boards" by... complaining on a message board? is this real life?

newsflash Palpatine.GIF: the entire world protested the Iraq War in the early 2000s. we had the largest global protests in history, and yet it meant nothing. it didn't even stop Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden from voting for that shit, now, did it?

also "Americans won't lift a finger for fear it might affect their employment" is some peak socialist foreigner privilege. if they lived here they would know that Americans have health care tied to our job. literally, our jobs pay for our health insurance. without work, we lose that. we could literally die without our jobs.

yet you are mocking us for prioritizing our daily physical wellbeing and our job security, as workers? you are openly mocking workers rights here? despite having display that you absolutely have no clue what you are talking about? what the hell is wrong with you?

it is the most absurd thing. i'm not even offended by things like this. i pity these people for they know not what they do. they are ignorant.
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Hes Baaaaaaaack!
Fuck me
Video games are designed for fun..not to strap on a political viewpoint

what It’s essentially asking is how can we ruin your favourite games and look for our next political targets

are they gonna get pissed at the amount of non electric cars in gt??....are there too many white shades of paint in it??

dude needs to go outside and enjoy life for a bit..hopefully he fucks up again and gets perma banned so he can do that


Look at all these allies. Brave!

Two pages in and it's already locked "to review reports".


Look at all these allies. Brave!


Lmao Portman is gonna have to end up apologizing and giving that nobody a job.
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