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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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You'd be surprised at how much "digital blackface" goes on in Era, last year they had several white members pretend to be passionate on black issues with black avatars saying they no the struggle forgetting that a login user can see their post history.

It reminds me of the group of middle class white lefties who handcuffed themselves to each other in the middle of London City Airport's runway claiming to be protesting for Black Lives Matter.

I will put a hefty amount of money that these scrubs were the same who took part in the anti capitalism protests years back, and who are now happy to kick off for Extinction Rebellion... all before taking the bus back to the large Surrey home they still live with Mummy and Daddy.



18 minutes ago
The comments making generalizations about groups of black voters need to come to an end. Now.

We are not going to use generalizations, or "data" assembled from methodologies with their own limits and margins of error, to tell people who they are and what they value. Enough.

11 minutes ago

Can we still generalise millennials, Latinos, women, men, old people, LGBT voters, white wine cave suburban housewives, and so on.

im pretty sure Shinra is a white Canadian allie who has some barely concealed allie racism. someone should troll them into a ban.
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if i had an alt over there i would troll as the biggest Bernie or Buster ever. it seems to be the bane of their existence.

just say you are thinking of not voting and you get slapped with the scarlet letter.


just say you are thinking of not voting and you get slapped with the scarlet letter.

Didn't a prior mod actually say that when everyone was hugging each other?

Don't remember the mod name but he was piled on. From what I remember anyway.

Anyone know the username? (very vague, I know)
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im pretty sure Shinra is a white Canadian allie who has some barely concealed allie racism. someone should troll them into a ban.

Ok am I crazy, Or did the internet break?

when I click on the link of Shinra’s name I get a pop up of their gaf account with a different name..

How are these connected?
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Rapid Response Threadmaker
Ok am I crazy, Or did the internet break?

when I click on the link of Shinra’s name I get a pop up of their gaf account with a different name..

How are these connected?
I was wondering when someone else would notice it, I've been lolling at some of the names that have come up in the past. Whenever Phonepunk copy and pasts posts from the other forum, they automatically get formatted so they get tied to a GAF user ID based on the Reset user ID. It's likely just a quirk with forum software.


You'd be surprised at how much "digital blackface" goes on in Era, last year they had several white members pretend to be passionate on black issues with black avatars saying they no the struggle forgetting that a login user can see their post history.

I figured the majority of the supposed "black" users were white. The majority of shit they say is just comes off as trying too hard to be accepted. I mean there was literally a thread where the guy asked, should he say "fucking white people" when around a group of black people so that he's viewed as a "Good guy". Like you can't make this shit up. This is probably the same case with all the supposed "GAY" or "LGBT+" , especially when you read how people are LITERALLY SLAUGHTERING THEM IN THE STREETS!!! and you're thinking to yourself where the fuck this is occurring en mass


Here we go again:

Boys, you know what to do.



Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
That guy is a fucking nutcase. He chips in on everything made by Spike Chunsoft because he falls in love with the characters, doesn't actually play the games, but hates how they're treated in game.

Finally, someone too insane for Era.

Edit: here if you want your brain melted. Just read his posts...

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That guy is a fucking nutcase. He chips in on everything made by Spike Chunsoft because he falls in love with the characters, doesn't actually play the games, but hates how they're treated in game.

Finally, someone too insane for Era.

Edit: here if you want your brain melted. Just read his posts...

Wow, the threadmarked update after he’s “calmed down” might be even more unhinged than his initial post
wow resetera user review bombed AI somnium files... Good thing they’re the “good” forum...

They were so sure it was bigots and Gamergaters flipping out over a single screen mentioning LGTBQ. They were so sure it was everyone but them lol

Wow fuck those freaks. Devs spend years making a game and those fuckers try to tear apart its reputation because their feelings were hurt. This should be shared everywhere.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Wow, I kind of feel bad for that guy. He needs serious help.

The mods and admins keep banning regular people over benign comments and opinions though, so they're distilling that community down to the unhinged and mentally unstable - posters like this guy.


I’m just glad folks here don’t use the phrase “if that’s the hill they want to die on” .
It’s like CLOCKWORK in era threads. The novelty is gone people.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
With the "complicated and nuanced stance" of many of the white European and Canadian members of Era regarding Bloomberg's comments, I can see another summit needed. A re-summit, have you.

PoC stand back. White International Era thinks that tossing out a billionaire may be a bad move for your country and you should vote a certain way.

This is a nuanced issue that people who can't participate in the process nor even live in your country should lecture you on.
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It's cute that he actually thinks he's making a difference by doing this.
As if any game really makes that much of a dynamic difference to the experience based on your avatar to "Experience life as a woman of colour".


Golden Boy
I still have a few questions about resetera:
- why do people keep posting there when some angry virgin mods decide what opinion is allowed?
- how did angry virgin video game nerds go from hating on women that wont sleep with them to being the wokest of woke male feminists?
- do people like on resetera really exist? I have never seen such pathetic people in real life.
- do they really believe the bullshit they spout?
- Because many of them have no other place for their sick tendencies
- Because they hope that posing as woke male feminists will get them layed avantualy
- They do, you can prominently find them in their mom’s basements
- No one can fake this without going crazy sooner or later, so they must believe it
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You're not keeping up. Math and data are recognized as inherently biased and racist these days.

Let’s ignore all of these cases of black people wrongly convicted of crimes. From Boston and a lab tech who doctored tens of thousands of tests that led to convictions that have since been overturned to a now dead police chief in Chicago found to have forced his officers to arrest hundreds of innocent black men, examples of how meaningless crime stats have become are unearthed with increasing frequency. And that doesn’t even account for the white criminals who are either never charged or escape a recorded conviction because they are white.
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Gold Member
Let’s ignore all of these cases of black people wrongly convicted of crimes. From Boston and a lab tech who doctored tens of thousands of tests that led to convictions that have since been overturned to a now dead police chief in Chicago found to have forced his officers to arrest hundreds of innocent black men, examples of how meaningless crime stats have become are unearthed with increasing frequency. And that doesn’t even account for the white criminals who are either never charged or escape a recorded conviction because they are white.

You sound racist.
Why point out black people being wrongly convicted when it affects all skin colours? It is not exclusive to a particular skin colour.

All skin colours can also escape charge depending on the circumstance.

There are also a lot more than just two skin colours in this world and it is just skin colour, who cares. Just treat everyone the same.
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Remember how they were banning a bunch of people for saying they wouldn't necessarily vote D if it's not the right candidate? Now they're banning people for saying they'd vote D no matter what to get rid of Trump:

Posts that users all got banned for:
User Banned (Duration Pending): Hostility; dismissing concerns of racism

Fuck off, I'm not supporting Bloomberg or excusing his racist shit. My vote is not always endorsement. In the worst case scenario, I want to vote for the least damage even if it's voting for a 5.7 earthquake vs a 6.0. I'm voting for Bernie in the primaries and I wish the DNC would tell Mike to fuck off.
User Banned (Duration Pending): Concern trolling in a thread regarding racism

I feel so sick knowing that I'd still vote for him in the General Election if it's him vs. Trump. I seriously hope he does not manage to get the Dem nomination.
User Banned (Duration Pending): Concern trolling and dismissing concerns of racism over multiple posts

Just cause I prefer Bloomberg to Trump doesn't mean I want him to win. But I'd definitely vote for him over Trump. They're not even in the same vicinity on reprehensible actions/behavior. Rather have president Bloomberg than Trump any day. Anyone running now I'd rather have over Trump.
User Banned (Duration Pending): Dismissing racism over a series of posts. Trolling.

It hurts me so much to say this...

Can we possibly elect the really rich (+competent) guy and get the psychopath out asap? Is it that simple?

Sorry, but it's inevitable. If we wait another 4 years, the core progressive platform will be totally dead.

Everything we want to do to keep this as a republic will be considered cool in 4-8 years.

The general electorate is not ready for it just yet but their days are numbered.
Remember how they were banning a bunch of people for saying they wouldn't necessarily vote D if it's not the right candidate? Now they're banning people for saying they'd vote D no matter what to get rid of Trump:

Posts that users all got banned for:

These bans look insane without context. Is there any indication that they were 'concern trolling'? It seems crazy to ban someone for saying they would vote for Bloomberg if it was him or Trump. Would they prefer Trump then?


Gold Member

Quick hide the evidence that one of our posters review bombed a game!
“That’s what it means to create context”.

I always laugh my ass off when someone on Era quotes the famous MGS2 speech unironically and don’t realize that Era’s staff and most vocal members are literally small-scale Patriots creating a context they desperately want the whole world to adhere to acritically.
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