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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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She mentions somewhere that her step-dad setup this deal.

Who the fuck in their right mind signs up for a 7 year car loan? At that apr aswell.

I'm sorry but you can't cry poverty if you've gone out of your way to buy a brand new car either. That's your own stupid fault. Not asif you need a new car, or you could of got the gearbox done for significantly less.

I'm also amazed at "how to frame emails" and all that bollocks.

Every car I've ever bought I've looked online, waltzed into the dealership, had a test drive, talked figures, said no needs to be better, and either got my own way or walked. Its not not rocket science.

And getting her own insurance? Has she been insurance fronting and driving on her parents policy. Cause that's fraud over here.

Note, I'm in the UK, but I'd imagine it's just the same buying a car over there like it is here.


Who the fuck in their right mind signs up for a 7 year car loan? At that apr aswell.

I'm sorry but you can't cry poverty if you've gone out of your way to buy a brand new car either. That's your own stupid fault. Not asif you need a new car, or you could of got the gearbox done for significantly less.

I'm also amazed at "how to frame emails" and all that bollocks.

Every car I've ever bought I've looked online, waltzed into the dealership, had a test drive, talked figures, said no needs to be better, and either got my own way or walked. Its not not rocket science.

And getting her own insurance? Has she been insurance fronting and driving on her parents policy. Cause that's fraud over here.

Note, I'm in the UK, but I'd imagine it's just the same buying a car over there like it is here.

To be honest, with the the level of maturity with a lot of these clowns, buying a car that looks like an old granny should be driving it is a huge step in the adult world.

To normal people, it's buying a car. Unless it's an absolute beast of a sports car, utterly unthreadworthy - unless you're making up for major difficiencies in your life.



She mentions somewhere that her step-dad setup this deal.
Holy shit I thought you were exaggerating, she actually did that. Also $177/mo for a 6 year loan isn’t that bad but she wanted to “pay less” so she can eat out and get her xbox game pass. Too bad you‘ll pay significantly more for the car.... She seems so happy that they were willing to make the term even longer for her so it’s more profitable...

Who the fuck in their right mind signs up for a 7 year car loan? At that apr aswell.

I'm sorry but you can't cry poverty if you've gone out of your way to buy a brand new car either. That's your own stupid fault. Not asif you need a new car, or you could of got the gearbox done for significantly less.

I'm also amazed at "how to framF.

Every car I've ever bought I've looked online, waltzed into the dealership, had a test drive, talked figures, said no needs to be better, and either got my own way or walked. Its not not rocket science.

And getting her own insurance? Has she been insurance fronting and driving on her parents policy. Cause that's fraud over here.

Note, I'm in the UK, but I'd imagine it's just the same buying a car over there like it is here.

It’s not an issue in the US unless you live at different addresses.
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Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt

1 this is very stupid

2 this isn’t even correct. Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post. He is in every news outlet in the world. He also owns Amazon meaning he is also in every country in the world. His boxes are likely in multiple rooms throughout your household.

so no, this point about his physical body having limits means really very little, and is entirely irrelevant considering his vast reach. what a pathetic attempt at owning someone
Interestingly, I have been in two rooms of our house at the same time several times today, and I am not even rich!


Nepenthe did something requiring adult responsibility. Respect.

84-months at 7% though. Good lord.
And didn’t even know the monthly payment until after they signed and took home the car... “They said they’d call me tomorrow with it”. But let’s kill white people, they’re the true reason she’s not rich. Certainly can’t be the idiotic decisions that you made instead.
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And didn’t even know the monthly payment until after they signed and took home the car... “They said they’d call me tomorrow with it”. But let’s kill white people, they’re the true reason she’s not rich. Certainly can’t be the idiotic decisions that you made instead.

Such excitement from buying a car likely means it’s a new experience. This is also pretty low on the ladder of adult responsibility. It that’s the case, it makes sense that one can be so angry at the world from behind a keyboard when they have yet to experience any of it. Resetera as a collective also works to keep their members in that box by limiting their exposure to the reality. It’s like The Gathering Of The Juggalos for aged toddlers.
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I guess it makes sense that the same people who don’t understand what a tax cut also believe they’d have more money if others didn’t make as much money.

I just don’t understand how you come to that conclusion
The Bezos thread is the gift that keeps on giving






Those brave souls talking about murder in a public gaming forum



What does being gay have to do with liking (or not) Halloween and horror movies





Talk about getting fleeced. I would be laughing to the bank with my commission on that job. Hell yeah we can stretch this out.


the backbending going on to justify why the Chris Evans Ted Cruz collab is totally fine and not platforming an alt right traitor is just *chef's kiss*


all of a sudden all of their "my way or the highway" bullshit is nowhere to be found. just "some photographic PR"! shoulder shrug from a furry avatar!

they really have a cultish love for these fake woke superfolk! nothing they do can possibly be wrong.
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Ron Mexico

I almost feel bad for her. 7.16% for 84 months...that is horrible.

I bought a new car while in college and hated having the payments. Now that I actually have some money I will only buy used with cash.

She needs to take a Dave Ramsey course. But he is white, rich, conservative, a man, a Christian...no way she would listen. Payday loans it is then.

7% for 84 months is highway robbery. To anyone happening to stumble across this on your way to dunking on Era, don't ever take out a loan like this. Ever. This is the epitome of playing a stupid game to win a stupid prize.

Shocking I know, but when you have people as perpetually angry as your Era regulars, moments like these set themselves up nicely. A rate that's well above market average to the point of being predatory? Nope! You "deserve it"! Then when you're completely upside down on a vehicle that's not going to hold value, fire off some angry posts about how it's not your fault and here's why.

Also Dave Ramsey is a hack but that's another thread for another time. Managing debt is a numbers game. Pay off high interest debt because it'll save you. If you're paying off small balances so you'll "feel better", you're treating the symptom, not the cause.
Damn, I didn't realize she was that poor and stupid. Not that it's bad to be poor, it happens, but man.
Yeah she/he/whatever they call themselves got taken to the cleaners. A 7.16% interest rate from a credit union is asinine. Her credit must be in the shitter. Plus her/his step dad owns the dealership??...He can't give his stepdaughter/son a loaner or some used car? People are probably afraid to post what an awful financial decision he/she made in fear of getting banned. Dave Ramsey weeps for this person


Palmer Luckey better watch out lol. RetardEra isn't happy!



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
"I am bi, disabled, neurodivergent, mentally ill, and poor" should be the REEEera motto. ScribbleD knows how to play the Oppression Olympics to win! Personally, I would have thrown in PoC as well though, especially since the recent summit, but you do you ScribbleD.

Really TaySan TaySan ... can you explain "A lot of damage"?

TaySan is reply banned from this thread, so he can't respond. Please don't @ him here.
More proof Resetera is a terrorist website.
AKA I'm a loser that wants to sit on his ass all day and post on an extremist website so I'm pissed at people that work hard and are successful.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
So, you all remember the people who self righteously lecture you on how to live, knows who is guilty and innocent based on a tweet, what is acceptable speech, and knows who should run the world without a shadow of a doubt? The forum that is so wise and so profound that their moderation is able to censor speech that will be unhelpful or damage the fabric of society? The modern day saints that will teach all of us how to live like civilized, evolved beings? A community so brilliant that they can determine your political affiliation from a single post and smack that report button.

Well, let's see what they got going on today. Perhaps we can learn something today that will shake us out of our apathy and selfish ways.


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I wonder if this lucky stud is a GAF member?

(originally read the spoiler post as "dad' place", was confused)


it is extremely bizarre how few Black threads there are, given that this is Black History Month. you would think there would be daily missives about various black people throughout history and the things they have done. you would even think the only black centric thread, Black Community Culture, would have tons of posts. yet it gets maybe 1 or 2 pages updated per day.

for how supposedly woke the site is, they ignore black history and black culture almost entirely, in order to focus on mainstream (white) media. i think the truth is that a lot of black posters were kicked out or left, and that it's more of an allie friendly space than a POC friendly one.
Preformative wokeness



What we're headed for is a handful of blue states that slowly progress toward egalitarian societies and a bunch of red states that are poor, mean, and that will be a continued drag on the rest of us.

Again, the union has outlived its usefulness and we should really split up into multiple countries, but obviously that's not going to happen. It should, though. I think the best use of a trillion+ dollars in spending is just creating borders and giving people the cash that they need to re-patriate to the newly-formed country of their choice.
55% of minorities live in the South, but i guess fuck them, they are a "drag on the rest of us". a shame that tens of millions of minorities will need to be cut free but hey they should have lived in these wonderful blue states if they wanted help.

"let's split one country into a bunch of countries, then pass out cash so that people can move to the new country of their choice" i don't know how someone can say something so stupid. so the country that cannibalizes itself and breaks itself up is going to be giving cash to people that are no longer citizens? where is that money coming from?

lol @ "just create new countries that will solve the problem" i mean i could go on about how dumb this plan is, but it isn't even a plan, it's a stupid gut reaction fantasy. most of these liberal civil war fantasies are dumb as a rock.
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I wonder if this lucky stud is a GAF member?


These people are seriously sad. No wonder they lash out at everyone and anything, look at how sad their lives are.

They need a collective intervention. I get it, you have mental illness, but hiding away on a shitstain website that coddles that isn't the best thing to do.









These people are seriously sad. No wonder they lash out at everyone and anything, look at how sad their lives are.

They need a collective intervention. I get it, you have mental illness, but hiding away on a shitstain website that coddles that isn't the best thing to do.
Don't feel sorry.

This is the final stage of SJW-ism. They hate everyone, including themselves. It's no surprise why they turn out lonely.

When SJW's can't even the stand the presence of one another, they represent a genetic dead end. If they learned to shun their beliefs, their life would get better. But they wont do that, because they don't want to look "racist/sexist/transphobic" bla bla bla bla.
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Don't feel sorry.

This is the final stage of SJW-ism. They hate everyone, including themselves. It's no surprise why they turn out lonely.

When SJW's can't even the stand the presence of one another, they represent a genetic dead end.

What do you do with these people? They wouldn't dare do a single thing IN PERSON to anyone or anything, but are the epitome of KEYBOARD WARRIOR online. Back in the day it was just a joking term, but now they've weaponized their dysfunction and can get people fired, hurt, or worse. They actually get corporations to do their wild bidding.. even though odds are they'll never spend a dollar on whatever the woke-item-of-the-day is.


soo looks like someone is working on invite only threads lol. I don't know what this entails but either it's completely private threads that you cannot even look without being invited or reply locked threads. either way can't wait to see this become a insanely poor decision on their part.
soo looks like someone is working on invite only threads lol. I don't know what this entails but either it's completely private threads that you cannot even look without being invited or reply locked threads. either way can't wait to see this become a insanely poor decision on their part.

The quicker they splinter themselves into little invite only camps, the better.. can you imagine? Oh man, it brings a smile to my face just thinking about it.

In the few big OPEN threads that do get made, you'll have coordinated attacks on other groups from within the site itself! They'll be calls for self-policing, and cross-policing, and mods unfairly modding one group against another.. Oh please oh please! It'll be ChREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEstmas come early!
soo looks like someone is working on invite only threads lol. I don't know what this entails but either it's completely private threads that you cannot even look without being invited or reply locked threads. either way can't wait to see this become a insanely poor decision on their part.
This is their plan (this is based on information from the farms, administrator Mist wrote this in the Black Culture community meeting, which was invite only, and was later hidden)
It seems that the community meetings haven't helped, since the tranny, and the asian (the next meeting) threads are mostly dead. (From the farms) Discussing more with our tech team, the two options we have in regards to privacy for the BCT are:

1. Hiding the thread from unregistered people.
2. Having the thread be password protected.

The first option would not stop registered lurkers from seeing the thread, so it may not be that effective. It would at least offer more privacy than there currently is.

The second option would offer a lot more security. And we would leave it up to you as to who would get permission to enter the thread. The thread would still be viewable to staff and still follow the forum rules, of course. But the downside is that it may make it harder for new blood to join (perhaps another thread could be created for this purpose?). Members who have stopped posting due to privacy concerns would be able to return, though.

So as you can see neither solution is exactly perfect, but if either of these solutions seem appealing to you all, please do let us know, and we can sort it out for you. We could also employ both of these options if that would be preferred
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Self loathing as moved to the Nintendo thread

It's even more patherptic, the guy has only just started university so it probably only 20. I've seen this pity party play before from incels, count the day you were shot out ya mams chuff as total time you've been single for extra hugbox and validation.
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