Out of sheer curiosity, I used The Google's built-in car loan calculator to see what happens. Value of the car is an assumption, I have no idea how much she paid for a new 2020 Nissan Versa.![]()
I Just Bought My First Car Today
A few people were privy to this, but on Tuesday night my car- a 2008 Lexus ES 350- broke down in the way home from work. Going through a roundabout, something snapped and metal began dragging underneath. Accelerating the car resulted in no forward momentum. The transmission is busted. A few good...www.resetera.com
She mentions somewhere that her step-dad setup this deal.
7%. LOL.Out of sheer curiosity, I used The Google's built-in car loan calculator to see what happens. Value of the car is an assumption, I have no idea how much she paid for a new 2020 Nissan Versa.
I'm bad at math but even I can figure out this means over the life of the loan, the prospective borrower would be paying $4,115 in interest on $15,000 which is 27% of the car's initial value in interest.
The initial value of the car doesn't matter here, plug in any number you want, you'll get a similar result. If anyone from Ree who is reading this can inform Nepenthe, please let her know congratulations she is literally financially retarded.
Am I daltonian or aren't them posting blackface pics !?
If there were no social consequences attached, would you dye your skin a strange (i.e. **NONHUMAN**) color?
It's Friday afternoon and I'm having a rough day so I feel like beginning WeekendERA in earnest. So a little background to this: about ten years ago, I first came across reports about a skin condition known as argyria. It's a pretty simple thing. You take silver-heavy products on the regular...www.resetera.com
This was actually a nutty libertarian guy who turned himself blue from taking way too much colloidal silver.What's with "woke" SJW's always wanting to paint their skin different?
Locked, not allowed sources. As if that would make any difference if different approved sources were allowed. There's no escape from the Bubble Bobble.
It's funny because a lot of the sources are local news affiliate sites.
My favorite past-time is perusing the list of banned/deplatformed sites/sources/etc. on ResetERA.com."We dont allow links to those sites. Even tho other sites we will allow links from wont post these violent acts."
Jesus. She says she did it due to “reaching her limit“ which means it wasn’t a “bonk” if it was out of anger, and she did it while fully knowing the child’s medical condition and that a hit in the head could potentially kill them. WTF.![]()
So this numbnuts doxed his wife it seems.
Just "Bonked" him on the head is not what the news story says at all! To the surprise of nobody.
Jesus. She says she did it due to “reaching her limit“ which means it wasn’t a “bonk” if it was out of anger, and she did it while fully knowing the child’s medical condition and that a hit in the head could potentially kill them. WTF.
Tanerian totally rewrites what actually happened and tries to blame the parent of the child, going so far as to essentially call them troublemakers, and dismiss all blame for his wife’s actions. SMH, it shows how little responsibility they want to take for their own actions.
Is there a news article or something on this event?
Jesus. She says she did it due to “reaching her limit“ which means it wasn’t a “bonk” if it was out of anger, and she did it while fully knowing the child’s medical condition and that a hit in the head could potentially kill them. WTF.
Tanerian totally rewrites what actually happened and tries to blame the parent of the child, going so far as to essentially call them troublemakers, and dismiss all blame for his wife’s actions. SMH, it shows how little responsibility they want to take for their own actions.
Crystal Bunn, that could be a good stripper name. Just add a "z" to the end of it.![]()
St. Cloud teacher accused of hitting special needs student in head
A St. Cloud teacher at Harmony Community School is accused of hitting a special needs student in the head.www.clickorlando.com
Holy hell....does that Poodlestrike post basically mean that any of the protected users/minority ones are going to have their hostile as fuck, bigoted records from the earlier, less biased Resetera scrubbed clean, so that they have a clean slate under the new rules where they have free reign to shit on people from atop their oppression Olympics pyramid?Here are a few more screenshots ( archive and screenshots from the farms)
St. Cloud teacher accused of hitting special needs student in head
A St. Cloud teacher at Harmony Community School is accused of hitting a special needs student in the head.www.clickorlando.com
Nepenthe surely must have some kind of mental issues?
That ban in the second post is clearly erasure of her experience as a woman, bring in the ban for sexism! Oh wait...black man>white woman on the oppression pyramid. Move along then, nothing to see here!
"So, we want to make this place more inclusive. How?"Here are a few more screenshots ( archive and screenshots from the farms)
Yet these same people were so sure racism was over until one fatal day in November 2016.
I haven't been following Gaf for so long, I went to register an account at ResetEra and asked the exactly same question and this is the answer I got: https://www.resetera.com/threads/pu...oning-with-friends.1019/page-98#post-28995268
Hahahahahahahahaha.the moderation team quit and started this site for people who cared about games and not being a shitbag.
Clearly some protected members didn't get the memo:
Nepenthe surely must have some kind of mental issues?
This garbage thread pisses me off. First off they're implying that you're screwed as a brown person in Finland, which is untrue. One side of my family is from there, and I was surprised how much of a better job they're doing at integrating refugees / immigrants than Sweden for example does (though I bet Era hates "integration").
lol pointing out that your country is white as fuck and also has a backwards naturalization process is "ammo for the right wing". enjoy your ban.Finland is very ethnically homogeneous.
Just 3.5% of the population is made up of foreign citizens, which is one of the lowest rates in the European Union. Most foreign citizens are from Estonia, Russia, and Sweden. Children of foreigners born in Finland do not automatically receive Finnish citizenship unless they cannot get citizenship in another nation.
Finland Population 2024 (Live)
the largest minority group is still white people!The largest minority group in Finland is the Swedish-speaking Finns, who in 2015 numbered about 290,000 or 5.3% of the total population. Municipalities are classified as either unilingual or bilingual with a majority language. Majority of Swedish-speakers live in unilingual Swedish-speaking or bilingual municipalities. These municipalities are found in coastal areas, from Ostrobothnia to the southern coast, and in the archipelago of Åland.
It reminds me of the response from the ideologues when the Mueller investigation finished.![]()
lol pointing out that your country is white as fuck and also has a backwards naturalization process is "ammo for the right wing". enjoy your ban.
oh yeah, i mean the entire conversation is honestly a giant waste of time. the two countries are insanely different. georgaphically, climate wise, history wise, population, landmass, regional neighbors, etc. comparing the US's history as a group of overseas British/French/Dutch colonies to the European conflicts Finland dealt with. obviously the Slave Trade wouldn't have worked because Nordic countries were not in the trade triangle and it's not like cotton grows in Finland anyways.There is absolutely zero guarantee things would play out the same in any of those Nordic countries
oh yeah, i mean the entire conversation is honestly a giant waste of time. the two countries are insanely different. georgaphically, climate wise, history wise, population, landmass, regional neighbors, etc. comparing the US's history as a group of overseas British/French/Dutch colonies to the European conflicts Finland dealt with. obviously the Slave Trade wouldn't have worked because Nordic countries were not in the trade triangle and it's not like cotton grows in Finland anyways.
honestly once you look into how many factors separate the countries it just becomes a pissing match. which it is. the entire exercise is based on a Nord trying to piss off Trump. it's volume 1 of 1 million in useless ways to try and piss off trump.
Did anyone post this and call his ass out for lying?![]()
St. Cloud teacher accused of hitting special needs student in head
A St. Cloud teacher at Harmony Community School is accused of hitting a special needs student in the head.www.clickorlando.com
Caroline Flack (UK TV Presenter) dead
Just heard on radio, will update. News coming in now https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/breaking-ex-love-island-host-21504503www.resetera.com
Caroline Flak dies. One member thinks he can score some Reee points by calling her out as an abuser and accusing her (wrongfully) of being a pedo. Backfired as the rest of Reee do the ‘innocent until proven guilty because she’s a woman’ thing (in reference to the assault). It’s a rollercoaster.
RIP to Caroline though.
Nepenthe absolutely loathes White people. Most racist person on that site.
He's been brown nosing Nepenthe for a while, probably even before that bullshit story about his daughter being a furry. I still think he's trying to be a mod.Imagine prostrating yourself and defending Nepenthe of all people.
White people charged her 7.16% interest on an 84-month car loan. I would be pissed too....Nepenthe absolutely loathes White people. Most racist person on that site.
Legal scholar RedMercury explains how the law works.