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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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if you don't vote then you don't care about your life :messenger_grinning_sweat:

must be nice to be able to live that way. listen to this lego spaceman scold you about it.
So if kaylaz does go out and vote for the Democrats, they won't be assured to die when a Republican wins?





Resetera is full of fucking idiots.

Who else do they think sexy women is suppose to be made by? Is there no such thing as heterosexuality anymore?

You would never ask a Man to describe what sexy Men is like to women, so why the fuck would they think the opposite exists?

I find Harley Quinn sexy so yea I'd say they got it right


Ben Shapiro thread. Get ready for the butthurt.


Once again, a whole lot of noise, no actual rebuttal.

Remember this thread?

His first tag on Era as a mod was "You probably post about me on another site". It was wishful thinking as nobody did.

I was a lurker at the time, but i remember this thread.


Ben Shapiro thread. Get ready for the butthurt.



Gold Member
I like this one

It's like,

if you're being sarcastic, we'll have you for Islamophobia
if you're not being sarcastic, we'll have you for homophobia

Even worse, lots of posters skirt the line by blaming sharia law or saudi arabic specifically, as if it wasnt Islam responsible for all of it in the first place.


im sick of the double standard. if something is gay and outwardly sexual, it is celebrated. if something is hetero and outwardly sexual, it is horrible. it's just the constant complaining. im hetereo, but you don't hear me complaining about every gay bait media and calling it gross and exploitative. hetereo people in general don't do that.

yet they can do that to us, about every fucking thing, just endlessly bitch and whine. "why sexy girls?" "why tits?" it's because people are sexual? isn't that your entire fucking point? don't you want me to respect your own sexual choices? why then must you endlessly bitch that the world isn't made for you and you alone?

they demand respect from us, yet they act like petulant children when they don't get their way. it's "do as i say, not as i do" bullshit. it is annoying and tired. how about give me my hetero male fantasies and you can keep your gay stuff and we can both be happy? is that too much? apparently so.

All of thier rhetoric about objectification and sexualization of women while being massive farnsgoths when it comes to the same topic if discussing men is for one simple reason. They really hate attractive women and they are bitter as fuck about the fact they will never be one or be with one.


I'm reminded of a recent news story out of a Quebec. There was a Feminist group that seriously tried to argue banning heterosexuality.

Like, this is a perfect example of why we can't ignore politics anymore. These people wont leave us alone and are serious about taking our own rights away.

And they've already been semi-successful. Japanese games are getting banned or forced to stay in Asia only if they dare feature hetero-normative narratives.
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nobody is forcing that student to go to UFC. yet he has not dropped out or threatened to withdraw his tuition.

in fact he is continuing to financially support an institution that invites known RACISTS. by continuing to go there as a student, he is directly supporting and enabling such speech.

what can he do besides complain (which is not doing anything but expecting others to)? it is easy, he can directly take personal action that would impact the school, by dropping out. he can spread awareness and organize a large scaled drop out. yet he seems too complacent, too entitled by the comfort of his student life, to take any actual action.

if he really cares about deplatforming, then organize a boycott and shut down the school. otherwise he is a hypocrite.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I feel silent vindication just because he was the one to ban my account over a decade ago. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

That aside, trendbrew's ban reason really illustrates that you just can't have an opinion on that site.

From the little I remember, Duckroll was always an aggressive prick and for lack of care to elaborate just plain fucking stupid. Like, really dumb. It's always funny to see him get banned and/or slapped down over at Ree now. He can no longer hide behind a mod title. It's funny that barely anyone ever responds to him because everyone hates him.


From the little I remember, Duckroll was always an aggressive prick and for lack of care to elaborate just plain fucking stupid. Like, really dumb. It's always funny to see him get banned and/or slapped down over at Ree now. He can no longer hide behind a mod title. It's funny that barely anyone ever responds to him because everyone hates him.
He acted like a smart ass. At least that kind of treatment is something I can agree with that forum on.


Well, the germans always want to be efficient!

It's one thing to say "I dont believe the holocaust ever happened", it's kinda like saying the earth is flat. But it's another to say "6 million seems like a lot", because that just shows some skepticism at a narrative that A. has little relevance today (does it really matter if it was only 3 million gassed to death and another couple million that just died of dysentery?) and B. is a comment made by some bambi to a Twitter poll. It ain't her polisci thesis!

Here is an alternative take, remember that most of the holocaust deaths and death camps were in eastern Europe. Russia doesn't exactly have clean hands when it came to treatment of Jews. I am sure the Nazis did their fair share of killing Jews, but the winner gets to write history. A little bit of liberal accounting by the Soviets to place all the blame on the Germans wouldn't surprise me. Stalin was an anti-Semite, and conveniently being able to solve his Jewish problem and being able to get away with it scot free by blaming all the deaths on the Germans seems quite plausible. I don't discount the 6 million figure one bit.


Neighbours from Hell
Anti First Amendment is always accompanied by narcissism. It's the people who think their opinions are the right ones who are against it, because they won't acknowledge the subjectivity in hate speech. Who defines what is hate speech? These days people call saying that women don't have dicks is hate speech. Which 99% of the world believes btw, so I guess 99% of the world are bigots according to them. They don't want equality, they want fascism. Forced compliance to their beliefs.

And that doesn't even get into the fact that whatever happened to putting the onus on the individual to not buy into hateful rhetoric? Most people in this world aren't racist or bigots. Most people don't buy into it. How about calling out the individuals who do buy into it for being fucking gullible morons?

And I love how when they don't like someone they just throw all the usual terms at them. You can actually make a case Ben Shapiro is homophobic. Granted, he is friends with Dave Rubin who is gay, so I don't think he despises gay people, he just disagrees with their lifestyle for religious reasons. But you can actually make a case with that. But whenever they don't like someone they just toss in all the terms in there for good measure. He's racist too. Jordan Peterson, Colin Moriarty, Joe Rogan are tansphobes, homphobes, racists, xenophobes. Doesn't matter if it isn't true as long as they push that agenda!


Jelly Belly
[QUOTE="NeoIkaruGAF, post:
I could understand saying "the men in Gears look stupid" or something. But "sexual dimorphism"?

Come on. Give him a break. He probably just now learned the term in his 11th grade Resetera class and was desperate to use it somehow!

"No more racists,xenophobes,transphobes"

And yet Resetera struggles with all 3 everyday.

They created a forum that was suppose to eliminate that, but they have failed on all fronts.

I wonder if the forum would screech to a halt if there was no evils to complain about? In this mythical REEEEENLAND paradise, could they all just be 100% positive for days upon days?

Narrator: No, they couldn't.

someone should put the following question in the registration form for new users. something like this:

Are you alt-right/ righ leaning?
  • Yes
  • No

and bam! job is done. there's peoce in the world and no right wing user will ever enter into that forum. ever!!!

I feel like that'd be too straightforward for them. They like the spectacle of hunting down and eliminating the wrongthinkers. Maybe brand new accounts with a scarlet letter if they appear to answer the intake questions with bias. That'll give the new Era headhunters something to look out for.


I feel like that'd be too straightforward for them. They like the spectacle of hunting down and eliminating the wrongthinkers. Maybe brand new accounts with a scarlet letter if they appear to answer the intake questions with bias. That'll give the new Era headhunters something to look out for.
wait. the way you are framing this it's like they live in function of right wing people because they know they would still have a meaning in their lives because they know there's right wingers out there so they can have their personal meltdown.
wait. the way you are framing this it's like they live in function of right wing people because they know they would still have a meaning in their lives because they know there's right wingers out there so they can have their personal meltdown.

I think there is a certain segment that is smart enough to know deep down they want/need those kind of adversaries, but the majority probably really do think vanquishing the evil right wing boogyman will solve all their problems, because in reality, most of it is just them projecting their own issues.

Guy tries to share SRPG game that he thought was really cool.

Thread immediately derailed.

Things like this show you how it's possible to project a particular message when you control what's allowed. The few people who posted in favour of the game made sure to use vague language so as to avoid getting banned. The one who didn't and pointed out the derail on the second page got banned for a month.

I hope the developers never see that thread since it would give them the wrong idea about what people like in the game due to the mods doing their best to ban anyone who shows explicit support.


Haha back when I thought I had to look on that bin fire called resetera for gaming news, I always saw them paint Ben Shapiro as Hitler himself. Then recently I saw a youtube video of him and that dude is super smart and very reasonable. Those diabetic furries really have no idea what they're talking about eh?


Haha back when I thought I had to look on that bin fire called resetera for gaming news, I always saw them paint Ben Shapiro as Hitler himself. Then recently I saw a youtube video of him and that dude is super smart and very reasonable. Those diabetic furries really have no idea what they're talking about eh?

"You see what happens?!!!, OMG, kids watch one of these nazi videos and they go down that Alt right rabbit hole!!!!" Resetera was right! /s



Guy tries to share SRPG game that he thought was really cool.

Thread immediately derailed.

Things like this show you how it's possible to project a particular message when you control what's allowed. The few people who posted in favour of the game made sure to use vague language so as to avoid getting banned. The one who didn't and pointed out the derail on the second page got banned for a month.

I hope the developers never see that thread since it would give them the wrong idea about what people like in the game due to the mods doing their best to ban anyone who shows explicit support.

This response got a laugh out of me..

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Duckroll was banned, lol.

Only for a month? Damn. Was hoping for the perm so he could try to come back here and be instantly nuked from orbit the moment he tried to show his disgusting face.

Is it just me or has the activity on GAF more than doubled in recent months? Maybe people are finally having enough of Era.
Reefugees are welcome as long as they don't bring the Ree back here.

Yes, I have now coined the term 'Reefugees'. You're welcome.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Only for a month? Damn. Was hoping for the perm so he could try to come back here and be instantly nuked from orbit the moment he tried to show his disgusting face.

Reefugees are welcome as long as they don't bring the Ree back here.

Yes, I have now coined the term 'Reefugees'. You're welcome.

What was wrong with Duckroll? I remember liking him.



Someone said that "why women complain" thread is not a rational place neither good to discuss(which is totally true), then another member straight up accuse him of being a horny boy if he disagrees.

Like, wtf? At this point that member should feel lucky for not being banned for not agreeing.


What was wrong with Duckroll? I remember liking him.
From the little I remember, Duckroll was always an aggressive prick and for lack of care to elaborate just plain fucking stupid. Like, really dumb. It's always funny to see him get banned and/or slapped down over at Ree now. He can no longer hide behind a mod title. It's funny that barely anyone ever responds to him because everyone hates him.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

Huh. I didn't even remember that he was a mod. Just remembered his posts in the various Japanese game threads.



Guy tries to share SRPG game that he thought was really cool.

Thread immediately derailed.

Things like this show you how it's possible to project a particular message when you control what's allowed. The few people who posted in favour of the game made sure to use vague language so as to avoid getting banned. The one who didn't and pointed out the derail on the second page got banned for a month.

I hope the developers never see that thread since it would give them the wrong idea about what people like in the game due to the mods doing their best to ban anyone who shows explicit support.
What a bunch of prudes. I like how the one guy who called out their bitching got banned. Never change resetera.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Here is an alternative take, remember that most of the holocaust deaths and death camps were in eastern Europe.

Those lands were occupied by the Germans at the time.

While the nazis did run the concentration and extermination effort, newer investigations suggest in the further eastern occupied territories local collaborators to manage local populations, locate local jews, etc.

Stalin was a genocide in his own right, no need to pin on him Hitler's doing as well.
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