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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Banned until July 22nd. So that makes it not sound like a 5 month ban or something?? More "I am very smart"modding there. Keep going Ree, Trump 2020 wil be an absolute joy to watch you blame everyone for his reelection becuse you failed to ban enough wrongthink on your inconsequential forum you think has any US political influence.


Gold Member
Yeah, why july 22nd? Is that after the dem nomination process? Next its gonna be bans till nov 5 or whatever date is after election day. That site is so fucked, pretty much no matter who wins. Bernie ain't giving them the free pass to america with $50k stipend and all the internet you can use like they hope......


ResetEra, the Planet

They pretty much have been doing that already. Which is especially scummy because it's not officially part of their TOS, but will use bullshit justifications for banning anyone expressing even right of center views.

Come U.S. presidential election season, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they started outright banning anyone that claims they're voting for Trump.

User banned (Duration Pending): Supporting fascism.


Now this is pathetic.


Spoiler: You wont find any because anti-conservative memes are usually stupid ass long word salads.


Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Got banned a week for mildly disagreeing w a Buttigeg supporter. And I’m a huge tree hugging liberal.

Lots of us left of center that find Era's authoritarian and regressive groupthink to be complete dogshit and borderline fasc. Better to be in a place that values free and open discussion and exchange of ideas which is once was a keystone to liberal values.
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Why doesn't Reshitera just cut to the chase and ban users for being male? What's with all this pussyfooting and dancing around the bush when we all know what their real intentions are?

It's not like we'll ever see a ban for "Feminist Club Behavior".
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How long before Era realizes that both fighters are Trump supporters?

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How long before Era realizes that both fighters are Trump supporters?
The best part of that thread is seeing someone get warned for referring to “The Gypsy King” Tyson Fury as ”The Gypsy King.” :messenger_tears_of_joy:



Why doesn't Reshitera just cut to the chase and ban users for being male? What's with all this pussyfooting and dancing around the bush when we all know what their real intentions are?

It's not like we'll ever see a ban for "Feminist Club Behavior".
how do they know Emobacca is not a male to female trans lesbian? sorry, lesbians or bi or pansexuals, you apparently don't exist. anyone thirsting for porn is obvious a hateful CIS MALE. you have no sex drive.

of course, if this was a comment about Captain America's ass, or Poe/Finn slashfic, it would be celebrated.


lol so wait, you haven't been using the truth up til this point? if you are gonna "up our rhetoric game by using truth" then wouldn't that suggest you haven't been doing that previously?

this bold idea of "pushing actual facts" sounds great tho, good luck w that :messenger_winking_tongue:
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i want to live in this alternate reality where cogent arguments cause Obamacare to not be written behind closed doors by lobbyists. he really thinks it was propaganda that is the reason why Obamacare was such a shitshow. that's actually pretty ignorant! it was openly reported that the health care lobby was writing arguments for both the Dems and GOP. they refused transparency and wrote the bills behind closed doors and then dropped multiple hundreds of pages on people to vote for at the last second.

despite the hysterics, i don't think the lobbyists that wrote Obamacare were big Alex Jones heads. but do go on about how it is propaganda that is holding us back. "THE NARRATIVE IS ALL THAT MATTERS".

IF NOT FOR BEN SHAPRIO WE WOULD HAVE GOOD OBAMACARE is one of the dumbest takes ive ever seen.
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"When will Democrats fight dirty?"

How cute. He thinks the Democrats never played dirty before.

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title of thread: "When will Democrats start fighting dirty?"
question in OP: "How should Democrats fight dirty?"
another question in OP: "What should they be doing?"

only questions left are "Who?" and "Why?"

its almost as if "fighting dirty" is just a thing you say, and you haven't given it any thought, you don't even know what it means in the OP of your own thread, so you have to ask others to define what you are talking about for you.
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Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
The problem with the current political climate especially in America was the introduction of labels. You/they can no longer have a political discussion anymore nor importantly civil discourse because is someone is right then they are automatically a Nazi, a racist, a bigot, a shitheel etc, then on the left they are either a tree hugger, a lib, an SJW etc. Drop the stupid fucking labels and just have a conversation.

Stop getting heated because someone doesn't have your same views and label them, shout at them and walk away, no talk your shit out. Get perspective on why they think a certain way or lean a certain way. Just because you lean right doesn't mean your a nazi, just because you lean left doesn't mean you're a man hating SJW. What should he good about politics is we should be able to have these mature discussions without confrontation. Being a teacher though I see we are now in a place where the adults act like children and the children act like the adults because at the end of the day from my experience is kids can have these conversations and at the end of the day still be friends but learn something from one another.


The problem with the current political climate especially in America was the introduction of labels. You/they can no longer have a political discussion anymore nor importantly civil discourse because is someone is right then they are automatically a Nazi, a racist, a bigot, a shitheel etc, then on the left they are either a tree hugger, a lib, an SJW etc. Drop the stupid fucking labels and just have a conversation.

Stop getting heated because someone doesn't have your same views and label them, shout at them and walk away, no talk your shit out. Get perspective on why they think a certain way or lean a certain way. Just because you lean right doesn't mean your a nazi, just because you lean left doesn't mean you're a man hating SJW. What should he good about politics is we should be able to have these mature discussions without confrontation.
This is some alt-right Gamergate shit. Did you learn this from a Jordan Peterson meme?


Now this is pathetic.


Spoiler: You wont find any because anti-conservative memes are usually stupid ass long word salads.


lmao even in Aus we know the left can’t meme



Example #348279: the degenerates are not asking for representation, they’re asking for complete takeover of the media.

Ps: that lesbian character looks like 99% of the lesbians I’ve met 😂😂


The problem with the current political climate especially in America was the introduction of labels. You/they can no longer have a political discussion anymore nor importantly civil discourse because is someone is right then they are automatically a Nazi, a racist, a bigot, a shitheel etc, then on the left they are either a tree hugger, a lib, an SJW etc. Drop the stupid fucking labels and just have a conversation.

Stop getting heated because someone doesn't have your same views and label them, shout at them and walk away, no talk your shit out. Get perspective on why they think a certain way or lean a certain way. Just because you lean right doesn't mean your a nazi, just because you lean left doesn't mean you're a man hating SJW. What should he good about politics is we should be able to have these mature discussions without confrontation. Being a teacher though I see we are now in a place where the adults act like children and the children act like the adults because at the end of the day from my experience is kids can have these conversations and at the end of the day still be friends but learn something from one another.

What kind of mature discussion is to be held when one side believes gays shouldn’t have the right to enter into consenting marital unions, that the warming of our planet isn’t man made, that immigrants from Latin America overwhelmingly traffic in rape and drugs, that women should not have control over their bodies, that the 1% shouldn’t see their taxes increased, and a range of other beliefs too numerous to list. What fruitful result is there to bear from having civil dialogues with people like that? I think the right just hates that an increasing number of people no longer see them as a legitimate alternative to the left, their role as genuine opposition no longer accepted by the public.

Example #348279: the degenerates are not asking for representation, they’re asking for complete takeover of the media.

Ps: that lesbian character looks like 99% of the lesbians I’ve met 😂😂
Right you can just Photoshop her into that picture of everybody eating at the table and I couldn’t tell. They want LBGT representation And then some complain that she’s too ugly and they want Elsa. They are way more exclusive than inclusive. Also it sounds like Waifu talk which they supposedly hate lol

They banned two of my three accounts and I’m like why even post there anymore it’s just me always correcting people on the law and walking depressed people off the ledge. Sticking to here and reddit.
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I thought it was a meme but my god its true......

"I'm 32 and I dyed my hair blue tehehehe"

yeah, its a dude
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What kind of mature discussion is to be held when one side believes gays shouldn’t have the right to enter into consenting marital unions, that the warming of our planet isn’t man made, that immigrants from Latin America overwhelmingly traffic in rape and drugs, that women should not have control over their bodies, that the 1% shouldn’t see their taxes increased, and a range of other beliefs too numerous to list. What fruitful result is there to bear from having civil dialogues with people like that? I think the right just hates that an increasing number of people no longer see them as a legitimate alternative to the left, their role as genuine opposition no longer accepted by the public.

You see your problem here is that you think all the people on the right exclusively believe all those things you listed.


You see your problem here is that you think all the people on the right exclusively believe all those things you listed.

Well, their representatives in the White House and Congress - along with those in state houses the nation over - certainly do, so that they continue to vote for people like makes any differences thay have with those positions immaterial.



Example #348279: the degenerates are not asking for representation, they’re asking for complete takeover of the media.

Ps: that lesbian character looks like 99% of the lesbians I’ve met 😂😂

I don't know, maybe just stop looking for representation in movies that are made for children? These people are just infuriating. When I'm watching a Disney/Pixar movie the last thing on my mind is who these cartoon characters are fucking. Besides, half the garbage Netflix is putting out has the forced representation they are looking for, but it'll never be good enough for them.


I don't know, maybe just stop looking for representation in movies that are made for children? These people are just infuriating. When I'm watching a Disney/Pixar movie the last thing on my mind is who these cartoon characters are fucking. Besides, half the garbage Netflix is putting out has the forced representation they are looking for, but it'll never be good enough for them.
They don't want representation, they actually want preferential treatment for thier assigned group.


Gold Member

Example #348279: the degenerates are not asking for representation, they’re asking for complete takeover of the media.

Ps: that lesbian character looks like 99% of the lesbians I’ve met 😂😂

Well there you go SJW. Disney caved in and forced in a LGQT character in a kid's movie for sake of being there. And to make sure everyone knows, they made it a big purple ugly thing with an odd haircut. So there's your representation for easy identification.

You don't get too many characters forcing to out themselves telling the world they are heterosexual, and going by real life people, the vast majority of LBGT people seem like everyday people anyway.

So there really isn't even a need to have any character out themselves for sake of being easily labeled. Just pretend whichever characters are in the movie are straight or LBGT and be happy with it. I don't care which cartoon characters have straight or gay sexuality, so why so much pressure for the media to represent?

Last time I saw cartoons at the theatre was watching wit my nieces and nephews Big Hero 6 and that Finding Nemo sequel (can't even remember the title so it goes to show you how I cared about it. lol), yet not once did I care whether any of the characters are straight or LBGT.

So grow up.
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Well there you go SJW. Disney caved in and forced in a LGQT character in a kid's movie for sake of being there. And to make sure everyone knows, they made it a big purple ugly thing with an odd haircut. So there's your representation for easy identification.

You don't get too many characters forcing to out themselves telling the world they are heterosexual, and going by real life people, the vast majority of LBGT people seem like everyday people anyway.

So there really isn't even a need to have any character out themselves for sake of being easily labeled. Just pretend whichever characters are in the movie are straight or LBGT and be happy with it. I don't care which cartoon characters have straight or gay sexuality, so why so much pressure for the media to represent?

Last time I saw cartoons at the theatre was watching wit my nieces and nephews Big Hero 6 and that Finding Nemo sequel (can't even remember the title so it goes to show you how I cared about it. lol), yet not once did I care whether any of the characters are straight or LBGT.

So grow up.
Wow the line one eyed reee supporter goes to a new level



I thought it was a meme but my god its true......

"I'm 32 and I dyed my hair blue tehehehe"

yeah, its a dude

Hahahhahahahaaaa that living stereotype!

People will think he's so quirky now. At 32 wow...

And the boys club ban, KEKW. I can just picture them in their clubhouse, blue haired, MLP tshirts, talking about womens rights while never having had a girlfriend before.
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The Pleasure

Gold Member

Hits his own Nephews?

I think the username/ avatar combo may be a little problematic.

Mod post above his;


"Do not attempt to rationalize violence against children, disciplinary or otherwise"

Hmm ...
This is inherently racist. White liberals don't know how refreshing an ass beating is. See black people with a switch, Mexican people with a flip flop and Asians with a wooden spoon. Discipline feels good and prevents people from turning into furries.



Haha yes Disney, give the kids the prince on prince story. And give us the Finn Poe gay spinoff we are all begging for. Would print cash for them.... not


Gold Member

Haha yes Disney, give the kids the prince on prince story. And give us the Finn Poe gay spinoff we are all begging for. Would print cash for them.... not
It would print cash....... from the LBGT crowd.

But why stop at two princesses or two princes banging? Have all 4 in an orgy, but ensure there's protocols.

Have one princess want to go at it with one of the princes, but the prince shuts her down saying he only likes guys. But then the other guy jumps in and says he only prefers guys too, but he will role play as a naturally gay guy who likes women for the next 5 minutes.
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Kagey K

It would print cash....... from the LBGT crowd.

But why stop at two princesses or two princes banging? Have all 4 in an orgy, but ensure there's protocols.

Have one princess want to go at it with one of the princes, but the prince shuts her down saying he only likes guys. But then the the guy jumps in and says he only prefers guys too, but he will role play as a naturally gay guy who likes women for the next 5 minutes.
It could be a retelling of the classic Spin Doctors story,

Except in the end they both say to hell with her and go at each other with their non male genitalia instead.


Imagine what that poor server was thinking as she watched this table get seated in her section.

You just know it’s going to be a problem table with weird requests and demands.

You also know they're gonna stiff the server, cause this kind of people don't have any money.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
The best part of that thread is seeing someone get warned for referring to “The Gypsy King” Tyson Fury as ”The Gypsy King.” :messenger_tears_of_joy:
He wasn't warned for calling him Gypsy King he was warned for calling him a "pikey" which is apparently a slur for Romani people where he is from. So he edited his post to say Gypsy King instead.
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Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
What kind of mature discussion is to be held when one side believes gays shouldn’t have the right to enter into consenting marital unions, that the warming of our planet isn’t man made, that immigrants from Latin America overwhelmingly traffic in rape and drugs, that women should not have control over their bodies, that the 1% shouldn’t see their taxes increased, and a range of other beliefs too numerous to list. What fruitful result is there to bear from having civil dialogues with people like that? I think the right just hates that an increasing number of people no longer see them as a legitimate alternative to the left, their role as genuine opposition no longer accepted by the public.
the same way I wouldn't want someone saying they can't have a conversation or sit down with a Muslim because "all Muslims are terrorists, all Muslims support ISIS, all Muslims want the death of infedels" spoiler alert Im Muslim and believe non of these things. Your problem is you use a wide brush and paint everyone as bad, the world isn't black and white, it's a shade of grey and we can these mature conversations or should be able to because we are adults. Just because someone supports a party or has a particular faith doesn't mean they believe everything the red necks of society and the red necks of Islam are spreading with their hatred and lies.
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Bullet Club


Or just use soap/bodywash like normal people.
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