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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Gabriel Knight
From this thread -

Does this person even go outside and live in the real world?

When the music hits, you feel no pain.

Today at 9:36 PM
Jon Carter said:
At first I put "white people", but unlike the 52-43 estimate that was initially reported, the most reliable estimates actually put the white women vote at "just" 47-45 in favor of Trump, compared with 62-32 for the white men vote. It feels unfair to put too much blame on a group that was essentially split.
Given the ramifications of what Trump has done and what his presidency ultimately symbolized, it's perfectly fair to put blame on them.

White people- men and women- are the ONLY demographics in this country who broke for Trump. Literally, they ruined this country— AGAIN— because 1 black president out of 40-something white ones broke their fragile egos. White America deserves the collective blame for this, as well as for the fact that the next election is even a toss-up in the first place.

What will his reaction be when Trump gains more of the black vote this time around?


half of the guys in this topic probably cover their eyes when they see a woman with a sexy dress outside...(i mean, the half who leves the basement of course)
Tbh when I try to think about who makes those boob games I the same basement dweller imagery as I do from the Era reactions to them. I don't mind sexy, but anime titty rpgs ain't that.
just goes to show you - that place is the most toxic and depressing site on the net. The mental toll it seems to take on vulnerable people is sad to see.
I am an old fart (45 yo), and think the world is the best it has ever been, apart from the refugee crisis and war in Syria.

And those peeps think they are a bit alone now, but actually they can still get some social interaction online. In the 80ies and early 90ies, when you were alone you were REALLY ALONE. Like, you sat alone in your room, with no one giving a shit or reacting to you.
Also, life has never been better for POCs, gays, lesbians, and whatever. It's never been more accepted and normal to be in one of these groups.


The Tribe Has Spoken


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Wait, Pat's on that list? Like Pat of Castle Super Beast and formerly of SBFP? Dude will argue with anyone and seems to revel in a good flame war. Why would arguing with him get you banned?

Probably from the Era Thread from when Pat and Mat were together, Mat especially can be very thin skinned


you know how Era is a place for "women to be respected" or some other such nonsense? well they have a women only thread. yes, it has less than half the posts that are in the Japanese Women Wrestling league thread or the Apple OT or the Boardgames OT. or the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OT. or the Toonami OT. or the Manga OT. or the Red Letter Media OT. or the LGBTQ OT (that last one isn't a surprise ofc)

also, yes, the last time someone posted in it was over a month ago.


guess that explains why there are no posts there!
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Son Tofu

Haha what do those saddos gain by calling everyone pieces of shit? Look in the mirror and face the blue haired monster first.
You could make this argument for so many people on the net. They will call someone something then cry victim when someone returns the favor. The weaker a person is in the real world the more likely they are to do this type of shit on the internet.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
you know how Era is a place for "women to be respected" or some other such nonsense? well they have a women only thread. yes, it has less than half the posts that are in the Japanese Women Wrestling league thread or the Apple OT or the Boardgames OT. or the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OT. or the Toonami OT. or the Manga OT. or the Red Letter Media OT. or the LGBTQ OT (that last one isn't a surprise ofc)

also, yes, the last time someone posted in it was over a month ago.


guess that explains why there are no posts there!

An Inclusive space as their mods tout.

Yet they allow segregated threads.

So segregation is now part of the Neo Left?

Lurkers, this is what you support.

Edit: It was never about traditional liberal values. It was always about control and dominance.
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Gold Member
Tbh when I try to think about who makes those boob games I the same basement dweller imagery as I do from the Era reactions to them. I don't mind sexy, but anime titty rpgs ain't that.
I dunno about that. I imagine these guys have a decent budget to bring in women to model for them or at least develop an extensive "reference" library. Sounds like the actions of a winner to me :p


the Marvel bootlicking is strong


yes let's praise him for an Asian American movie that is still shooting and won't be coming out for a year
and this other film that isn't out yet either
and this TV show that isn't out yet either

wow yeah being an allie seems pretty fucking easy. give this guy praise for things that don't even exist yet.

then again they are praising a guy for almost quitting his job (and then not following through)


lol @ this person stanning a fake African nation complete with tribal spears and fighting for the title of King, as created by this man

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more Marvel bootlickers


hey why blame China for Di$ney's actions when you can blame "boomers"?

so nice that the corporate entity releasing these products doesn't have to take any responsibility for their actions. just blame it on everyone else.

"adjust my dread" is that what you call when you bend over backwards cheerleading a company that supports an ongoing enthic genocide?
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you know how Era is a place for "women to be respected" or some other such nonsense? well they have a women only thread. yes, it has less than half the posts that are in the Japanese Women Wrestling league thread or the Apple OT or the Boardgames OT. or the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OT. or the Toonami OT. or the Manga OT. or the Red Letter Media OT. or the LGBTQ OT (that last one isn't a surprise ofc)

also, yes, the last time someone posted in it was over a month ago.


guess that explains why there are no posts there!

lmao damn

"No one understands women better than women and they hate each other."

A thread for only women to go in and talk to each other? I'm shocked it's as big of a ghost town as theaters showing female-empowerment movies.


Keep your eye on this thread:

👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀

Excel Spreadsheet is trying the bait again
wow, a lot of action on that thread!

oddly enough, the Black History Month ERA Challenge thread, where the challenge is to post something daily about black history, has remained curious vacant. it has gotten less replies all month than this one thread today about a Twitter meltdown for a minor LGBT celebrity. Excelsiorlef, that noted champion of minorities, has yet to post at all in it:

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wow, a lot of action on that thread!

oddly enough, the Black History Month ERA Challenge thread, where the challenge is to post something daily about black history, has remained curious vacant. it has gotten less replies all month than this one thread today about a Twitter meltdown for a minor LGBT celebrity. Excelsiorlef, that noted champion of minorities, has yet to post at all in it:


I am trying to mentally count the number of posters in that thread that Excel has reported. I expect to see at least 3 bans at some point so far.


wow, a lot of action on that thread!

oddly enough, the Black History Month ERA Challenge thread, where the challenge is to post something daily about black history, has remained curious vacant. it has gotten less replies all month than this one thread today about a Twitter meltdown for a minor LGBT celebrity. Excelsiorlef, that noted champion of minorities, has yet to post at all in it:


So I guess that "Resetera Staff meeting with the black community" was a complete failure then?

Literally all bark and no real action.


wow, a lot of action on that thread!

oddly enough, the Black History Month ERA Challenge thread, where the challenge is to post something daily about black history, has remained curious vacant. it has gotten less replies all month than this one thread today about a Twitter meltdown for a minor LGBT celebrity. Excelsiorlef, that noted champion of minorities, has yet to post at all in it:

Same thing with the stickied LBQT awareness month topic, you'll see a few low effort drive by posts for the virtue signaling and then nothing. Even on Ree nobody cares about these awareness months as much as the group that they have been given too and even they don't put in much effort.


lol amazing that Excel thread is all about LGBT activists complaining about gender extremists.

so the thread is basically proving every point that it is bringing up. people, even LGBT activists, are sick of gender extremists, and the Era gender extremists find this extremely entertaining.

now these lunatics are fighting amongst themselves, trying to cancel related auxiliary allies. bunch of cannibals.


I honestly can't tell if your post is a joke or not with that avatar.
I literally said I don't mind sexy stuff (not that it's particularly risqué), but this oversized anime titty stuff is cringe worthy

It's not morally objectionable, just lame


Neighbours from Hell
One of the things I've noticed about far left types is the underlying immaturity. Especially emotionally.

Ever notice how when there is some type of an argument whether it's political or social, if someone on the far left is getting their ass kicked in an argument, they always default to eventually calling that person a racist or a bigot or some type of character assassination?

It's like when you're a kid and you argued with friends and if you back them in a corner and they have no counter and they know it, they'd just go "Whatever, you're ugly!" and then run away.

I just don't think a lot of these people are emotionally stable enough to take on the burden of long, intellectual discourse. It's why you see so much rampant slander on so many people from that side.
Here, this is funny:

A silly thread wherein people make silly sexist jokes and get banned for a month without warning even if it was their first infraction.

Heck, here I at least got a warning the first time I said something that made the mods pout and frown.
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