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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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This fucking guy. If a new thread pops up that could be troublesome he quickly runs in to play defense like:


Then someone makes a clear point that's somewhat critical of ERA that a 2 year old would understand and his disingenuous ass be like:


He's one of Rees biggest banbaiters. IF he comes into a topic asking someone "Why they think "Something"or "Could you explain more?" then he's baiting a response he can report.


So -PXG- just got permed.


What's ironic is this was the same guy who was just trashing GAF, but now his own asylum turned against him. Karma is a bitch eh?



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Damn, honestly surprised he posts on era from the posts I've seen. Would've thought he'd feel like era is an extension of the rot he hated about gaf.

Yeah. I dropped him an email explaining the circumstances and inviting him back. Dunno if he'll get it since a lot of those old registration emails are defunct now.

Pisses me off every time I go back and see one of our old chill regulars getting permed so casually and without good reason.


Where has this stupid ducking “living rent free in their heads/minds” bullshit come from?

It's just a way to dismiss criticism.

Kind of like the "hahaha, jokes on you, I was just pretending to be retarded" meme.

ResetEra is a ridiculous and hilarious clown show. The levels of hypocrisy and just really sad and pathetic behavior are high.
It also happens to be one of the more well-known forums in the videogame community.
They seem to have some level of influence with media outlets often taking news, talking points etc from that site.
PLUS the large numbers of banned members means that many who went there to give an opinion on gaming were banned for silly reasons.

So it makes sense that people will be critical and that people will enjoy dishing out the criticism.

The thing is though that they KNOW the criticism is valid.

So all you can do in that situation is to try to re-frame the criticism.

Hence, "hahaha, you are talking about us, so really that's a win for us" is their way of doing that.

Sure you are pointing out that they are a bunch of idiotic, hypocritical, delusional, buffoons but the jokes on you buddy because when you point it out they think that's a poor reflection on you, not them. :)



Furry in meltdown pls halp world is endinggggg

Man, when I read this post I was kind of sympathetic at first.
Imagining a young kid who has just saved up enough to move away from home or something.
I could see why a minor setback like this would seem like the end of the world.

NOPE. 35 years old! Fucksakes.
Also a furry, it seems? At 35? Fuckin hell.

How can you be 35 years of age and go from "I have enough money to travel a bit and might even move away from home" to "OMG I can't get out and I am going to die here probably in the next 18 months" so quickly?

No "hold up, I need to think this through". No attempt to inform oneself.

Then a poster with actual knowledge comes along and gives an informed take and the great minds at ResetEra decide to ban that poster.

We'll have no downplaying on this site! Either crank the anxiety levels to 11 or get the fuck out!

Good advice for a poster like that is "grow the fuck up".
35 years old. FFS.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I am not a deliberately disruptive person by the way. I am a mild mannered, liberal, left of centre person who likes an argument but I'm certainly not a troll or anything.

No worries. It often doesn’t reflect negatively on someone at all to get banned over there, since they ban for wrongthink and challenging protected users, not just being disruptive.



Man, when I read this post I was kind of sympathetic at first.
Imagining a young kid who has just saved up enough to move away from home or something.
I could see why a minor setback like this would seem like the end of the world.

NOPE. 35 years old! Fucksakes.
Also a furry, it seems? At 35? Fuckin hell.

How can you be 35 years of age and go from "I have enough money to travel a bit and might even move away from home" to "OMG I can't get out and I am going to die here probably in the next 18 months" so quickly?

No "hold up, I need to think this through". No attempt to inform oneself.

Then a poster with actual knowledge comes along and gives an informed take and the great minds at ResetEra decide to ban that poster.

We'll have no downplaying on this site! Either crank the anxiety levels to 11 or get the fuck out!

Good advice for a poster like that is "grow the fuck up".
35 years old. FFS.

Oh, a suicidal 35 year old furry.


Is it callous of me to think that this is just nature doing its job?
It's so underhand how they give you 'duration pending'

Then lock the thread.

Then, when it's long since dropped away from the first page, they change it to perm when no-one is looking so no-one notices how over-the-top it is.


One thing I liked about that site was the high traffic which meant you could have a discussion on most subjects with people from around the world. Albeit in a very carefully worded way.

Long live Gaf!


Oh, a suicidal 35 year old furry.


Is it callous of me to think that this is just nature doing its job?

Haha. Maybe a little.

I dunno. It's difficult for me to comprehend someone in their mid 30s being a furry.

I always thought it was more of a thing that little kids would do for a laugh but when you hit your 30s you should be well past that stuff.

I know, I know, people will say "don't presume to tell others how to live their lives, if he wants to be a furry then that's his choice".
To which my response would be if he's fucking suicidal and melting down because a trip or two might get cancelled then maybe he isn't making the right choices.
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Haha. Maybe a little.

I dunno. It's difficult for me to comprehend someone in their mid 30s being a furry.

I always thought it was more of a thing that little kids would do for a laugh but when you hit your 30s you should be well past that stuff.

If I saw this person in real life and they cried out to me for help, I probably would.

However, from a distance, I really don’t give a fuck and it seems like nature purging itself of another evolutionary failure.


Benji posted that furry guy’s reaction during the Great Tantrum, too, a couple pages back:


"Cestpool". LOL.

So this dude would have been 32 or 33 at the time of this outburst. I think on that and it's just fucking frightening.
My favorite website is going tits up so I'm off to kill myself and it's all YOUR fault.

This is an unacceptable, but possibly understandable, reaction from an edgy teen with no life experience. One that you would help them to learn from.
For someone in their early 30s this is just pathetic.


If I saw this person in real life and they cried out to me for help, I probably would.

However, from a distance, I really don’t give a fuck and it seems like nature purging itself of another evolutionary failure.

Same. Definitely.
However that help would be in the form of "tough love" in my opinion.

From a distance they can go fuck themselves.
It's funny with all the anger they have and the utter bile they direct towards NeoGAF that they can't take anything back in return and can't endure any kind of hardship whatsoever without going straight to "that's it... I AM GOING TO END MY LIFE".


Its so funny to me some of them actually think they are better than everyone else and the world would be a better place if everyone was like them.

First of all since everyone there is jobless and suicidal the world would come to a halt. Then they would cancel everyone until there is nothing left to cancel. And then in the end they would just show their true nature, being much much worse than anyone they ever cancelled.
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Its so funny to me some of them actually think they are better than everyone else and the world would be a better place if everyone was like them.

First of all since everyone there is jobless and suicidal the world would come to a halt. Then they would cancel everyone until there is nothing left to cancel. And then in the end they would just show their true nature, being much much worse than anyone they ever cancelled.

Yup. They do it to themselves too.

They have this fantasy that they are fixing the world and taking a stand against evil but at the same time the huge villains in the Era-verse are people like Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson.

They are brave crusaders for justice and righteousness but they melt when someone even says "dude, just calm the fuck down for a minute". Banned for tone policing.

There is a weird delusion that they are literally fighting for their lives and the future of society but at the same time they are likely to turn on each other over the smallest perceived slight.

It's like they are on the boats on their way to fight the Nazi's but they never make it to the landing point because Steve said that John can't just wear a dress and start demanding to be considered as a woman and the asexuals are going mental because somebody said they haven't suffered the same historical oppression as the gay and lesbian community and so and so has a tear in their fursuit and is going to throw themselves overboard if it isn't fixed in 2 minutes.

It's a vicious cycle where the number of problems in the world grows and grows and the severity of those problems grows and grows too while at the same time the number of people on your side shrinks and shrinks.

So eventually you get worn down into a paranoid, depressed, angry and ultimately hateful nub of concentrated anxiety.

It's OK though because "LOL, living rent free in your heads!"
Shit, if I were those guys I'd welcome a bit of time in someone else's head. Where it's all spacious and laid back and nobody is going to have a meltdown because the new videogame has some sexy ladies in it.


"Cestpool". LOL.

So this dude would have been 32 or 33 at the time of this outburst. I think on that and it's just fucking frightening.
My favorite website is going tits up so I'm off to kill myself and it's all YOUR fault.

This is an unacceptable, but possibly understandable, reaction from an edgy teen with no life experience. One that you would help them to learn from.
For someone in their early 30s this is just pathetic.

When you're exceptional enough to have a dedicated topic on you at the farms, it really IS you not everyone else.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Kind of depressing to see so many people be so dismissive of someone who is possibly suicidal and in need of help. I distinctly remember alot of people railing against Era in this thread for similar behavior actually. Does that not apply when it's a member of Era? I also notice most people using his age and his apparent sexual fetish as a way to dismiss his cry for help.

Does his age or sexual preferences make it okay to dismiss his mental health and possible suicidal tendencies? Because I remember alot of backlash here when there was a similar situation with a YouTuber awhile back and people on Era dismissed that person's cry for help. People on here were furious that people on Era were being dismissive and using humor as a way to respond to it. And yet the same thing seems to be happening here.
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Kind of depressing to see so many people be so dismissive of someone who is possibly suicidal and in need of help. I distinctly remember alot of people railing against Era in this thread for similar behavior actually. Does that not apply when it's a member of Era? I also notice most people using his age and his apparent sexual fetish as a way to dismiss his cry for help.

Does his age or sexual preferences make it okay to dismiss his mental health?
Quote your ERA post where you showed him sympathy. We know you still have an account over there.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Quote your ERA post where you showed him sympathy. We know you still have an account over there.
And let you guys know what my account is so you can go searching through my post history? lol I'll pass.

But for the record I did reach out to him in the thread and via PM just like I do in all threads like that.


Kind of depressing to see so many people be so dismissive of someone who is possibly suicidal and in need of help. I distinctly remember alot of people railing against Era in this thread for similar behavior actually. Does that not apply when it's a member of Era? I also notice most people using his age and his apparent sexual fetish as a way to dismiss his cry for help.

Does his age or sexual preferences make it okay to dismiss his mental health and possible suicidal tendencies? Because I remember alot of backlash here when there was a similar situation with a YouTuber awhile back and people on Era dismissed that person's cry for help. People on here were furious that people on Era was being dismissive and using humor as a way to respond to it. And yet the same thing seems to be happening here.

I don't know the guy. So what difference does it make?

I think someone who is behaving that way at 35 years old should be held up as a "cautionary tale" to others.

I mean, come on.

I'm not being dismissive because he never posted that message here and he isn't asking me for help. There's nothing to dismiss.
Oh noes! It's so serious.
OK. What can I do?

Maybe if someone had taken this guy aside in his early 20s and given him some guidance he would not have grown up to be a dysfunctional 35 year old, hysterical, over-sensitive, furry?

Best I can offer is "dude, you need to sort yourself out ASAP so go and talk to a medical professional".


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Kind of depressing to see so many people be so dismissive of someone who is possibly suicidal and in need of help. I distinctly remember alot of people railing against Era in this thread for similar behavior actually. Does that not apply when it's a member of Era? I also notice most people using his age and his apparent sexual fetish as a way to dismiss his cry for help.

Does his age or sexual preferences make it okay to dismiss his mental health and possible suicidal tendencies? Because I remember alot of backlash here when there was a similar situation with a YouTuber awhile back and people on Era dismissed that person's cry for help. People on here were furious that people on Era was being dismissive and using humor as a way to respond to it. And yet the same thing seems to be happening here.
While I mostly agree, I think the issue goes a bit beyond the depression, because some in the thread / the moderation seem to support the completely absurd fear of a lockdown for 18 months because of what appears to be a sickness very comparable to the flu. When compared to most postings rooted in depression, his posting is a bit special because he is not pessimistic about life in general, but instead about temporarily losing some luxury he has recently gotten access to because of blowing a media bubble way out of proportion. Which is remarkable considering his age, because he should be aware how these sickness-catastrophe-news loops are going. I most definitely agree that he is in a bad mental state and should receive help, but I do not think that depression is actually his main issue.


And let you guys know what my account is so you can go searching through my post history? lol I'll pass.

But for the record I did reach out to him in the thread and via PM just like I do in all threads like that.

Well buddy, you'd better get back over to Era sharpish because they are all hoping the President contracts a potentially fatal illness.

I hope you will be provide a very robust and visible opposition. I look forward to reading it.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
While I mostly agree, I think the issue goes a bit beyond the depression, because some in the thread / the moderation seem to support the completely absurd fear of a lockdown for 18 months because of what appears to be a sickness very comparable to the flu. When compared to most postings rooted in depression, his posting is a bit special because he is not pessimistic about life in general, but instead about temporarily losing some luxury he has recently gotten access to because of blowing a media bubble way out of proportion. Which is remarkable considering his age, because he should be aware how these sickness-catastrophe-news loops are going. I most definitely agree that he is in a bad mental state and should receive help, but I do not think that depression is actually his main issue.
I never said his fears were justified. Most often when people are having breakdowns they are not. I was mostly just referring to the people in here that were saying things along the lines of "nature taking its course". Which just seemed like a pretty callous way to view the situation in my opinion.

I do not in any way support Era's habit of feeding the delusions or overreactions of others. Especially when that person is clearly not well from a mental health standpoint.

Well buddy, you'd better get back over to Era sharpish because they are all hoping the President contracts a potentially fatal illness.

I hope you will be provide a very robust and visible opposition. I look forward to reading it.
I already reported several posts in that thread.
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To be honest? Yeah pretty much. I reported at least 10 of the worst ones and PM'd one of the mods about it.

I don't expect anything to happen though.

Ah, come on now.

That's a bit shitty. Coming here and giving people grief for being "callous" and whatnot but over there you keep it silent.
Then you want to call "hypocrisy" on NeoGAF while you are admitting to engaging in the same.

Seems like a bit of a double standard. :(


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Ah, come on now.

That's a bit shitty. Coming here and giving people grief for being "callous" and whatnot but over there you keep it silent.
Then you want to call "hypocrisy" on NeoGAF while you are admitting to engaging in the same.

Seems like a bit of a double standard. :(
I know you are trolling, but reporting several posts and making a direct appeal to the mods is not staying silent. But even if it was me doing something like that wouldn't give you all the right to casually mock and dismiss someone who is making an obvious cry for help.

I believe "Two wrongs don't make a right" is the saying. In my opinion if you are going to go out of your way to blast Era for doing this kind of thing the least you all can do is hold yourselves to the same standards.
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I know you are trolling, but reporting several posts and making a direct appeal to the mods is not staying silent. But even if it was me doing something like that wouldn't give you all the right to casually mock and dismiss someone who is making an obvious cry for help.

I believe "Two wrongs don't make a right" is the saying.
No one baited you to climb on your soapbox. That was your own choice, it's just fortuitous that it is yet another instance of exposing your hypocrisy. Calling you out on it isn't baiting or trolling.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
No one baited you to climb on your soapbox. That was your own choice, it's just fortuitous that it is yet another instance of exposing your hypocrisy. Calling you out on it isn't baiting or trolling.
Yeah how hypocritical of me to stand behind my principles by reporting nearly a dozen posts and directly messaging the mods about the hypocrisy on display. How hypocritical of me to call out you people for dismissing the mental health concerns of someone based on a limited understanding of who they are despite the fact that there were dozens upon dozens of posts in here criticizing Era for doing the exact same thing following the Etika tragedy. I'm such a terrible hypocritical person for pointing out the hypocrisy in others.

For a thread dedicated to complaining about the hypocrisy of Era you all show an alarming level of it yourselves when it's convenient.
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I know you are trolling, but reporting several posts and making a direct appeal to the mods is not staying silent. But even if it was me doing something like that wouldn't give you all the right to casually mock and dismiss someone who is making an obvious cry for help.

I believe "Two wrongs don't make a right" is the saying. In my opinion if you are going to go out of your way to blast Era for doing this kind of thing the least you all can do is hold yourselves to the same standards.

I'll casually mock and dismiss whoever the hell I like, thanks very much.

It's also fine for you to call me out on that, no worries. I disagree, but I see where you are coming from.

However, I resent the fact that you are bold enough to take a run at people on here knowing you will be allowed (as you 100% should be, nobody is above criticism) but are too chickenshit to do the same over there because you know what will happen.

You'll call out stuff on here knowing that nobody takes you seriously so it all becomes part of the fun.
You won't say anything over there though because if they don't ban you then at least your card will be marked.

It's bullshit. You know it's bullshit.
So don't play that "you are being hypocrites" card when you won't live up to your own standards and principles.

You ain't a terrible person. Just this is a bit messed up, in my opinion.
Why not call them out openly like you do with us on here?
You know the reports won't be acted on over there so why not just report people here?
Cos you think they won't be acted on?

Seems like a cop-out to me.
Yeah how hypocritical of me to stand behind my principles by reporting nearly a dozen posts and directly messaging the mods about the hypocrisy on display. How hypocritical of me to call out you people for dismissing the mental health concerns of someone based on a limited understanding of who they are despite the fact that there were dozens upon dozens of posts in here criticizing Era for doing the exact same thing following the Etika tragedy.

I'm such a terrible hypocritical person for pointing out the hypocrisy in others.
Ya missed the point, as usual. Almost like it's intentional.

You soapbox on GAF and meekly click the report button on ERA.

Thanks for slumming it with us deplorable freethinkers. We should be so lucky.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I'll casually mock and dismiss whoever the hell I like, thanks very much.

It's also fine for you to call me out on that, no worries. I disagree, but I see where you are coming from.

However, I resent the fact that you are bold enough to take a run at people on here knowing you will be allowed (as you 100% should be, nobody is above criticism) but are too chickenshit to do the same over there because you know what will happen.

You'll call out stuff on here knowing that nobody takes you seriously so it all becomes part of the fun.
You won't say anything over there though because if they don't ban you then at least your card will be marked.

It's bullshit. You know it's bullshit.
So don't play that "you are being hypocrites" card when you won't live up to your own standards and principles.

You ain't a terrible person. Just this is a bit messed up, in my opinion.
Why not call them out openly like you do with us on here?
You know the reports won't be acted on over there so why not just report people here?
Cos you think they won't be acted on?

Seems like a cop-out to me.
I'm gonna skip past all the bullshit for once and save us both some time.

Yes or no. Do you believe its okay to mock mentally ill people/people reaching out for help based on their age or sexual preferences?

Because I believe that is wrong. Which is why I spoke up in the first place.
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I don't think anyone in here is "cancelling" the guy. We are not filling his inbox with hate, suggesting that he should die or anything. No direct messaging this fur person that I can see. Where are the verified Gaf Journalists writing about this dog-man, suggesting he is problematic?

I see a huge difference in approach to how we and the crytards deal with the out of the ordinary.
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